Checked = False,
ColMajor = False,
ColNames = None,
+ CrossObs = False,
DataFile = None,
DiagonalSparseMatrix = None,
ExtraArguments = None,
Script = None,
Stored = False,
String = None,
+ SyncObs = True,
Template = None,
ThreeFunctions = None,
Variable = None,
elif Concept == "NoDebug":
elif Concept == "Observer":
- self.setObserver( Variable, Template, String, Script, Info, ObjectFunction, Scheduler )
+ self.setObserver( Variable, Template, String, Script, Info,
+ ObjectFunction, CrossObs, SyncObs, Scheduler )
elif Concept == "UserPostAnalysis":
self.setUserPostAnalysis( Template, String, Script )
elif Concept == "SupplementaryParameters":
Script = None,
Info = None,
ObjectFunction = None,
+ CrossObs = False,
+ SyncObs = True,
Scheduler = None ):
"Définition d'un concept de calcul"
Concept = "Observer"
asScript = self.__with_directory(Script),
asObsObject = ObjectFunction,
withInfo = Info,
+ crossObs = CrossObs,
+ syncObs = SyncObs,
scheduledBy = Scheduler,
withAlgo = self.__adaoObject["AlgorithmParameters"]
"Renvoie la liste des attributs selon l'algorithme"
return self.__algorithm.setAttributes()
- def setObserver(self, __V, __O, __I, __S):
+ def setObserver(self, __V, __O, __I, __A, __S):
+ "Associe un observer à une variable unique"
if self.__algorithm is None \
or isinstance(self.__algorithm, dict) \
or not hasattr(self.__algorithm, "StoredVariables"):
if __V not in self.__algorithm:
raise ValueError("An observer requires to be set on a variable named %s which does not exist."%__V)
- self.__algorithm.StoredVariables[ __V ].setDataObserver( Scheduler = __S, HookFunction = __O, HookParameters = __I )
+ self.__algorithm.StoredVariables[ __V ].setDataObserver( HookFunction = __O, HookParameters = __I, Scheduler = __S )
+ def setCrossObserver(self, __V, __O, __I, __A, __S):
+ "Associe un observer à une collection ordonnée de variables"
+ if self.__algorithm is None \
+ or isinstance(self.__algorithm, dict) \
+ or not hasattr(self.__algorithm, "StoredVariables"):
+ raise ValueError("No observer can be build before choosing an algorithm.")
+ if not isinstance(__V, (list, tuple)):
+ raise ValueError("A cross observer requires to be set on a variable series which is not the case of %s."%__V)
+ if len(__V) != len(__I):
+ raise ValueError("The number of information fields has to be the same than the number of variables on which to set the observer.")
+ #
+ for __eV in __V:
+ if __eV not in self.__algorithm:
+ raise ValueError("An observer requires to be set on a variable named %s which does not exist."%__eV)
+ else:
+ self.__algorithm.StoredVariables[ __eV ].setDataObserver( HookFunction = __O, HookParameters = __I, Scheduler = __S, Order = __V, OSync = __A, DOVar = self.__algorithm.StoredVariables )
def removeObserver(self, __V, __O, __A = False):
if self.__algorithm is None \
asScript = None,
asObsObject = None,
withInfo = None,
+ crossObs = False,
+ syncObs = True,
scheduledBy = None,
withAlgo = None ):
if onVariable is None:
raise ValueError("setting an observer has to be done over a variable name or a list of variable names, not over None.")
- elif type(onVariable) in (tuple, list):
+ elif isinstance(onVariable, (tuple, list)):
self.__V = tuple(map( str, onVariable ))
if withInfo is None:
self.__I = self.__V
+ elif crossObs or isinstance(withInfo, (tuple, list)):
+ self.__I = withInfo
self.__I = (str(withInfo),) * len(self.__V)
elif isinstance(onVariable, str):
self.__O = __Function.getfunc()
for k in range(len(self.__V)):
- ename = self.__V[k]
- einfo = self.__I[k]
- if ename not in withAlgo:
- raise ValueError("An observer is asked to be set on a variable named %s which does not exist."%ename)
- else:
- withAlgo.setObserver(ename, self.__O, einfo, scheduledBy)
+ if self.__V[k] not in withAlgo:
+ raise ValueError("An observer is asked to be set on a variable named %s which does not exist."%self.__V[k])
+ #
+ if bool(crossObs):
+ withAlgo.setCrossObserver(self.__V, self.__O, self.__I, syncObs, scheduledBy)
+ else:
+ for k in range(len(self.__V)):
+ withAlgo.setObserver(self.__V[k], self.__O, self.__I[k], syncObs, scheduledBy)
def __repr__(self):
"x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)"
if k not in __local: continue # noqa: E701
__v = __local[k]
if __v is None: continue # noqa: E701
+ if k == "SyncObs" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "Checked" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
- if k == "Stored" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "ColMajor" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
+ if k == "CrossObs" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "InputFunctionAsMulti" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
- if k == "nextStep" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "PerformanceProfile" and __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
+ if k == "Stored" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
+ if k == "nextStep" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "noDetails": continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if isinstance(__v, Persistence.Persistence):
__v = __v.values()
__text += "%s_config['Data'] = %s\n"%(__command, __v)
__text = __text.replace("''", "'")
__vectorIsScript = True
- elif __k in ('Stored', 'Checked', 'ColMajor', 'InputFunctionAsMulti', 'nextStep'):
