--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.cxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MEDA_Algorithm.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDA;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+TCellGroup MEDA::GetCellsByEntity(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const MED::TEntityInfo theEntityInfo)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GetCellsByEntity(...)");
+ TCellGroup aGroup;
+ MED::TEntityInfo::const_iterator anIter = theEntityInfo.begin();
+ for(; anIter != theEntityInfo.end(); anIter++){
+ const med_entite_maillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
+ if(anEntity == MED_NOEUD) continue;
+ const MED::TGeom& aGeom = anIter->second;
+ TCellSet& aCellSet = aGroup[anEntity];
+ MED::TGeom::const_iterator anGeomIter = aGeom.begin();
+ for(; anGeomIter != aGeom.end(); anGeomIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeo = anGeomIter->first;
+ PCellInfo aCellInfo = theWrapper.GetCellInfo(theMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeo);
+ aCellSet.insert(aCellInfo);
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ med_int aNbElem = aCellInfo->GetNbElem();
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ BEGMSG("aGeo = "<<aGeo<<"; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<": ");
+ for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
+ int iConnEnd = aCellInfo->GetConnDim();
+ for(int iConn = 0; iConn < iConnEnd; iConn++){
+ ADDMSG(aCellInfo->GetConn(iElem,iConn)<<",");
+ }
+ ADDMSG(" ");
+ }
+ ADDMSG("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) ADDMSG("\n");
+ return aGroup;
+MEDA::GetFamilies(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GetFamilies(...)");
+ TFamilyGroup aGroup;
+ int aNbFam = theWrapper.GetNbFamilies(theMeshInfo);
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ if(MYDEBUG) BEGMSG("GetNbFamilies() = "<<aNbFam<<"\n");
+ for(int iFam = 0; iFam < aNbFam; iFam++){
+ PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfo = theWrapper.GetFamilyInfo(theMeshInfo,iFam);
+ aGroup.insert(aFamilyInfo);
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ string aName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
+ med_int aNbAttr = aFamilyInfo->GetNbAttr();
+ med_int aNbGroup = aFamilyInfo->GetNbGroup();
+ BEGMSG("aFamilyName = '"<<aName<<"'; andId = "<<aFamilyInfo->GetId()<<
+ "; aNbAttr = "<<aNbAttr<<"; aNbGroup = "<<aNbGroup<<"\n");
+ for(int iGroup = 0; iGroup < aNbGroup; iGroup++){
+ aName = aFamilyInfo->GetGroupName(iGroup);
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ BEGMSG("aGroupName = '"<<aName<<"'\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) ADDMSG("\n");
+ return aGroup;
+MEDA::GetFamiliesByGroup(const TFamilyGroup& theGroupInfo)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GetFamiliesByGroup(...)");
+ TGroupInfo aGroup;
+ TFamilyGroup::const_iterator anIter = theGroupInfo.begin();
+ for(; anIter != theGroupInfo.end(); anIter++){
+ const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *anIter;
+ int aNbGroup = aFamilyInfo->GetNbGroup();
+ for(int iGroup = 0; iGroup < aNbGroup; iGroup++){
+ aGroup[aFamilyInfo->GetGroupName(iGroup)].insert(aFamilyInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ TGroupInfo::const_iterator anIter = aGroup.begin();
+ for(; anIter != aGroup.end(); anIter++){
+ string aName = anIter->first;
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ BEGMSG("aGroupName = '"<<aName<<"'\n");
+ const TFamilyGroup& aFamilyGroup = anIter->second;
+ TFamilyGroup::const_iterator anFamIter = aFamilyGroup.begin();
+ for(; anFamIter != aFamilyGroup.end(); anFamIter++){
+ const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *anFamIter;
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ BEGMSG("aFamilyName = '"<<aFamilyInfo->GetName()<<"'\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ADDMSG("\n");
+ }
+ return aGroup;
+MEDA::GetFieldsByEntity(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const MED::TEntityInfo theEntityInfo)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GetFieldsByEntity(...)");
+ TTimeStampGroup aGroup;
+ med_int aNbFields = theWrapper.GetNbFields();
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ if(MYDEBUG) BEGMSG("GetNbFields() = "<<aNbFields<<"\n");
+ for(int iField = 0; iField < aNbFields; iField++){
+ PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = theWrapper.GetFieldInfo(theMeshInfo,iField);
+ med_int aNbComp = aFieldInfo->GetNbComp();
+ string aName = aFieldInfo->GetName();
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ if(MYDEBUG) BEGMSG("aFieldName = '"<<aName<<"'; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<"; ");
+ MED::TGeom aGeom;
+ med_entite_maillage anEntity;
+ med_int aNbTimeStamps = theWrapper.GetNbTimeStamps(aFieldInfo,theEntityInfo,anEntity,aGeom);
+ if(MYDEBUG) BEGMSG("anEntity = "<<anEntity<<"; GetNbTimeStamps = "<<aNbTimeStamps<<"\n");
+ for(int iTimeStamp = 0; iTimeStamp < aNbTimeStamps; iTimeStamp++){
+ PTimeStampInfo aTimeStamp =
+ theWrapper.GetTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo,iTimeStamp,anEntity,aGeom);
+ aGroup[aFieldInfo].insert(aTimeStamp);
+ med_int aNbGauss = aTimeStamp->GetNbGauss();
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ if(MYDEBUG) BEGMSG("aDt = "<<aTimeStamp->GetDt()<<", "<<aTimeStamp->GetUnitDt()<<"\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) ADDMSG("\n");
+ return aGroup;
+MEDA::GetFieldsByEntity(const TTimeStampGroup& theTimeStampGroup)
+ TFieldGroup aGroup;
+ TTimeStampGroup::const_iterator anIter = theTimeStampGroup.begin();
+ for(; anIter != theTimeStampGroup.end(); anIter++){
+ const PFieldInfo& aFieldInfo = anIter->first;
+ const TTimeStampSet& aTimeStampSet = anIter->second;
+ if(aTimeStampSet.empty()) continue;
+ const PTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = *aTimeStampSet.begin();
+ aGroup[aTimeStampInfo->GetEntity()].insert(*anIter);
+ }
+ return aGroup;
+MEDA::GetFamiliesByEntity(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
+ const TCellGroup& theCellGroup,
+ const TFamilyGroup& theFamilyGroup)
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("GetFamiliesByEntity(...)");
+ TFamilyByEntity aFamilyByEntity;
+ typedef map<med_int,PFamilyInfo> TFamilyByIdMap;
+ TFamilyByIdMap aFamilyByIdMap;
+ TFamilyGroup::const_iterator anIter = theFamilyGroup.begin();
+ for(; anIter != theFamilyGroup.end(); anIter++){
+ const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = *anIter;
+ aFamilyByIdMap.insert(TFamilyByIdMap::value_type(aFamilyInfo->GetId(),aFamilyInfo));
+ }
+ if(!aFamilyByIdMap.empty()){
+ typedef set<med_int> TFamilyIdSet;
+ typedef map<med_entite_maillage,TFamilyIdSet> TFamilyIdByEntity;
+ TFamilyIdByEntity aFamilyIdByEntity;
+ if(theNodeInfo){
+ if(med_int aNbElem = theNodeInfo->GetNbElem()){
+ TFamilyIdSet& aFamilyIdSet = aFamilyIdByEntity[MED_NOEUD];
+ for(med_int i = 0; i < aNbElem; i++){
+ aFamilyIdSet.insert(theNodeInfo->GetFamNum(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!theCellGroup.empty()){
+ TCellGroup::const_iterator anIter = theCellGroup.begin();
+ for(; anIter != theCellGroup.end(); anIter++){
+ const med_entite_maillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
+ TFamilyIdSet& aFamilyIdSet = aFamilyIdByEntity[anEntity];
+ const TCellSet& aCellSet = anIter->second;
+ TCellSet::const_iterator anCellIter = aCellSet.begin();
+ for(; anCellIter != aCellSet.end(); anCellIter++){
+ const PCellInfo& aCellInfo = *anCellIter;
+ if(med_int aNbElem = aCellInfo->GetNbElem()){
+ for(med_int i = 0; i < aNbElem; i++){
+ aFamilyIdSet.insert(aCellInfo->GetFamNum(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!aFamilyIdByEntity.empty()){
+ TFamilyIdByEntity::const_iterator anIter = aFamilyIdByEntity.begin();
+ for(; anIter != aFamilyIdByEntity.end(); anIter++){
+ const med_entite_maillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ if(MYDEBUG) BEGMSG("anEntity = "<<anEntity<<":\n");
+ const TFamilyIdSet& aFamilyIdSet = anIter->second;
+ TFamilyIdSet::const_iterator anFamilyIdIter = aFamilyIdSet.begin();
+ for(; anFamilyIdIter != aFamilyIdSet.end(); anFamilyIdIter++){
+ const med_int& aFamilyId = *anFamilyIdIter;
+ TFamilyByIdMap::const_iterator
+ anFamilyByIdMapIter = aFamilyByIdMap.find(aFamilyId);
+ if(anFamilyByIdMapIter != aFamilyByIdMap.end()){
+ const PFamilyInfo& aFamilyInfo = anFamilyByIdMapIter->second;
+ aFamilyByEntity[anEntity].insert(aFamilyInfo);
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ BEGMSG("aFamilyName = '"<<aFamilyInfo->GetName()<<
+ "' anId = "<<aFamilyInfo->GetId()<<"\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG) ADDMSG("\n");
+ return aFamilyByEntity;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef MEDA_Algorithm_HeaderFile
+#define MEDA_Algorithm_HeaderFile
+#include "MEDA_Structures.hxx"
+#include "MEDA_Wrapper.hxx"
+#include <set>
+namespace MEDA{
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace boost;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef set<PCellInfo> TCellSet;
+ typedef map<med_entite_maillage,TCellSet> TCellGroup;
+ TCellGroup GetCellsByEntity(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const MED::TEntityInfo theEntityInfo);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef set<PFamilyInfo> TFamilyGroup;
+ TFamilyGroup GetFamilies(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef map<med_entite_maillage,TFamilyGroup> TFamilyByEntity;
+ TFamilyByEntity GetFamiliesByEntity(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PNodeInfo& theNodeInfo,
+ const TCellGroup& theCellGroup,
+ const TFamilyGroup& theFamilyGroup);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef map<string,TFamilyGroup> TGroupInfo;
+ TGroupInfo GetFamiliesByGroup(const TFamilyGroup& theGroupInfo);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef set<PTimeStampInfo> TTimeStampSet;
+ typedef map<PFieldInfo,TTimeStampSet> TTimeStampGroup;
+ TTimeStampGroup GetFieldsByEntity(TWrapper& theWrapper,
+ const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const MED::TEntityInfo theEntityInfo);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef map<med_entite_maillage,TTimeStampGroup> TFieldGroup;
+ TFieldGroup GetFieldsByEntity(const TTimeStampGroup& theTimeStampGroup);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.cxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MEDA_Structures.hxx"
+#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDA;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+TNameInfo::TNameInfo(const MED::PNameInfo& theInfo):
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+string TNameInfo::GetName() const{
+ return myInfo->GetName();
+void TNameInfo::SetName(const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetName(theValue);
+TMeshInfo::TMeshInfo(const MED::PMeshInfo& theInfo):
+ TNameInfo(theInfo),
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_int TMeshInfo::GetDim() const{
+ return myInfo->myDim;
+TFamilyInfo::TFamilyInfo(const MED::PFamilyInfo& theInfo):
+ TNameInfo(theInfo),
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_int TFamilyInfo::GetId() const{
+ return myInfo->myId;
+void TFamilyInfo::SetId(med_int theId){
+ myInfo->myId = theId;
+med_int TFamilyInfo::GetNbGroup() const{
+ return myInfo->myNbGroup;
+string TFamilyInfo::GetGroupName(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->GetGroupName(theId);
+void TFamilyInfo::SetGroupName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetGroupName(theId,theValue);
+med_int TFamilyInfo::GetNbAttr() const{
+ return myInfo->myNbAttr;
+string TFamilyInfo::GetAttrDesc(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->GetAttrDesc(theId);
+void TFamilyInfo::SetAttrDesc(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetAttrDesc(theId,theValue);
+med_int TFamilyInfo::GetAttrId(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->myAttrId[theId];
+void TFamilyInfo::SetAttrId(med_int theId, med_int theVal){
+ myInfo->myAttrId[theId] = theVal;
+med_int TFamilyInfo::GetAttrVal(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->myAttrVal[theId];
+void TFamilyInfo::SetAttrVal(med_int theId, med_int theVal){
+ myInfo->myAttrVal[theId] = theVal;
+TElemInfo::TElemInfo(const MED::PElemInfo& theInfo):
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_int TElemInfo::GetNbElem() const{
+ return myInfo->myNbElem;
+med_int TElemInfo::GetFamNum(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->myFamNum[theId];
+void TElemInfo::SetFamNum(med_int theId, med_int theValue){
+ myInfo->myFamNum[theId] = theValue;
+med_booleen TElemInfo::IsElemNum() const{
+ return myInfo->myIsElemNum;
+med_int TElemInfo::GetElemNum(med_int theId) const{
+ if(theId < 0 || myInfo->myElemNum.size() < theId)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TElemInfo::GetElemNum - myInfo->myElemNum.size() = "<<
+ myInfo->myElemNum.size()<<"; theId = "<<theId<<")");
+ return myInfo->myElemNum[theId];
+void TElemInfo::SetElemNum(med_int theId, med_int theValue){
+ if(theId < 0 || myInfo->myElemNum.size() < theId)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TElemInfo::SetElemNum - myInfo->myElemNum.size() = "<<
+ myInfo->myElemNum.size()<<"; theId = "<<theId<<")");
+ myInfo->myElemNum[theId] = theValue;
+med_booleen TElemInfo::IsElemNames() const{
+ return myInfo->myIsElemNames;
+string TElemInfo::GetElemName(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->GetElemName(theId);
+void TElemInfo::SetElemName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetElemName(theId,theValue);
+TNodeInfo::TNodeInfo(const MED::PNodeInfo& theInfo):
+ TElemInfo(theInfo),
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_repere TNodeInfo::GetSystem() const{
+ return myInfo->mySystem;
+void TNodeInfo::GetSystem(med_repere theSystem){
+ myInfo->mySystem = theSystem;
+med_float TNodeInfo::GetNodeCoord(med_int theId, med_int theComp) const{
+ return myInfo->myCoord[myInfo->myMeshInfo->myDim*theId + theComp];
+void TNodeInfo::SetNodeCoord(med_int theId, med_int theComp, med_float theVal){
+ myInfo->myCoord[myInfo->myMeshInfo->myDim*theId + theComp] = theVal;
+string TNodeInfo::GetCoordName(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->GetCoordName(theId);
+void TNodeInfo::SetCoordName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetCoordName(theId,theValue);
+string TNodeInfo::GetCoordUnit(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->GetCoordUnit(theId);
+void TNodeInfo::SetCoordUnit(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetCoordUnit(theId,theValue);
+TCellInfo::TCellInfo(const MED::PCellInfo& theInfo):
+ TElemInfo(theInfo),
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_entite_maillage TCellInfo::GetEntity() const{
+ return myInfo->myTEntity;
+med_geometrie_element TCellInfo::GetGeom() const{
+ return myInfo->myTGeom;
+med_connectivite TCellInfo::GetConn() const{
+ return myInfo->myTConn;
+med_int TCellInfo::GetConnDim() const{
+ return myInfo->myConnDim;
+med_int TCellInfo::GetConn(med_int theElemId, med_int theConnId) const{
+ med_int anId = myInfo->myConnDim*theElemId + theConnId;
+ if(anId < 0 || myInfo->myConn.size() < anId)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TElemInfo::GetConn - myInfo->myConn.size() = "<<
+ myInfo->myConn.size()<<"; anId = "<<anId<<")");
+ return myInfo->myConn[anId];
+void TCellInfo::SetConn(med_int theElemId, med_int theConnId, med_int theVal){
+ med_int anId = myInfo->myConnDim*theElemId + theConnId;
+ if(anId < 0 || myInfo->myConn.size() < anId)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TElemInfo::SetConn - myInfo->myConn.size() = "<<
+ myInfo->myConn.size()<<"; anId = "<<anId<<")");
+ myInfo->myConn[myInfo->myConnDim*theElemId + theConnId] = theVal;
+TFieldInfo::TFieldInfo(const MED::PFieldInfo& theInfo):
+ TNameInfo(theInfo),
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_type_champ TFieldInfo::GetType() const{
+ return myInfo->myType;
+med_int TFieldInfo::GetNbComp() const{
+ return myInfo->myNbComp;
+string TFieldInfo::GetCompName(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->GetCompName(theId);
+void TFieldInfo::SetCompName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetCompName(theId,theValue);
+string TFieldInfo::GetUnitName(med_int theId) const{
+ return myInfo->GetUnitName(theId);
+void TFieldInfo::SetUnitName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetUnitName(theId,theValue);
+TTimeStampInfo::TTimeStampInfo(const MED::PTimeStampInfo& theInfo):
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_entite_maillage TTimeStampInfo::GetEntity() const{
+ return myInfo->myEntity;
+const MED::TGeom& TTimeStampInfo::GetGeom() const{
+ return myInfo->myGeom;
+med_int TTimeStampInfo::GetNbGauss() const{
+ return myInfo->myNbGauss;
+med_int TTimeStampInfo::GetNumDt() const{
+ return myInfo->myNumDt;
+med_int TTimeStampInfo::GetNumOrd() const{
+ return myInfo->myNumOrd;
+med_float TTimeStampInfo::GetDt() const{
+ return myInfo->myDt;
+string TTimeStampInfo::GetUnitDt() const{
+ return myInfo->GetUnitDt();
+void TTimeStampInfo::SetUnitDt(const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetUnitDt(theValue);
+TTimeStampVal::TTimeStampVal(const MED::PTimeStampVal& theInfo):
+ myInfo(theInfo)
+med_float TTimeStampVal::GetVal(med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_int theId,
+ med_int theComp,
+ med_int theGauss) const
+ med_int aNbComp = myInfo->myTimeStampInfo->myFieldInfo->myNbComp;
+ med_int aNbGauss = myInfo->myTimeStampInfo->myNbGauss;
+ med_int aStep = aNbComp*aNbGauss;
+ return myInfo->myMeshValue[theGeom][theId*aStep + theComp*aNbGauss + theGauss];
+void TTimeStampVal::SetVal(med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_int theId,
+ med_int theComp,
+ med_float theVal,
+ med_int theGauss)
+ med_int aNbComp = myInfo->myTimeStampInfo->myFieldInfo->myNbComp;
+ med_int aNbGauss = myInfo->myTimeStampInfo->myNbGauss;
+ med_int aStep = aNbComp*aNbGauss;
+ myInfo->myMeshValue[theGeom][theId*aStep + theComp*aNbGauss + theGauss] = theVal;
+string TTimeStampVal::GetPflName() const{
+ return myInfo->GetPflName();
+void TTimeStampVal::SetPflName(const string& theValue){
+ myInfo->SetPflName(theValue);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef MEDA_Structures_HeaderFile
+#define MEDA_Structures_HeaderFile
+#include "MED_Common.hxx"
+namespace MEDA{
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace boost;
+ class TNameInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TNameInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PNameInfo myInfo;
