from utils import *
#### définition des hooks.
# chaque hook doit :
# * avoir le prototype suivant : def <nom_hook>(<unicode>) avec <unicode> la ligne de texte à corriger
### whitespace/semicolon ###
-def extra_space_before_last_semicolon(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- liste=ligne.split(';\n')
- ligne2=liste[0]
- ligne3=ligne2.rstrip()
- ligne=ligne3 + ';\n'
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_after_semicolon(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne=ligne.replace(';','; ')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def extra_space_before_last_semicolon(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ liste = ligne.split(";\n")
+ ligne2 = liste[0]
+ ligne3 = ligne2.rstrip()
+ ligne = ligne3 + ";\n"
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_after_semicolon(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = ligne.replace(";", "; ")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/operators ###
-def missing_space_around_operator_egal(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- i=ligne.find('=')
- nextchar=ligne[i+1]
- previouschar=ligne[i-1]
- if nextchar not in OPERATORS and previouschar not in OPERATORS:
- if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==True:
- ligne=ligne.replace('=', '= ')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('=', ' =')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('=', ' = ')
- else:
- pass
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def extra_space_for_operator_add(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- while ligne.find('++ ') > -1:
- ligne = ligne.replace('++ ','++')
- while ligne.find(' ++') > -1 and ligne.find('; ++') == -1:
- ligne = ligne.replace(' ++','++')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def extra_space_for_operator_diff(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- while ligne.find('! ') > -1:
- ligne = ligne.replace('! ','!')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_around_operator_double_chevron(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- i=ligne.find('<<')
- nextchar=ligne[i+1]
- previouschar=ligne[i-1]
- if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==True:
- ligne=ligne.replace('<<', '<< ')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('<<', ' <<')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('<<', ' << ')
- else:
- pass
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_around_operator_simple_chevron(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- i=ligne.find('<')
- nextchar=ligne[i+1]
- previouschar=ligne[i-1]
- if nextchar not in OPERATORS and previouschar not in OPERATORS:
- if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==True:
- ligne=ligne.replace('<', '< ')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('<', ' <')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('<', ' < ')
- else:
- pass
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_around_operator_diff_egal(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- i=ligne.find('!=')
- nextchar=ligne[i+1]
- previouschar=ligne[i-1]
- if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==True:
- ligne=ligne.replace('!=', '!= ')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('!=', ' !=')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('!=', ' != ')
- else:
- pass
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_around_operator_double_egal(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- i=ligne.find('==')
- nextchar=ligne[i+1]
- previouschar=ligne[i-1]
- if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==True:
- ligne=ligne.replace('==', '== ')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('==', ' ==')
- elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace()==False:
- ligne=ligne.replace('==', ' == ')
- else:
- pass
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_around_operator_egal(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ i = ligne.find("=")
+ nextchar = ligne[i + 1]
+ previouschar = ligne[i - 1]
+ if nextchar not in OPERATORS and previouschar not in OPERATORS:
+ if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == True:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("=", "= ")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("=", " =")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("=", " = ")
+ else:
+ pass
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def extra_space_for_operator_add(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ while ligne.find("++ ") > -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("++ ", "++")
+ while ligne.find(" ++") > -1 and ligne.find("; ++") == -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace(" ++", "++")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def extra_space_for_operator_diff(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ while ligne.find("! ") > -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("! ", "!")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_around_operator_double_chevron(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ i = ligne.find("<<")
+ nextchar = ligne[i + 1]
+ previouschar = ligne[i - 1]
+ if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == True:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("<<", "<< ")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("<<", " <<")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("<<", " << ")
+ else:
+ pass
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_around_operator_simple_chevron(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ i = ligne.find("<")
+ nextchar = ligne[i + 1]
+ previouschar = ligne[i - 1]
+ if nextchar not in OPERATORS and previouschar not in OPERATORS:
+ if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == True:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("<", "< ")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("<", " <")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("<", " < ")
+ else:
+ pass
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_around_operator_diff_egal(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ i = ligne.find("!=")
+ nextchar = ligne[i + 1]
+ previouschar = ligne[i - 1]
+ if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == True:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("!=", "!= ")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("!=", " !=")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("!=", " != ")
+ else:
+ pass
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_around_operator_double_egal(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ i = ligne.find("==")
+ nextchar = ligne[i + 1]
+ previouschar = ligne[i - 1]
+ if nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == True:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("==", "== ")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == True and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("==", " ==")
+ elif nextchar.isspace() == False and previouschar.isspace() == False:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("==", " == ")
+ else:
+ pass
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/comments ###
-def space_between_comments_and_code(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- if ligne.find('//')>=0 :
- ligne=ligne.replace('//', ' //')
- elif ligne.find(' //')>=0 :
- ligne=ligne.replace(' //', ' //')
- else:
- pass
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def space_between_comments_and_double_slash(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- return ligne.replace('//', '// '), previous_ligne, False
+def space_between_comments_and_code(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ if ligne.find("//") >= 0:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("//", " //")
+ elif ligne.find(" //") >= 0:
+ ligne = ligne.replace(" //", " //")
+ else:
+ pass
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def space_between_comments_and_double_slash(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ return ligne.replace("//", "// "), previous_ligne, False
### legal/copyright ###
def legal_copyright(ficpath, ficline, warning=None):
- replace_fic_copyright(ficpath)
+ replace_fic_copyright(ficpath)
### build/header_guard
def ifndef_header(ficpath, ficline, warning):
- replace_fic_ifndef(ficpath, ficline, warning, "wrong_style")
-#def no_ifndef_header(ficpath, ficline, warning):
-# replace_fic_ifndef(ficpath, ficline, warning, "no_guard_found")
-def endif_line(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- liste1=warning.split('// ')
- ligne1=liste1[1]
- liste2=ligne1.split('"')
- header_guard=liste2[0]
- ligne= '#endif // ' + header_guard +'\n'
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+ replace_fic_ifndef(ficpath, ficline, warning, "wrong_style")
+# def no_ifndef_header(ficpath, ficline, warning):
+# replace_fic_ifndef(ficpath, ficline, warning, "no_guard_found")
+def endif_line(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ liste1 = warning.split("// ")
+ ligne1 = liste1[1]
+ liste2 = ligne1.split('"')
+ header_guard = liste2[0]
+ ligne = "#endif // " + header_guard + "\n"
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/end_of_ligne ###
-def whitespace_end_of_line(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne = ligne.rstrip()+'\n'
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def whitespace_end_of_line(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = ligne.rstrip() + "\n"
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/comma ###
-def missing_space_after_comma(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne=ligne.replace(',',', ')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_after_comma(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = ligne.replace(",", ", ")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### readability/namespace ###
