* This method performs operation only on polyhedrons in \b this. If no polyhedrons exists in \b this, \b this remains unchanged.
* This method allows to merge if any coplanar 3DSurf cells that may appear in some polyhedrons cells.
+ * \b WARNING: this method will not modify edges connectivity! Take a look at colinearizeEdges for that.
+ *
* \param [in] eps is a relative precision that allows to establish if some 3D plane are coplanar or not. This epsilon is used to recenter around origin to have maximal
* precision.
+ * This method expects that spaceDimension is equal to 3 and meshDimension equal to 3.
+ * This method performs operation only on polyhedrons in \b this. If no polyhedrons exists in \b this, \b this remains unchanged.
+ * This method allows to simplify edges of polyhedron cells so that consecutive colinear segments (with intermediate points
+ * not used by any other cell) are merged together.
+ *
+ * \param [in] eps is a relative precision that allows to establish if two consecutive 3D segments are colinear or not.
+ *
+ * \sa simplifyPolyhedra
+ */
+void MEDCouplingUMesh::colinearizeEdges(double eps)
+ //
+ // Thanks to Antoine Gerschenfeld (CEA) for contributing this method!
+ //
+ using DAI = MCAuto<DataArrayIdType>;
+ checkFullyDefined();
+ if(getMeshDimension()!=3 || getSpaceDimension()!=3)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::colinearizeEdges() : works with meshdim=3 and spaceDim=3!");
+ double seps = sqrt(1-eps);
+ // Computing connectivities and correspondances : elements -> segments -> points
+ DAI E_Fi(DataArrayIdType::New()), E_F(DataArrayIdType::New()), F_Ei(DataArrayIdType::New()), F_E(DataArrayIdType::New()),
+ F_Si(DataArrayIdType::New()), F_S(DataArrayIdType::New()), S_Fi(DataArrayIdType::New()), S_F(DataArrayIdType::New()),
+ S_Pi(DataArrayIdType::New()), S_P(DataArrayIdType::New()), P_Si(DataArrayIdType::New()), P_S(DataArrayIdType::New());
+ MCAuto<MEDCouplingUMesh> m_f(buildDescendingConnectivity(E_F, E_Fi, F_E, F_Ei)),
+ m_s(m_f->buildDescendingConnectivity(F_S, F_Si, S_F, S_Fi)),
+ m_p(m_s->buildDescendingConnectivity(S_P, S_Pi, P_S, P_Si)); // E: elem, F: faces, S: segments (edges), P: points (vertices)
+ const mcIdType *S_Pp(S_P->begin()), *S_Pip(S_Pi->begin()), *P_Sp(P_S->begin()), *P_Sip(P_Si->begin());
+ std::set<mcIdType> pt_rem;
+ const mcIdType *m_pi = m_p->getNodalConnectivityIndex()->begin(),
+ *m_pc = m_p->getNodalConnectivity()->begin();
+ double (*coord)[3] = (double (*)[3]) getCoords()->begin();
+ // Find all points only connected to exaclty 2 segments - they are the candidates for elimination
+ // Note that in 3D this can only happen for polyhedrons (when this happens at all)
+ DAI dsi = P_Si->deltaShiftIndex();
+ DAI cand = dsi->findIdsEqual(2);
+ for (const mcIdType& i: *cand) // i is a point to be potentially eliminated, shared by 2 segs only
+ {
+ double n2[2] = {0., 0.}, scal = 0.; // n2 is a squared norm, scal is a scalar product
+ mcIdType p[2][2]; // p[j][k] is the ID (in the coord array) of the k-th point of the j-th segment
+ for (mcIdType j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+ for (mcIdType k = 0; k < 2; k++)
+ {
+ mcIdType off1 = P_Sip[i] + j; // offset to get ID of the j-th seg (around the i-th point) in the point->seg correspondance
+ mcIdType pt_id = P_Sp[off1] + k; // ID of the k-th point of the j-th seg in the point->seg correspondance