+ TNameInfo(const MED::PNameInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ virtual ~TNameInfo() {}
+ string GetName() const;
+ void SetName(const string& theValue);
+ };
+ class TMeshInfo: public TNameInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TMeshInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PMeshInfo myInfo;
+ TMeshInfo(const MED::PMeshInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ med_int GetDim() const;
+ };
+ typedef shared_ptr<TMeshInfo> PMeshInfo;
+ class TFamilyInfo: public TNameInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TFamilyInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PFamilyInfo myInfo;
+ TFamilyInfo(const MED::PFamilyInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ med_int GetId() const;
+ void SetId(med_int theId);
+ med_int GetNbGroup() const;
+ string GetGroupName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetGroupName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ med_int GetNbAttr() const;
+ string GetAttrDesc(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetAttrDesc(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ med_int GetAttrId(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetAttrId(med_int theId, med_int theVal);
+ med_int GetAttrVal(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetAttrVal(med_int theId, med_int theVal);
+ };
+ typedef shared_ptr<TFamilyInfo> PFamilyInfo;
+ class TElemInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TElemInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PElemInfo myInfo;
+ TElemInfo(const MED::PElemInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ virtual ~TElemInfo() {}
+ med_int GetNbElem() const;
+ med_int GetFamNum(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetFamNum(med_int theId, med_int theValue);
+ med_booleen IsElemNum() const;
+ med_int GetElemNum(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetElemNum(med_int theId, med_int theValue);
+ med_booleen IsElemNames() const;
+ string GetElemName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetElemName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ };
+ class TNodeInfo: public TElemInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TNodeInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PNodeInfo myInfo;
+ TNodeInfo(const MED::PNodeInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ med_repere GetSystem() const;
+ void GetSystem(med_repere theSystem);
+ med_float GetNodeCoord(med_int theId, med_int theComp) const;
+ void SetNodeCoord(med_int theId, med_int theComp, med_float theVal);
+ string GetCoordName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetCoordName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ string GetCoordUnit(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetCoordUnit(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ };
+ typedef shared_ptr<TNodeInfo> PNodeInfo;
+ class TCellInfo: public TElemInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TCellInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PCellInfo myInfo;
+ TCellInfo(const MED::PCellInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ med_entite_maillage GetEntity() const;
+ med_geometrie_element GetGeom() const;
+ med_connectivite GetConn() const;
+ med_int GetConnDim() const;
+ med_int GetConn(med_int theElemId, med_int theConnId) const;
+ void SetConn(med_int theElemId, med_int theConnId, med_int theVal);
+ };
+ typedef shared_ptr<TCellInfo> PCellInfo;
+ class TFieldInfo: public TNameInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TFieldInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PFieldInfo myInfo;
+ TFieldInfo(const MED::PFieldInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ med_type_champ GetType() const;
+ med_int GetNbComp() const;
+ string GetCompName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetCompName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ string GetUnitName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetUnitName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ };
+ typedef shared_ptr<TFieldInfo> PFieldInfo;
+ class TTimeStampInfo{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TTimeStampInfo();
+ protected:
+ MED::PTimeStampInfo myInfo;
+ TTimeStampInfo(const MED::PTimeStampInfo& theInfo);
+ public:
+ med_entite_maillage GetEntity() const;
+ const MED::TGeom& GetGeom() const;
+ med_int GetNbGauss() const;
+ med_int GetNumDt() const;
+ med_int GetNumOrd() const;
+ med_float GetDt() const;
+ string GetUnitDt() const;
+ void SetUnitDt(const string& theValue);
+ };
+ typedef shared_ptr<TTimeStampInfo> PTimeStampInfo;
+ class TTimeStampVal{
+ friend class TWrapper;
+ TTimeStampVal();
+ protected:
+ MED::PTimeStampVal myInfo;
+ TTimeStampVal(const MED::PTimeStampVal& theInfo);
+ public:
+ med_float GetVal(med_geometrie_element theGeom, med_int theId,
+ med_int theComp, med_int theGauss = 0) const;
+ void SetVal(med_geometrie_element theGeom, med_int theId,
+ med_int theComp, med_float theVal, med_int theGauss = 0);
+ string GetPflName() const;
+ void SetPflName(const string& theValue);
+ };
+ typedef shared_ptr<TTimeStampVal> PTimeStampVal;
--- /dev/null
+// VISU OBJECT : interactive object for VISU entities implementation
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File: VISUConvertor.cxx
+// Author: Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MEDA_Structures.hxx"
+#include "MEDA_Wrapper.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+void ReadMed(const char* theFileName){
+ using namespace MEDA;
+ TWrapper aMed(theFileName);
+ string aFileName = theFileName;
+ aFileName += "+";
+ TWrapper aMedW(aFileName);
+ int aNbMeshes = aMed.GetNbMeshes();
+ cout<<"GetNbMeshes() = "<<aNbMeshes<<endl;
+ string aName;
+ for(int iMesh = 0; iMesh < aNbMeshes; iMesh++){
+ PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = aMed.GetMeshInfo(iMesh);
+ int aDim = aMeshInfo->GetDim();
+ PMeshInfo aMeshInfoW = TWrapper::CrMeshInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ aName = aMeshInfoW->GetName();
+ cout<<"GetMeshInfo - aName = '"<<aName<<"'; aDim = "<<aDim<<endl;
+ aName[0] += 1;
+ aMeshInfoW->SetName(aName);
+ aMedW.SetMeshInfo(aMeshInfoW);
+ int aNbFam = aMed.GetNbFamilies(aMeshInfo);
+ cout<<"GetNbFamilies() = "<<aNbFam<<endl;
+ for(int iFam = 0; iFam < aNbFam; iFam++){
+ PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfo = aMed.GetFamilyInfo(aMeshInfo,iFam);
+ PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfoW = TWrapper::CrFamilyInfo(aMeshInfoW,aFamilyInfo);
+ aName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
+ int aNbAttr = aFamilyInfo->GetNbAttr();
+ int aNbGroup = aFamilyInfo->GetNbGroup();
+ cout<<"\taName = '"<<aName<<"'; aNbAttr = "<<aNbAttr<<"; aNbGroup = "<<aNbGroup<<endl;
+ aName[0] += 1;
+ aFamilyInfoW->SetName(aName);
+ for(int iGroup = 0; iGroup < aNbGroup; iGroup++){
+ aName = aFamilyInfo->GetGroupName(iGroup);
+ cout<<"\t\taGroupName = '"<<aName<<"'\n";
+ aName[0] += 1;
+ aFamilyInfoW->SetGroupName(iGroup,aName);
+ }
+ aMedW.SetFamilyInfo(aFamilyInfoW);
+ }
+ MED::TEntityInfo aEntityInfo = aMed.GetEntityInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ cout<<"GetEntityInfo - aNbEntities = "<<aEntityInfo.size()<<endl;
+ MED::TEntityInfo::iterator anEntityIter = aEntityInfo.begin();
+ for(; anEntityIter != aEntityInfo.end(); anEntityIter++){
+ const med_entite_maillage& anEntity = anEntityIter->first;
+ cout<<"\tanEntity = "<<anEntity<<endl;
+ if(anEntity == MED_NOEUD){
+ PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = aMed.GetNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ PNodeInfo aNodeInfoW = TWrapper::CrNodeInfo(aMeshInfoW,aNodeInfo);
+ int aNbNodes = aNodeInfo->GetNbElem();
+ cout<<"\tGetNodeInfo - aNbNodes = "<<aNbNodes<<": ";
+ for(int iNode = 0; iNode < aNbNodes; iNode++){
+ for(int iDim = 0; iDim < aDim; iDim++){
+ //cout<<aNodeInfo->GetNodeCoord(iNode,iDim)<<",";
+ }
+ cout<<" ";
+ }
+ cout<<endl;
+ aMedW.SetNodeInfo(aNodeInfoW);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const MED::TGeom& aTGeom = anEntityIter->second;
+ MED::TGeom::const_iterator anTGeomIter = aTGeom.begin();
+ for(; anTGeomIter != aTGeom.end(); anTGeomIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeom = anTGeomIter->first;
+ PCellInfo aCellInfo = aMed.GetCellInfo(aMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeom);
+ PCellInfo aCellInfoW = TWrapper::CrCellInfo(aMeshInfoW,aCellInfo);
+ med_int aNbElem = aCellInfo->GetNbElem();
+ cout<<"\t\taGeom = "<<aGeom<<"; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<": ";
+ for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
+ int iConnEnd = aCellInfo->GetConnDim();
+ for(int iConn = 0; iConn < iConnEnd; iConn++){
+ //cout<<aCellInfo->GetConn(iElem,iConn)<<",";
+ }
+ cout<<" ";
+ }
+ cout<<endl;
+ aMedW.SetCellInfo(aCellInfoW);
+ }
+ }
+ med_int aNbFields = aMed.GetNbFields();
+ cout<<"GetNbFields() = "<<aNbFields<<endl;
+ for(int iField = 0; iField < aNbFields; iField++){
+ PFieldInfo aFieldInfo = aMed.GetFieldInfo(aMeshInfo,iField);
+ PFieldInfo aFieldInfoW = TWrapper::CrFieldInfo(aMeshInfoW,aFieldInfo);
+ med_int aNbComp = aFieldInfo->GetNbComp();
+ aName = aFieldInfo->GetName();
+ cout<<"\taName = '"<<aName<<"'; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<"; ";
+ aName[0] += 1;
+ aFieldInfoW->SetName(aName);
+ aMedW.SetFieldInfo(aFieldInfoW);
+ MED::TGeom aTGeom;
+ med_entite_maillage anEntity;
+ med_int aNbTimeStamps = aMed.GetNbTimeStamps(aFieldInfo,aEntityInfo,anEntity,aTGeom);
+ cout<<"anEntity = "<<anEntity<<"; GetNbTimeStamps = "<<aNbTimeStamps<<endl;
+ for(int iTimeStamp = 0; iTimeStamp < aNbTimeStamps; iTimeStamp++){
+ PTimeStampInfo aTimeStamp = aMed.GetTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo,iTimeStamp,
+ anEntity,aTGeom);
+ PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampW = TWrapper::CrTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfoW,aTimeStamp);
+ med_int aNbGauss = aTimeStamp->GetNbGauss();
+ cout<<"\t\taDt = "<<aTimeStamp->GetDt()<<", "<<aTimeStamp->GetUnitDt()<<endl;
+ PTimeStampVal aTimeStampVal = aMed.GetTimeStampVal(aTimeStamp);
+ PTimeStampVal aTimeStampValW = TWrapper::CrTimeStampVal(aTimeStampW,aTimeStampVal);
+ MED::TGeom::const_iterator anTGeomIter = aTGeom.begin();
+ for(; anTGeomIter != aTGeom.end(); anTGeomIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeom = anTGeomIter->first;
+ med_int aNbElem = anTGeomIter->second;
+ cout<<"\t\taGeom = "<<aGeom<<"; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<": ";
+ for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aNbElem; iElem++){
+ for(int j = 0; j < aNbComp; j++){
+ for(int k = 0; k < aNbGauss; k++){
+ //cout<<aTimeStampValW->GetVal(aGeom,iElem,j,k)<<",";
+ }
+ }
+ cout<<" ";
+ }
+ cout<<"\n";
+ }
+ aMedW.SetTimeStamp(aTimeStampValW);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout<<"OK"<<endl;
+int main(int argc, char** argv){
+ if(argc > 1)
+ ReadMed(argv[1]);
+ return 0;
+ try{
+ if(argc > 1)
+ ReadMed(argv[1]);
+ return 0;
+ }catch(std::exception& exc){
+ cout<<"Follow exception was accured :\n"<<exc.what()<<endl;
+ }catch(...){
+ cout<<"Unknown exception was accured in VISU_Convertor_impl"<<endl;
+ }
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+// VISU OBJECT : interactive object for VISU entities implementation
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File: VISUConvertor.cxx
+// Author: Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MEDA_Algorithm.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDA;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+namespace MEDA{
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace boost;
+void ReadMed(const char* theFileName){
+ TWrapper aMed(theFileName);
+ string aFileName = theFileName;
+ aFileName += "+";
+ TWrapper aMedW(aFileName);
+ int aNbMeshes = aMed.GetNbMeshes();
+ cout<<"GetNbMeshes() = "<<aNbMeshes<<endl;
+ string aName;
+ for(int iMesh = 0; iMesh < aNbMeshes; iMesh++){
+ PMeshInfo aMeshInfo = aMed.GetMeshInfo(iMesh);
+ PNodeInfo aNodeInfo = aMed.GetNodeInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ MED::TEntityInfo aEntityInfo = aMed.GetEntityInfo(aMeshInfo);
+ TCellGroup aCellGroup = GetCellsByEntity(aMed,aMeshInfo,aEntityInfo);
+ TFamilyGroup aFamilyGroup = GetFamilies(aMed,aMeshInfo);
+ TFamilyByEntity aFamilyByEntity = GetFamiliesByEntity(aMed,aNodeInfo,aCellGroup,aFamilyGroup);
+ TGroupInfo aGroupInfo = GetFamiliesByGroup(aFamilyGroup);
+ TTimeStampGroup aTimeStampGroup = GetFieldsByEntity(aMed,aMeshInfo,aEntityInfo);
+ TFieldGroup aFieldGroup = GetFieldsByEntity(aTimeStampGroup);
+ }
+ cout<<"OK"<<endl;
+int main(int argc, char** argv){
+ try{
+ if(argc > 1)
+ ReadMed(argv[1]);
+ return 0;
+ }catch(std::exception& exc){
+ cout<<"Follow exception was accured :\n"<<exc.what()<<endl;
+ }catch(...){
+ cout<<"Unknown exception was accured in VISU_Convertor_impl"<<endl;
+ }
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.cxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MEDA_Wrapper.hxx"
+#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MEDA;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+TWrapper::TWrapper(const string& theFileName):
+ myWrapper(new MED::TWrapper(theFileName))
+PMeshInfo TWrapper::CrMeshInfo(med_int theDim,
+ const string& theValue)
+ MED::PMeshInfo anInfo(new MED::TMeshInfo(theDim,theValue));
+ return PMeshInfo(new TMeshInfo(anInfo));
+PMeshInfo TWrapper::CrMeshInfo(const PMeshInfo& theInfo){
+ MED::PMeshInfo anInfo(new MED::TMeshInfo(*theInfo->myInfo));
+ return PMeshInfo(new TMeshInfo(anInfo));
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbMeshes(){
+ return myWrapper->GetNbMeshes();
+PMeshInfo TWrapper::GetMeshInfo(med_int theId){
+ PMeshInfo anInfo = CrMeshInfo();
+ myWrapper->GetMeshInfo(theId+1,*anInfo->myInfo);
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("GetMeshInfo(...)");
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ BEGMSG("aName = '"<<anInfo->GetName()<<"'; aDim = "<<anInfo->GetDim()<<"\n");
+ ADDMSG("\n");
+ }
+ return anInfo;
+void TWrapper::SetMeshInfo(const PMeshInfo& theInfo){
+ myWrapper->SetMeshInfo(*theInfo->myInfo);
+PFamilyInfo TWrapper::CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbGroup,
+ med_int theNbAttr,
+ med_int theId,
+ const string& theValue)
+ const MED::PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ MED::PFamilyInfo anInfo(new MED::TFamilyInfo(aMeshInfo,
+ theNbGroup,
+ theNbAttr,
+ theId,
+ theValue));
+ return PFamilyInfo(new TFamilyInfo(anInfo));
+PFamilyInfo TWrapper::CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const string& theValue,
+ med_int theId,
+ const MED::TStringSet& theGroupNames,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theAttrDescs,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theAttrIds,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theAttrVals)
+ const MED::PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ MED::PFamilyInfo anInfo(new MED::TFamilyInfo(aMeshInfo,
+ theValue,
+ theId,
+ theGroupNames,
+ theAttrDescs,
+ theAttrIds,
+ theAttrVals));
+ return PFamilyInfo(new TFamilyInfo(anInfo));
+PFamilyInfo TWrapper::CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PFamilyInfo& theInfo)
+ MED::PFamilyInfo anInfo(new MED::TFamilyInfo(*theInfo->myInfo));
+ anInfo->myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ return PFamilyInfo(new TFamilyInfo(anInfo));
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbFamilies(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo){
+ return myWrapper->GetNbFamilies(*theMeshInfo->myInfo);
+PFamilyInfo TWrapper::GetFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, med_int theId){
+ med_int aNbAttr = myWrapper->GetNbFamAttr(theId+1,*theMeshInfo->myInfo);
+ med_int aNbGroup = myWrapper->GetNbFamGroup(theId+1,*theMeshInfo->myInfo);
+ PFamilyInfo anInfo = CrFamilyInfo(theMeshInfo,aNbGroup,aNbAttr);
+ myWrapper->GetFamilyInfo(theId+1,*anInfo->myInfo);
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("GetFamilyInfo(...)");
+ MED::PrefixPrinter aPrefixPrinter;
+ BEGMSG("aName = '"<<anInfo->GetName()<<"'; anId = "<<anInfo->GetId()<<"\n");
+ ADDMSG("\n");
+ }
+ return anInfo;
+void TWrapper::SetFamilyInfo(const PFamilyInfo& theInfo){
+ myWrapper->SetFamilyInfo(*theInfo->myInfo);
+PNodeInfo TWrapper::CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_repere theSystem,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames)
+ const MED::PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ MED::PNodeInfo anInfo(new MED::TNodeInfo(aMeshInfo,
+ theNbElem,
+ theSystem,
+ theIsElemNum,
+ theIsElemNames));
+ return PNodeInfo(new TNodeInfo(anInfo));
+PNodeInfo TWrapper::CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_repere theSystem,
+ const MED::TFloatVector& theNodeCoords,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theCoordNames,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theCoordUnits,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theElemNames)
+ const MED::PMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ MED::PNodeInfo anInfo(new MED::TNodeInfo(aMeshInfo,
+ theSystem,
+ theNodeCoords,
+ theCoordNames,
+ theCoordUnits,
+ theFamilyNums,
+ theElemNums,
+ theElemNames));
+ return PNodeInfo(new TNodeInfo(anInfo));
+PNodeInfo TWrapper::CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PNodeInfo& theInfo)
+ MED::PNodeInfo anInfo(new MED::TNodeInfo(*theInfo->myInfo));
+ anInfo->myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ return PNodeInfo(new TNodeInfo(anInfo));
+PNodeInfo TWrapper::GetNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo){
+ med_int aNbElems = myWrapper->GetNbNodes(*theMeshInfo->myInfo);
+ PNodeInfo anInfo = CrNodeInfo(theMeshInfo,aNbElems);
+ myWrapper->GetNodeInfo(*anInfo->myInfo);
+ return anInfo;
+void TWrapper::SetNodeInfo(const PNodeInfo& theInfo){
+ myWrapper->SetNodeInfo(*theInfo->myInfo);
+MED::TEntityInfo TWrapper::GetEntityInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo){
+ return myWrapper->GetEntityInfo(*theMeshInfo->myInfo);
+PCellInfo TWrapper::CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_connectivite theConn,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames)
+ MED::PCellInfo anInfo(new MED::TCellInfo(theMeshInfo->myInfo,
+ theNbElem,
+ theEntity,
+ theGeom,
+ theConn,
+ theIsElemNum,
+ theIsElemNames));
+ return PCellInfo(new TCellInfo(anInfo));
+PCellInfo TWrapper::CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_connectivite theConn,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theConnectivities,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theElemNames)