-def namespace_should_be_terminated(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne2=ligne.rstrip('\n')
- liste = warning.split('"')
- namespace=liste[1]
- if ligne.find('\r')>=0:
- ligne=ligne2+' '+namespace+'\r\n'
- else:
- ligne=ligne2+' '+namespace+'\n'
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def anonymous_namespace_should_be_terminated(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne2=ligne.rstrip('\n')
- ligne=ligne2+' // namespace\n'
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def namespace_should_be_terminated(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne2 = ligne.rstrip("\n")
+ liste = warning.split('"')
+ namespace = liste[1]
+ if ligne.find("\r") >= 0:
+ ligne = ligne2 + " " + namespace + "\r\n"
+ else:
+ ligne = ligne2 + " " + namespace + "\n"
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def anonymous_namespace_should_be_terminated(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne2 = ligne.rstrip("\n")
+ ligne = ligne2 + " // namespace\n"
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/parens ###
-def extra_space_after_opening_paranthesis(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- while ligne.find('( ') > -1:
- ligne = ligne.replace('( ','(')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def extra_space_before_closing_paranthesis(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- while ligne.find(' )') > -1:
- ligne = ligne.replace(' )',')')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def extra_space_before_opening_paranthesis_in_function_call(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- while ligne.find(' (') > -1 and ligne.find(', (')==-1:
- ligne = ligne.replace(' (','(')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_for(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- return ligne.replace('for(','for ('), previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_if(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- return ligne.replace('if(','if ('), previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_switch(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- return ligne.replace('switch(','switch ('), previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_while(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- return ligne.replace('while(','while ('), previous_ligne, False
-def mismatching_spaces_inside_paranthesis(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- while ligne.find('( ') > -1:
- ligne = ligne.replace('( ','(')
- while ligne.find(' )') > -1:
- ligne = ligne.replace(' )',')')
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def extra_space_after_opening_paranthesis(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ while ligne.find("( ") > -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("( ", "(")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def extra_space_before_closing_paranthesis(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ while ligne.find(" )") > -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace(" )", ")")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def extra_space_before_opening_paranthesis_in_function_call(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ while ligne.find(" (") > -1 and ligne.find(", (") == -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace(" (", "(")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_for(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ return ligne.replace("for(", "for ("), previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_if(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ return ligne.replace("if(", "if ("), previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_switch(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ return ligne.replace("switch(", "switch ("), previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_while(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ return ligne.replace("while(", "while ("), previous_ligne, False
+def mismatching_spaces_inside_paranthesis(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ while ligne.find("( ") > -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace("( ", "(")
+ while ligne.find(" )") > -1:
+ ligne = ligne.replace(" )", ")")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/newline ###
def else_should_be_previous_line(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
- return position_of_else(ligne, previous_ligne, warning)
+ return position_of_else(ligne, previous_ligne, warning)
### whitespace/indent ###
-def missing_space_before_public_protected_private(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- # Ajout d'un espace avant public:, protected: et :private
- if re.match("public.*:|protected.*:|private.*:", ligne):
- ligne = " " + ligne
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_before_public_protected_private(
+ ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None
+ # Ajout d'un espace avant public:, protected: et :private
+ if re.match("public.*:|protected.*:|private.*:", ligne):
+ ligne = " " + ligne
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def wrong_number_of_spaces_while_indenting(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- # Le nombre d'espaces pour l'indentation doit être pair
- if re.match("\s{1}\S+|\s{3}\S+|\s{5}\S+|\s{7}\S+|\s{9}\S+", ligne):
- if not re.match(" public.*:| protected.*:| private.*:| \*", ligne):
- ligne = " " + ligne
- # Suppression des espaces superflus sur une ligne sans code
- if ligne.isspace():
- ligne = "\n"
+def wrong_number_of_spaces_while_indenting(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ # Le nombre d'espaces pour l'indentation doit être pair
+ if re.match("\s{1}\S+|\s{3}\S+|\s{5}\S+|\s{7}\S+|\s{9}\S+", ligne):
+ if not re.match(" public.*:| protected.*:| private.*:| \*", ligne):
+ ligne = " " + ligne
+ # Suppression des espaces superflus sur une ligne sans code
+ if ligne.isspace():
+ ligne = "\n"
+ # Remplacement des tabulations par 8 espaces en début de ligne
+ ligne = ligne.replace("\t", " ")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
- # Remplacement des tabulations par 8 espaces en début de ligne
- ligne = ligne.replace("\t", " ")
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/ending_newline ###
-def no_newline_at_the_end_of_file(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne += '\n\n'
- return ligne, None, False
+def no_newline_at_the_end_of_file(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne += "\n\n"
+ return ligne, None, False
### build/storage_class ###
-def order_of_storage_class_specifier(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- if re.match("\s*const static", ligne):
- # Inversion de const static en static const
- ligne = ligne.replace("const static", "static const")
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def order_of_storage_class_specifier(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ if re.match("\s*const static", ligne):
+ # Inversion de const static en static const
+ ligne = ligne.replace("const static", "static const")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/tab ###
-def use_spaces_instead_of_tab(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- if re.match(".*\t", ligne):
- # Remplacement des tabulations par 8 espaces
- ligne = ligne.replace("\t", " ")
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def use_spaces_instead_of_tab(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ if re.match(".*\t", ligne):
+ # Remplacement des tabulations par 8 espaces
+ ligne = ligne.replace("\t", " ")
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### readability/braces ###
-def no_semicolon_after_brace(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- return ligne.replace('};','}'), previous_ligne, False
+def no_semicolon_after_brace(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ return ligne.replace("};", "}"), previous_ligne, False
def position_of_else(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
- '''Remonte une ligne du type } else {'''
- if '}' not in previous_ligne:
- # Si on ne trouve pas de '}' sur la ligne précédente, on ne fait rien
- return ligne, None, False
- m = re.match("(.*)else(.*)", ligne)
- previous_ligne = previous_ligne.rstrip("\n") + ' else' + + '\n'
- ligne = ''
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+ """Remonte une ligne du type } else {"""
+ if "}" not in previous_ligne:
+ # Si on ne trouve pas de '}' sur la ligne précédente, on ne fait rien
+ return ligne, None, False
+ m = re.match("(.*)else(.*)", ligne)
+ previous_ligne = previous_ligne.rstrip("\n") + " else" + + "\n"
+ ligne = ""
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
### whitespace/braces ###
def position_of_opening_brace(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
- '''Remonte le { sur la ligne du dessus'''
- m = re.match("(\s*){(.*)", ligne)
- # On ne fait rien si on trouve un commentaire sur la ligne précédente (ce sera une correction manuelle)
- if previous_ligne.find('//') == -1:
- previous_ligne = previous_ligne.rstrip("\n") + ' {' + + '\n'
- ligne = ''
- else:
- print("The previous line contains a comment, fixing has to be manual.")
+ """Remonte le { sur la ligne du dessus"""
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+ m = re.match("(\s*){(.*)", ligne)
-def missing_space_before_opening_brace(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- m = re.match("(.+)(\S){(.*)", ligne)
- if(m):
- print('group_0',
- print('group_1',
- print('group_2',
- print('group_3',
- ligne = + + ' {' + + '\n'
+ # On ne fait rien si on trouve un commentaire sur la ligne précédente (ce sera une correction manuelle)
+ if previous_ligne.find("//") == -1:
+ previous_ligne = previous_ligne.rstrip("\n") + " {" + + "\n"
+ ligne = ""
+ else:
+ print("The previous line contains a comment, fixing has to be manual.")
