= u"The data file has to contain explicitly one or more number columns with separator, or one variable, that can fit in a unique continuous vector."
+# --------------------------------------
+from daCore.Templates import UserPostAnalysisTemplates
+upa_list = UserPostAnalysisTemplates.keys_in_presentation_order()
+upa_list = '"%s"'%str('", "'.join(upa_list))
+upa_cont = ""
+for k in UserPostAnalysisTemplates.keys_in_presentation_order():
+ upa_cont += """ %s = BLOC (condition = " Template == '%s' ",\n"""%(k,k)
+ upa_cont += """ ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "%s", fr="%s", ang="%s" ),\n"""%(
+ UserPostAnalysisTemplates[k].replace("\n","\\n").replace('"','\\"'),
+ UserPostAnalysisTemplates.getdoc(k, "fr_FR"),
+ UserPostAnalysisTemplates.getdoc(k, "en_EN"),
+ )
+ upa_cont += """ ),\n"""
# Important : validators=[...] pour que les conditions soient traitées simultanément, en "ET", et pas en "OU" (choisi dans le cas du tuple a la place de la liste)
# validators=[OnlyStr(), FileExtVal('py'), FunctionVal(fv)]
data_method = """
SCRIPTWITHSWITCH_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'ScriptWithSwitch', ) ",
SCRIPTWITHSWITCH_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "FichierNoAbs", validators=[OnlyStr(), FileExtVal('py')], fr="En attente d'un nom de fichier script, avec ou sans le chemin complet pour le trouver, contenant un switch pour les calculs direct, tangent et adjoint", ang="Waiting for a script file name, with or without the full path to find it, containing a switch for direct, tangent and adjoint computations"),
- TEMPLATE_DATA = BLOC (condition = " FROM in ( 'Template', ) ",
- Template = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "AnalysisPrinter", into=("AnalysisPrinter", "AnalysisSaver", "AnalysisPrinterAndSaver", "AnalysisSeriePrinter", "AnalysisSerieSaver", "AnalysisSeriePrinterAndSaver")),
- AnalysisPrinter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'AnalysisPrinter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print('# Post-analysis')\\nimport numpy\\nxa=ADD.get('Analysis')[-1]\\nprint('Analysis:',xa)" ),
- ),
- AnalysisSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'AnalysisSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print('# Post-analysis')\\nimport numpy\\nxa=ADD.get('Analysis')[-1]\\nf='/tmp/analysis.txt'\\nprint('Analysis saved in \\"%s\\"'%f)\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,xa)" ),
- ),
- AnalysisPrinterAndSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'AnalysisPrinterAndSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print('# Post-analysis')\\nimport numpy\\nxa=ADD.get('Analysis')[-1]\\nprint('Analysis:',xa)\\nf='/tmp/analysis.txt'\\nprint('Analysis saved in \\"%s\\"'%f)\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,xa)" ),
- ),
- AnalysisSeriePrinter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'AnalysisSeriePrinter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print('# Post-analysis')\\nimport numpy\\nxa=ADD.get('Analysis')\\nprint('Analysis:',xa)" ),
- ),
- AnalysisSerieSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'AnalysisSerieSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print('# Post-analysis')\\nimport numpy\\nxa=ADD.get('Analysis')\\nf='/tmp/analysis.txt'\\nprint('Analysis saved in \\"%s\\"'%f)\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,xa)" ),
- ),
- AnalysisSeriePrinterAndSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'AnalysisSeriePrinterAndSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print('# Post-analysis')\\nimport numpy\\nxa=ADD.get('Analysis')\\nprint('Analysis:',xa)\\nf='/tmp/analysis.txt'\\nprint('Analysis saved in \\"%s\\"'%f)\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,xa)" ),
- ),
- ),
+""" TEMPLATE_DATA = BLOC (condition = " FROM in ( 'Template', ) ",
+ Template = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "AnalysisPrinter", into=(%s)),
+""" ),
+# --------------------------------------
init_method = """
def F_InitChoice() : return ("Background",
+# --------------------------------------
from daCore.Templates import ObserverTemplates
observers_list = ObserverTemplates.keys_in_presentation_order()
observers_list = '"%s"'%str('", "'.join(observers_list))
ObserverTemplates.getdoc(k, "en_EN"),
observers_cont += """ ),\n"""
observers_method = """
def F_ObserverTemplate() : return BLOC(condition = " NodeType == 'Template' ",
Template = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "ValuePrinter", into=(%s)),
+# --------------------------------------
algo_choices = """
def AlgorithmParametersInNS(filename):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
{algo_parameters} ),"""
+# --------------------------------------
assim_study = """
def F_variables(statut) : return FACT(