+ MED::PCellInfo anInfo(new MED::TCellInfo(theMeshInfo->myInfo,
+ theEntity,
+ theGeom,
+ theConn,
+ theConnectivities,
+ theFamilyNums,
+ theElemNums,
+ theElemNames));
+ return PCellInfo(new TCellInfo(anInfo));
+PCellInfo TWrapper::CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PCellInfo& theInfo)
+ MED::PCellInfo anInfo(new MED::TCellInfo(*theInfo->myInfo));
+ anInfo->myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ return PCellInfo(new TCellInfo(anInfo));
+PCellInfo TWrapper::GetCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_connectivite theConn)
+ med_int aNbElem = myWrapper->GetNbCells(*theMeshInfo->myInfo,theEntity,theGeom,theConn);
+ PCellInfo anInfo = CrCellInfo(theMeshInfo,aNbElem,theEntity,theGeom,theConn);
+ myWrapper->GetCellInfo(*anInfo->myInfo);
+ return anInfo;
+void TWrapper::SetCellInfo(const PCellInfo& theInfo){
+ myWrapper->SetCellInfo(*theInfo->myInfo);
+PFieldInfo TWrapper::CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbComp,
+ med_type_champ theType,
+ const string& theValue)
+ MED::PFieldInfo anInfo(new MED::TFieldInfo(theMeshInfo->myInfo,
+ theNbComp,
+ theType,
+ theValue));
+ return PFieldInfo(new TFieldInfo(anInfo));
+PFieldInfo TWrapper::CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PFieldInfo& theInfo)
+ MED::PFieldInfo anInfo(new MED::TFieldInfo(*theInfo->myInfo));
+ anInfo->myMeshInfo = theMeshInfo->myInfo;
+ return PFieldInfo(new TFieldInfo(anInfo));
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbFields(){
+ return myWrapper->GetNbFields();
+PFieldInfo TWrapper::GetFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, med_int theId){
+ med_int aNbComp = myWrapper->GetNbComp(theId+1);
+ PFieldInfo anInfo = CrFieldInfo(theMeshInfo,aNbComp);
+ myWrapper->GetFieldInfo(theId+1,*anInfo->myInfo);
+ return anInfo;
+void TWrapper::SetFieldInfo(const PFieldInfo& theInfo){
+ myWrapper->SetFieldInfo(*theInfo->myInfo);
+PTimeStampInfo TWrapper::CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ const MED::TGeom& theGeom)
+ MED::PTimeStampInfo anInfo(new MED::TTimeStampInfo(theFieldInfo->myInfo,
+ theEntity,
+ theGeom));
+ return PTimeStampInfo(new TTimeStampInfo(anInfo));
+PTimeStampInfo TWrapper::CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ const PTimeStampInfo& theInfo)
+ MED::PTimeStampInfo anInfo(new MED::TTimeStampInfo(*theInfo->myInfo));
+ anInfo->myFieldInfo = theFieldInfo->myInfo;
+ return PTimeStampInfo(new TTimeStampInfo(anInfo));
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbTimeStamps(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage& theEntity,
+ MED::TGeom& theGeom)
+ return myWrapper->GetNbTimeStamps(*theFieldInfo->myInfo,
+ theEntityInfo,
+ theEntity,
+ theGeom);
+PTimeStampInfo TWrapper::GetTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ med_int theId,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ const MED::TGeom& theGeom)
+ PTimeStampInfo anInfo = CrTimeStampInfo(theFieldInfo,theEntity,theGeom);
+ myWrapper->GetTimeStampInfo(theId+1,*anInfo->myInfo);
+ return anInfo;
+PTimeStampVal TWrapper::CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo)
+ MED::PTimeStampVal anInfo(new MED::TTimeStampVal(theTimeStampInfo->myInfo));
+ return PTimeStampVal(new TTimeStampVal(anInfo));
+PTimeStampVal TWrapper::CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
+ const PTimeStampVal& theInfo)
+ MED::PTimeStampVal anInfo(new MED::TTimeStampVal(*theInfo->myInfo));
+ anInfo->myTimeStampInfo = theTimeStampInfo->myInfo;
+ return PTimeStampVal(new TTimeStampVal(anInfo));
+PTimeStampVal TWrapper::GetTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo)
+ PTimeStampVal anInfo = CrTimeStampVal(theTimeStampInfo);
+ myWrapper->GetTimeStampVal(*anInfo->myInfo);
+ return anInfo;
+void TWrapper::SetTimeStamp(const PTimeStampVal& theTimeStampVal){
+ myWrapper->SetTimeStamp(*theTimeStampVal->myInfo);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef MEDA_Wrapper_HeaderFile
+#define MEDA_Wrapper_HeaderFile
+#include "MEDA_Structures.hxx"
+namespace MEDA{
+ class TWrapper{
+ TWrapper();
+ TWrapper(const TWrapper&);
+ protected:
+ MED::PWrapper myWrapper;
+ public:
+ TWrapper(const string& theFileName);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ static PMeshInfo CrMeshInfo(med_int theDim = 0,
+ const string& theValue = "");
+ static PMeshInfo CrMeshInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ med_int GetNbMeshes();
+ PMeshInfo GetMeshInfo(med_int theId);
+ void SetMeshInfo(const PMeshInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ static PFamilyInfo CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbGroup = 0,
+ med_int theNbAttr = 0,
+ med_int theId = 0,
+ const string& theValue = "");
+ static PFamilyInfo CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const string& theValue,
+ med_int theId,
+ const MED::TStringSet& theGroupNames,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theAttrDescs = MED::TStringVector(),
+ const MED::TIntVector& theAttrIds = MED::TIntVector(),
+ const MED::TIntVector& theAttrVals = MED::TIntVector());
+ static PFamilyInfo CrFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PFamilyInfo& theInfo);
+ med_int GetNbFamilies(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ PFamilyInfo GetFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, med_int theId);
+ void SetFamilyInfo(const PFamilyInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ static PNodeInfo CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_repere theSystem = MED_CART,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum = MED_VRAI,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames = MED_VRAI);
+ static PNodeInfo CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_repere theSystem,
+ const MED::TFloatVector& theNodeCoords,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theCoordNames,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theCoordUnits,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theElemNames = MED::TStringVector());
+ static PNodeInfo CrNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PNodeInfo& theInfo);
+ PNodeInfo GetNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ void SetNodeInfo(const PNodeInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ MED::TEntityInfo GetEntityInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ static PCellInfo CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_connectivite theConn = MED_NOD,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum = MED_VRAI,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames = MED_VRAI);
+ static PCellInfo CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_connectivite theConn,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theConnectivities,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const MED::TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const MED::TStringVector& theElemNames = MED::TStringVector());
+ static PCellInfo CrCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PCellInfo& theInfo);
+ PCellInfo GetCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theGeom,
+ med_connectivite theConn = MED_NOD);
+ void SetCellInfo(const PCellInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ static PFieldInfo CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbComp = 0,
+ med_type_champ theType = MED_REEL64,
+ const string& theValue = "");
+ static PFieldInfo CrFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const PFieldInfo& theInfo);
+ med_int GetNbFields();
+ PFieldInfo GetFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo, med_int theId);
+ void SetFieldInfo(const PFieldInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ static PTimeStampInfo CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ const MED::TGeom& theGeom);
+ static PTimeStampInfo CrTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ const PTimeStampInfo& theInfo);
+ med_int GetNbTimeStamps(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ const MED::TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage& theEntity,
+ MED::TGeom& theGeom);
+ PTimeStampInfo GetTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ med_int theId,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ const MED::TGeom& theGeom);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ static PTimeStampVal CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo);
+ static PTimeStampVal CrTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo,
+ const PTimeStampVal& theInfo);
+ PTimeStampVal GetTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo);
+ void SetTimeStamp(const PTimeStampVal& theTimeStampVal);
+ };
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef MED_Common_HeaderFile
+#define MED_Common_HeaderFile
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+extern "C"{
+#include <med.h>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+namespace MED{
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace boost;
+ typedef vector<med_float> TFloatVector;
+ typedef vector<string> TStringVector;
+ typedef vector<med_int> TIntVector;
+ typedef set<string> TStringSet;
+ typedef map<med_geometrie_element,med_int> TGeom;
+ typedef map<med_entite_maillage,TGeom> TEntityInfo;
+ med_int GetNbConn(med_entite_maillage theMedEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theMedType,
+ med_int theMeshDim);
+ struct TNameInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TNameInfo> PNameInfo;
+ struct TMeshInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TMeshInfo> PMeshInfo;
+ struct TFamilyInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TFamilyInfo> PFamilyInfo;
+ struct TElemInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TElemInfo> PElemInfo;
+ struct TNodeInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TNodeInfo> PNodeInfo;
+ struct TCellInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TCellInfo> PCellInfo;
+ struct TFieldInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TFieldInfo> PFieldInfo;
+ struct TTimeStampInfo;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TTimeStampInfo> PTimeStampInfo;
+ struct TTimeStampVal;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TTimeStampVal> PTimeStampVal;
+ class TWrapper;
+ typedef shared_ptr<TWrapper> PWrapper;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.cxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MED;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+string MED::GetString(med_int theId, med_int theStep,
+ const TString& theString)
+ const char* aPos = &theString[theId*theStep];
+ med_int aSize = min(med_int(strlen(aPos)),theStep);
+ return string(aPos,aSize);
+void MED::SetString(med_int theId, med_int theStep,
+ TString& theString, const string& theValue)
+ med_int aSize = min(med_int(theValue.size()+1),theStep);
+ if(aSize > theStep)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"SetString(...): aSize =="<<aSize<<"of '"<<theValue<<"' > theStep");
+ strncpy(&theString[theId*theStep],theValue.c_str(),aSize);
+med_int MED::GetNbConn(med_entite_maillage theMedEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theMedType,
+ med_int theMeshDim)
+ med_int anElemDim = theMedType / 100, nsup = 0;
+ if(theMedEntity == MED_MAILLE && anElemDim < theMeshDim) nsup = 1;
+ return nsup + theMedType % 100;
+TNameInfo::TNameInfo(const string& theValue):
+ myName('\0',MED_TAILLE_NOM+1)
+ if(theValue != "") SetName(theValue);
+string TNameInfo::GetName() const {
+ return GetString(0,MED_TAILLE_NOM,myName);
+void TNameInfo::SetName(const string& theValue){
+ SetString(0,MED_TAILLE_NOM,myName,theValue);
+TMeshInfo::TMeshInfo(med_int theDim,
+ const string& theValue):
+ TNameInfo(theValue),
+ myDim(theDim)
+TFamilyInfo::TFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbGroup,
+ med_int theNbAttr,
+ med_int theId,
+ const string& theValue):
+ TNameInfo(theValue),
+ myMeshInfo(theMeshInfo),
+ myId(theId),
+ myNbGroup(theNbGroup),
+ myGroupNames('\0',theNbGroup*MED_TAILLE_LNOM+1),
+ myNbAttr(theNbAttr),
+ myAttrId(theNbAttr),
+ myAttrVal(theNbAttr),
+ myAttrDesc('\0',theNbAttr*MED_TAILLE_DESC+1)
+TFamilyInfo::TFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const string& theValue,
+ med_int theId,
+ const TStringSet& theGroupNames,
+ const TStringVector& theAttrDescs,
+ const TIntVector& theAttrIds,
+ const TIntVector& theAttrVals):
+ TNameInfo(theValue),
+ myMeshInfo(theMeshInfo),
+ myId(theId),
+ myNbGroup(theGroupNames.size()),
+ myGroupNames('\0',theGroupNames.size()*MED_TAILLE_LNOM+1),
+ myNbAttr(theAttrDescs.size()),
+ myAttrId(theAttrDescs.size()),
+ myAttrVal(theAttrDescs.size()),
+ myAttrDesc('\0',theAttrDescs.size()*MED_TAILLE_DESC+1)
+ if(myNbGroup){
+ TStringSet::const_iterator anIter = theGroupNames.begin();
+ for(med_int anId = 0; anIter != theGroupNames.end(); anIter++, anId++){
+ const string& aVal = *anIter;
+ SetGroupName(anId,aVal);
+ }
+ }
+ if(myNbAttr){
+ for(med_int anId = 0, anEnd = theAttrDescs.size(); anId < anEnd; anId++){
+ const string& aVal = theAttrDescs[anId];
+ SetAttrDesc(anId,aVal);
+ myAttrId[anId] = theAttrIds[anId];
+ myAttrVal[anId] = theAttrVals[anId];
+ }
+ }
+string TFamilyInfo::GetGroupName(med_int theId) const {
+ return GetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_LNOM,myGroupNames);
+void TFamilyInfo::SetGroupName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ SetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_LNOM,myGroupNames,theValue);
+string TFamilyInfo::GetAttrDesc(med_int theId) const {
+ return GetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_DESC,myAttrDesc);
+void TFamilyInfo::SetAttrDesc(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ SetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_DESC,myAttrDesc,theValue);
+TElemInfo::TElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames):
+ myMeshInfo(theMeshInfo),
+ myNbElem(theNbElem),
+ myFamNum(theNbElem),
+ myIsElemNum(theIsElemNum),
+ myElemNum(theIsElemNum == MED_FAUX? 0: theNbElem),
+ myIsElemNames(theIsElemNames),
+ myElemNames('\0',(theIsElemNames == MED_FAUX? 0: theNbElem)*MED_TAILLE_PNOM+1)
+TElemInfo::TElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const TStringVector& theElemNames):
+ myMeshInfo(theMeshInfo),
+ myNbElem(theFamilyNums.size()),
+ myFamNum(theFamilyNums.size()),
+ myIsElemNum(theElemNums.size()? MED_VRAI: MED_FAUX),
+ myElemNum(theElemNums.size()),
+ myIsElemNames(theElemNames.size()? MED_VRAI: MED_FAUX),
+ myElemNames('\0',theElemNames.size()*MED_TAILLE_PNOM+1)
+ if(myNbElem){
+ for(med_int anId = 0; anId < myNbElem; anId++){
+ myFamNum[anId] = theFamilyNums[anId];
+ }
+ if(myIsElemNum == MED_VRAI){
+ for(med_int anId = 0; anId < myNbElem; anId++){
+ myElemNum[anId] = theElemNums[anId];
+ }
+ }
+ if(myIsElemNames == MED_VRAI){
+ for(med_int anId = 0; anId < myNbElem; anId++){
+ const string& aVal = theElemNames[anId];
+ SetElemName(anId,aVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+string TElemInfo::GetElemName(med_int theId) const {
+ return GetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myElemNames);
+void TElemInfo::SetElemName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ SetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myElemNames,theValue);
+TNodeInfo::TNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_repere theSystem,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames):
+ TElemInfo(theMeshInfo,theNbElem,theIsElemNum,theIsElemNames),
+ myCoord(theNbElem*theMeshInfo->myDim),
+ mySystem(theSystem),
+ myCoordNames('\0',theMeshInfo->myDim*MED_TAILLE_PNOM+1),
+ myCoordUnits('\0',theMeshInfo->myDim*MED_TAILLE_PNOM+1)
+TNodeInfo::TNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_repere theSystem,
+ const TFloatVector& theNodeCoords,
+ const TStringVector& theCoordNames,
+ const TStringVector& theCoordUnits,
+ const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const TStringVector& theElemNames):
+ TElemInfo(theMeshInfo,theFamilyNums,theElemNums,theElemNames),
+ myCoord(theNodeCoords.size()),
+ mySystem(theSystem),
+ myCoordNames('\0',theMeshInfo->myDim*MED_TAILLE_PNOM+1),
+ myCoordUnits('\0',theMeshInfo->myDim*MED_TAILLE_PNOM+1)
+ if(myCoord.size() == myNbElem*theMeshInfo->myDim){
+ for(med_int anId = 0, anEnd = myCoord.size(); anId < anEnd; anId++){
+ myCoord[anId] = theNodeCoords[anId];
+ }
+ }else
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"myCoord.size() != myNbElem*theMeshInfo->myDim");
+ for(med_int anId = 0; anId < theMeshInfo->myDim; anId++){
+ const string& aVal = theCoordNames.at(anId);
+ SetCoordName(anId,aVal);
+ }
+ for(med_int anId = 0; anId < theMeshInfo->myDim; anId++){
+ const string& aVal = theCoordUnits.at(anId);
+ SetCoordUnit(anId,aVal);
+ }
+string TNodeInfo::GetCoordName(med_int theId) const {
+ return GetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myCoordNames);
+void TNodeInfo::SetCoordName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ SetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myCoordNames,theValue);
+string TNodeInfo::GetCoordUnit(med_int theId) const {
+ return GetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myCoordUnits);
+void TNodeInfo::SetCoordUnit(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ SetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myCoordUnits,theValue);
+TCellInfo::TCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_entite_maillage theTEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theTGeom,
+ med_connectivite theTConn,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames):
+ TElemInfo(theMeshInfo,theNbElem,theIsElemNum,theIsElemNames),
+ myTEntity(theTEntity),
+ myTGeom(theTGeom),
+ myTConn(theTConn),
+ myConnDim(GetNbConn(myTEntity,myTGeom,theMeshInfo->myDim)),
+ myConn(theNbElem*myConnDim)
+TCellInfo::TCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theTEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theTGeom,
+ med_connectivite theTConn,
+ const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
+ const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const TStringVector& theElemNames):
+ TElemInfo(theMeshInfo,theFamilyNums,theElemNums,theElemNames),
+ myTEntity(theTEntity),
+ myTGeom(theTGeom),
+ myTConn(theTConn),
+ myConnDim(GetNbConn(myTEntity,myTGeom,theMeshInfo->myDim)),
+ myConn(theConnectivities.size())
+ if(myConn.size() == myConnDim*theFamilyNums.size()){
+ for(med_int anId = 0, anEnd = myConn.size(); anId < anEnd; anId++){
+ myConn[anId] = theConnectivities[anId];