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_before_opening_brace(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ m = re.match("(.+)(\S){(.*)", ligne)
+ if m:
+ print("group_0",
+ print("group_1",
+ print("group_2",
+ print("group_3",
+ ligne = + + " {" + + "\n"
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-def missing_space_before_else(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- m = re.match("(.+)(\S)else(.*)", ligne)
- if(m):
- print('group_0',
- print('group_1',
- print('group_2',
- print('group_3',
- ligne = + + ' else' + + '\n'
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
-### runtime/references ###
-def make_const_reference(ficpath, ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- """ Adding keyword 'const' """
- print("ficpath = ", ficpath)
- print("ligne = ", ligne)
- print("warning = ", warning)
- m = re.match("(.+)Is this a non-const reference\? If so, make const or use a pointer: (.+) (.+)", warning)
- if(m):
- print('group_0',
- print('group_1',
- print('group_2',
- print('group_3',
- arg_to_modify =
- ligne = ligne.replace(arg_to_modify, "const "+arg_to_modify)
- # Répercution des corrections dans le fichier ".cpp" correspondant si c'est un fichier ".h"
- if ficpath.find('.h') > -1:
- cpp_file_path = ficpath.replace('.h', '.cpp')
- make_const_reference_cpp_file(cpp_file_path, arg_to_modify)
- else:
- print("ERROR : The following pattern was not found : 'Is this a non-const reference? If so, make const or use a pointer:'")
- return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def missing_space_before_else(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ m = re.match("(.+)(\S)else(.*)", ligne)
+ if m:
+ print("group_0",
+ print("group_1",
+ print("group_2",
+ print("group_3",
+ ligne = + + " else" + + "\n"
-def make_const_reference_cpp_file(ficpath, arg_to_modify):
- if not os.path.isfile(ficpath):
- print("WARNING : The file ", ficpath, " doesn't exist, manual fixing is required in methods of the file ", ficpath.replace('.cpp', '.h'), " in which arguments have been declared 'const'")
- return
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+### runtime/references ###
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath),'r')
- liste = fic_readlines(fic)
- new_liste = []
- for ligne in liste:
- # Recherche de l'argument à modifier
- if(ligne.find(arg_to_modify) > -1 and ligne.find('const '+arg_to_modify) == -1):
- new_liste.append(ligne.replace(arg_to_modify, "const "+arg_to_modify))
- else:
- new_liste.append(ligne)
- newliste=fic_writelines(new_liste)
- fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
- fichier.writelines(newliste)
+def make_const_reference(ficpath, ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ """Adding keyword 'const'"""
+ print("ficpath = ", ficpath)
+ print("ligne = ", ligne)
+ print("warning = ", warning)
+ m = re.match(
+ "(.+)Is this a non-const reference\? If so, make const or use a pointer: (.+) (.+)",
+ warning,
+ )
+ if m:
+ print("group_0",
+ print("group_1",
+ print("group_2",
+ print("group_3",
+ arg_to_modify =
+ ligne = ligne.replace(arg_to_modify, "const " + arg_to_modify)
+ # Répercution des corrections dans le fichier ".cpp" correspondant si c'est un fichier ".h"
+ if ficpath.find(".h") > -1:
+ cpp_file_path = ficpath.replace(".h", ".cpp")
+ make_const_reference_cpp_file(cpp_file_path, arg_to_modify)
+ else:
+ print(
+ "ERROR : The following pattern was not found : 'Is this a non-const reference? If so, make const or use a pointer:'"
+ )
+ return ligne, previous_ligne, False
+def make_const_reference_cpp_file(ficpath, arg_to_modify):
+ if not os.path.isfile(ficpath):
+ print(
+ "WARNING : The file ",
+ ficpath,
+ " doesn't exist, manual fixing is required in methods of the file ",
+ ficpath.replace(".cpp", ".h"),
+ " in which arguments have been declared 'const'",
+ )
+ return
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ new_liste = []
+ for ligne in liste:
+ # Recherche de l'argument à modifier
+ if (
+ ligne.find(arg_to_modify) > -1
+ and ligne.find("const " + arg_to_modify) == -1
+ ):
+ new_liste.append(ligne.replace(arg_to_modify, "const " + arg_to_modify))
+ else:
+ new_liste.append(ligne)
+ newliste = fic_writelines(new_liste)
+ fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
+ fichier.writelines(newliste)
### runtime/int ###
-def replace_short_by_int16(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne = ligne.replace('short', 'int16_t')
- return ligne, None, False
+def replace_short_by_int16(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = ligne.replace("short", "int16_t")
+ return ligne, None, False
-def replace_long_by_int64(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne = ligne.replace('long', 'int64_t')
- return ligne, None, False
+def replace_long_by_int64(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = ligne.replace("long", "int64_t")
+ return ligne, None, False
### runtime/explicit ###
-def make_constructor_explicit(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- m = re.match("(\s*)(.+)", ligne)
- if(m):
- print('group_0',
- print('group_1',
- print('group_2',
- ligne = ligne.replace(, 'explicit '
- return ligne, None, False
+def make_constructor_explicit(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ m = re.match("(\s*)(.+)", ligne)
+ if m:
+ print("group_0",
+ print("group_1",
+ print("group_2",
+ ligne = ligne.replace(, "explicit " +
+ return ligne, None, False
### build/include ###
def cpp_file_should_include_h_file(ficpath, ficline, warning):
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath),'r')
- liste = fic_readlines(fic)
- new_liste = []
- m = re.match("(.+) should include its header file (.+) (.+)", warning)
- if(m):
- print('group_0',
- print('group_1',
- print('group_2',
- # Nouveau chemin du fichier .h
- new_h_file_path =
- # Nom du fichier .h
- h_file_name = os.path.basename(new_h_file_path)
- # Recherche de la ligne à modifier
- for ligne in liste:
- m2 = re.match("#include.*"+h_file_name+".*", ligne)
- if(m2):
- print("FOUND : ", ligne)
- new_liste.append("#include \""+new_h_file_path+"\"\n")
- else:
- print("NOT FOUND : ", ligne)
- new_liste.append(ligne)
- else:
- print("ERROR : Pattern not found : \"should include its header file\"")
- newliste=fic_writelines(new_liste)
- fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
- fichier.writelines(newliste)
-def _h_file_already_included(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- return "", None, False
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ new_liste = []
+ m = re.match("(.+) should include its header file (.+) (.+)", warning)
+ if m:
+ print("group_0",
+ print("group_1",
+ print("group_2",
+ # Nouveau chemin du fichier .h
+ new_h_file_path =
+ # Nom du fichier .h
+ h_file_name = os.path.basename(new_h_file_path)
+ # Recherche de la ligne à modifier
+ for ligne in liste:
