// Algo features influencing which Compute() and how is called:
// in what turn and with what input shape.
- // This fields must be redefined if necessary by each descendant at constructor.
+ // These fields must be redefined if necessary by each descendant at constructor.
bool _onlyUnaryInput; // mesh one shape of GetDim() at once. Default TRUE
bool _requireDescretBoundary; // GetDim()-1 mesh must be present. Default TRUE
bool _requireShape; // work with GetDim()-1 mesh bound to geom only. Default TRUE
* \param where - the submesh to store the listener and it's data
* The method remembers the submesh \awhere it puts the listener in order to delete
- * them when HYP_OK algo_state is lost
+ * it when HYP_OK algo_state is lost
* After being set, event listener is notified on each event of \awhere submesh.
void SetEventListener(EventListener* listener,
* \param hyp - hypothesis, if eventType is algo_event
* The base implementation (see SMESH_subMesh.cxx) translates CLEAN event
- * to the subMesh stored in the listener data. Also it sends SUBMESH_COMPUTED
+ * to the subMeshes stored in the listener data. Also it sends SUBMESH_COMPUTED
* event in case of successful COMPUTE event.
virtual void ProcessEvent(const int event,