--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+import os, sys, shutil, tempfile, glob
+from math import log10
+# Variables globales
+export = None
+calcul = None
+parametres = None
+python_version = ''
+def UTMESS(code='I', txt=''):
+ print txt
+ if code=='F': sys.exit()
+def get_tables(tables_calc,tmp_repe_table,prof):
+ """ Recupere les resultats Aster (Table Aster -> Numeric Python)
+ """
+ import Numeric
+ assert (tables_calc is not None)
+ assert (tmp_repe_table is not None)
+ # Import du module lire_table
+ if os.environ.has_key('ASTER_ROOT'):
+ version = prof['version'][0]
+ bibpyt = os.path.join(os.environ['ASTER_ROOT'], version, 'bibpyt')
+ sys.path.append(bibpyt)
+ for mdl in glob.glob(os.path.join(bibpyt, '*')):
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['ASTER_ROOT'], version, 'bibpyt', mdl))
+ try:
+ from lire_table_ops import lecture_table
+ except:
+ UTMESS('F', "Impossible d'importer le module lire_table!")
+ reponses = tables_calc
+ Lrep=[]
+ _TB = [None]*len(reponses)
+ for i in range(len(reponses)):
+ _fic_table = tmp_repe_table + os.sep + "fort."+str(int(100+i))
+ try:
+ file=open(_fic_table,'r')
+ texte=file.read()
+ file.close()
+ except Exception, err:
+ ier=1
+ message = "Erreur 1!\n" + str(err)
+ UTMESS('F', message)
+ try:
+ table_lue = lecture_table(texte, 1, ' ')
+ list_para = table_lue.para
+ tab_lue = table_lue.values()
+ except Exception, err:
+ ier=1
+ message = "Erreur 2!\n" + str(err)
+ else:
+ ier=0
+ if ier!=0 : UTMESS('F', message)
+ try:
+ nb_val = len(tab_lue[ list_para[0] ])
+ F = Numeric.zeros((nb_val,2), Numeric.Float)
+ for k in range(nb_val):
+ F[k][0] = tab_lue[ str(reponses[i][1]) ][k]
+ F[k][1] = tab_lue[ str(reponses[i][2]) ][k]
+ Lrep.append(F)
+ except Exception, err:
+ message = "Erreur 3!\n" + str(err)
+ UTMESS('F', message)
+ resu_calc = Lrep
+ from N_Parameters import debug
+ if debug: print 'resu_calc:', resu_calc
+ return resu_calc
+def Calcul_Aster_Ponctuel( X0 = None ):
+ #
+ import numpy
+ if type(X0) is type(numpy.matrix([])):
+ X0 = X0.A1.tolist()
+ else:
+ X0 = list(X0)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Parametres
+ isFromYacs = globals().get('ASTER_ROOT', None) # execution via YACS ou en externe
+ if not isFromYacs:
+ from N_Parameters import ASTER_ROOT, debug, SOURCES_ROOT, DISPLAY
+ from N_Study_Parameters import export
+ from N_MR_Parameters import calcul, parametres
+ os.environ['ASTER_ROOT'] = ASTER_ROOT
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Repertoire contenant les resultats des calculs Aster (None = un rep temp est cree)
+ resudir = globals().get('resudir', None)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Parametres remis en forme
+ list_params = [x[0] for x in parametres]
+ list_calc = calcul
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Procedure de calculs distribues
+ #
+ # Import des modules python d'ASTK
+ astk_serv_root = os.path.join(ASTER_ROOT, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_SERV')
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(astk_serv_root, 'lib'))
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(ASTER_ROOT, 'lib', python_version, 'site-packages'))
+ if debug:
+ print sys.path
+ try:
+ from asrun.run import AsRunFactory
+ from asrun.profil import ASTER_PROFIL
+ from asrun.common_func import get_hostrc
+ from asrun.utils import get_timeout
+ from asrun.parametric import is_list_of_dict
+ from asrun.thread import Dispatcher
+ from asrun.distrib import DistribParametricTask
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
+ UTMESS('F', "Impossible de determiner l'emplacement d'Aster ! Fixer le chemin avec la variable d'environnement ASTER_ROOT.")