+ m2 = re.match("#include.*" + h_file_name + ".*", ligne)
+ if m2:
+ print("FOUND : ", ligne)
+ new_liste.append('#include "' + new_h_file_path + '"\n')
+ else:
+ print("NOT FOUND : ", ligne)
+ new_liste.append(ligne)
+ else:
+ print('ERROR : Pattern not found : "should include its header file"')
+ newliste = fic_writelines(new_liste)
+ fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
+ fichier.writelines(newliste)
+def _h_file_already_included(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ return "", None, False
### whitespace/blank_line ###
def do_not_leave_blank_line_after_public_protected_private(ficpath, ficline, warning):
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath),'r')
- liste = fic_readlines(fic)
- new_liste = []
- flag = False
- for ligne in liste:
- if re.match(".*public.*:|.*protected.*:|.*private.*:", ligne):
- # Détection d'une ligne public:, protected: ou :private
- flag = True
- if flag and ligne.isspace():
- # Supprimer les lignes vides après public:, protected: et :private
- print("Deleting empty line")
- new_liste.append("")
- continue
- if not ligne.isspace() and not re.match(".*public.*:|.*protected.*:|.*private.*:", ligne):
- flag = False
- new_liste.append(ligne)
- newliste=fic_writelines(new_liste)
- fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
- fichier.writelines(newliste)
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ new_liste = []
+ flag = False
+ for ligne in liste:
+ if re.match(".*public.*:|.*protected.*:|.*private.*:", ligne):
+ # Détection d'une ligne public:, protected: ou :private
+ flag = True
+ if flag and ligne.isspace():
+ # Supprimer les lignes vides après public:, protected: et :private
+ print("Deleting empty line")
+ new_liste.append("")
+ continue
+ if not ligne.isspace() and not re.match(
+ ".*public.*:|.*protected.*:|.*private.*:", ligne
+ ):
+ flag = False
+ new_liste.append(ligne)
+ newliste = fic_writelines(new_liste)
+ fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
+ fichier.writelines(newliste)
def do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_start_of_code_block(ficpath, ficline, warning):
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath),'r')
- liste = fic_readlines(fic)
- new_liste = []
- flag = False
- for ligne in liste:
- if re.match(".*{", ligne):
- # Détection d'un début de bloc
- flag = True
- if flag and ligne.isspace():
- # Supprimer les lignes vides après un début de bloc
- print("Deleting empty line")
- new_liste.append("")
- continue
- if not ligne.isspace() and not re.match(".*{", ligne):
- flag = False
- new_liste.append(ligne)
- newliste=fic_writelines(new_liste)
- fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
- fichier.writelines(newliste)
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ new_liste = []
+ flag = False
+ for ligne in liste:
+ if re.match(".*{", ligne):
+ # Détection d'un début de bloc
+ flag = True
+ if flag and ligne.isspace():
+ # Supprimer les lignes vides après un début de bloc
+ print("Deleting empty line")
+ new_liste.append("")
+ continue
+ if not ligne.isspace() and not re.match(".*{", ligne):
+ flag = False
+ new_liste.append(ligne)
+ newliste = fic_writelines(new_liste)
+ fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
+ fichier.writelines(newliste)
def do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_end_of_code_block(ficpath, ficline, warning):
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath),'r')
- liste = fic_readlines(fic)
- new_liste = []
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ new_liste = []
+ nb_blank_lines = 0
+ for ligne in liste:
+ if re.match(".*}", ligne):
+ # Détection d'une fin de bloc -> suppression des nb_blank_lines lignes vides précédentes
+ for i in range(0, nb_blank_lines):
+ new_liste.pop()
+ if ligne.isspace():
+ nb_blank_lines += 1
+ else:
+ nb_blank_lines = 0
+ new_liste.append(ligne)
- nb_blank_lines = 0
- for ligne in liste:
- if re.match(".*}", ligne):
- # Détection d'une fin de bloc -> suppression des nb_blank_lines lignes vides précédentes
- for i in range(0, nb_blank_lines):
- new_liste.pop()
- if ligne.isspace():
- nb_blank_lines += 1
- else:
- nb_blank_lines = 0
- new_liste.append(ligne)
+ newliste = fic_writelines(new_liste)
+ fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
+ fichier.writelines(newliste)
- newliste=fic_writelines(new_liste)
- fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
- fichier.writelines(newliste)
-def add_blank_line_before_public(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne = "\n" + ligne
+def add_blank_line_before_public(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = "\n" + ligne
- return ligne, None, False
+ return ligne, None, False
-def add_blank_line_before_protected(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne = "\n" + ligne
- return ligne, None, False
+def add_blank_line_before_protected(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = "\n" + ligne
-def add_blank_line_before_private(ligne, previous_ligne = None, warning=None):
- ligne = "\n" + ligne
+ return ligne, None, False
+def add_blank_line_before_private(ligne, previous_ligne=None, warning=None):
+ ligne = "\n" + ligne
+ return ligne, None, False
- return ligne, None, False
### build/include_what_you_use ###
def add_include_what_you_use(ficpath, ficline, warning):
- """
- Ajoute le #include suggéré dans le warning
- """
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
- liste = fic_readlines(fic)
- m = re.match("\s*Add (.+) for (.+)", warning)
- if(m):
- print('group_0',
- print('group_1',
- include =
- # Recherche la ligne dans laquelle ajouter le #include
- # On l'ajoutera après le dernier "#include <..."
- num_ligne = 0
- num_ligne_include_system = 0
- num_ligne_include_local = 0
- for ligne in liste:
- num_ligne += 1
- if ligne.find('#include <') > -1:
- num_ligne_include_system = num_ligne
- elif ligne.find('#include "') > -1:
- num_ligne_include_local = num_ligne
- num_ligne_include = max(num_ligne_include_system, num_ligne_include_local)
- if num_ligne_include == 0:
- print("WARNING : #include not found in file ", ficpath)
- return
- new_liste = []
- num_ligne = 0
- fic2 = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
- liste2 = fic_readlines(fic2)
- for ligne in liste2:
- num_ligne += 1
- new_liste.append(ligne)
- if num_ligne == num_ligne_include:
- new_liste.append(include+'\n')
- newliste=fic_writelines(new_liste)
- fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
- fichier.writelines(newliste)
- else:
- print("ERROR : Pattern of include_what_you_use not found")
- return
+ """
+ Ajoute le #include suggéré dans le warning
+ """
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ m = re.match("\s*Add (.+) for (.+)", warning)
+ if m:
+ print("group_0",
+ print("group_1",
+ include =
+ # Recherche la ligne dans laquelle ajouter le #include
+ # On l'ajoutera après le dernier "#include <..."