+ elif __k in ('Stored', 'Checked', 'ColMajor', 'CrossObs', 'SyncObs', 'InputFunctionAsMulti', 'nextStep'):
if bool(__v):
__text += "%s_config['%s'] = '%s'\n"%(__command, __k, int(bool(__v)))
elif __k in ('PerformanceProfile', 'noDetails'):
if k not in __local: continue # noqa: E701
__v = __local[k]
if __v is None: continue # noqa: E701
+ if k == "SyncObs" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "Checked" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
- if k == "Stored" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "ColMajor" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
+ if k == "CrossObs" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "InputFunctionAsMulti" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
- if k == "nextStep" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "PerformanceProfile" and __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
+ if k == "Stored" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
+ if k == "nextStep" and not __v: continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "noDetails": continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "Concept": continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if k == "self": continue # noqa: E241,E271,E272,E701
if self.__dynamic:
__step = len(self.__values) - 1
- for hook, parameters, scheduler in self.__dataobservers:
+ for hook, parameters, scheduler, order, osync, dovar in self.__dataobservers:
if __step in scheduler:
- hook( self, parameters )
+ if order is None or dovar is None:
+ hook( self, parameters )
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(order, (list, tuple)):
+ continue
+ if not isinstance(dovar, dict):
+ continue
+ if not bool(osync): # Async observation
+ hook( self, parameters, order, dovar )
+ else: # Sync observations
+ for v in order:
+ if len(dovar[v]) != len(self):
+ break
+ else:
+ hook( self, parameters, order, dovar )
def pop(self, item=None):
raise TypeError("Base type is incompatible with numpy")
# ---------------------------------------------------------
- def setDataObserver(self, HookFunction = None, HookParameters = None, Scheduler = None):
+ def setDataObserver(self, HookFunction = None, HookParameters = None, Scheduler = None, Order = None, OSync = True, DOVar = None):
- Association à la variable d'un triplet définissant un observer
+ Association à la variable d'un triplet définissant un observer.
- Le Scheduler attendu est une fréquence, une simple liste d'index ou un
- range des index.
+ Les variables Order et DOVar sont utilisées pour un observer
+ multi-variable. Le Scheduler attendu est une fréquence, une simple
+ liste d'index ou un range des index.
# Vérification du Scheduler
# Stockage interne de l'observer dans la variable
# -----------------------------------------------
- self.__dataobservers.append( [HookFunction, HookParameters, Schedulers] )
+ self.__dataobservers.append( [HookFunction, HookParameters, Schedulers, Order, OSync, DOVar] )
def removeDataObserver(self, HookFunction = None, AllObservers = False):
Suppression d'un observer nommé sur la variable.
- On peut donner dans HookFunction la meme fonction que lors de la
+ On peut donner dans HookFunction la même fonction que lors de la
définition, ou un simple string qui est le nom de la fonction. Si
AllObservers est vrai, supprime tous les observers enregistrés.
ih = -1
index_to_remove = []
- for [hf, hp, hs] in self.__dataobservers:
+ for [hf, _, _, _, _, _] in self.__dataobservers:
ih = ih + 1
if name is hf.__name__ or AllObservers:
index_to_remove.append( ih )
parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
self.__paths = {}
self.__paths["daNumerics"] = os.path.join(parent, "daNumerics")
+ self.__paths["pst4mod"] = os.path.join(parent, "daNumerics", "pst4mod")
for v in self.__paths.values():
if os.path.isdir(v):
def test001(self):
Equation = TwoDimensionalRosenbrockFunctionR1960()
- optimum = Equation.ValueZ( [1, 1] )
- self.assertTrue( max(optimum) <= 0.)
+ optimum = Equation.FunctionH( [1, 1] )
+ self.assertTrue( max(optimum.flat) <= 0.)
+ optimum = Equation.FunctionH( [0.5, 0.25], a=0.5 )
+ self.assertTrue( max(optimum.flat) <= 0.)
def tearDown(cls):
print("\n Tests OK\n")
except KeyError: #The variable is not found
- node_pos ="\[\d+\]",res_name_var).span() #Position of the node number if any (in case the error is due to a remesh of the model)
+ node_pos ="\[\d+\]",res_name_var).span() #Position of the node number if any (in case the error is due to a remesh of the model)
except AttributeError: #No node number found
- node_pos ="\[\]",res_name_var).span() #Position of empty brakets (all array values are due)
+ node_pos ="\[\]",res_name_var).span() #Position of empty brakets (all array values are due)
except AttributeError :
print('Filters and prefixes still have to be implemented for arrays of unknown size')
else :
print(f'{name_var}: unknown size -> Taking all values in .mat (if any)')
- tmp = f'{res_name_var[:node_pos[0]]}\[\d\{res_name_var[node_pos[0]+1:]}'
+ tmp = rf'{res_name_var[:node_pos[0]]}\[\d\{res_name_var[node_pos[0]+1:]}'
expanded_vars = structData.varNames(tmp)
for tmp_var in expanded_vars :
self.__dict_iter_var[tmp_var] = structData.values(tmp_var)[1][mom]