+ }
+ }else
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"myConn.size() == myConnDim*theFamilyNums.size()");
+TFieldInfo::TFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbComp,
+ med_type_champ theType,
+ const string& theValue):
+ TNameInfo(theValue),
+ myMeshInfo(theMeshInfo),
+ myNbComp(theNbComp),
+ myType(theType),
+ myCompNames('\0',theNbComp*MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1),
+ myUnitNames('\0',theNbComp*MED_TAILLE_PNOM + 1)
+string TFieldInfo::GetCompName(med_int theId) const {
+ return GetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myCompNames);
+void TFieldInfo::SetCompName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ SetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myCompNames,theValue);
+string TFieldInfo::GetUnitName(med_int theId) const {
+ return GetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myUnitNames);
+void TFieldInfo::SetUnitName(med_int theId, const string& theValue){
+ SetString(theId,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myUnitNames,theValue);
+TTimeStampInfo::TTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ const TGeom& theGeom):
+ myFieldInfo(theFieldInfo),
+ myEntity(theEntity),
+ myGeom(theGeom),
+ myUnitDt('\0',MED_TAILLE_PNOM+1)
+string TTimeStampInfo::GetUnitDt() const {
+ return GetString(0,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myUnitDt);
+void TTimeStampInfo::SetUnitDt(const string& theValue){
+ SetString(0,MED_TAILLE_PNOM,myUnitDt,theValue);
+TTimeStampVal::TTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo):
+ myTimeStampInfo(theTimeStampInfo),
+ myPflName('\0',MED_TAILLE_NOM+1)
+ med_int aNbComp = theTimeStampInfo->myFieldInfo->myNbComp;
+ med_int aNbGauss = theTimeStampInfo->myNbGauss;
+ const TGeom& aTGeom = theTimeStampInfo->myGeom;
+ TGeom::const_iterator anIter = aTGeom.begin();
+ for(; anIter != aTGeom.end(); anIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeom = anIter->first;
+ med_int aNb = anIter->second*aNbComp*aNbGauss;
+ myMeshValue[aGeom].resize(aNb);
+ }
+string TTimeStampVal::GetPflName() const {
+ return GetString(0,MED_TAILLE_NOM,myPflName);
+void TTimeStampVal::SetPflName(const string& theValue){
+ SetString(0,MED_TAILLE_NOM,myPflName,theValue);
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef MED_Structures_HeaderFile
+#define MED_Structures_HeaderFile
+#include <valarray>
+#include "MED_Common.hxx"
+namespace MED{
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace boost;
+ typedef valarray<char> TString;
+ string GetString(med_int theId, med_int theStep, const TString& theString);
+ void SetString(med_int theId, med_int theStep, TString& theString,
+ const string& theValue);
+ struct TNameInfo{
+ TNameInfo(const string& theValue = "");
+ virtual ~TNameInfo() {}
+ TString myName;
+ string GetName() const;
+ void SetName(const string& theValue);
+ };
+ struct TMeshInfo: TNameInfo{
+ TMeshInfo(med_int theDim = 0,
+ const string& theValue = "");
+ med_int myDim;
+ };
+ typedef valarray<med_int> TFamAttr;
+ struct TFamilyInfo: TNameInfo{
+ TFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbGroup = 0,
+ med_int theNbAttr = 0,
+ med_int theId = 0,
+ const string& theValue = "");
+ TFamilyInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const string& theValue,
+ med_int theId,
+ const TStringSet& theGroupNames,
+ const TStringVector& theAttrDescs = TStringVector(),
+ const TIntVector& theAttrIds = TIntVector(),
+ const TIntVector& theAttrVals = TIntVector());
+ PMeshInfo myMeshInfo;
+ med_int myId;
+ med_int myNbGroup;
+ TString myGroupNames;
+ string GetGroupName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetGroupName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ med_int myNbAttr;
+ TFamAttr myAttrId;
+ TFamAttr myAttrVal;
+ TString myAttrDesc;
+ string GetAttrDesc(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetAttrDesc(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ };
+ typedef valarray<med_int> TElemNum;
+ struct TElemInfo{
+ TElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum = MED_VRAI,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames = MED_VRAI);
+ TElemInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector());
+ virtual ~TElemInfo() {}
+ PMeshInfo myMeshInfo;
+ med_int myNbElem;
+ TElemNum myFamNum;
+ med_booleen myIsElemNum;
+ TElemNum myElemNum;
+ med_booleen myIsElemNames;
+ TString myElemNames;
+ string GetElemName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetElemName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ };
+ typedef valarray<med_float> TNodeCoord;
+ struct TNodeInfo: TElemInfo{
+ TNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_repere theSystem = MED_CART,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum = MED_VRAI,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames = MED_VRAI);
+ TNodeInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_repere theSystem,
+ const TFloatVector& theNodeCoords,
+ const TStringVector& theCoordNames,
+ const TStringVector& theCoordUnits,
+ const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector());
+ TNodeCoord myCoord;
+ med_repere mySystem;
+ TString myCoordNames;
+ string GetCoordName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetCoordName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ TString myCoordUnits;
+ string GetCoordUnit(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetCoordUnit(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ };
+ struct TCellInfo: TElemInfo{
+ TCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbElem,
+ med_entite_maillage theTEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theTGeom,
+ med_connectivite theTConn = MED_NOD,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNum = MED_VRAI,
+ med_booleen theIsElemNames = MED_VRAI);
+ TCellInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theTEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theTGeom,
+ med_connectivite theTConn,
+ const TIntVector& theConnectivities,
+ const TIntVector& theFamilyNums,
+ const TIntVector& theElemNums,
+ const TStringVector& theElemNames = TStringVector());
+ med_entite_maillage myTEntity;
+ med_geometrie_element myTGeom;
+ med_connectivite myTConn;
+ med_int myConnDim;
+ TElemNum myConn;
+ };
+ struct TFieldInfo: TNameInfo{
+ TFieldInfo(const PMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_int theNbComp = 0,
+ med_type_champ theType = MED_REEL64,
+ const string& theValue = "");
+ PMeshInfo myMeshInfo;
+ med_type_champ myType;
+ med_int myNbComp;
+ TString myCompNames;
+ string GetCompName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetCompName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ TString myUnitNames;
+ string GetUnitName(med_int theId) const;
+ void SetUnitName(med_int theId, const string& theValue);
+ };
+ struct TTimeStampInfo{
+ TTimeStampInfo(const PFieldInfo& theFieldInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theEntity,
+ const TGeom& theGeom);
+ PFieldInfo myFieldInfo;
+ med_entite_maillage myEntity;
+ TGeom myGeom;
+ med_int myNbGauss, myNumDt, myNumOrd;
+ med_float myDt;
+ TString myUnitDt;
+ string GetUnitDt() const;
+ void SetUnitDt(const string& theValue);
+ };
+ typedef valarray<med_float> TValue;
+ typedef map<med_geometrie_element,TValue> TMeshValue;
+ struct TTimeStampVal{
+ TTimeStampVal(const PTimeStampInfo& theTimeStampInfo);
+ PTimeStampInfo myTimeStampInfo;
+ TMeshValue myMeshValue;
+ TString myPflName;
+ string GetPflName() const;
+ void SetPflName(const string& theValue);
+ };
--- /dev/null
+// VISU OBJECT : interactive object for VISU entities implementation
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File: VISUConvertor.cxx
+// Author: Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
+#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+void ReadMed(const char* theFileName){
+ using namespace MED;
+ TWrapper aMed(theFileName);
+ string aFileName = theFileName;
+ aFileName += "-";
+ TWrapper aMedW(aFileName);
+ int aNbMeshes = aMed.GetNbMeshes();
+ cout<<"GetNbMeshes() = "<<aNbMeshes<<endl;
+ string aName;
+ for(int iMesh = 0; iMesh < aNbMeshes; iMesh++){
+ PMeshInfo aMeshInfo(new TMeshInfo());
+ PMeshInfo aNewMeshInfo(new TMeshInfo());
+ aMed.GetMeshInfo(iMesh+1,*aMeshInfo);
+ int aDim = aMeshInfo->myDim;
+ aName = aMeshInfo->GetName();
+ cout<<"GetMeshInfo - aName = '"<<aName<<"'; aDim = "<<aDim<<endl;
+ *aNewMeshInfo = *aMeshInfo;
+ aName[0] += 1;
+ aNewMeshInfo->SetName(aName);
+ aMedW.SetMeshInfo(*aNewMeshInfo);
+ TEntityInfo aEntityInfo = aMed.GetEntityInfo(*aMeshInfo);
+ med_int aNbFields = aMed.GetNbFields();
+ cout<<"GetNbFields() = "<<aNbFields<<endl;
+ for(int iField = 0; iField < aNbFields; iField++){
+ med_int aNbComp = aMed.GetNbComp(iField+1);
+ PFieldInfo aFieldInfo(new TFieldInfo(aMeshInfo,aNbComp));
+ aMed.GetFieldInfo(iField+1,*aFieldInfo);
+ cout<<"\taName = '"<<aFieldInfo->GetName()<<"'; aNbComp = "<<aNbComp<<"; ";
+ aMedW.SetFieldInfo(*aFieldInfo);
+ med_entite_maillage anEntity;
+ TGeom aTGeom;
+ med_int aNbTimeStamps = aMed.GetNbTimeStamps(*aFieldInfo,aEntityInfo,
+ anEntity,aTGeom);
+ cout<<"GetNbTimeStamps = "<<aNbTimeStamps<<endl;
+ PTimeStampInfo aTimeStampInfo(new TTimeStampInfo(aFieldInfo,anEntity,aTGeom));
+ for(int iTimeStamp = 0; iTimeStamp < aNbTimeStamps; iTimeStamp++){
+ aMed.GetTimeStampInfo(iTimeStamp+1, *aTimeStampInfo);
+ TTimeStampVal aTimeStampVal(aTimeStampInfo);
+ aMed.GetTimeStampVal(aTimeStampVal);
+ aMedW.SetTimeStamp(aTimeStampVal);
+ TMeshValue& aMeshValue = aTimeStampVal.myMeshValue;
+ TMeshValue::iterator aMeshValueIter = aMeshValue.begin();
+ for(; aMeshValueIter != aMeshValue.end(); aMeshValueIter++){
+ med_geometrie_element aGeom = aMeshValueIter->first;
+ TValue aValue = aMeshValueIter->second;
+ cout<<"\t\taGeom = "<<aGeom<<"; aValue = "<<aValue.size()<<": ";
+ for(int i = 0, iEnd = aValue.size()/aNbComp; i < iEnd; i++){
+ for(int j = 0, ij = i*aNbComp; j < aNbComp; j++, ij++){
+ //cout<<aValue[ij]<<",";
+ }
+ //cout<<" ";
+ }
+ cout<<"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int aNbFam = aMed.GetNbFamilies(*aMeshInfo);
+ cout<<"GetNbFamilies() = "<<aNbFam<<endl;
+ for(int iFam = 0; iFam < aNbFam; iFam++){
+ int aNbAttr = aMed.GetNbFamAttr(iFam+1,*aMeshInfo);
+ int aNbGroup = aMed.GetNbFamGroup(iFam+1,*aMeshInfo);
+ PFamilyInfo aFamilyInfo(new TFamilyInfo(aMeshInfo,aNbGroup,aNbAttr));
+ aMed.GetFamilyInfo(iFam+1,*aFamilyInfo);
+ aName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
+ cout<<"\taName = '"<<aName<<"'; aNbAttr = "<<aNbAttr<<"; aNbGroup = "<<aNbGroup<<endl;
+ aName[0] += 1;
+ aFamilyInfo->SetName(aName);
+ aFamilyInfo->myMeshInfo = aNewMeshInfo;
+ aName = aFamilyInfo->GetName();
+ for(int iGroup = 0; iGroup < aNbGroup; iGroup++){
+ aName = aFamilyInfo->GetGroupName(iGroup);
+ cout<<"\t\taGroupName = '"<<aName<<"'\n";
+ aName[0] += 1;
+ aFamilyInfo->SetGroupName(iGroup,aName);
+ }
+ aMedW.SetFamilyInfo(*aFamilyInfo);
+ }
+ cout<<"GetEntityInfo - aNbEntities = "<<aEntityInfo.size()<<endl;
+ TEntityInfo::iterator anEntityInfoIter = aEntityInfo.begin();
+ for(; anEntityInfoIter != aEntityInfo.end(); anEntityInfoIter++){
+ const med_entite_maillage& anEntity = anEntityInfoIter->first;
+ cout<<"\tanEntity = "<<anEntity<<endl;
+ if(anEntity == MED_NOEUD){
+ int aNbNodes = aMed.GetNbNodes(*aMeshInfo);
+ PNodeInfo aNodeInfo(new TNodeInfo(aMeshInfo,aNbNodes));
+ aMed.GetNodeInfo(*aNodeInfo);
+ cout<<"\tGetNodeInfo - aNbNodes = "<<aNbNodes<<": ";
+ TNodeCoord& aCoord = aNodeInfo->myCoord;
+ for(int iNode = 0; iNode < aNbNodes; iNode++){
+ for(int iDim = 0, anId = iNode*aDim; iDim < aDim; iDim++, anId++){
+ //cout<<aCoord[anId]<<",";
+ aCoord[anId] += 1.0;
+ }
+ //cout<<" ";
+ }
+ cout<<endl;
+ aNodeInfo->myMeshInfo = aNewMeshInfo;
+ aMedW.SetNodeInfo(*aNodeInfo);
+ continue;
+ }
+ TGeom& aTGeom = anEntityInfoIter->second;
+ TGeom::iterator anTGeomIter = aTGeom.begin();
+ for(; anTGeomIter != aTGeom.end(); anTGeomIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeom = anTGeomIter->first;
+ med_int& aNbElem = anTGeomIter->second;
+ cout<<"\t\taGeom = "<<aGeom<<"; aNbElem = "<<aNbElem<<": ";
+ PCellInfo aCellInfo(new TCellInfo(aMeshInfo,aNbElem,anEntity,aGeom));
+ aMed.GetCellInfo(*aCellInfo);
+ for(int iElem = 0; iElem < aCellInfo->myNbElem; iElem++){
+ int i = iElem*aCellInfo->myConnDim;
+ for(int iConn = 0; iConn < aCellInfo->myConnDim; iConn++, i++){
+ //cout<<aCellInfo->myConn[i]<<",";
+ }
+ //cout<<" ";
+ }
+ cout<<endl;
+ aCellInfo->myMeshInfo = aNewMeshInfo;
+ aMedW.SetCellInfo(*aCellInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout<<"OK"<<endl;
+int main(int argc, char** argv){
+ try{
+ if(argc > 1)
+ ReadMed(argv[1]);
+ return 0;
+ }catch(std::exception& exc){
+ cout<<"Follow exception was accured :\n"<<exc.what()<<endl;
+ }catch(...){
+ cout<<"Unknown exception was accured in VISU_Convertor_impl"<<endl;
+ }
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.cxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+int MED::PrefixPrinter::myCounter = 0;
+ myCounter++;
+ myCounter--;
+string MED::PrefixPrinter::GetPrefix()
+ if(myCounter)
+ return string(myCounter*2,' ');
+ return "";
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef MED_Utilities_HeaderFile
+#define MED_Utilities_HeaderFile
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace MED{
+ using namespace std;
+ class PrefixPrinter{
+ static int myCounter;
+ public:
+ PrefixPrinter();
+ ~PrefixPrinter();
+ static string GetPrefix();
+ };
+#ifndef MESSAGE
+#define MESSAGE(msg) std::cout<<__FILE__<<"["<<__LINE__<<"]::"<<msg<<endl;
+#define BEGMSG(msg) std::cout<<MED::PrefixPrinter::GetPrefix()<<msg
+#define ADDMSG(msg) std::cout<<msg
+#ifndef EXCEPTION
+#define EXCEPTION(TYPE, MSG) {\
+ std::ostringstream aStream;\
+ aStream<<__FILE__<<"["<<__LINE__<<"]::"<<MSG;\
+ throw TYPE(aStream.str());\
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.cxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
+#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace MED;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+static med_geometrie_element NODEGEOM[1] = {MED_POINT1};
+static med_geometrie_element EDGEGEOM[MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_ARETE] = {
+static med_geometrie_element FACEGEOM[MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_FACE] = {
+static med_geometrie_element CELLGEOM[MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_MAILLE] = {
+void GetEntity2Geom(med_entite_maillage theEntity, med_geometrie_element*& theVector, int* theEnd){
+ switch(theEntity){
+ case MED_MAILLE: theVector = CELLGEOM; *theEnd = MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_MAILLE; break;
+ case MED_FACE: theVector = FACEGEOM; *theEnd = MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_FACE; break;
+ case MED_ARETE: theVector = EDGEGEOM; *theEnd = MED_NBR_GEOMETRIE_ARETE; break;
+ case MED_NOEUD: theVector = NODEGEOM; *theEnd = 1; break;
+ default:
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetEntity2Geom - theEntity == "<<theEntity<<" is uncorrect");
+ }
+TFile::TFile(const std::string& theFileName):
+ myFid(0),
+ myCount(0),
+ myFileName(strdup(theFileName.c_str()))
+ free(myFileName);
+ Close();
+void TFile::Open(med_mode_acces theMode){
+ if(myCount++ == 0){
+ myFid = MEDouvrir(myFileName,theMode);
+ if(myFid < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TFile - MEDouvrir('"<<myFileName<<"',"<<theMode<<")");
+ }
+void TFile::Close(){
+ if(--myCount == 0) {
+ MEDfermer(myFid);
+ }
+const med_idt& TFile::Id() const {
+ if(myFid < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"TFile - GetFid() < 0");
+ return myFid;
+TWrapper::TWrapper(const std::string& theFileName):
+ myFile(theFileName)
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbMeshes(){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ return MEDnMaa(myFile.Id());
+void TWrapper::GetMeshInfo(med_int theMeshId, TMeshInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ med_err ret = MEDmaaInfo(myFile.Id(),
+ theMeshId,
+ &theInfo.myName[0],
+ &theInfo.myDim);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetMeshInfo - MEDmaaInfo(...)");
+void TWrapper::SetMeshInfo(const TMeshInfo& theInfo){
+ med_err ret = -1;
+ try{
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_ECRI);
+ TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
+ ret = MEDmaaCr(myFile.Id(),
+ &anInfo.myName[0],
+ anInfo.myDim);
+ }catch(...){}
+ if(ret < 0){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_REMP);
+ TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
+ ret = MEDmaaCr(myFile.Id(),
+ &anInfo.myName[0],
+ anInfo.myDim);
+ }
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"SetMeshInfo - MEDmaaCr(...)");
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbFamilies(const TMeshInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
+ return MEDnFam(myFile.Id(),
+ &anInfo.myName[0],
+ 0,
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbFamAttr(med_int theFamId, const TMeshInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
+ return MEDnFam(myFile.Id(),
+ &anInfo.myName[0],
+ theFamId,
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbFamGroup(med_int theFamId, const TMeshInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TMeshInfo&>(theInfo);
+ return MEDnFam(myFile.Id(),
+ &anInfo.myName[0],
+ theFamId,
+void TWrapper::GetFamilyInfo(med_int theFamId, TFamilyInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ med_err ret = MEDfamInfo(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ theFamId,
+ &theInfo.myName[0],
+ &theInfo.myId,
+ &theInfo.myAttrId[0],
+ &theInfo.myAttrVal[0],
+ &theInfo.myAttrDesc[0],
+ &theInfo.myNbAttr,
+ &theInfo.myGroupNames[0],
+ &theInfo.myNbGroup);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetFamilyInfo - MEDfamInfo(...)");
+void TWrapper::SetFamilyInfo(const TFamilyInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_ECRI);
+ TFamilyInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TFamilyInfo&>(theInfo);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ med_err ret = MEDfamCr(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ &anInfo.myName[0],
+ anInfo.myId,
+ &anInfo.myAttrId[0],
+ &anInfo.myAttrVal[0],
+ &anInfo.myAttrDesc[0],
+ anInfo.myNbAttr,
+ &anInfo.myGroupNames[0],
+ anInfo.myNbGroup);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"SetFamilyInfo - MEDfamCr(...)");
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbNodes(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