+ num_ligne = 0
+ num_ligne_include_system = 0
+ num_ligne_include_local = 0
+ for ligne in liste:
+ num_ligne += 1
+ if ligne.find("#include <") > -1:
+ num_ligne_include_system = num_ligne
+ elif ligne.find('#include "') > -1:
+ num_ligne_include_local = num_ligne
+ num_ligne_include = max(num_ligne_include_system, num_ligne_include_local)
+ if num_ligne_include == 0:
+ print("WARNING : #include not found in file ", ficpath)
+ return
+ new_liste = []
+ num_ligne = 0
+ fic2 = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste2 = fic_readlines(fic2)
+ for ligne in liste2:
+ num_ligne += 1
+ new_liste.append(ligne)
+ if num_ligne == num_ligne_include:
+ new_liste.append(include + "\n")
+ newliste = fic_writelines(new_liste)
+ fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
+ fichier.writelines(newliste)
+ else:
+ print("ERROR : Pattern of include_what_you_use not found")
+ return
- extra_space_before_last_semicolon:{'pattern':'whitespace/semicolon', 'pattern_AND':'Extra space before last semicolon'},
- missing_space_after_semicolon:{'pattern':'whitespace/semicolon', 'pattern_AND':'Missing space after'},
- missing_space_around_operator_egal:{'pattern':'whitespace/operators', 'pattern_AND':'Missing spaces around = '},
- extra_space_for_operator_add:{'pattern':'whitespace/operators', 'pattern_AND':'Extra space for operator ++'},
- extra_space_for_operator_diff:{'pattern':'whitespace/operators', 'pattern_AND':'Extra space for operator !'},
- missing_space_around_operator_double_chevron:{'pattern':'whitespace/operators', 'pattern_AND':'Missing spaces around << '},
- missing_space_around_operator_simple_chevron:{'pattern':'whitespace/operators', 'pattern_AND':'Missing spaces around < '},
- missing_space_around_operator_diff_egal:{'pattern':'whitespace/operators', 'pattern_AND':'Missing spaces around !='},
- missing_space_around_operator_double_egal:{'pattern':'whitespace/operators', 'pattern_AND':'Missing spaces around =='},
- space_between_comments_and_code:{'pattern':'whitespace/comments', 'pattern_AND':'At least two spaces is best between code and comments'},
- space_between_comments_and_double_slash:{'pattern':'whitespace/comments', 'pattern_AND':'Should have a space between // and comment '},
- legal_copyright:{'pattern':'legal/copyright'}, # Script à n'executer qu'une fois
- ifndef_header:{'pattern':'build/header_guard', 'pattern_AND':'#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use'},
-# no_ifndef_header:{'pattern':u'build/header_guard', 'pattern_AND':u'No #ifndef header guard found'},
- endif_line:{'pattern':'build/header_guard', 'pattern_AND':'#endif line should be'},
- whitespace_end_of_line:{'pattern':'whitespace/end_of_line', 'pattern_AND':'Line ends in whitespace'},
- missing_space_after_comma:{'pattern':'whitespace/comma'},
- namespace_should_be_terminated:{'pattern':'readability/namespace', 'pattern_AND':'Namespace should be terminated with'},
- anonymous_namespace_should_be_terminated:{'pattern':'readability/namespace', 'pattern_AND':'Anonymous namespace should be terminated with'},
- extra_space_after_opening_paranthesis:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern_AND':'Extra space after ('},
- extra_space_before_closing_paranthesis:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern_AND':'Extra space before )'},
- extra_space_before_opening_paranthesis_in_function_call:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern':'Extra space before ( in function call'},
- missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_for:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern_AND':'Missing space before ( in for('},
- missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_if:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern_AND':'Missing space before ( in if('},
- missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_switch:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern_AND':'Missing space before ( in switch('},
- missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_while:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern_AND':'Missing space before ( in while('},
- mismatching_spaces_inside_paranthesis:{'pattern':'whitespace/parens', 'pattern_AND':'Mismatching spaces inside ()'},
- missing_space_before_public_protected_private:{'pattern':'whitespace/indent', 'pattern_AND':' should be indented +1 space inside class'},
- wrong_number_of_spaces_while_indenting:{'pattern':'whitespace/indent', 'pattern_AND':'Weird number of spaces at line-start'},
- no_newline_at_the_end_of_file:{'pattern':'whitespace/ending_newline'},
- order_of_storage_class_specifier:{'pattern':'build/storage_class'},
- use_spaces_instead_of_tab:{'pattern':'whitespace/tab'},
- no_semicolon_after_brace:{'pattern':'readability/braces', 'pattern_AND':'You don\'t need a ; after a }'},
-# position_of_else:{'pattern':u'readability/braces', 'pattern_AND':u'If an else has a brace on one side'},
-# else_should_be_previous_line:{'pattern':u'whitespace/newline', 'pattern_AND':u'An else should appear on the same line as the preceding'},
- position_of_opening_brace:{'pattern':'whitespace/braces', 'pattern_AND':'{ should almost always be at the end of the previous line'},
- missing_space_before_opening_brace:{'pattern':'whitespace/braces', 'pattern_AND':'Missing space before {'},
- missing_space_before_else:{'pattern':'whitespace/braces', 'pattern_AND':'Missing space before else'},
- make_const_reference:{'pattern':'runtime/references', 'pattern_AND':'Is this a non-const reference? If so, make const or use a pointer'},
- make_constructor_explicit:{'pattern':'runtime/explicit'},
- cpp_file_should_include_h_file:{'pattern':'build/include', 'pattern_AND':'should include its header file'},
- _h_file_already_included:{'pattern':'build/include', 'pattern_AND':'already included at'},
- replace_short_by_int16:{'pattern':'runtime/int', 'pattern_AND':'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type short'},
- replace_long_by_int64:{'pattern':'runtime/int', 'pattern_AND':'Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type long'},
- do_not_leave_blank_line_after_public_protected_private:{'pattern':'whitespace/blank_line', 'pattern_AND':'Do not leave a blank line after'},
- do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_start_of_code_block:{'pattern':'whitespace/blank_line', 'pattern_AND':'Redundant blank line at the start of a code block should be deleted'},
- do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_end_of_code_block:{'pattern':'whitespace/blank_line', 'pattern_AND':'Redundant blank line at the end of a code block should be deleted'},
- add_blank_line_before_public:{'pattern':'whitespace/blank_line', 'pattern_AND':'"public:" should be preceded by a blank line'},
- add_blank_line_before_protected:{'pattern':'whitespace/blank_line', 'pattern_AND':'"protected:" should be preceded by a blank line'},
- add_blank_line_before_private:{'pattern':'whitespace/blank_line', 'pattern_AND':'"private:" should be preceded by a blank line'},
- add_include_what_you_use:{'pattern':'build/include_what_you_use'},
+ extra_space_before_last_semicolon: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/semicolon",
+ "pattern_AND": "Extra space before last semicolon",
+ },
+ missing_space_after_semicolon: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/semicolon",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing space after",
+ },
+ missing_space_around_operator_egal: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/operators",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing spaces around = ",
+ },
+ extra_space_for_operator_add: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/operators",