+ # Import des modules supplementaires
+ sys.path.insert(0, SOURCES_ROOT)
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(SOURCES_ROOT, 'sources'))
+ # result directories
+ if resudir:
+ if not os.path.isdir(resudir):
+ try: os.mkdir(resudir)
+ except:
+ UTMESS('A', "Impossible de creer le repertoire : %s. On utilise un repertoire temporaire" % resudir)
+ resudir = None
+ if not resudir: resudir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_macr_recal_')
+ flashdir = os.path.join(resudir,'flash')
+ UTMESS('I', "\n ASTER Exécution simple\n Répertoire temporaire de résultats : %s" % resudir)
+ sys.argv = ['']
+ run = AsRunFactory()
+ prof = ASTER_PROFIL(filename=export)
+ #prof = init_profil_from(run, prof, keep_surch=True)
+ prof.Set('R', {
+ 'type' : 'repe', 'isrep' : True, 'ul' : 0, 'compr' : False,
+ 'path' : '/tmp/test_param' })
+ if debug: print prof
+ prof.WriteExportTo( os.path.join(resudir, 'master.export') )
+ # get hostrc object
+ hostrc = get_hostrc(run, prof)
+ # timeout before rejected a job
+ timeout = get_timeout(prof)
+ # list of parameters
+ list_val = []
+ # Dictionnaire des parametres du point courant
+ dic = dict( zip( list_params, X0 ) )
+ list_val.append( dic )
+ assert is_list_of_dict(list_val)
+ nbval = len(list_val)
+ # Ajout des impressions de tables a la fin du .comm
+ t = []
+ reponses = list_calc
+ for i in range(len(reponses)):
+ _ul = str(int(100+i))
+ num_ul = '99'
+ try: os.remove( tmp_macr_recal+os.sep+"REPE_TABLE"+os.sep+"fort."+_ul )
+ except: pass
+ t.append("\n# Recuperation de la table : " + str(reponses[i][0]) + "\n")
+ t.append("DEFI_FICHIER(UNITE=" + num_ul + ", FICHIER='" + os.path.join('.', 'REPE_OUT', 'fort.'+_ul) + "',);\n" )
+ t.append("IMPR_TABLE(TABLE="+str(reponses[i][0])+", FORMAT='ASTER', UNITE="+num_ul+", INFO=1, FORMAT_R='E30.20',);\n")
+ t.append("DEFI_FICHIER(ACTION='LIBERER', UNITE="+num_ul+",);\n")
+ # number of threads to follow execution
+ numthread = 1
+ # ----- Execute calcutions in parallel using a Dispatcher object
+ # elementary task...
+ task = DistribParametricTask(run=run, prof=prof, # IN
+ hostrc=hostrc,
+ nbmaxitem=0, timeout=timeout,
+ resudir=resudir, flashdir=flashdir,
+ keywords={'POST_CALCUL': '\n'.join(t)},
+ info=1,
+ nbnook=0, exec_result=[]) # OUT
+ # ... and dispatch task on 'list_tests'
+ etiq = 'calc_%%0%dd' % (int(log10(nbval)) + 1)
+ labels = [etiq % (i+1) for i in range(nbval)]
+ couples = zip(labels, list_val)
+ execution = Dispatcher(couples, task, numthread=numthread)
+ iret = 0
+ if task.nbnook > 0:
+ iret = 4
+ #run.Sortie(iret)
+ # Recuperation des tables calculees
+ seq_FX = []
+ seq_FY = []
+ seq_DIMS = []
+ lst_DIAG = []
+ lst_iter = []
+ i=0
+ for c in labels:
+ tbl = get_tables(tables_calc=list_calc, tmp_repe_table=os.path.join(resudir, c, 'REPE_OUT'), prof=prof)
+ FX = []
+ FY = []
+ ldims = []
+ for array in tbl:
+# print 'AA1:', array
+# print array[0]
+ FX.extend([ x[0] for x in array ])
+ FY.extend([ x[1] for x in array ])
+ ldims.append(len(array))
+ # Agregation des resultats
+ seq_FX.append(FX)
+ seq_FY.append(FY)
+ seq_DIMS.append(ldims)
+ lst_iter.append(i)
+ i+=1
+ # Liste des diagnostics
+ d_diag = {}
+ for result in task.exec_result:
+ label = result[0]
+ diag = result[2]
+ d_diag[label] = diag
+ lst_DIAG = [ d_diag[label] for label in labels]
+ if debug:
+ print
+ print "list_calc =",list_calc
+ print "seq_FX =",seq_FX
+ print "seq_FY =",seq_FY
+ print "seq_DIMS =",seq_DIMS
+ print "lst_DIAG =",lst_DIAG
+ print "lst_iter =",lst_iter
+ print
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Procedure d'assemblage du gradient
+ # Calcul maitre (point X0)
+ idx0 = lst_iter.index(0) # index (les calculs arrivent-ils dans le desordre?)