+ return MEDnEntMaa(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ med_geometrie_element(0),
+ med_connectivite(0));
+void TWrapper::GetNodeInfo(TNodeInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ med_err ret = MEDnoeudsLire(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ aMeshInfo.myDim,
+ &theInfo.myCoord[0],
+ &theInfo.mySystem,
+ &theInfo.myCoordNames[0],
+ &theInfo.myCoordUnits[0],
+ &theInfo.myElemNames[0],
+ &theInfo.myIsElemNames,
+ &theInfo.myElemNum[0],
+ &theInfo.myIsElemNum,
+ &theInfo.myFamNum[0],
+ theInfo.myNbElem);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetNodeInfo - MEDnoeudsLire(...)");
+void TWrapper::SetNodeInfo(const TNodeInfo& theInfo)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_ECRI);
+ TNodeInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TNodeInfo&>(theInfo);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ med_err ret = MEDnoeudsEcr(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ aMeshInfo.myDim,
+ &anInfo.myCoord[0],
+ anInfo.mySystem,
+ &anInfo.myCoordNames[0],
+ &anInfo.myCoordUnits[0],
+ &anInfo.myElemNames[0],
+ anInfo.myIsElemNames,
+ &anInfo.myElemNum[0],
+ anInfo.myIsElemNum,
+ &anInfo.myFamNum[0],
+ anInfo.myNbElem,
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"SetNodeInfo - MEDnoeudsEcr(...)");
+TEntityInfo TWrapper::GetEntityInfo(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TEntityInfo anInfo;
+ if(med_int aNbElem = GetNbNodes(theMeshInfo)){
+ anInfo[MED_NOEUD][MED_POINT1] = aNbElem;
+ med_entite_maillage anEntityVector[3] = {MED_MAILLE, MED_FACE, MED_ARETE};
+ for(med_int iEntity = 0; iEntity < 3; iEntity++){
+ med_int iGeomEnd;
+ med_entite_maillage& anEntity = anEntityVector[iEntity];
+ med_geometrie_element* aGeomVector;
+ GetEntity2Geom(anEntity,aGeomVector,&iGeomEnd);
+ for(med_int iGeom = 0; iGeom < iGeomEnd; iGeom++) {
+ med_geometrie_element& aGeom = aGeomVector[iGeom];
+ if(med_int aNb = GetNbCells(theMeshInfo,anEntity,aGeom)){
+ anInfo[anEntity][aGeom] = aNb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return anInfo;
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbCells(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage theTEntity,
+ med_geometrie_element theTGeom,
+ med_connectivite theTConn)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = const_cast<TMeshInfo&>(theMeshInfo);
+ return MEDnEntMaa(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ theTEntity,
+ theTGeom,
+ theTConn);
+void TWrapper::GetCellInfo(TCellInfo& theInfo)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *theInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ med_int aNbElem = theInfo.myElemNum.size();
+ med_err ret = MEDelementsLire(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ aMeshInfo.myDim,
+ &theInfo.myConn[0],
+ &theInfo.myElemNames[0],
+ &theInfo.myIsElemNames,
+ &theInfo.myElemNum[0],
+ &theInfo.myIsElemNum,
+ &theInfo.myFamNum[0],
+ aNbElem,
+ theInfo.myTEntity,
+ theInfo.myTGeom,
+ theInfo.myTConn);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetCellInfo - MEDelementsLire(...)");
+void TWrapper::SetCellInfo(const TCellInfo& theInfo)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_ECRI);
+ TCellInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TCellInfo&>(theInfo);
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *anInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ med_int aNbElem = anInfo.myElemNum.size();
+ med_err ret = MEDelementsEcr(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ aMeshInfo.myDim,
+ &anInfo.myConn[0],
+ &anInfo.myElemNames[0],
+ anInfo.myIsElemNames,
+ &anInfo.myElemNum[0],
+ anInfo.myIsElemNum,
+ &anInfo.myFamNum[0],
+ anInfo.myNbElem,
+ anInfo.myTEntity,
+ anInfo.myTGeom,
+ anInfo.myTConn,
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetCellInfo - MEDelementsLire(...)");
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbFields(){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ return MEDnChamp(myFile.Id(),0);
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbComp(med_int theFieldId){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ return MEDnChamp(myFile.Id(),theFieldId);
+void TWrapper::GetFieldInfo(med_int theFieldId, TFieldInfo& theInfo){
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ med_err ret = MEDchampInfo(myFile.Id(),
+ theFieldId,
+ &theInfo.myName[0],
+ &theInfo.myType,
+ &theInfo.myCompNames[0],
+ &theInfo.myUnitNames[0],
+ theInfo.myNbComp);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetFieldInfo - MEDchampInfo(...)");
+void TWrapper::SetFieldInfo(const TFieldInfo& theInfo)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_ECRI);
+ TFieldInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TFieldInfo&>(theInfo);
+ med_err ret = MEDchampCr(myFile.Id(),
+ &anInfo.myName[0],
+ anInfo.myType,
+ &anInfo.myCompNames[0],
+ &anInfo.myUnitNames[0],
+ anInfo.myNbComp);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"SetFieldInfo - MEDchampEcr(...)");
+med_int TWrapper::GetNbTimeStamps(const TFieldInfo& theInfo,
+ const TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage& theEntity,
+ TGeom& theGeom)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ if(theEntityInfo.empty())
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetNbTimeStamps - There is no any Entity on the Mesh");
+ theGeom.clear();
+ med_int aNbTimeStamps = 0;
+ TFieldInfo& anInfo = const_cast<TFieldInfo&>(theInfo);
+ TEntityInfo::const_iterator anIter = theEntityInfo.begin();
+ for(; anIter != theEntityInfo.end(); anIter++){
+ const med_entite_maillage& anEntity = anIter->first;
+ const TGeom& aTGeom = anIter->second;
+ TGeom::const_iterator anGeomIter = aTGeom.begin();
+ for(; anGeomIter != aTGeom.end(); anGeomIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeom = anGeomIter->first;
+ aNbTimeStamps = MEDnPasdetemps(myFile.Id(),&anInfo.myName[0],anEntity,aGeom);
+ if(aNbTimeStamps){
+ theEntity = anEntity;
+ theGeom[aGeom] = anGeomIter->second;
+ }
+ }
+ if(aNbTimeStamps) break;
+ }
+ return aNbTimeStamps;
+void TWrapper::GetTimeStampInfo(med_int theTimeStampId, TTimeStampInfo& theInfo)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ med_idt anId = myFile.Id();
+ TFieldInfo& aFieldInfo = *theInfo.myFieldInfo;
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *aFieldInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ med_entite_maillage anEntity = theInfo.myEntity;
+ TGeom& aTGeom = theInfo.myGeom;
+ if(aTGeom.empty())
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetTimeStampInfo - There is no any cell");
+ TGeom::iterator anIter = aTGeom.begin();
+ med_geometrie_element aGeom = anIter->first;
+ med_err ret = MEDpasdetempsInfo(anId,
+ &aFieldInfo.myName[0],
+ anEntity,
+ aGeom,
+ theTimeStampId,
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ &theInfo.myNbGauss,
+ &theInfo.myNumDt,
+ &theInfo.myUnitDt[0],
+ &theInfo.myDt,
+ &theInfo.myNumOrd);
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetTimeStampInfo - MEDpasdetempsInfo(...)");
+ static med_int MAX_NB_GAUSS_POINTS = 32;
+ if(theInfo.myNbGauss > MAX_NB_GAUSS_POINTS)
+ theInfo.myNbGauss = 1;
+void TWrapper::SetTimeStamp(const TTimeStampVal& theVal)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_ECRI);
+ TTimeStampVal& aVal = const_cast<TTimeStampVal&>(theVal);
+ TTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = *aVal.myTimeStampInfo;
+ TFieldInfo& aFieldInfo = *aTimeStampInfo.myFieldInfo;
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *aFieldInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ TMeshValue& aMeshValue = aVal.myMeshValue;
+ med_entite_maillage anEntity = aTimeStampInfo.myEntity;
+ TMeshValue::iterator anIter = aMeshValue.begin();
+ for(; anIter != aMeshValue.end(); anIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeom = anIter->first;
+ TValue& aValue = aVal.myMeshValue[aGeom];
+ med_int iEnd = aValue.size();
+ med_int aNbVal = iEnd / aFieldInfo.myNbComp;
+ med_err ret;
+ switch(aFieldInfo.myType){
+ case MED_REEL64: {
+ valarray<med_float>& anArray = aValue;
+ ret = MEDchampEcr(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ &aFieldInfo.myName[0],
+ (unsigned char*)&anArray[0],
+ aNbVal,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNbGauss,
+ &aVal.myPflName[0],
+ anEntity,
+ aGeom,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumDt,
+ &aTimeStampInfo.myUnitDt[0],
+ aTimeStampInfo.myDt,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumOrd);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MED_INT32:
+ case MED_INT: {
+ valarray<med_int> anArray(iEnd);
+ for(med_int i = 0; i< iEnd; i++) anArray[i] = med_int(aValue[i]);
+ ret = MEDchampEcr(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ &aFieldInfo.myName[0],
+ (unsigned char*)&anArray[0],
+ aNbVal,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNbGauss,
+ &aVal.myPflName[0],
+ anEntity,
+ aGeom,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumDt,
+ &aTimeStampInfo.myUnitDt[0],
+ aTimeStampInfo.myDt,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumOrd);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"SetTimeStamp - Type of the field == "<<aFieldInfo.myType<<" is wrong");
+ }
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"SetTimeStamp - MEDchampEcr(...)");
+ }
+void TWrapper::GetTimeStampVal(TTimeStampVal& theVal)
+ TFileWrapper aFileWrapper(myFile,MED_LECT);
+ med_idt anId = myFile.Id();
+ TTimeStampInfo& aTimeStampInfo = *theVal.myTimeStampInfo;
+ TFieldInfo& aFieldInfo = *aTimeStampInfo.myFieldInfo;
+ TMeshInfo& aMeshInfo = *aFieldInfo.myMeshInfo;
+ TMeshValue& aMeshValue = theVal.myMeshValue;
+ med_entite_maillage anEntity = aTimeStampInfo.myEntity;
+ TGeom& aTGeom = aTimeStampInfo.myGeom;
+ TGeom::iterator anIter = aTGeom.begin();
+ for(; anIter != aTGeom.end(); anIter++){
+ const med_geometrie_element& aGeom = anIter->first;
+ med_int aNbVal = MEDnVal(anId,&aFieldInfo.myName[0],anEntity,aGeom,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumDt,aTimeStampInfo.myNumOrd);
+ if(aNbVal <= 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetTimeStampInfo - MEDnVal(...) - aNbVal == "<<aNbVal<<" <= 0");
+ TValue& aValue = theVal.myMeshValue[aGeom];
+ med_int iEnd = aNbVal * aFieldInfo.myNbComp;
+ if(iEnd != aValue.size())
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetTimeStampInfo - iEnd == "<<iEnd<<" != aValue.size() == "<<aValue.size());
+ med_err ret;
+ switch(aFieldInfo.myType){
+ case MED_REEL64: {
+ valarray<med_float> anArray(iEnd);
+ ret = MEDchampLire(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ &aFieldInfo.myName[0],
+ (unsigned char*)&anArray[0],
+ &theVal.myPflName[0],
+ anEntity,
+ aGeom,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumDt,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumOrd);
+ if(ret >= 0)
+ for(med_int i = 0; i < iEnd; i++) aValue[i] = anArray[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ case MED_INT32:
+ case MED_INT: {
+ valarray<med_int> anArray(iEnd);
+ ret = MEDchampLire(myFile.Id(),
+ &aMeshInfo.myName[0],
+ &aFieldInfo.myName[0],
+ (unsigned char*)&anArray[0],
+ &theVal.myPflName[0],
+ anEntity,
+ aGeom,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumDt,
+ aTimeStampInfo.myNumOrd);
+ if(ret >= 0)
+ for(med_int i = 0; i < iEnd; i++) aValue[i] = anArray[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetValTimeStamp - Type of the field == "<<aFieldInfo.myType<<" is wrong");
+ }
+ if(ret < 0)
+ EXCEPTION(runtime_error,"GetValTimeStamp - MEDchampLire(...)");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+// File : VISU_DatConvertor.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef MED_Wrapper_HeaderFile
+#define MED_Wrapper_HeaderFile
+extern "C"{
+#include <med.h>
+#include "MED_Structures.hxx"
+namespace MED{
+ class TFile{
+ TFile();
+ TFile(const TFile&);
+ public:
+ TFile(const string& theFileName);
+ ~TFile();
+ void Open(med_mode_acces theMode);
+ const med_idt& Id() const;
+ void Close();
+ protected:
+ char* myFileName;
+ med_idt myFid;
+ int myCount;
+ };
+ class TFileWrapper{
+ TFile& myFile;
+ public:
+ TFileWrapper(TFile& theFile, med_mode_acces theMode):
+ myFile(theFile)
+ {
+ myFile.Open(theMode);
+ }
+ ~TFileWrapper(){
+ myFile.Close();
+ }
+ };
+ class TWrapper{
+ TWrapper();
+ TWrapper(const TWrapper&);
+ public:
+ TWrapper(const string& theFileName);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ med_int GetNbMeshes();
+ void GetMeshInfo(med_int theMeshId, TMeshInfo&);
+ void SetMeshInfo(const TMeshInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ med_int GetNbFamilies(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ med_int GetNbFamAttr(med_int theFamId, const TMeshInfo& theInfo);
+ med_int GetNbFamGroup(med_int theFamId, const TMeshInfo& theInfo);
+ void GetFamilyInfo(med_int theFamId, TFamilyInfo& theInfo);
+ void SetFamilyInfo(const TFamilyInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ med_int GetNbNodes(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ void GetNodeInfo(TNodeInfo&);
+ void SetNodeInfo(const TNodeInfo&);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ TEntityInfo GetEntityInfo(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo);
+ med_int GetNbCells(const TMeshInfo& theMeshInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage,
+ med_geometrie_element,
+ med_connectivite theTConn = MED_NOD);
+ void GetCellInfo(TCellInfo& theInfo);
+ void SetCellInfo(const TCellInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ med_int GetNbFields();
+ med_int GetNbComp(med_int theFieldId);
+ void GetFieldInfo(med_int theFieldId, TFieldInfo& theInfo);
+ void SetFieldInfo(const TFieldInfo& theInfo);
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ med_int GetNbTimeStamps(const TFieldInfo& theInfo,
+ const TEntityInfo& theEntityInfo,
+ med_entite_maillage& theEntity,
+ TGeom& theGeom);
+ void GetTimeStampInfo(med_int theTimeStampId, TTimeStampInfo&);
+ void GetTimeStampVal(TTimeStampVal& theTimeStampVal);
+ void SetTimeStamp(const TTimeStampVal& theTimeStampVal);
+ protected:
+ TFile myFile;
+ };
--- /dev/null
+# VISU OBJECT : interactive object for VISU entities implementation
+# Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+# File : Makefile.in
+# Module : VISU
+EXPORT_HEADERS = MED_Common.hxx MED_Utilities.hxx MEDA_Structures.hxx MEDA_Wrapper.hxx MEDA_Algorithm.hxx
+# Libraries targets
+LIB = libMEDWrapper.la
+LIB_SRC = MED_Structures.cxx MED_Wrapper.cxx MED_Utilities.cxx \
+ MEDA_Structures.cxx MEDA_Wrapper.cxx MEDA_Algorithm.cxx
+# Executables targets
+BIN = MED_Test MEDA_Test MEDA_Test1
--- /dev/null
+// KERNEL Utils : common utils for KERNEL
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : Utils_CatchSignals.cxx
+// Author : Oksana Tchebanova
+// Module : KERNEL
+// $Header:
+#include "Utils_CatchSignals.h"
+#include "utilities.h"
+#include <stdexcept>
+#define RESERVE_SIZE 100000
+static void* theCallBack = NULL;
+static int *myReserve = NULL;
+using namespace std;
+//function : Utils_CatchSignals
+//purpose : Constructor
+ :myIsActivated(false)
+ for(int i = 0; i<SIG_MAX_NUM; i++)
+ mySigStates[i] = NULL;
+ theCallBack = NULL;
+#ifndef WNT
+//================================ UNIX part ==================================================
+typedef void (ACT_SIGIO_HANDLER)(void) ;
+typedef void (* SIG_PFV) (int);
+#ifdef SUN
+# include <floatingpoint.h>
+#ifdef SOLARIS
+# include <floatingpoint.h>
+# include <sys/machsig.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/signal.h>
+#ifdef LIN
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <stdio.h>
+# ifdef SA_SIGINFO
+# ifndef AIX
+# include <bits/siginfo.h>
+# endif
+# endif
+#ifdef IRIX
+# include <sigfpe.h>
+# include <sys/siginfo.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+//function : Handler
+//purpose : univisal handler for signals
+static void Handler(const int theSig )
+ if (myReserve) {
+ delete myReserve;
+ myReserve = NULL;
+ }
+ char aMessage[1000];
+ sprintf (aMessage, "%d signal cautch : %s", theSig, strsignal(theSig));
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ MESSAGE("Utils_CatchSignal Handler :: " << aMessage );
+ if(theCallBack == NULL) {
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ MESSAGE("Utils_CatchSignal Handler : throw std::runtime_error()");
+ throw (std::runtime_error(aMessage));
+ }
+ else ((void (*)())theCallBack)();
+//function : TryHandlerReset
+//purpose : Redefine signal handlers. If the handler of the signal is
+// set as SIG_IGN. That's why the shells often ignore some
+// signal when starting child processes. We keep it.
+static SIG_PFV TryHandlerReset( int theSigNum )
+ if (signal(theSigNum, (SIG_PFV) &Handler) == SIG_IGN)
+ {
+ signal(theSigNum, SIG_IGN);
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ MESSAGE("signal "<<theSigNum <<" is kept as ignored");
+ return SIG_IGN;
+ }
+ else return signal(theSigNum, (SIG_PFV) &Handler);
+//function : Activate
+//purpose :
+void Utils_CatchSignals::Activate()
+ if(myIsActivated) return;
+ if (myReserve) delete myReserve;
+ myReserve = new int[RESERVE_SIZE];
+ mySigStates[0] = TryHandlerReset(SIGHUP); // ...... floating point exception
+ mySigStates[1] = TryHandlerReset(SIGFPE); // ...... floating point exception
+ mySigStates[2] = TryHandlerReset(SIGINT); // ...... interrupt
+ mySigStates[3] = TryHandlerReset(SIGQUIT); // ...... quit
+ mySigStates[4] = TryHandlerReset(SIGBUS); // ...... bus error
+ mySigStates[5] = TryHandlerReset(SIGILL); // ...... illegal instruction
+ mySigStates[6] = TryHandlerReset(SIGTERM); // ...... termination
+ mySigStates[7] = TryHandlerReset(SIGSEGV); // ...... segmentation
+ //mySigStates[8] = TryHandlerReset (SIGABRT); // ...... abort (ANSI).
+ mySigStates[9] = TryHandlerReset(SIGSTKFLT);// ...... stack fault.
+ myIsActivated = true;
+//function : Deactivate
+//purpose :
+void Utils_CatchSignals::Deactivate()
+ if(!myIsActivated) return;
+ signal(SIGHUP, (SIG_PFV)mySigStates[0]); // ...... hangup
+ signal(SIGFPE, (SIG_PFV)mySigStates[1]); // ...... floating point exception
+ signal(SIGINT, (SIG_PFV)mySigStates[2]); // ...... interrupt
+ signal(SIGQUIT,(SIG_PFV)mySigStates[3]); // ...... quit
+ signal(SIGBUS, (SIG_PFV)mySigStates[4]); // ...... bus error
+ signal(SIGILL, (SIG_PFV)mySigStates[5]); // ...... illegal instruction
+ signal(SIGTERM,(SIG_PFV)mySigStates[6]); // ...... illegal instruction
+ signal(SIGSEGV,(SIG_PFV)mySigStates[7]); // ...... segmentation violation
+ //signal(SIGABRT,(SIG_PFV)mySigStates[8] ); // ...... abort (ANSI).
+ signal(SIGSTKFLT,(SIG_PFV)mySigStates[9]); // ...... stack fault.