+ mcIdType pt_id2 = S_Pp[S_Pip[pt_id]]; // ID of the point in the point mesh
+ p[j][k] = m_pc[m_pi[pt_id2] + 1]; // Absolute ID, as read from the connectvity (+1 to skip type: NORM_POINT1)
+ // Just for fun, as initially written by Antoine :-)
+ // p[j][k] = m_pc[m_pi[S_P->getIJ(S_Pi->getIJ(P_S->getIJ(P_Si->getIJ(i, 0) + j, 0), 0) + k, 0)] + 1];
+ }
+ // Geometric test on scalar product
+ for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) // dimension
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+ n2[j] += std::pow(coord[p[j][1]][d] - coord[p[j][0]][d], 2);
+ scal += (coord[p[1][1]][d] - coord[p[1][0]][d]) * (coord[p[0][1]][d] - coord[p[0][0]][d]);
+ }
+ if (scal * scal > seps * n2[0] * n2[1]) // seps is a sqrt for homogeneity
+ pt_rem.insert(m_pc[m_pi[i] + 1]); // point should be removed
+ }
+ // Clean connectivity by filtering points to be removed:
+ DataArrayIdType *old_index = getNodalConnectivityIndex(), *old_conn = getNodalConnectivity();
+ DAI new_index(DataArrayIdType::New()), new_conn(DataArrayIdType::New());
+ const mcIdType *old_index_p(old_index->begin()), *old_conn_p(old_conn->begin());
+ for (mcIdType i = 0; i < getNumberOfCells(); i++)
+ {
+ new_index->pushBackSilent(new_conn->getNbOfElems());
+ for (mcIdType j = old_index_p[i]; j < old_index_p[i + 1]; j++)
+ {
+ // Keep point if it is not to be removed, or if is first in connectivity (TODO this last check could be removed?)
+ if (std::find(pt_rem.begin(), pt_rem.end(), old_conn_p[j]) == pt_rem.end() || j == old_index_p[i])
+ new_conn->pushBackSilent(old_conn_p[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ new_index->pushBackSilent(new_conn->getNbOfElems());
+ setConnectivity(new_conn, new_index);
* This method returns all node ids used in the connectivity of \b this. The data array returned has to be dealt by the caller.
* The returned node ids are sorted ascendingly. This method is close to MEDCouplingUMesh::getNodeIdsInUse except
# Just to get a nice coords array ...
mm = MEDCouplingCMesh(); arr = DataArrayDouble([0.0, 1.0,2.0])
mm.setCoords(arr, arr); mm = mm.buildUnstructured(); coo = mm.getCoords()
mesh = MEDCouplingUMesh("M", 2)
c = [NORM_POLYGON, 0,1,4,7,6,3, NORM_QUAD4, 1,2,5,4, NORM_QUAD4,4,5,8,7]
cI = [0, 7,12,17]
c = mm.getNodalConnectivity().getValues()
cI = mm.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues()
self.assertEqual(cI.getValues(), tgt_cI.getValues())
+ def testColinearizeEdges(self):
+ mesh = MEDCouplingUMesh('mesh', 3)
+ coo = DataArrayDouble([(0,0,0), (1,0,0), (2,0,0), (3,0,0),
+ (0,0,3), (1,0,3), (2,0,3), (3,0,3),
+ (0,1,0), (3,1,0),
+ (0,1,3), (3,1,3)])
+ mesh.setCoords(coo)
+ c = DataArrayInt([NORM_POLYHED, 0,1,2,3,7,6,5,4,-1, # front
+ 9,8,10,11, -1, # back
+ 0,4,10,8, -1, # left
+ 3,7,11,9, -1, # right
+ 0,1,2,3,9,8,-1, # bottom
+ 4,5,6,7,11,10 # top
+ ])
+ cI = DataArrayInt([0, c.getNumberOfTuples()])
+ mesh.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ mesh.colinearizeEdges(1.0e-8)
+ c, cI = mesh.getNodalConnectivity(), mesh.getNodalConnectivityIndex()
+ tgt_c = DataArrayInt([NORM_POLYHED, 0, 3, 7, 4, -1, 9, 8, 10, 11, -1, 0, 4, 10, 8, -1, 3, 7, 11, 9, -1, 0, 3, 9, 8, -1, 4, 7, 11, 10])
+ tgt_cI = DataArrayInt([0, 30])
+ self.assertEqual(c.getValues(), tgt_c.getValues())
+ self.assertEqual(cI.getValues(), tgt_cI.getValues())
if __name__ == '__main__':