+ FY_X0 = seq_FY[idx0]
+ H_de_X = FY_X0
+ # Arret si tous les jobs ne se sont pas deroules correctement
+ for diag in lst_DIAG:
+ if not diag[0:2] in ['OK', '<A']:
+ raise ValueError("Au moins un calcul ne s'est pas deroule normalement")
+ if debug:
+ print "\nH_de_X (calcul ponstuel) au point X0: \n%s" % str(H_de_X)
+ return H_de_X
+def Calcul_Aster_Jacobienne( X0 = None ):
+ #
+ import numpy
+ if type(X0) is type(numpy.matrix([])):
+ X0 = X0.A1.tolist()
+ else:
+ X0 = list(X0)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ FacteurdX = 1.e-4
+ dX = globals().get('dX', [ x*FacteurdX for x in X0 ]) # execution via YACS ou en externe
+ # dX = globals().get('dX', [ 0.1, 0.1, 0.001]) # execution via YACS ou en externe
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Parametres
+ isFromYacs = globals().get('ASTER_ROOT', None) # execution via YACS ou en externe
+ if not isFromYacs:
+ from N_Parameters import ASTER_ROOT, debug, SOURCES_ROOT, DISPLAY
+ from N_Study_Parameters import export
+ from N_MR_Parameters import calcul, parametres
+ os.environ['ASTER_ROOT'] = ASTER_ROOT
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Repertoire contenant les resultats des calculs Aster (None = un rep temp est cree)
+ resudir = globals().get('resudir', None)
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Parametres remis en forme
+ list_params = [x[0] for x in parametres]
+ list_calc = calcul
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Procedure de calculs distribues
+ #
+ # Import des modules python d'ASTK
+ astk_serv_root = os.path.join(ASTER_ROOT, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_SERV')
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(astk_serv_root, 'lib'))
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(ASTER_ROOT, 'lib', python_version, 'site-packages'))
+ if debug:
+ print sys.path
+ try:
+ from asrun.run import AsRunFactory
+ from asrun.profil import ASTER_PROFIL
+ from asrun.common_func import get_hostrc
+ from asrun.utils import get_timeout
+ from asrun.parametric import is_list_of_dict
+ from asrun.thread import Dispatcher
+ from asrun.distrib import DistribParametricTask
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
+ UTMESS('F', "Impossible de determiner l'emplacement d'Aster ! Fixer le chemin avec la variable d'environnement ASTER_ROOT.")
+ # Import des modules supplementaires
+ sys.path.insert(0, SOURCES_ROOT)
+ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(SOURCES_ROOT, 'sources'))
+ # result directories
+ if resudir:
+ if not os.path.isdir(resudir):
+ try: os.mkdir(resudir)
+ except:
+ UTMESS('A', "Impossible de creer le repertoire : %s. On utilise un repertoire temporaire" % resudir)
+ resudir = None
+ if not resudir: resudir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_macr_recal_')
+ flashdir = os.path.join(resudir,'flash')
+ UTMESS('I', "\n ASTER Exécutions multiples\n Répertoire temporaire de résultats : %s" % resudir)
+ sys.argv = ['']
+ run = AsRunFactory()
+ prof = ASTER_PROFIL(filename=export)
+ #prof = init_profil_from(run, prof, keep_surch=True)
+ prof.Set('R', {
+ 'type' : 'repe', 'isrep' : True, 'ul' : 0, 'compr' : False,
+ 'path' : '/tmp/test_param' })
+ if debug: print prof
+ prof.WriteExportTo( os.path.join(resudir, 'master.export') )
+ # get hostrc object
+ hostrc = get_hostrc(run, prof)
+ # timeout before rejected a job
+ timeout = get_timeout(prof)
+ # list of parameters
+ list_val = []
+ # Dictionnaire des parametres du point courant
+ dic = dict( zip( list_params, X0 ) )
+ list_val.append( dic )
+ # Dictionnaires des parametres des calculs esclaves (perturbations des differences finies)
+ for n in range(1,len(dX)+1):
+ l = [0] * len(dX)
+ l[n-1] = dX[n-1]
+ X = [ X0[i] + l[i] for i in range(len(dX)) ]
+ dic = dict( zip( list_params, X ) )
+ list_val.append( dic )
+ assert is_list_of_dict(list_val)
+ nbval = len(list_val)
+ # Ajout des impressions de tables a la fin du .comm
+ t = []
+ reponses = list_calc
+ for i in range(len(reponses)):
+ _ul = str(int(100+i))
+ num_ul = '99'
+ try: os.remove( tmp_macr_recal+os.sep+"REPE_TABLE"+os.sep+"fort."+_ul )
+ except: pass
+ t.append("\n# Recuperation de la table : " + str(reponses[i][0]) + "\n")
+ t.append("DEFI_FICHIER(UNITE=" + num_ul + ", FICHIER='" + os.path.join('.', 'REPE_OUT', 'fort.'+_ul) + "',);\n" )
+ t.append("IMPR_TABLE(TABLE="+str(reponses[i][0])+", FORMAT='ASTER', UNITE="+num_ul+", INFO=1, FORMAT_R='E30.20',);\n")
+ t.append("DEFI_FICHIER(ACTION='LIBERER', UNITE="+num_ul+",);\n")
+ # number of threads to follow execution
+ numthread = 1
+ # ----- Execute calcutions in parallel using a Dispatcher object
+ # elementary task...