+ myIsActivated = false;
+ delete myReserve;
+ myReserve = NULL;
+#endif // ifndef WNT
+//function : SetCallBack
+//purpose : Sets pointer to (void (*)()
+void Utils_CatchSignals::SetCallBack(const int theAddressHiPart,
+ const int theAddressLowPart)
+ theCallBack = (void *)((theAddressHiPart << 32 ) + theAddressLowPart);
+//function : UnsetCallBack
+//purpose :
+void Utils_CatchSignals::UnsetCallBack()
+ theCallBack = NULL;
+//function : Destroy
+//purpose :
+void Utils_CatchSignals::Destroy()
+ if(myIsActivated) Deactivate();
+bool Utils_CatchSignals::ReserveMemory()
+ if (!myReserve) myReserve = new int [RESERVE_SIZE];
+ return true;
+void Utils_CatchSignals::FreeReserved()
+ if (myReserve)
+ {delete myReserve ; myReserve = NULL;}
--- /dev/null
+// KERNEL Utils : common utils for KERNEL
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : Utils_CatchSignals.h
+// Author : Oksana Tchebanova
+// Module : KERNEL
+// $Header:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define SIG_MAX_NUM 11
+typedef void (* SIG_PFV) (int);
+class Utils_CatchSignals {
+ public:
+ Utils_CatchSignals();
+ void Destroy() ;
+ ~Utils_CatchSignals()
+ {
+ Destroy();
+ }
+ static void SetCallBack(const int theAddressHiPart,const int theAddressLowPart) ;
+ static void UnsetCallBack() ;
+ void Activate();
+ void Deactivate() ;
+ bool ReserveMemory();
+ void FreeReserved();
+ SIG_PFV mySigStates[SIG_MAX_NUM];
+ int myFloatOpWord;
+ bool myIsActivated;
--- /dev/null
+// File: Utils_ExceptHandler.cxx
+// Created: Mon Mar 15 10:23:41 2004
+// Author: Oksana TCHEBANOVA
+// <ota@localhost.localdomain>
+#include <Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx>
+#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
+#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
+#include <SALOMEconfig.h>
+void SalomeException ()
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Salome Exception");
+void SALOME_SalomeException() {
--- /dev/null
+// KERNEL Utils : common utils for KERNEL
+// Copyright (C) 2003 CEA
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx
+// Author : Oksana Tchebanova
+// Module : KERNEL
+// $Header:
+#ifndef Utils_ExceptHandlers_HeaderFile
+#define Utils_ExceptHandlers_HeaderFile
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <utilities.h>
+typedef void (*PVF)();
+class Unexpect { //save / retrieve unexpected exceptions treatment
+ PVF old;
+ public :
+ Unexpect( PVF f )
+ { old = set_unexpected(f); }
+ ~Unexpect() { set_unexpected(old); }
+class Terminate {//save / retrieve terminate function
+ PVF old;
+ public :
+ Terminate( PVF f )
+ { old = set_terminate(f); }
+ ~Terminate() { set_terminate(old); }
+#define UNEXPECT_CATCH(FuncName, ExceptionConstructor) \
+void FuncName () {\
+ throw ExceptionConstructor (); \
+//Example of the usage
+// void DTC_NotFound () {
+// throw (SALOME_DataTypeCatalog::NotFound());
+// }
+// or the same :
+// UNEXPECT_CATCH( DTC_NotFound , SALOME_DataTypeCatalog::NotFound)
+// in the function body :
+// ....
+// Unexpect aCatch(DTC_NotFound) // redefinition of the unexpect exceptions handler
+// ....
+//Definitions :
+extern void SalomeException();
+extern void SALOME_SalomeException();
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File: VISU_ExtractUnstructuredGrid.cxx
+// Author: Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#include "SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid.h"
+#include "utilities.h"
+#include <vtkUnsignedCharArray.h>
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+#include <vtkIntArray.h>
+#include <vtkIdList.h>
+#include <vtkCell.h>
+using namespace std;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+ myExtractionMode(eCells), myChangeMode(ePassAll)
+void SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::RegisterCell(vtkIdType theCellId){
+ if(0 && MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("RegisterCell - theCellId = "<<theCellId);
+ myCellIds.insert(theCellId);
+ Modified();
+void SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::RegisterCellsWithType(vtkIdType theCellType){
+ if(0 && MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("RegisterCellsWithType - theCellType = "<<theCellType);
+ myCellTypes.insert(theCellType);
+ Modified();
+void SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::SetStoreMapping(int theStoreMapping){
+ myStoreMapping = theStoreMapping;
+ this->Modified();
+vtkIdType SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::GetOutId(int theOutId) const{
+ if(myCellIds.empty() && myCellTypes.empty()) return theOutId;
+ if(myOut2InId.empty() || theOutId > myOut2InId.size()) return -1;
+ return myOut2InId.at(theOutId);
+vtkIdType SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::GetInId(int theInId) const{
+ if(myCellIds.empty() && myCellTypes.empty()) return theInId;
+ TMapId::const_iterator anIter = myIn2OutId.find(theInId);
+ if(anIter == myIn2OutId.end()) return -1;
+ return anIter->second;
+inline void InsertCell(vtkUnstructuredGrid *theInput,
+ vtkCellArray *theConnectivity,
+ vtkUnsignedCharArray* theCellTypesArray,
+ vtkIdType theCellId,
+ vtkIdList *theIdList,
+ bool theStoreMapping,
+ vtkIdType theOutId,
+ SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::TVectorId& theOut2InId,
+ SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::TMapId& theIn2OutId)
+ vtkCell *aCell = theInput->GetCell(theCellId);
+ vtkIdList *aPntIds = aCell->GetPointIds();
+ vtkIdType aNbIds = aPntIds->GetNumberOfIds();
+ theIdList->SetNumberOfIds(aNbIds);
+ for(vtkIdType i = 0; i < aNbIds; i++){
+ theIdList->SetId(i,aPntIds->GetId(i));
+ }
+ theConnectivity->InsertNextCell(theIdList);
+ vtkIdType aCellType = aCell->GetCellType();
+ theCellTypesArray->InsertNextValue(aCellType);
+ if(theStoreMapping){
+ theOut2InId.push_back(theCellId);
+ theIn2OutId[theCellId] = theOutId;
+ }
+inline void InsertPointCell(vtkCellArray *theConnectivity,
+ vtkUnsignedCharArray* theCellTypesArray,
+ vtkIdType theCellId,
+ vtkIdList *theIdList,
+ bool theStoreMapping,
+ vtkIdType theOutId,
+ SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::TVectorId& theOut2InId,
+ SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::TMapId& theIn2OutId)
+ theIdList->SetId(0,theCellId);
+ theConnectivity->InsertNextCell(theIdList);
+ theCellTypesArray->InsertNextValue(VTK_VERTEX);
+ if(theStoreMapping){
+ theOut2InId.push_back(theCellId);
+ theIn2OutId[theCellId] = theOutId;
+ }
+void SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::Execute(){
+ vtkUnstructuredGrid *anInput = this->GetInput();
+ vtkUnstructuredGrid *anOutput = this->GetOutput();
+ myOut2InId.clear(); myIn2OutId.clear();
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("Execute - anInput->GetNumberOfCells() = "<<anInput->GetNumberOfCells());
+ MESSAGE("Execute - myCellTypes.size() = "<<myCellTypes.size());
+ MESSAGE("Execute - myCellIds.size() = "<<myCellIds.size());
+ MESSAGE("Execute - myExtractionMode = "<<myExtractionMode);
+ MESSAGE("Execute - myChangeMode = "<<myChangeMode);
+ }
+ if(myExtractionMode == eCells){
+ if(myChangeMode == ePassAll || myCellIds.empty() && myCellTypes.empty() && myChangeMode == eRemoving){
+ if(vtkIdType aNbElems = anInput->GetNumberOfCells()){
+ if(myStoreMapping) myOut2InId.reserve(aNbElems);
+ anOutput->ShallowCopy(anInput);
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ if(myStoreMapping){
+ myOut2InId.push_back(aCellId);
+ myIn2OutId[aCellId] = anOutId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ vtkIdList *anIdList = vtkIdList::New();
+ vtkCellArray *aConnectivity = vtkCellArray::New();
+ vtkIdType aNbElems = anInput->GetNumberOfCells();
+ aConnectivity->Allocate(2*aNbElems,0);
+ vtkUnsignedCharArray* aCellTypesArray = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New();
+ aCellTypesArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ aCellTypesArray->Allocate(aNbElems*aCellTypesArray->GetNumberOfComponents());
+ if(!myCellIds.empty() && myCellTypes.empty()){
+ if(myStoreMapping) myOut2InId.reserve(myCellIds.size());
+ if(myChangeMode == eAdding){
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) != myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertCell(anInput,aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) == myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertCell(anInput,aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(myCellIds.empty() && !myCellTypes.empty()){
+ if(myChangeMode == eAdding){
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) != myCellTypes.end()){
+ InsertCell(anInput,aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) == myCellTypes.end()){
+ InsertCell(anInput,aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(!myCellIds.empty() && !myCellTypes.empty()){
+ if(myChangeMode == eAdding){
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) != myCellTypes.end()){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) != myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertCell(anInput,aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) == myCellTypes.end()){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) == myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertCell(anInput,aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(aNbElems = aConnectivity->GetNumberOfCells()){
+ vtkIntArray* aCellLocationsArray = vtkIntArray::New();
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetNumberOfTuples(aNbElems);
+ aConnectivity->InitTraversal();
+ for(vtkIdType i = 0, *pts, npts; aConnectivity->GetNextCell(npts,pts); i++){
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetValue(i,aConnectivity->GetTraversalLocation(npts));
+ }
+ anOutput->SetCells(aCellTypesArray,aCellLocationsArray,aConnectivity);
+ anOutput->SetPoints(anInput->GetPoints());
+ aCellLocationsArray->Delete();
+ }
+ aCellTypesArray->Delete();
+ aConnectivity->Delete();
+ anIdList->Delete();
+ }
+ }else{
+ vtkIdList *anIdList = vtkIdList::New();
+ anIdList->SetNumberOfIds(1);
+ vtkCellArray *aConnectivity = vtkCellArray::New();
+ vtkIdType aNbElems = anInput->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ aConnectivity->Allocate(2*aNbElems,0);
+ vtkUnsignedCharArray* aCellTypesArray = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New();
+ aCellTypesArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ aCellTypesArray->Allocate(aNbElems*aCellTypesArray->GetNumberOfComponents());
+ if(myChangeMode == ePassAll || myCellIds.empty() && myCellTypes.empty() && myChangeMode == eRemoving){
+ if(myStoreMapping) myOut2InId.reserve(aNbElems);
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ InsertPointCell(aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }else if(!myCellIds.empty() && myCellTypes.empty()){
+ if(myStoreMapping) myOut2InId.reserve(myCellIds.size());
+ if(myChangeMode == eAdding){
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) != myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertPointCell(aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) == myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertPointCell(aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(myCellIds.empty() && !myCellTypes.empty()){
+ if(myChangeMode == eAdding){
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) != myCellTypes.end()){
+ InsertPointCell(aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) == myCellTypes.end()){
+ InsertPointCell(aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(!myCellIds.empty() && !myCellTypes.empty()){
+ if(myChangeMode == eAdding){
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) != myCellTypes.end()){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) != myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertPointCell(aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for(vtkIdType aCellId = 0, anOutId = 0; aCellId < aNbElems; aCellId++,anOutId++){
+ vtkIdType aType = anInput->GetCellType(aCellId);
+ if(myCellTypes.find(aType) == myCellTypes.end()){
+ if(myCellIds.find(aCellId) == myCellIds.end()){
+ InsertPointCell(aConnectivity,aCellTypesArray,aCellId,anIdList,
+ myStoreMapping,anOutId,myOut2InId,myIn2OutId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(aNbElems = aConnectivity->GetNumberOfCells()){
+ vtkIntArray* aCellLocationsArray = vtkIntArray::New();
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetNumberOfTuples(aNbElems);
+ aConnectivity->InitTraversal();
+ for(vtkIdType i = 0, *pts, npts; aConnectivity->GetNextCell(npts,pts); i++){
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetValue(i,aConnectivity->GetTraversalLocation(npts));
+ }
+ anOutput->SetCells(aCellTypesArray,aCellLocationsArray,aConnectivity);
+ anOutput->SetPoints(anInput->GetPoints());
+ aCellLocationsArray->Delete();
+ }
+ aCellTypesArray->Delete();
+ aConnectivity->Delete();
+ anIdList->Delete();
+ }
+ if(MYDEBUG){
+ MESSAGE("Execute - anOutput->GetNumberOfCells() = "<<anOutput->GetNumberOfCells());
+ if(myStoreMapping){
+ MESSAGE("Execute - myOut2InId.size() = "<<myOut2InId.size());
+ MESSAGE("Execute - myIn2OutId.size() = "<<myIn2OutId.size());
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid.hxx
+// Author : Alexey PETROV
+// Module : VISU
+#ifndef SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid_HeaderFile
+#define SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid_HeaderFile
+#include <vtkUnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter.h>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+class SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid : public vtkUnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter{
+ vtkTypeMacro(SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid,vtkUnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter);
+ // Description:
+ // Construct with all types of clipping turned off.
+ static SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid *New();
+ enum EExtraction{ eCells, ePoints};
+ void SetModeOfExtraction(EExtraction theExtractionMode){
+ myExtractionMode = theExtractionMode; Modified();
+ }
+ EExtraction GetModeOfExtraction(){ return myExtractionMode;}
+ enum EChanging{ ePassAll, eAdding, eRemoving};
+ void SetModeOfChanging(EChanging theChangeMode){
+ myChangeMode = theChangeMode;
+ Modified();
+ }
+ EChanging GetModeOfChanging(){ return myChangeMode;}
+ // Remove the cell from the output
+ void RegisterCell(vtkIdType theCellId);
+ int IsCellsRegistered() { return !myCellIds.empty();}
+ int ClearRegisteredCells() {
+ myCellIds.clear();
+ Modified();
+ }
+ // Remove every cells with the type from the output
+ void RegisterCellsWithType(vtkIdType theCellType);
+ int IsCellsWithTypeRegistered() { return !myCellTypes.empty();}
+ int ClearRegisteredCellsWithType() {
+ myCellTypes.clear();
+ Modified();
+ }
+ // Do the filter do some real work
+ int IsChanging() { return IsCellsRegistered() || IsCellsWithTypeRegistered();}
+ // Do it keep the mapping between input's and output's UnstructuredGrid
+ void SetStoreMapping(int theStoreMapping);
+ int GetStoreMapping(){ return myStoreMapping;}
+ vtkIdType GetOutId(int theOutId) const;
+ vtkIdType GetInId(int theInId) const;
+ typedef std::vector<vtkIdType> TVectorId;
+ typedef std::map<vtkIdType,vtkIdType> TMapId;
+ SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid();
+ ~SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid();
+ void Execute();
+ EExtraction myExtractionMode;
+ EChanging myChangeMode;
+ typedef std::set<vtkIdType> TSetId;
+ TSetId myCellIds;
+ TSetId myCellTypes;
+ bool myStoreMapping;
+ TVectorId myOut2InId;
+ TMapId myIn2OutId;
+ SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid(const SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid&); // Not implemented.
+ void operator=(const SALOME_ExtractUnstructuredGrid&); // Not implemented.
