raise Exception("Cannot get the results if the job is not created!")
launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
state = launcher.getJobState(self.job_id)
+ tmp_workdir = self.params.salome_parameters.result_directory
+ searchResults = False
+ errorIfNoResults = False
+ errorMessage = ""
if state == "CREATED" :
raise Exception("Cannot get the results if the job is not launched!")
- tmp_workdir = self.params.salome_parameters.result_directory
- if 1 == launcher.getJobWorkFile(self.job_id,
- self.sampleManager.getResultFileName(),
- tmp_workdir):
- self.sampleManager.loadResult(self.sample, tmp_workdir)
- else:
- raise Exception("Cannot get the result file!")
+ elif state == "QUEUED" or state == "IN_PROCESS":
+ # no results available at this point. Try again later! Not an error.
+ searchResults = False
+ elif state == "FINISHED" :
+ # verify the return code of the execution
+ searchResults = True
+ if(launcher.getJobWorkFile(self.job_id, "logs/exit_code.log", tmp_workdir)):
+ exit_code_file = os.path.join(tmp_workdir, "exit_code.log")
+ exit_code = ""
+ if os.path.isfile(exit_code_file):
+ with open(exit_code_file) as myfile:
+ exit_code = myfile.read()
+ exit_code = exit_code.strip()
+ if exit_code == "0" :
+ errorIfNoResults = True # we expect to have full results
+ else:
+ errorMessage = "An error occured during the execution of the YACS schema."
+ else:
+ errorMessage = "Failed to get the exit code of the YACS schema execution."
+ elif state == "RUNNING" or state == "PAUSED" or state == "ERROR" :
+ # partial results may be available
+ searchResults = True
+ elif state == "FAILED":
+ # We may have some partial results because the job could have been
+ # canceled or stoped by timeout.
+ searchResults = True
+ errorMessage = "Job execution failed!"
+ if searchResults :
+ if 1 == launcher.getJobWorkFile(self.job_id,
+ self.sampleManager.getResultFileName(),
+ tmp_workdir):
+ try:
+ self.sampleManager.loadResult(self.sample, tmp_workdir)
+ except Exception as err:
+ if errorIfNoResults:
+ raise err
+ elif errorIfNoResults:
+ errorMessage = "The job is finished but we cannot get the result file!"
+ if len(errorMessage) > 0 :
+ warningMessage = """
+The results you get may be incomplete or incorrect.
+For further details, see {}/logs directory on {}.""".format(
+ self.params.salome_parameters.work_directory,
+ self.params.salome_parameters.resource_required.name)
+ errorMessage += warningMessage
+ raise Exception(errorMessage)
return self.sample
def resultAvailable(self):