+ task = DistribParametricTask(run=run, prof=prof, # IN
+ hostrc=hostrc,
+ nbmaxitem=0, timeout=timeout,
+ resudir=resudir, flashdir=flashdir,
+ keywords={'POST_CALCUL': '\n'.join(t)},
+ info=1,
+ nbnook=0, exec_result=[]) # OUT
+ # ... and dispatch task on 'list_tests'
+ etiq = 'calc_%%0%dd' % (int(log10(nbval)) + 1)
+ labels = [etiq % (i+1) for i in range(nbval)]
+ couples = zip(labels, list_val)
+ execution = Dispatcher(couples, task, numthread=numthread)
+ iret = 0
+ if task.nbnook > 0:
+ iret = 4
+ #run.Sortie(iret)
+ # Recuperation des tables calculees
+ seq_FX = []
+ seq_FY = []
+ seq_DIMS = []
+ lst_DIAG = []
+ lst_iter = []
+ i=0
+ for c in labels:
+ tbl = get_tables(tables_calc=list_calc, tmp_repe_table=os.path.join(resudir, c, 'REPE_OUT'), prof=prof)
+ FX = []
+ FY = []
+ ldims = []
+ for array in tbl:
+# print 'AA1:', array
+# print array[0]
+ FX.extend([ x[0] for x in array ])
+ FY.extend([ x[1] for x in array ])
+ ldims.append(len(array))
+ # Agregation des resultats
+ seq_FX.append(FX)
+ seq_FY.append(FY)
+ seq_DIMS.append(ldims)
+ lst_iter.append(i)
+ i+=1
+ # Liste des diagnostics
+ d_diag = {}
+ for result in task.exec_result:
+ label = result[0]
+ diag = result[2]
+ d_diag[label] = diag
+ lst_DIAG = [ d_diag[label] for label in labels]
+ if debug:
+ print
+ print "list_calc =",list_calc
+ print "seq_FX =",seq_FX
+ print "seq_FY =",seq_FY
+ print "seq_DIMS =",seq_DIMS
+ print "lst_DIAG =",lst_DIAG
+ print "lst_iter =",lst_iter
+ print "dX =",dX
+ print
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Procedure d'assemblage du gradient
+ # Calcul maitre (point X0)
+ idx0 = lst_iter.index(0) # index (les calculs arrivent-ils dans le desordre?)