--- /dev/null
+// SALOME VTKViewer : build VTK viewer into Salome desktop
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : VTKViewer_CellRectPicker.cxx
+// Author : Natalia KOPNOVA
+// Module : SALOME
+#include <VTKViewer_CellRectPicker.h>
+#include "vtkGenericCell.h"
+#include "vtkAssemblyNode.h"
+#include "vtkAssemblyPath.h"
+#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
+#include "vtkMapper.h"
+#include "vtkVolumeMapper.h"
+#include "vtkMath.h"
+#include "vtkLine.h"
+#include "vtkQuad.h"
+#include "vtkPoints.h"
+#include "vtkPlane.h"
+#include "vtkActor.h"
+using namespace std;
+ this->Cell = vtkGenericCell::New();
+ this->Quad1 = vtkQuad::New();
+ this->Quad2 = vtkQuad::New();
+ this->Cell->Delete();
+ this->Quad1->Delete();
+ this->Quad2->Delete();
+void VTKViewer_CellRectPicker::Initialize()
+ ActorData.clear();
+ this->VTKViewer_RectPicker::Initialize();
+float VTKViewer_CellRectPicker::IntersectWithHex(float p1[4][4], float p2[4][4], float tol,
+ vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *prop3D,
+ vtkAbstractMapper3D *m)
+ vtkDataSet *input;
+ vtkMapper *mapper;
+ vtkVolumeMapper *volumeMapper;
+ // Get the underlying dataset
+ if ( (mapper=vtkMapper::SafeDownCast(m)) != NULL ) {
+ input = mapper->GetInput();
+ }
+ else if ( (volumeMapper=vtkVolumeMapper::SafeDownCast(m)) != NULL ) {
+ input = volumeMapper->GetInput();
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ vtkIdType numCells;
+ if ( (numCells = input->GetNumberOfCells()) < 1 ) {
+ return 2.0;
+ }
+ int i, k, subId;
+ float bounds[6], center[3], cp1[3], cp2[3];
+ float pcoord[3], weight[4], dist;
+ float t1[2], t2[2], x[3], t;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ this->Quad1->PointIds->SetId(k, k);
+ this->Quad1->Points->SetPoint(k, p1[k]);
+ this->Quad2->PointIds->SetId(k, k);
+ this->Quad2->Points->SetPoint(k, p2[k]);
+ }
+ /*
+ cout << "---> Selection area:" << endl;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
+ cout << "\t(" << p1[k][0] << ", " << p1[k][1] << ", " << p1[k][2] << ")";
+ cout << endl;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
+ cout << "\t(" << p2[k][0] << ", " << p2[k][1] << ", " << p2[k][2] << ")";
+ cout << endl;
+ */
+ vtkIdType cellId;
+ VTKViewer_CellData cellData;
+ VTKViewer_CellDataSet dataList;
+ char inside; int n; float *point;
+ float tMin = VTK_LARGE_FLOAT, xMin[3];
+ for (cellId = 0; cellId < numCells; cellId++) {
+ input->GetCell(cellId, this->Cell);
+ this->Cell->GetBounds(bounds);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ center[i] = (bounds[2*i]+bounds[2*i+1])/2;
+ /*
+ if (!VTKViewer_RectPicker::PointInside(center, p1, p2, 0.01))
+ continue;
+ */
+ inside = 1;
+ n = this->Cell->Points->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ //cout << "---> Info cell " << cellId << " (" << n << "): " << endl;
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ point = this->Cell->Points->GetPoint(k);
+ //cout << " P (" << point[0] << ", " << point[1] << ", " << point[2] << ")";
+ if (!VTKViewer_RectPicker::PointInside(point, p1, p2)) {
+ inside = 0; break;
+ }
+ }
+ //cout << endl;
+ if (!inside) continue;
+ //cout << "---> Inside cell " << cellId << endl;
+ this->Quad1->EvaluatePosition(center, 0, subId, pcoord, dist, weight);
+ t1[0] = pcoord[0]; t1[1] = pcoord[1];
+ this->Quad2->EvaluatePosition(center, 0, subId, pcoord, dist, weight);
+ t2[0] = pcoord[0]; t2[1] = pcoord[1];
+ pcoord[0] = (t1[0]+t2[0])/2; pcoord[1] = (t1[1]+t2[1])/2; pcoord[2] = 0;
+ this->Quad1->EvaluateLocation(subId, pcoord, cp1, weight);
+ this->Quad2->EvaluateLocation(subId, pcoord, cp2, weight);
+ if (this->Cell->IntersectWithLine(cp1, cp2, tol, t, x, pcoord, subId)) {
+ cellData.cellId = cellId;
+ cellData.subId = subId;
+ cellData.depth = t;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ cellData.p1[i] = cp1[i];
+ cellData.p2[i] = cp2[i];
+ }
+ /*
+ cout << "---> Include cell " << cellId << ", depth = " << t << endl;
+ cout << " P1 = (" << cp1[0] << ", " << cp1[1] << ", " << cp1[2] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << " P2 = (" << cp2[0] << ", " << cp2[1] << ", " << cp2[2] << ")" << endl;
+ */
+ IncludeCell(input, cellData, dataList);
+ if (t < tMin) {
+ tMin = t;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ xMin[i] = x[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dataList.empty()) {
+ // compare against other actors
+ IncludeActor(prop3D, input, dataList);
+ if (tMin < this->GlobalTMin) {
+ this->MarkPicked(path, prop3D, m, tMin, xMin);
+ }
+ }
+ return tMin;
+void VTKViewer_CellRectPicker::IncludeCell(vtkDataSet* input,
+ VTKViewer_CellData cellData,
+ VTKViewer_CellDataSet& dataList)
+ vtkGenericCell* cell1 = vtkGenericCell::New();
+ vtkGenericCell* cell2 = vtkGenericCell::New();
+ vtkCell* sub1 = 0;
+ vtkCell* sub2 = 0;
+ input->GetCell(cellData.cellId, cell1);
+ if (cell1->GetNumberOfFaces() > 0)
+ sub1 = cell1->GetFace(cellData.subId);
+ int i, result;
+ float p1[3], p2[3], dir[3];
+ char add = 1;
+ VTKViewer_CellData curData;
+ VTKViewer_CellDataSet::iterator it;
+ for (it = dataList.begin(); it != dataList.end();) {
+ curData = *it;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ p1[i] = (cellData.p1[i]+curData.p1[i])/2;
+ p2[i] = (cellData.p2[i]+curData.p2[i])/2;
+ dir[i] = p2[i] - p1[i];
+ }
+ input->GetCell(curData.cellId, cell2);
+ sub2 = 0;
+ if (cell2->GetNumberOfFaces() > 0)
+ sub2 = cell2->GetFace(curData.subId);
+ if (sub1) {
+ if (sub2)
+ result = IntersectCells(sub1, cellData.depth,
+ sub2, curData.depth, dir);
+ else
+ result = IntersectCells(sub1, cellData.depth,
+ cell2, curData.depth, dir);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (sub2)
+ result = IntersectCells(cell1, cellData.depth,
+ sub2, curData.depth, dir);
+ else
+ result = IntersectCells(cell1, cellData.depth,
+ cell2, curData.depth, dir);
+ }
+ /*
+ cout << " Direction = (" << dir[0] << ", " << dir[1] << ", " << dir[2] << ")";
+ cout << " depth = " << cellData.depth << ", " << curData.depth << ", " << result << endl;
+ */
+ if (result > 0) {
+ if (result == 1) {
+ it = dataList.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ add = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ if (add) {
+ //cout << " add " << endl;
+ dataList.push_back(cellData);
+ }
+ cell1->Delete();
+ cell2->Delete();
+void VTKViewer_CellRectPicker::IncludeActor(vtkProp3D* prop,
+ vtkDataSet* input,
+ VTKViewer_CellDataSet& dataList)
+ vtkGenericCell* cell1 = vtkGenericCell::New();
+ vtkGenericCell* cell2 = vtkGenericCell::New();
+ int i, result;
+ float p1[3], p2[3], dir[3];
+ char removed;
+ VTKViewer_CellDataSet actorData;
+ VTKViewer_CellData curData, cellData;
+ VTKViewer_CellDataSet::iterator it1, it2;
+ VTKViewer_ActorDataMap::iterator it;
+ for (it1 = dataList.begin(); it1 != dataList.end();) {
+ cellData = *it1;
+ input->GetCell(cellData.cellId, cell1);
+ removed = 0;
+ for (it = ActorData.begin(); it != ActorData.end(); ++it) {
+ vtkActor* actor = (*it).first;
+ actorData = (*it).second;
+ for (it2 = actorData.begin(); it2 != actorData.end();) {
+ curData = *it2;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ p1[i] = (cellData.p1[i]+curData.p1[i])/2;
+ p2[i] = (cellData.p2[i]+curData.p2[i])/2;
+ dir[i] = p2[i] - p1[i];
+ }
+ input->GetCell(curData.cellId, cell2);
+ result = IntersectCells(cell1, cellData.depth,
+ cell2, curData.depth, dir);
+ if (result > 0) {
+ if (result == 1) {
+ it2 = actorData.erase(it2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ removed = 1;
+ it1 = dataList.erase(it1);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++it2;
+ }
+ if (removed) break;
+ } // by actors
+ if (!removed) ++it1;
+ }
+ if (!dataList.empty()) {
+ vtkActor* actor;
+ if ((actor = vtkActor::SafeDownCast(prop)) != NULL)
+ ActorData[actor] = dataList;
+ }
+ cell1->Delete();
+ cell2->Delete();
+int VTKViewer_CellRectPicker::IntersectCells(vtkCell* c1, float d1, vtkCell* c2, float d2, float dir[3])
+ int i, k;
+ float *orig, cp[3], bounds[6];
+ vtkCell* cell = 0;
+ vtkCell* tcell = 0;
+ // define the central point and cell for projection
+ if (fabs(d1-d2) < 1.e-7) return 0;
+ if (d1 < d2) {
+ orig = c1->Points->GetPoint(0);
+ cell = c1;
+ tcell = c2;
+ c2->GetBounds(bounds);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ cp[i] = (bounds[2*i] + bounds[2*i+1])/2;
+ }
+ else if (d1 > d2) {
+ orig = c2->Points->GetPoint(0);
+ cell = c2;
+ tcell = c1;
+ c1->GetBounds(bounds);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ cp[i] = (bounds[2*i] + bounds[2*i+1])/2;
+ }
+ float proj[3];
+ vtkPlane::GeneralizedProjectPoint(cp, orig, dir, proj);
+ float *p, pp[3];
+ vtkPoints* aPoints = vtkPoints::New();
+ for (k = 0; k < cell->Points->GetNumberOfPoints(); k++) {
+ p = cell->Points->GetPoint(k);
+ vtkPlane::GeneralizedProjectPoint(p, orig, dir, pp);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]);
+ }
+ int result = 0;
+ if (PointInside(proj, aPoints)) {
+ result = (d1<d2) ? 1 : 2;
+ }
+ if (result == 0) {
+ // test for boundary cells
+ for (k = 0; k < tcell->Points->GetNumberOfPoints(); k++) {
+ p = tcell->Points->GetPoint(k);
+ vtkPlane::GeneralizedProjectPoint(p, orig, dir, pp);
+ if (PointInside(pp, aPoints)) {
+ result = 1; break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (result && d2<d1) result = 2;
+ }
+ aPoints->Delete();
+ return result;
+char VTKViewer_CellRectPicker::PointInside(float point[3], vtkPoints* list)
+ int i, k, l, n;
+ float x[3], *a1, *a2, v[3], p[3], q[3];
+ n = list->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ if (n < 3) return 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ l = k+1; if (l == n) l = 0;
+ a1 = list->GetPoint(k);
+ a2 = list->GetPoint(l);
+ // compute vectors
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ x[i] = point[i] - a1[i];
+ v[i] = a2[i]-a1[i];
+ }
+ // check if point coincides with vertex
+ if (x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2] < 1.e-7) return 0;
+ // compute normal
+ vtkMath::Cross(x, v, p);
+ // check if point lays on edge
+ if (p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2] < 1.e-7) return 0;
+ // check if normals are in the same direction
+ if (k > 0) {
+ if (vtkMath::Dot(p, q) < 0.0) return 0;
+ }
+ // remember normal direction
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ q[i] = p[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
--- /dev/null
+// SALOME VTKViewer : build VTK viewer into Salome desktop
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : VTKViewer_CellRectPicker.h
+// Author : Natalia KOPNOVA
+// Module : SALOME
+#ifndef __VTKViewer_CellRectPicker_h
+#define __VTKViewer_CellRectPicker_h
+#include "VTKViewer_RectPicker.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+typedef struct {
+ vtkIdType cellId;
+ int subId;
+ float depth;
+ float p1[3];
+ float p2[3];
+} VTKViewer_CellData;
+typedef std::vector<VTKViewer_CellData> VTKViewer_CellDataSet;
+typedef std::map<vtkActor*, VTKViewer_CellDataSet> VTKViewer_ActorDataMap;
+class vtkCell;
+class vtkGenericCell;
+class vtkQuad;
+class VTK_EXPORT VTKViewer_CellRectPicker : public VTKViewer_RectPicker
+ static VTKViewer_CellRectPicker *New();
+ vtkTypeMacro(VTKViewer_CellRectPicker,VTKViewer_RectPicker);
+ // Description:
+ // Get the id of the picked cells.
+ // (Notes: use GetActors() to get picked actors list)
+ VTKViewer_CellDataSet GetCellData(vtkActor* actor)
+ { return this->ActorData[actor]; }
+ // Description:
+ // The method returns a non-zero value if the cells intersect each other
+ // in the direction dir[3]. Returned value is 1 if the first cell is top of
+ // the second one according to direction and 2 if the second cell is top.
+ static int IntersectCells(vtkCell* c1, float d1, vtkCell* c2, float d2, float dir[3]);
+ // Description:
+ // The method returns a non-zero value if the point is inlide point data set
+ static char PointInside(float point[3], vtkPoints* list);
+ VTKViewer_CellRectPicker();
+ ~VTKViewer_CellRectPicker();
+ VTKViewer_ActorDataMap ActorData;
+ virtual float IntersectWithHex(float p1[4][4], float p2[4][4], float tol,
+ vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *p,
+ vtkAbstractMapper3D *m);
+ void Initialize();
+ void IncludeCell(vtkDataSet* input, VTKViewer_CellData cellData, VTKViewer_CellDataSet& dalaList);
+ void IncludeActor(vtkProp3D* prop, vtkDataSet* input, VTKViewer_CellDataSet& dataList);
+ vtkGenericCell *Cell;
+ vtkQuad* Quad1;
+ vtkQuad* Quad2;
--- /dev/null
+// VTKViewer_Filter : Filter for VTK viewer\r
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,\r
+// \r
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \r
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public \r
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \r
+// version 2.1 of the License. \r
+// \r
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \r
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \r
+// Lesser General Public License for more details. \r
+// \r
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public \r
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software \r
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA \r
+// \r
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org \r
+// File : VTKViewer_Filter.cxx\r
+// Author : Sergey LITONIN\r
+// Module : SALOME\r
+#include "VTKViewer_Filter.h"\r
+ Class : VTKViewer_Filter\r
+ Description : Base class of filters of for VTK viewer. Method IsValid \r
+ should be redefined in derived classes\r
+ myActor = 0;\r
+bool VTKViewer_Filter::IsValid( SALOME_Actor* theActor, const int theCellId )\r
+ SetActor( theActor );\r
+ return IsValid( theCellId );\r
+void VTKViewer_Filter::SetActor( SALOME_Actor* theActor )\r
+ myActor = theActor;\r
--- /dev/null
+// SMESHGUI_Filter : Filter for VTK viewer\r
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,\r
+// \r
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \r
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public \r
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \r
+// version 2.1 of the License. \r
+// \r
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \r
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \r
+// Lesser General Public License for more details. \r
+// \r
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public \r
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software \r
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA \r
+// \r
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org \r
+// File : VTKViewer_Filter.h\r
+// Author : Sergey LITONIN\r
+// Module : SALOME\r
+#ifndef VTKViewer_Filter_HeaderFile\r
+#define VTKViewer_Filter_HeaderFile\r
+#include <MMgt_TShared.hxx>\r
+#include <Standard_DefineHandle.hxx>\r
+class SALOME_Actor;\r
+ Class : VTKViewer_Filter\r
+ Description : Base class of filters of for VTK viewer. Method IsValid \r
+ should be redefined in derived classes\r
+class VTKViewer_Filter : public MMgt_TShared\r
+ VTKViewer_Filter();\r
+ virtual ~VTKViewer_Filter();\r
+ bool IsValid( SALOME_Actor*, const int theCellId );\r
+ virtual bool IsValid( const int theCellId ) const = 0;\r
+ virtual void SetActor( SALOME_Actor* );\r
+ SALOME_Actor* myActor;\r
+public: \r
--- /dev/null
+// SALOME VTKViewer : build VTK viewer into Salome desktop
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : VTKViewer_RectPicker.cxx
+// Author : Natalia KOPNOVA
+// Module : SALOME
+#include <VTKViewer_RectPicker.h>
+#include "vtkActor.h"
+#include "vtkAssemblyNode.h"
+#include "vtkAssemblyPath.h"
+#include "vtkCamera.h"
+#include "vtkCommand.h"
+#include "vtkImageData.h"
+#include "vtkLODProp3D.h"
+#include "vtkMapper.h"
+#include "vtkMath.h"
+#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
+#include "vtkPoints.h"
+#include "vtkProp3DCollection.h"
+#include "vtkProperty.h"
+#include "vtkRenderWindow.h"
+#include "vtkRenderer.h"
+#include "vtkTransform.h"
+#include "vtkVertex.h"
+#include "vtkVolume.h"
+#include "vtkVolumeMapper.h"
+using namespace std;
+int VTKViewer_RectPicker::Pick(float selectionX1, float selectionY1, float selectionZ1,
+ float selectionX2, float selectionY2, float selectionZ2,
+ vtkRenderer *renderer)
+ int k, i;
+ vtkProp *prop;
+ vtkCamera *camera;
+ vtkAbstractMapper3D *mapper = NULL;
+ float p1World[4][4], p2World[4][4], p1Mapper[4][4], p2Mapper[4][4];
+ float c1[3], c2[3];
+ int picked=0;
+ int *winSize;
+ float x, y, t, p;
+ float *viewport;
+ float cameraPos[4], cameraFP[4];
+ float *displayCoords, *worldCoords;
+ float pickPosition[4][3];
+ double *clipRange;
+ float ray[4][3], rayLength[4];
+ int pickable;
+ int LODId;
+ float windowLowerLeft[4], windowUpperRight[4];
+ float bounds[6], tol;
+ float tF, tB;
+ float hitPosition[3];
+ float cameraDOP[3];
+ // Initialize picking process
+ this->Initialize();
+ this->Renderer = renderer;
+ /* Selection point is not defined for the rectangle
+ this->SelectionPoint[0] =
+ this->SelectionPoint[1] =
+ this->SelectionPoint[2] =
+ */
+ // Invoke start pick method if defined
+ this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::StartPickEvent,NULL);
+ if ( renderer == NULL )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<<"Must specify renderer!");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Get camera focal point and position. Convert to display (screen)
+ // coordinates. We need a depth value for z-buffer.
+ //
+ camera = renderer->GetActiveCamera();
+ camera->GetPosition((float *)cameraPos); cameraPos[3] = 1.0;
+ camera->GetFocalPoint((float *)cameraFP); cameraFP[3] = 1.0;
+ renderer->SetWorldPoint(cameraFP);
+ renderer->WorldToDisplay();
+ displayCoords = renderer->GetDisplayPoint();
+ selectionZ1 = selectionZ2 = displayCoords[2];
+ // Convert the selection rectangle into world coordinates.
+ //
+ renderer->SetDisplayPoint(selectionX1, selectionY1, selectionZ1);
+ renderer->DisplayToWorld();
+ worldCoords = renderer->GetWorldPoint();
+ if ( worldCoords[3] == 0.0 )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<<"Bad homogeneous coordinates");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ pickPosition[0][i] = worldCoords[i] / worldCoords[3];
+ }
+ renderer->SetDisplayPoint(selectionX1, selectionY2, (selectionZ1+selectionZ2)/2);
+ renderer->DisplayToWorld();
+ worldCoords = renderer->GetWorldPoint();
+ if ( worldCoords[3] == 0.0 )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<<"Bad homogeneous coordinates");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ pickPosition[1][i] = worldCoords[i] / worldCoords[3];
+ }
+ renderer->SetDisplayPoint(selectionX2, selectionY2, selectionZ2);
+ renderer->DisplayToWorld();
+ worldCoords = renderer->GetWorldPoint();
+ if ( worldCoords[3] == 0.0 )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<<"Bad homogeneous coordinates");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ pickPosition[2][i] = worldCoords[i] / worldCoords[3];
+ }
+ renderer->SetDisplayPoint(selectionX2, selectionY1, (selectionZ1+selectionZ2)/2);
+ renderer->DisplayToWorld();
+ worldCoords = renderer->GetWorldPoint();
+ if ( worldCoords[3] == 0.0 )
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro(<<"Bad homogeneous coordinates");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ pickPosition[3][i] = worldCoords[i] / worldCoords[3];
+ }
+ // Compute the ray endpoints. The ray is along the line running from
+ // the camera position to the selection point, starting where this line
+ // intersects the front clipping plane, and terminating where this
+ // line intersects the back clipping plane.
+ for (k=0; k < 4; k++) {
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ ray[k][i] = pickPosition[k][i] - cameraPos[i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ cameraDOP[i] = cameraFP[i] - cameraPos[i];
+ }
+ vtkMath::Normalize(cameraDOP);
+ for (k=0; k < 4; k++) {
+ if (( rayLength[k] = vtkMath::Dot(cameraDOP,ray[k])) == 0.0 )
+ {
+ vtkWarningMacro("Cannot process points");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ clipRange = camera->GetClippingRange();
+ if ( camera->GetParallelProjection() )
+ {
+ for (k=0; k < 4; k++) {
+ tF = clipRange[0] - rayLength[k];
+ tB = clipRange[1] - rayLength[k];
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ p1World[k][i] = pickPosition[k][i] + tF*cameraDOP[i];
+ p2World[k][i] = pickPosition[k][i] + tB*cameraDOP[i];
+ }
+ p1World[k][3] = p2World[k][3] = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (k=0; k < 4; k++) {
+ tF = clipRange[0] / rayLength[k];
+ tB = clipRange[1] / rayLength[k];
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ p1World[k][i] = cameraPos[i] + tF*ray[k][i];
+ p2World[k][i] = cameraPos[i] + tB*ray[k][i];
+ }
+ p1World[k][3] = p2World[k][3] = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the center points of ray rectangle
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ c1[i] = c2[i] = 0;
+ for (k=0; k<4; k++) {
+ c1[i] += p1World[k][i];
+ c2[i] += p2World[k][i];
+ }
+ c1[i] = c1[i]/4;
+ c2[i] = c2[i]/4;
+ }
+ // Compute the tolerance in world coordinates. Do this by
+ // determining the world coordinates of the diagonal points of the
+ // window, computing the width of the window in world coordinates, and
+ // multiplying by the tolerance.
+ //
+ viewport = renderer->GetViewport();
+ winSize = renderer->GetRenderWindow()->GetSize();
+ x = winSize[0] * viewport[0];
+ y = winSize[1] * viewport[1];
+ renderer->SetDisplayPoint(x, y, selectionZ1);
+ renderer->DisplayToWorld();
+ renderer->GetWorldPoint(windowLowerLeft);
+ x = winSize[0] * viewport[2];
+ y = winSize[1] * viewport[3];
+ renderer->SetDisplayPoint(x, y, selectionZ2);
+ renderer->DisplayToWorld();
+ renderer->GetWorldPoint(windowUpperRight);
+ for (tol=0.0,i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ tol += (windowUpperRight[i] - windowLowerLeft[i]) *
+ (windowUpperRight[i] - windowLowerLeft[i]);
+ }
+ tol = sqrt (tol) * this->Tolerance;
+ // Loop over all props. Transform ray (defined from position of
+ // camera to selection point) into coordinates of mapper (not
+ // transformed to actors coordinates! Reduces overall computation!!!).
