vtkIdType theCellId)
+ myPoints->Modified(); // the VTK bug
vtkIdType aNumPts;
theInput->GetCellPoints(theCellId, aNumPts, myPointIds);
if ( aNumPts > 0 ) {
static vtkFloatingPointType EPS = 1.0E-2;
vtkFloatingPointType aDistEps = aCellLength/3.0 * EPS;
- if(DEBUG_TRIA_EXECUTE) cout<<"\taCellLength = "<<aCellLength<<"; aDistEps = "<<aDistEps<<"\n";
+ if(DEBUG_TRIA_EXECUTE) cout<<"\taNumFaces = "<<aNumFaces<<"; aCellLength = "<<aCellLength<<"; aDistEps = "<<aDistEps<<"\n";
// To initialize set of points that belong to the cell
typedef std::set<vtkIdType> TPointIds;
aCenter[0] += aPntCoord[0];
aCenter[1] += aPntCoord[1];
aCenter[2] += aPntCoord[2];
- if(DEBUG_TRIA_EXECUTE) cout << "Added = TRUE" << endl;
+ if(DEBUG_TRIA_EXECUTE) cout << "; Added = TRUE" << endl;
} else {
- if(DEBUG_TRIA_EXECUTE) cout << "Added = FALSE" << endl;
+ if(DEBUG_TRIA_EXECUTE) cout << "; Added = FALSE" << endl;
int aNbPoints = aPointIds.size();