+ "pattern_AND": "Extra space for operator ++",
+ },
+ extra_space_for_operator_diff: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/operators",
+ "pattern_AND": "Extra space for operator !",
+ },
+ missing_space_around_operator_double_chevron: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/operators",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing spaces around << ",
+ },
+ missing_space_around_operator_simple_chevron: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/operators",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing spaces around < ",
+ },
+ missing_space_around_operator_diff_egal: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/operators",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing spaces around !=",
+ },
+ missing_space_around_operator_double_egal: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/operators",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing spaces around ==",
+ },
+ space_between_comments_and_code: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/comments",
+ "pattern_AND": "At least two spaces is best between code and comments",
+ },
+ space_between_comments_and_double_slash: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/comments",
+ "pattern_AND": "Should have a space between // and comment ",
+ },
+ legal_copyright: {"pattern": "legal/copyright"}, # Script à n'executer qu'une fois
+ ifndef_header: {
+ "pattern": "build/header_guard",
+ "pattern_AND": "#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use",
+ },
+ # no_ifndef_header:{'pattern':u'build/header_guard', 'pattern_AND':u'No #ifndef header guard found'},
+ endif_line: {
+ "pattern": "build/header_guard",
+ "pattern_AND": "#endif line should be",
+ },
+ whitespace_end_of_line: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/end_of_line",
+ "pattern_AND": "Line ends in whitespace",
+ },
+ missing_space_after_comma: {"pattern": "whitespace/comma"},
+ namespace_should_be_terminated: {
+ "pattern": "readability/namespace",
+ "pattern_AND": "Namespace should be terminated with",
+ },
+ anonymous_namespace_should_be_terminated: {
+ "pattern": "readability/namespace",
+ "pattern_AND": "Anonymous namespace should be terminated with",
+ },
+ extra_space_after_opening_paranthesis: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern_AND": "Extra space after (",
+ },
+ extra_space_before_closing_paranthesis: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern_AND": "Extra space before )",
+ },
+ extra_space_before_opening_paranthesis_in_function_call: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern": "Extra space before ( in function call",
+ },
+ missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_for: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing space before ( in for(",
+ },
+ missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_if: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing space before ( in if(",
+ },
+ missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_switch: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing space before ( in switch(",
+ },
+ missing_space_before_opening_parenthesis_in_while: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing space before ( in while(",
+ },
+ mismatching_spaces_inside_paranthesis: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/parens",
+ "pattern_AND": "Mismatching spaces inside ()",
+ },
+ missing_space_before_public_protected_private: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/indent",
+ "pattern_AND": " should be indented +1 space inside class",
+ },
+ wrong_number_of_spaces_while_indenting: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/indent",
+ "pattern_AND": "Weird number of spaces at line-start",
+ },
+ no_newline_at_the_end_of_file: {"pattern": "whitespace/ending_newline"},
+ order_of_storage_class_specifier: {"pattern": "build/storage_class"},
+ use_spaces_instead_of_tab: {"pattern": "whitespace/tab"},
+ no_semicolon_after_brace: {
+ "pattern": "readability/braces",
+ "pattern_AND": "You don't need a ; after a }",
+ },
+ # position_of_else:{'pattern':u'readability/braces', 'pattern_AND':u'If an else has a brace on one side'},
+ # else_should_be_previous_line:{'pattern':u'whitespace/newline', 'pattern_AND':u'An else should appear on the same line as the preceding'},
+ position_of_opening_brace: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/braces",
+ "pattern_AND": "{ should almost always be at the end of the previous line",
+ },
+ missing_space_before_opening_brace: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/braces",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing space before {",
+ },
+ missing_space_before_else: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/braces",
+ "pattern_AND": "Missing space before else",
+ },
+ make_const_reference: {
+ "pattern": "runtime/references",
+ "pattern_AND": "Is this a non-const reference? If so, make const or use a pointer",
+ },
+ make_constructor_explicit: {"pattern": "runtime/explicit"},
+ cpp_file_should_include_h_file: {
+ "pattern": "build/include",
+ "pattern_AND": "should include its header file",
+ },
+ _h_file_already_included: {
+ "pattern": "build/include",
+ "pattern_AND": "already included at",
+ },
+ replace_short_by_int16: {
+ "pattern": "runtime/int",
+ "pattern_AND": "Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type short",
+ },
+ replace_long_by_int64: {
+ "pattern": "runtime/int",
+ "pattern_AND": "Use int16/int64/etc, rather than the C type long",
+ },
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_after_public_protected_private: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/blank_line",
+ "pattern_AND": "Do not leave a blank line after",
+ },
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_start_of_code_block: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/blank_line",
+ "pattern_AND": "Redundant blank line at the start of a code block should be deleted",
+ },
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_end_of_code_block: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/blank_line",
+ "pattern_AND": "Redundant blank line at the end of a code block should be deleted",
+ },
+ add_blank_line_before_public: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/blank_line",
+ "pattern_AND": '"public:" should be preceded by a blank line',
+ },
+ add_blank_line_before_protected: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/blank_line",
+ "pattern_AND": '"protected:" should be preceded by a blank line',
+ },
+ add_blank_line_before_private: {
+ "pattern": "whitespace/blank_line",
+ "pattern_AND": '"private:" should be preceded by a blank line',
+ },
+ add_include_what_you_use: {"pattern": "build/include_what_you_use"},
-HOOKS_DELETING_OR_ADDING_LINES = [no_newline_at_the_end_of_file, position_of_opening_brace, _h_file_already_included,
-add_blank_line_before_public, add_blank_line_before_protected, add_blank_line_before_private, do_not_leave_blank_line_after_public_protected_private, do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_start_of_code_block, do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_end_of_code_block, legal_copyright, add_include_what_you_use]
-HOOKS_PARSING_THE_WHOLE_FILE = [cpp_file_should_include_h_file, do_not_leave_blank_line_after_public_protected_private,
- do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_start_of_code_block, do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_end_of_code_block, legal_copyright, ifndef_header, add_include_what_you_use] #Hook à éxecuter avant les autres hooks
+ no_newline_at_the_end_of_file,
+ position_of_opening_brace,
+ _h_file_already_included,
+ add_blank_line_before_public,
+ add_blank_line_before_protected,