+ FY_X0 = seq_FY[idx0]
+ H_de_X = FY_X0
+ # Arret si tous les jobs ne se sont pas deroules correctement
+ for diag in lst_DIAG:
+ if not diag[0:2] in ['OK', '<A']:
+ raise ValueError("Au moins un calcul ne s'est pas deroule normalement")
+ # Calcul du gradient (une liste de liste)
+ Gradient_de_H_en_X = []
+ for n in range(len(lst_iter))[1:]:
+ idx = lst_iter.index(n)
+ FY = seq_FY[idx]
+ col = [ -(y-x)/dX[idx-1] for x, y in zip(FY, FY_X0) ]
+ Gradient_de_H_en_X.append(col)
+ if debug: print 'Calcul numero: %s - Diagnostic: %s' % (n, lst_DIAG[idx])
+ if debug:
+ print "\nCalcul H au point X0: \n%s" % str(H_de_X)
+ import pprint
+ print "\nGradient au point X0:"
+ pprint.pprint(Gradient_de_H_en_X)
+ return Gradient_de_H_en_X
+def Calcul_Aster_Adjoint( (X0, dY) ):
+ #
+ if 0:
+ print
+ print "X0 =",X0
+ print "dY =",dY
+ #
+ import numpy
+ #
+ Y0 = numpy.asmatrix(dY).flatten().T
+ #
+ Delta_HX = Calcul_Aster_Jacobienne( X0 )
+ Delta_HX = numpy.matrix( Delta_HX )
+ #
+ HtY = numpy.dot(Delta_HX, Y0)
+ #
+ if 0:
+ print "dHX =",Delta_HX
+ print "HtY =",HtY
+ print
+ #
+ return HtY.A1
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+import os
+# Ce script contient les information nécessaires à l'exécution
+# de l'étude
+init_data = {}
+# Variables de base
+init_data['ASTER_ROOT'] = os.environ['ASTER_ROOT']
+init_data['debug'] = False
+init_data['python_version'] = "python@PYTHON_VERSION@"
+# Partie contenant les parametres de l'étude
+export=os.environ["ADAO_ROOT_DIR"] + '/tests/daSalome/zzzz159a.export.esclave'
+import Numeric
+parametres =[['YOUN__',100000.,50000.,500000.],['DSDE__',1000.,500.,10000.],['SIGY__',30.,5.,500.]]
+calcul = [['REPONSE1','INST','SIYY'],['REPONSE2','INST','V1']]
+experience=[ Numeric.array([[0.00000E+00 , 0.00000E+00 ],
+ [5.00000E-02 , 5.00000E+01 ],
+ [1.00000E-01 , 1.00000E+02 ],
+ [1.50000E-01 , 1.50000E+02 ],
+ [2.00000E-01 , 2.00000E+02 ],
+ [2.50000E-01 , 2.00500E+02 ],
+ [3.00000E-01 , 2.01000E+02 ],
+ [3.50000E-01 , 2.01500E+02 ],
+ [4.00000E-01 , 2.02000E+02 ],
+ [4.50000E-01 , 2.02500E+02 ],
+ [5.00000E-01 , 2.03000E+02 ],
+ [5.50000E-01 , 2.03500E+02 ],
+ [6.00000E-01 , 2.04000E+02 ],
+ [6.50000E-01 , 2.04500E+02 ],
+ [7.00000E-01 , 2.05000E+02 ],
+ [7.50000E-01 , 2.05500E+02 ],
+ [8.00000E-01 , 2.06000E+02 ],
+ [8.50000E-01 , 2.06500E+02 ],
+ [9.00000E-01 , 2.07000E+02 ],
+ [9.50000E-01 , 2.07500E+02 ],
+ [1.00000E+00 , 2.08000E+02 ]]),
+ Numeric.array([[0.00000E+00 , 0.00000E+00 ],
+ [5.00000E-02 , 0.00000E+00 ],
+ [1.00000E-01 , 0.00000E+00 ],
+ [1.50000E-01 , 0.00000E+00 ],
+ [2.00000E-01 , 0.00000E+00 ],
+ [2.50000E-01 , 2.47500E-04 ],
+ [3.00000E-01 , 4.95000E-04 ],
+ [3.50000E-01 , 7.42500E-04 ],
+ [4.00000E-01 , 9.90000E-04 ],
+ [4.50000E-01 , 1.23750E-03 ],
+ [5.00000E-01 , 1.48500E-03 ],
+ [5.50000E-01 , 1.73250E-03 ],
+ [6.00000E-01 , 1.98000E-03 ],
+ [6.50000E-01 , 2.22750E-03 ],
+ [7.00000E-01 , 2.47500E-03 ],
+ [7.50000E-01 , 2.72250E-03 ],
+ [8.00000E-01 , 2.97000E-03 ],
+ [8.50000E-01 , 3.21750E-03 ],
+ [9.00000E-01 , 3.46500E-03 ],
+ [9.50000E-01 , 3.71250E-03 ],
+ [1.00000E+00 , 3.96000E-03 ]]) ]
+init_data['parametres'] = parametres
+init_data['calcul'] = calcul
+init_data['experience'] = experience