+ // Note that only vtkProp3D's can be picked by vtkPicker.
+ //
+ vtkPropCollection *props;
+ vtkProp *propCandidate;
+ if ( this->PickFromList )
+ {
+ props = this->GetPickList();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ props = renderer->GetProps();
+ }
+ vtkActor *actor;
+ vtkLODProp3D *prop3D;
+ vtkVolume *volume;
+ vtkAssemblyPath *path;
+ vtkProperty *tempProperty;
+ this->Transform->PostMultiply();
+ for ( props->InitTraversal(); (prop=props->GetNextProp()); )
+ {
+ for ( prop->InitPathTraversal(); (path=prop->GetNextPath()); )
+ {
+ pickable = 0;
+ actor = NULL;
+ propCandidate = path->GetLastNode()->GetProp();
+ if ( propCandidate->GetPickable() && propCandidate->GetVisibility() )
+ {
+ pickable = 1;
+ if ( (actor=vtkActor::SafeDownCast(propCandidate)) != NULL )
+ {
+ mapper = actor->GetMapper();
+ if ( actor->GetProperty()->GetOpacity() <= 0.0 )
+ {
+ pickable = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (prop3D=vtkLODProp3D::SafeDownCast(propCandidate)) != NULL )
+ {
+ LODId = prop3D->GetPickLODID();
+ mapper = prop3D->GetLODMapper(LODId);
+ // if the mapper is a vtkMapper (as opposed to a vtkVolumeMapper),
+ // then check the transparency to see if the object is pickable
+ if ( vtkMapper::SafeDownCast(mapper) != NULL)
+ {
+ prop3D->GetLODProperty(LODId, &tempProperty);
+ if ( tempProperty->GetOpacity() <= 0.0 )
+ {
+ pickable = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (volume=vtkVolume::SafeDownCast(propCandidate)) != NULL )
+ {
+ mapper = volume->GetMapper();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pickable = 0; //only vtkProp3D's (actors and volumes) can be picked
+ }
+ }
+ // If actor can be picked, get its composite matrix, invert it, and
+ // use the inverted matrix to transform the ray points into mapper
+ // coordinates.
+ if ( pickable && mapper != NULL )
+ {
+ vtkMatrix4x4 *LastMatrix = path->GetLastNode()->GetMatrix();
+ if (LastMatrix == NULL)
+ {
+ vtkErrorMacro (<< "Pick: Null matrix.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ this->Transform->SetMatrix(LastMatrix);
+ this->Transform->Push();
+ this->Transform->Inverse();
+ for (k=0; k < 4; k++) {
+ this->Transform->TransformPoint(p1World[k],p1Mapper[k]);
+ this->Transform->TransformPoint(p2World[k],p2Mapper[k]);
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++)
+ {
+ ray[k][i] = p2Mapper[k][i] - p1Mapper[k][i];
+ }
+ }
+ this->Transform->Pop();
+ // Have the ray endpoints in mapper space, now need to compare this
+ // with the mapper bounds to see whether intersection is possible.
+ //
+ // Get the bounding box of the modeller. Note that the tolerance is
+ // added to the bounding box to make sure things on the edge of the
+ // bounding box are picked correctly.
+ mapper->GetBounds(bounds);
+ bounds[0] -= tol; bounds[1] += tol;
+ bounds[2] -= tol; bounds[3] += tol;
+ bounds[4] -= tol; bounds[5] += tol;
+ if ( HitBBox(bounds, p1Mapper, ray) ) {
+ t = this->IntersectWithHex(p1Mapper, p2Mapper, tol, path,
+ (vtkProp3D *)propCandidate, mapper);
+ if ( t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0 /*t < VTK_LARGE_FLOAT*/ ) {
+ picked = 1;
+ this->Prop3Ds->AddItem((vtkProp3D *)prop);
+ this->PickedPositions->InsertNextPoint
+ ((1.0 - t)*c1[0] + t*c2[0],
+ (1.0 - t)*c1[1] + t*c2[1],
+ (1.0 - t)*c1[2] + t*c2[2]);
+ // backwards compatibility: also add to this->Actors
+ if (actor) {
+ this->Actors->AddItem(actor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }//if visible and pickable not transparent and has mapper
+ }//for all parts
+ }//for all actors
+ // Invoke end pick method if defined
+ this->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::EndPickEvent,NULL);
+ return picked;
+#define SIDE_LEFT 0
+#define SIDE_RIGHT 1
+#define SIDE_MIDDLE 2
+float GetParameterValue(float start, float end, float point)
+ if (start == end) return -VTK_LARGE_FLOAT;
+ return (point-start)/(end-start);
+void GetPointCoord(const float start[3], const float end[3], float t, float point[3])
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ point[i] = start[i] + t*(end[i]-start[i]);
+ }
+char GetIntersectionPoint(const float start[3], const float end[3],
+ const int& index, const float p, float point[3])
+ float t = GetParameterValue(start[index], end[index], p);
+ char result = 0;
+ if (t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0) {
+ result = 1;
+ GetPointCoord(start, end, t, point);
+ }
+ return result;
+char VTKViewer_RectPicker::HitBBox (float bounds[6], float origin[4][4], float dir[4][3])
+ int i, j, k, n;
+ float endray[4][3];
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ endray[k][i] = origin[k][i] + dir[k][i];
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute hex bounding box, center point and center direction
+ float hbounds[6], center[3], ray[3];
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ hbounds[2*i] = hbounds[2*i+1] = origin[0][i];
+ center[i] = ray[i] = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ center[i] += origin[k][i];
+ ray[i] += endray[k][i];
+ if (origin[k][i] < hbounds[2*i]) {
+ hbounds[2*i] = origin[k][i];
+ }
+ else if (origin[k][i] > hbounds[2*i+1])
+ hbounds[2*i+1] = origin[k][i];
+ if (endray[k][i] < hbounds[2*i])
+ hbounds[2*i] = endray[k][i];
+ else if (endray[k][i] > hbounds[2*i+1])
+ hbounds[2*i+1] = endray[k][i];
+ }
+ center[i] = center[i]/4;
+ ray[i] = ray[i]/4;
+ ray[i] = ray[i] - center[i];
+ }
+ // Check for intersection between bouning boxes
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (bounds[2*i+1] < hbounds[2*i] || bounds[2*i] > hbounds[2*i+1])
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Check if one of the origin point lays inside bbox
+ char inside;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ inside = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (origin[k][i] < bounds[2*i] || origin[k][i] > bounds[2*i+1]) {
+ inside = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inside) return 1;
+ }
+ // Find the closest coord plane for the center point
+ char side[3];
+ float coordPlane[3];
+ inside = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (center[i] < bounds[2*i]) {
+ inside = 0;
+ coordPlane[i] = bounds[2*i];
+ side[i] = SIDE_LEFT;
+ }
+ else if (center[i] > bounds[2*i+1]) {
+ inside = 0;
+ coordPlane[i] = bounds[2*i+1];
+ side[i] = SIDE_RIGHT;
+ }
+ else {
+ coordPlane[i] = (ray[i]<0.0) ? bounds[2*i] : bounds[2*i+1];
+ side[i] = SIDE_MIDDLE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inside) return 1;
+ // Calculate parametric distances to the planes and find the max
+ float maxT[3];
+ int whichPlane = 0;
+ char defined = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (side[i] != SIDE_MIDDLE && ray[i] != 0.0) {
+ maxT[i] = (coordPlane[i]-center[i])/ray[i];
+ defined = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ maxT[i] = -1.0;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (maxT[whichPlane] < maxT[i])
+ whichPlane = i;
+ }
+ // Check for intersection along the center ray
+ float coord;
+ if (maxT[whichPlane] <= 1.0 && maxT[whichPlane] >= 0.0) {
+ inside = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (i != whichPlane) {
+ coord = center[i] + maxT[whichPlane]*ray[i];
+ if (coord < bounds[2*i] || coord > bounds[2*i+1])
+ inside = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inside) return 1;
+ }
+ // Define the intersection plane
+ if (!defined) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (ray[i] != 0.0) {
+ maxT[i] = (coordPlane[i]-center[i])/ray[i];
+ }
+ else
+ maxT[i] = VTK_LARGE_FLOAT;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (maxT[whichPlane] > maxT[i])
+ whichPlane = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the intersection between hex and coord plane
+ float t[4];
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ if (dir[k][whichPlane] != 0.0) {
+ t[k] = (coordPlane[whichPlane]-origin[k][whichPlane])/dir[k][whichPlane];
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ vtkPoints* aPoints = vtkPoints::New();
+ float p[3], q[3], t1;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ n = (k+1)%4; // next point
+ if (t[k] > 1.0) {
+ if (t[n] < 1.0) {
+ // find intersection point
+ t1 = GetParameterValue(endray[k][whichPlane], endray[n][whichPlane], coordPlane[whichPlane]);
+ if (t1 > 0.0 && t1 < 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(endray[k], endray[n], t1, p);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (t[n] < 0.0) {
+ // find second intersection point
+ t1 = GetParameterValue(origin[k][whichPlane], origin[n][whichPlane], coordPlane[whichPlane]);
+ if (t1 > 0.0 && t1 < 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(origin[k], origin[n], t1, p);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (t[k] < 0.0) {
+ if (t[n] > 0.0) {
+ // find intersection point
+ t1 = GetParameterValue(origin[k][whichPlane], origin[n][whichPlane], coordPlane[whichPlane]);
+ if (t1 > 0.0 && t1 < 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(origin[k], origin[n], t1, p);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // find intersection point
+ GetPointCoord(origin[k], endray[k], t[k], p);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
+ if (t[n] < 0.0) {
+ // find second intersection point
+ t1 = GetParameterValue(origin[k][whichPlane], origin[n][whichPlane], coordPlane[whichPlane]);
+ if (t1 > 0.0 && t1 < 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(origin[k], origin[n], t1, p);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (t[n] > 1.0) {
+ // find second intersection point
+ t1 = GetParameterValue(endray[k][whichPlane], endray[n][whichPlane], coordPlane[whichPlane]);
+ if (t1 > 0.0 && t1 < 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(endray[k], endray[n], t1, p);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n = aPoints->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ if (n == 0) {
+ aPoints->Delete();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (n == 1) {
+ aPoints->GetPoint(0, p);
+ inside = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (i != whichPlane) {
+ if (p[i] < bounds[2*i] || p[i] > bounds[2*i+1]) {
+ inside = 0; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ aPoints->Delete();
+ return inside;
+ }
+ // Analize intersection
+ int nearPlane, boundPlane = -1;
+ float boundCoord, boundMin, boundMax;
+ char intersect = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ aPoints->GetPoint(k, p);
+ j = k+1; if (j == n) j = 0;
+ aPoints->GetPoint(j, q);
+ inside = 1;
+ nearPlane = 0;
+ // if the point is inside bbox
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (i != whichPlane) {
+ if (p[i] < bounds[2*i]) {
+ side[i] = SIDE_LEFT;
+ maxT[i] = GetParameterValue(p[i], q[i], bounds[2*i]);
+ inside = 0;
+ }
+ else if (p[i] > bounds[2*i+1]) {
+ side[i] = SIDE_RIGHT;
+ maxT[i] = GetParameterValue(p[i], q[i], bounds[2*i+1]);
+ inside = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ side[i] = SIDE_MIDDLE;
+ maxT[i] = -1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ else maxT[i] = -1.0;
+ if (maxT[i] > maxT[nearPlane]) nearPlane = i;
+ }
+ if (inside) break;
+ // if segment intersects bbox
+ if (maxT[nearPlane] >= 0.0 && maxT[nearPlane] <= 1.0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (i != whichPlane && i != nearPlane) {
+ coord = p[i] + maxT[nearPlane]*(q[i]-p[i]);
+ if (coord >= bounds[2*i] && coord <= bounds[2*i+1]) {
+ intersect = 1; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // intersect with boundPlane
+ if (boundPlane == -1) {
+ boundCoord = p[nearPlane] + maxT[nearPlane]*(q[nearPlane]-p[nearPlane]);
+ boundPlane = nearPlane;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (i != whichPlane && i != boundPlane) {
+ coord = p[i] + maxT[nearPlane]*(q[i]-p[i]);
+ boundMin = boundMax = coord;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ t1 = GetParameterValue(p[boundPlane], q[boundPlane], boundCoord);
+ if (t1 >= 0.0 && t1 <= 1.0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (i != whichPlane && i != boundPlane) {
+ coord = p[i] + t1*(q[i]-p[i]);
+ if (coord < boundMin) boundMin = coord;
+ if (coord > boundMax) boundMax = coord;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (intersect) break;
+ }
+ aPoints->Delete();
+ if (inside || intersect) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ inside = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (i != whichPlane && i != boundPlane) {
+ if (boundMin > bounds[2*i+1] || boundMax < bounds[2*i])
+ inside = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return inside;
+char VTKViewer_RectPicker::PointInside (float p[3], float p1[4][4], float p2[4][4], float tol)
+ int i, j, k;
+ float t, coord[3];
+ // Fix one coordinate (x, for example) and
+ // compute intersection with coordinate plane
+ vtkPoints* aPoints = vtkPoints::New();
+ int mode = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ j = k+1; if (j == 4) j = 0;
+ switch (mode) {
+ case 0:
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p1[k], p1[j], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p1[k], p2[k], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 1;
+ }
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p2[k], p2[j], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 2;
+ }
+ /*
+ if ((p1[k][0]-p[0])*(p2[k][0]-p[0]) <= 0) {
+ t = GetParameterValue(p1[k][0], p2[k][0], p[0]);
+ if (t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(p1[k], p2[k], t, coord);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p1[k], p2[k], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 1;
+ }
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p2[k], p2[j], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 2;
+ }
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p1[k], p1[j], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ if ((p1[k][0]-p[0])*(p1[j][0]-p[0]) <= 0) {
+ t = GetParameterValue(p1[k][0], p1[j][0], p[0]);
+ if (t > 0.0 && t < 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(p1[k], p1[j], t, coord);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p2[k], p2[j], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 2;
+ }
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p1[k], p2[k], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 1;
+ }
+ if (GetIntersectionPoint(p1[k], p1[j], 0, p[0], coord)) {
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ if ((p2[k][0]-p[0])*(p2[j][0]-p[0]) <= 0) {
+ t = GetParameterValue(p2[k][0], p2[j][0], p[0]);
+ if (t > 0.0 && t < 1.0) {
+ GetPointCoord(p2[k], p2[j], t, coord);
+ aPoints->InsertNextPoint(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int n = aPoints->GetNumberOfPoints();
+ //cout << "---> Points in X projection " << n << endl;
+ if (n == 0) {
+ aPoints->Delete();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Fix the second coord and define bounds
+ float zMin = VTK_LARGE_FLOAT, zMax = -VTK_LARGE_FLOAT, z, ncoord[3];
+ char inside = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+ aPoints->GetPoint(k, coord);
+ //cout << " P" << k << " (" << coord[0] << ", " << coord[1] << ", " << coord[2] << ")";
+ j = k+1; if (j == n) j = 0;
+ if (j == k) {
+ if (p[1] == coord[1] && p[2] == coord[2]) {
+ inside = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ aPoints->GetPoint(j, ncoord);
+ t = GetParameterValue(coord[1], ncoord[1], p[1]);
+ if (t >= 0.0 && t <= 1) {
+ z = coord[2] + t*(ncoord[2]-coord[2]);
+ if (z < zMin) zMin = z;
+ if (z > zMax) zMax = z;
+ }
+ }
+ //cout << endl << " Zmin = " << zMin << ", Zmax = " << zMax << endl;
+ if (!inside) {
+ if (p[2] <= (zMax+tol) && p[2] >= (zMin-tol))
+ inside = 1;
+ }
+ aPoints->Delete();
+ return inside;
+float VTKViewer_RectPicker::IntersectWithHex(float p1[4][4], float p2[4][4], float tol,
+ vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *prop3D,
+ vtkAbstractMapper3D *mapper)
+ int i, k;
+ float *center, p0[3], ray[3], rayFactor, t;
+ // Get the data from the modeler
+ //
+ center = mapper->GetCenter();
+ if (!PointInside(center, p1, p2)) {
+ return 2.0;
+ }
+ // Determine appropriate info
+ //
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ p0[i] = ray[i] = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ p0[i] += p1[k][i];
+ ray[i] += p2[k][i];
+ }
+ p0[i] = p0[i]/4;
+ ray[i] = ray[i]/4;
+ ray[i] = ray[i] - p0[i];
+ }
+ if (( rayFactor = vtkMath::Dot(ray,ray)) == 0.0 ) {
+ vtkErrorMacro("Cannot process points");
+ return 2.0;
+ }
+ // Project the center point onto the ray and determine its parametric value
+ //
+ t = (ray[0]*(center[0]-p0[0]) + ray[1]*(center[1]-p0[1])
+ + ray[2]*(center[2]-p0[2])) / rayFactor;
+ if ( t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0 && t < this->GlobalTMin ) {
+ this->MarkPicked(path, prop3D, mapper, t, center);
+ }
+ return t;
--- /dev/null
+// SALOME VTKViewer : build VTK viewer into Salome desktop
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org
+// File : VTKViewer_RectPicker.h
+// Author : Natalia KOPNOVA
+// Module : SALOME
+#ifndef __VTKViewer_RectPicker_h
+#define __VTKViewer_RectPicker_h
+#include <vtkPicker.h>
+class VTK_EXPORT VTKViewer_RectPicker : public vtkPicker
+ static VTKViewer_RectPicker *New();
+ vtkTypeMacro(VTKViewer_RectPicker,vtkPicker);
+ // Description:
+ // Perform pick operation with selection rectangle provided. Normally the
+ // first two values for the selection top-left and right-bottom points are
+ // x-y pixel coordinate, and the third value is =0.
+ // Return non-zero if something was successfully picked.
+ virtual int Pick(float selectionX1, float selectionY1, float selectionZ1,
+ float selectionX2, float selectionY2, float selectionZ2,
+ vtkRenderer *renderer);
+ // Description:
+ // Perform pick operation with selection rectangle provided. Normally the first
+ // two values for the selection top-left and right-bottom points are x-y pixel
+ // coordinate, and the third value is =0.
+ // Return non-zero if something was successfully picked.
+ int Pick(float selectionPt1[3], float selectionPt2[3], vtkRenderer *ren)
+ {return this->Pick(selectionPt1[0], selectionPt1[1], selectionPt1[2],
+ selectionPt2[0], selectionPt2[1], selectionPt2[2],
+ ren);};
+ // Description:
+ // Bounding box intersection with hexahedron. The method returns a non-zero value
+ // if the bounding box is hit. Origin[4][4] starts the ray from corner points,
+ // dir[4][3] is the vector components of the ray in the x-y-z directions.
+ // (Notes: the intersection ray dir[4][3] is NOT normalized.)
+ static char HitBBox(float bounds[6], float origin[4][4], float dir[4][3]);
+ // Description:
+ // Position of point relative to hexahedron. The method returns a non-zero value
+ // if the point is inside. p1[4][4] is the corner points of top face,
+ // p2[4][4] is the corner points of bottom face.
+ static char PointInside(float point[3], float p1[4][4], float p2[4][4], float tol=0);
+ VTKViewer_RectPicker();
+ ~VTKViewer_RectPicker() {};
+ virtual float IntersectWithHex(float p1[4][4], float p2[4][4], float tol,
+ vtkAssemblyPath *path, vtkProp3D *p,
+ vtkAbstractMapper3D *m);