+ add_blank_line_before_private,
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_after_public_protected_private,
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_start_of_code_block,
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_end_of_code_block,
+ legal_copyright,
+ add_include_what_you_use,
+ cpp_file_should_include_h_file,
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_after_public_protected_private,
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_start_of_code_block,
+ do_not_leave_blank_line_at_the_end_of_code_block,
+ legal_copyright,
+ ifndef_header,
+ add_include_what_you_use,
+] # Hook à éxecuter avant les autres hooks
def replace_line_no(path, nol, oldline, newline):
- """
- Remplace, la ligne No nol du fichier path (relatif à SRCROOTDIR) par la chaîne newline (un unicode)
- oldline sert uniquement pour vérifier que tout est ok
- """
- print("replace_line_no : ", oldline, " by ", newline)
- # récupérer le contenu du fichier
- fic = open(get_src_path(path), "r")
- liste = fic.readlines()
- fic.close()
- # test de corruption
- if liste[nol-1].decode(ENCODING) != oldline :
- raise Exception("Le fichier source %s semble être corrompu" %path)
- # remplacement de la ligne
- liste[nol-1] = newline.encode(ENCODING)
- # recréation du fichier corrigé
- fic = open(get_src_path(path), "w")
- fic.writelines(liste)
- fic.close()
+ """
+ Remplace, la ligne No nol du fichier path (relatif à SRCROOTDIR) par la chaîne newline (un unicode)
+ oldline sert uniquement pour vérifier que tout est ok
+ """
+ print("replace_line_no : ", oldline, " by ", newline)
+ # récupérer le contenu du fichier
+ fic = open(get_src_path(path), "r")
+ liste = fic.readlines()
+ fic.close()
+ # test de corruption
+ if liste[nol - 1].decode(ENCODING) != oldline:
+ raise Exception("Le fichier source %s semble être corrompu" % path)
+ # remplacement de la ligne
+ liste[nol - 1] = newline.encode(ENCODING)
+ # recréation du fichier corrigé
+ fic = open(get_src_path(path), "w")
+ fic.writelines(liste)
+ fic.close()
def replace_fic_copyright(ficpath, warning=None):
- """
- Remplace le fichier sans la ligne copyright par le fichier avec la ligne copyright
- """
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
- liste=fic_readlines(fic)
- fic.close()
- new_liste = []
- if liste[0].find('/ Copyright (C) 2014-20xx CEA/DEN, EDF R&D\n\n')== -1:
- newliste=['// Copyright (C) 2014-20xx CEA/DEN, EDF R&D\n\n']+liste
- newliste=fic_writelines(newliste)
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
- fic.writelines(newliste)
- fic.close()
+ """
+ Remplace le fichier sans la ligne copyright par le fichier avec la ligne copyright
+ """
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ fic.close()
+ new_liste = []
+ if liste[0].find("/ Copyright (C) 2014-20xx CEA/DEN, EDF R&D\n\n") == -1:
+ newliste = ["// Copyright (C) 2014-20xx CEA/DEN, EDF R&D\n\n"] + liste
+ newliste = fic_writelines(newliste)
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
+ fic.writelines(newliste)
+ fic.close()
def replace_fic_ifndef(ficpath, ficline, warning, mode):
- """
- Remplace dans le fichier, toutes les erreurs sur le style des #define et #ifndef à partir du warning
- """
- fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath),'r')
- liste = fic_readlines(fic)
- new_liste = []
- if mode == "no_guard_found":
- m = re.match("(.*)No #ifndef header guard found, suggested CPP variable is: (.+) (.+)", warning)
- else:
- m = re.match("(.*)ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: (.+) (.+)", warning)
- if(m):
- print('group_0',
- print('group_1',
- print('group_2',
- # Header à changer
- # Recherche de la ligne à modifier
- i = 0
- trouve = False
- for ligne in liste:
- i += 1
- if i == ficline:
- if ligne.find('#ifndef') >= 0:
- new_liste.append("#ifndef "+header_guard+"\n")
- trouve = True
- else:
- print("ERROR : Pattern #ifndef not found in line ", ficline)
- return
- else:
- if trouve == True:
- if ligne.find('#define') >= 0:
- new_liste.append("#define "+header_guard+"\n")
- trouve = False
- else:
- print("WARNING : Pattern #define not found in the line following the pattern #ifndef, we abandon.")
- return
- else:
- new_liste.append(ligne)
+ """
+ Remplace dans le fichier, toutes les erreurs sur le style des #define et #ifndef à partir du warning
+ """
+ fic = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "r")
+ liste = fic_readlines(fic)
+ new_liste = []
+ if mode == "no_guard_found":
+ m = re.match(
+ "(.*)No #ifndef header guard found, suggested CPP variable is: (.+) (.+)",
+ warning,
+ )
+ else:
+ m = re.match(
+ "(.*)ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use: (.+) (.+)", warning
+ )
+ if m:
+ print("group_0",
+ print("group_1",
+ print("group_2",
+ # Header à changer
+ header_guard =
+ # Recherche de la ligne à modifier
+ i = 0
+ trouve = False
+ for ligne in liste:
+ i += 1
+ if i == ficline:
+ if ligne.find("#ifndef") >= 0:
+ new_liste.append("#ifndef " + header_guard + "\n")
+ trouve = True
+ else:
+ print("ERROR : Pattern #ifndef not found in line ", ficline)
+ return
+ else:
+ if trouve == True:
+ if ligne.find("#define") >= 0:
+ new_liste.append("#define " + header_guard + "\n")
+ trouve = False
+ else:
+ print(
+ "WARNING : Pattern #define not found in the line following the pattern #ifndef, we abandon."
+ )
+ return
+ else:
+ new_liste.append(ligne)
- print("ERROR : Pattern not found : \"#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use\"")
+ print(
+ 'ERROR : Pattern not found : "#ifndef header guard has wrong style, please use"'
+ )
- newliste=fic_writelines(new_liste)
+ newliste = fic_writelines(new_liste)
fichier = open(get_src_path(ficpath), "w")
def get_hook(warning, fichier):
- """
- Fait le matching entre un warning et le hook permettant de le traiter.
- Les critères pour sélectionner un ou l'autre des hook sont consignés dans un dict associé (dans HOOKS_DICT) à chaque hook disponible.
- Le format de chaque dict de critère est le suivant :
- {
- "pattern": <motif principal devant se trouver dans le texte du warning>,
- "pattern_AND": <motif secondaire devant se trouver également dans le texte du warning>,
- "pattern_NOT": <motif secondaire ne devant pas se trouver dans le texte du warning>,
- "ext": <extension du fichier considéré>
- }
- Seul le premier hook trouvé est renvoyé.
- Les arguments sont les suivants :
- * warning : le texte unicode du warning
- * fichier : le chemin vers le fichier concerné
- """
- def test_it(condition, data, warning, fichier):
- if condition in ["pattern", "pattern_AND"] :
- if data in warning:
- return True
- elif condition in ["PATTERN_NOT"]:
- if data not in warning:
- return True
- elif condition in ["ext"]:
- if data not in os.path.splitext(fichier)[1]:
- return True
- return False
- for key, val in HOOKS_DICT.items(): # boucle sur les hooks existants
- test = None
- for condition, data in val.items():
- if test is False:
- # si une condition n'est pas réalisée => c'est pas le bon hook
- continue
- test = test_it(condition, data, warning, fichier)
- if test is True:
- return key
- return
+ """
+ Fait le matching entre un warning et le hook permettant de le traiter.
+ Les critères pour sélectionner un ou l'autre des hook sont consignés dans un dict associé (dans HOOKS_DICT) à chaque hook disponible.
+ Le format de chaque dict de critère est le suivant :
+ {
+ "pattern": <motif principal devant se trouver dans le texte du warning>,
+ "pattern_AND": <motif secondaire devant se trouver également dans le texte du warning>,
+ "pattern_NOT": <motif secondaire ne devant pas se trouver dans le texte du warning>,
+ "ext": <extension du fichier considéré>
+ }
+ Seul le premier hook trouvé est renvoyé.
+ Les arguments sont les suivants :
+ * warning : le texte unicode du warning
+ * fichier : le chemin vers le fichier concerné
+ """
+ def test_it(condition, data, warning, fichier):
+ if condition in ["pattern", "pattern_AND"]:
+ if data in warning:
+ return True
+ elif condition in ["PATTERN_NOT"]:
+ if data not in warning:
+ return True
+ elif condition in ["ext"]:
+ if data not in os.path.splitext(fichier)[1]:
+ return True
+ return False
+ for key, val in HOOKS_DICT.items(): # boucle sur les hooks existants
+ test = None
+ for condition, data in val.items():
+ if test is False:
+ # si une condition n'est pas réalisée => c'est pas le bon hook
+ continue
+ test = test_it(condition, data, warning, fichier)
+ if test is True:
+ return key
+ return
def main_routine(cpplint_output_file):
- logfile = open(cpplint_output_file,"r")
- generateur_w = create_warning_generator(logfile)
- last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines = ""
- for ficpath, ficline, warning in generateur_w:
- oldline = get_line_no(ficpath, ficline)
- if ficline > 0:
- previous_oldline = get_line_no(ficpath, ficline-1)
- else:
- previous_oldline = None
- print("===\nNew warning:")
- print("\tFile = "+ficpath)
- print("\tlast_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines = "+last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines)
- print("\tNo ligne =" , ficline)
- if VERBOSE_FLAG == "True":
- print("\tWarning ='"+warning+"'")
- print("\tOld text of current line = '"+oldline+"'")
- if previous_oldline:
- print("\tOld text of previous line = '"+previous_oldline+"'")
- if ficpath == last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines:
- print("File ", ficpath, "already modified. Waiting next cpplint run to process it.")
- continue
- hook = get_hook(warning, ficpath)
- print("hook = ", hook)
- if hook is None:
- print("No hook found")
- continue
- if VERBOSE_FLAG == "True":
- print("\t=> Processing with hook", hook)
- last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines = ficpath
- hook(ficpath, ficline, warning)
- print("Done")
- continue
- # Cas particulier pour le hook make_const_reference : il faut faire un traitement sur le fichier .cpp associé au fichier .h concerné par le hook
- if hook in [make_const_reference]:
- if ficpath.find('.h') > -1:
- newline, previous_newline, huchk = hook(ficpath, oldline, previous_oldline, warning)
- else:
- continue
- else:
- newline, previous_newline, huchk = hook(ficpath, oldline, previous_oldline, warning)
- else:
- newline, previous_newline, huchk = hook(oldline, previous_oldline, warning)
- if VERBOSE_FLAG == "True":
- print("\tNew text = '"+newline+"'")
- if huchk:
- if previous_newline:
- print("Replace line : \n'%s'\n with line \n'%s'\n O/N ? :"%(previous_oldline, previous_newline))
- reponse = input()
- if reponse in ['O', 'o']:
- replace_line_no(ficpath, ficline-1, previous_oldline, previous_newline)
- print("Replacement done.")
- else :
- print("Replacement aborted.")
- print("Replace line : \n'%s'\n with line \n'%s'\n O/N ? :"%(oldline, newline))
- reponse = input()
- if reponse in ['O', 'o']:
- replace_line_no(ficpath, ficline, oldline, newline)
- print("Replacement done.")
- else :
- print("Replacement aborted.")
- else :
- if previous_newline:
- replace_line_no(ficpath, ficline-1, previous_oldline, previous_newline)
- replace_line_no(ficpath, ficline, oldline, newline)
- print("Done")
- logfile.close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("--cpplint_output_file", type=str, help="Fichier de rapport cpplint à lire en entrée")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if not args.cpplint_output_file:
- parser.print_help()
- else:
- main_routine(args.cpplint_output_file)
+ logfile = open(cpplint_output_file, "r")
+ generateur_w = create_warning_generator(logfile)
+ last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines = ""
+ for ficpath, ficline, warning in generateur_w:
+ oldline = get_line_no(ficpath, ficline)
+ if ficline > 0:
+ previous_oldline = get_line_no(ficpath, ficline - 1)
+ else:
+ previous_oldline = None
+ print("===\nNew warning:")
+ print("\tFile = " + ficpath)
+ print(
+ "\tlast_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines = "
+ + last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines
+ )
+ print("\tNo ligne =", ficline)
+ if VERBOSE_FLAG == "True":
+ print("\tWarning ='" + warning + "'")
+ print("\tOld text of current line = '" + oldline + "'")
+ if previous_oldline:
+ print("\tOld text of previous line = '" + previous_oldline + "'")
+ if ficpath == last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines:
+ print(
+ "File ",
+ ficpath,
+ "already modified. Waiting next cpplint run to process it.",
+ )
+ continue
+ hook = get_hook(warning, ficpath)
+ print("hook = ", hook)
+ if hook is None:
+ print("No hook found")
+ continue
+ if VERBOSE_FLAG == "True":
+ print("\t=> Processing with hook", hook)
+ last_ficpath_with_modified_nb_lines = ficpath
+ hook(ficpath, ficline, warning)
+ print("Done")
+ continue
+ # Cas particulier pour le hook make_const_reference : il faut faire un traitement sur le fichier .cpp associé au fichier .h concerné par le hook
+ if hook in [make_const_reference]:
+ if ficpath.find(".h") > -1:
+ newline, previous_newline, huchk = hook(
+ ficpath, oldline, previous_oldline, warning
+ )
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ newline, previous_newline, huchk = hook(
+ ficpath, oldline, previous_oldline, warning
+ )
+ else:
+ newline, previous_newline, huchk = hook(oldline, previous_oldline, warning)
+ if VERBOSE_FLAG == "True":
+ print("\tNew text = '" + newline + "'")
+ if huchk:
+ if previous_newline:
+ print(
+ "Replace line : \n'%s'\n with line \n'%s'\n O/N ? :"
+ % (previous_oldline, previous_newline)
+ )
+ reponse = input()
+ if reponse in ["O", "o"]:
+ replace_line_no(
+ ficpath, ficline - 1, previous_oldline, previous_newline
+ )
+ print("Replacement done.")
+ else:
+ print("Replacement aborted.")
+ print(
+ "Replace line : \n'%s'\n with line \n'%s'\n O/N ? :"
+ % (oldline, newline)
+ )
+ reponse = input()
+ if reponse in ["O", "o"]:
+ replace_line_no(ficpath, ficline, oldline, newline)
+ print("Replacement done.")
+ else:
+ print("Replacement aborted.")
+ else:
+ if previous_newline:
+ replace_line_no(
+ ficpath, ficline - 1, previous_oldline, previous_newline
+ )
+ replace_line_no(ficpath, ficline, oldline, newline)
+ print("Done")
+ logfile.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--cpplint_output_file",
+ type=str,
+ help="Fichier de rapport cpplint à lire en entrée",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.cpplint_output_file:
+ parser.print_help()
+ else:
+ main_routine(args.cpplint_output_file)