SHPClose( hSHPHandle );
- remove (aFileName.toStdString().c_str());
+ QString aFN = aFileName.simplified();
+ remove (aFN.toStdString().c_str());
+ remove (aFN.replace( ".shp", ".shx", Qt::CaseInsensitive).toStdString().c_str());
-bool HYDROData_ShapeFile::Parse(SHPHandle theHandle, ShapeType theType)
+bool HYDROData_ShapeFile::Parse(SHPHandle theHandle, ShapeType theType, int& theShapeTypeOfFile)
int aShapeType;
SHPGetInfo( theHandle, NULL, &aShapeType, NULL, NULL );
+ theShapeTypeOfFile = aShapeType;
bool ToRead = (theType == ShapeType_Polyline && (aShapeType == 3 || aShapeType == 13 || aShapeType == 23)) ||
(theType == ShapeType_Polygon && aShapeType == 5);
if (ToRead)
-bool HYDROData_ShapeFile::ImportLandCovers(const QString theFileName, QStringList& thePolygonsList, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& theFaces)
+int HYDROData_ShapeFile::ImportLandCovers(const QString theFileName, QStringList& thePolygonsList, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& theFaces, int& theShapeTypeOfFile)
+ int Stat = TryOpenShapeFile(theFileName);
+ if (Stat != 0)
+ return Stat;
myHSHP = SHPOpen( theFileName.toAscii().data(), "rb" );
- if (!Parse(myHSHP, HYDROData_ShapeFile::ShapeType_Polygon))
- return false;
+ if (!Parse(myHSHP, HYDROData_ShapeFile::ShapeType_Polygon, theShapeTypeOfFile))
+ return 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mySHPObjects.size(); i++)
thePolygonsList.append("polygon_" + QString::number(i + 1));
ReadSHPPolygon(mySHPObjects[i], i, aF);
- return true;
+ return 1;
- return false;
+ return 0;
void HYDROData_ShapeFile::Free()
-bool HYDROData_ShapeFile::ImportPolylines(Handle(HYDROData_Document) theDocument, const QString& theFileName, NCollection_Sequence<Handle_HYDROData_Entity>& theEntities)
+int HYDROData_ShapeFile::ImportPolylines(Handle(HYDROData_Document) theDocument, const QString& theFileName,
+ NCollection_Sequence<Handle_HYDROData_Entity>& theEntities, int& theShapeTypeOfFile)
+ //Free();
+ int aStat = TryOpenShapeFile(theFileName);
+ if (aStat != 0)
+ return aStat;
HYDROData_Iterator anIter( theDocument );
int anInd = 0;
QStringList anExistingNames;
QFileInfo aFileInfo(theFileName);
QString aBaseFileName = aFileInfo.baseName();
- if (!Parse(aHSHP, HYDROData_ShapeFile::ShapeType_Polyline))
- return false;
- bool aStat = false;
+ if (!Parse(aHSHP, HYDROData_ShapeFile::ShapeType_Polyline, theShapeTypeOfFile))
+ return 0;
if (aHSHP->nShapeType == 3 || aHSHP->nShapeType == 23)
anInd = 0;
ReadSHPPolyXY(theDocument, mySHPObjects[i], aBaseFileName, anAllowedIndexes[i], theEntities);
- aStat = true;
+ aStat = 1;
else if (aHSHP->nShapeType == 13)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mySHPObjects.size(); i++ )
ReadSHPPoly3D(theDocument, mySHPObjects[i], aBaseFileName, anAllowedIndexes[i], theEntities);
- aStat = true;
+ aStat = 1;
- aStat = false;
+ aStat = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mySHPObjects.size(); i++ )
return aStat;
+QString HYDROData_ShapeFile::GetShapeTypeName(int theType)
+ switch (theType)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return "null shape";
+ case 1:
+ return "point";
+ case 3:
+ return "arc";
+ case 5:
+ return "polygon";
+ case 8:
+ return "multipoint";
+ case 11:
+ return "pointZ";
+ case 13:
+ return "arcZ";
+ case 15:
+ return "polygonZ";
+ case 18:
+ return "multipointZ";
+ case 21:
+ return "pointM";
+ case 23:
+ return "ARCM";
+ case 25:
+ return "polygonM";
+ case 28:
+ return "multipointM";
+ case 31:
+ return "multipatch";
+ default:
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+int HYDROData_ShapeFile::TryOpenShapeFile(QString theFileName)
+ QString aSHPfile = theFileName.simplified();
+ QString aSHXfile = theFileName.simplified().replace( ".shp", ".shx", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ FILE* pFileSHP = NULL;
+ pFileSHP = fopen (aSHPfile.toAscii().data(), "r");
+ FILE* pFileSHX = NULL;
+ pFileSHX = fopen (aSHXfile.toAscii().data(), "r");
+ if (pFileSHP == NULL || pFileSHX == NULL)
+ {
+ if (pFileSHP == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ if (pFileSHX == NULL)
+ return -2;
+ }
+ fclose (pFileSHP);
+ fclose (pFileSHX);
+ return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
int WriteObjectPoly3D(SHPHandle theShpHandle, Handle_HYDROData_Polyline3D thePoly );
int WriteObjectLC(SHPHandle theShpHandle, Handle_HYDROData_LandCover theLC );
- bool Parse(SHPHandle theHandle, ShapeType theType);
+ bool Parse(SHPHandle theHandle, ShapeType theType, int& theShapeTypeOfFile);
//Import Landcover
void ReadSHPPolygon(SHPObject* anObj, int i, TopoDS_Face& F);
- HYDRODATA_EXPORT bool ImportLandCovers(const QString theFileName, QStringList& thePolygonsList, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& theFaces);
+ HYDRODATA_EXPORT int ImportLandCovers(const QString theFileName, QStringList& thePolygonsList, TopTools_SequenceOfShape& theFaces, int& theShapeTypeOfFile);
//Import Polyline
void ReadSHPPolyXY(Handle(HYDROData_Document) theDocument, SHPObject* anObj, QString theFileName,
int theInd, NCollection_Sequence<Handle_HYDROData_Entity>& theEntities);
void ReadSHPPoly3D(Handle(HYDROData_Document) theDocument, SHPObject* anObj, QString theFileName,
int theInd, NCollection_Sequence<Handle_HYDROData_Entity>& theEntities);
- HYDRODATA_EXPORT bool ImportPolylines(Handle(HYDROData_Document) theDocument, const QString& theFileName,
- NCollection_Sequence<Handle_HYDROData_Entity>& theEntities);
+ HYDRODATA_EXPORT int ImportPolylines(Handle(HYDROData_Document) theDocument, const QString& theFileName,
+ NCollection_Sequence<Handle_HYDROData_Entity>& theEntities, int& theShapeTypeOfFile);
+ HYDRODATA_EXPORT QString GetShapeTypeName(int theType);
void ProcessFace(TopoDS_Face theFace, SHPHandle theShpHandle);
+ int TryOpenShapeFile(QString theFileName);
std::vector<SHPObject*> mySHPObjects;
SHPHandle myHSHP;
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aCtx = NULL;
- if (anImporter.ImportLandCovers(aFileName, aPolygonsList, aFaces))
+ int aShapeTypeOfFile = -1;
+ int aStat = anImporter.ImportLandCovers(aFileName, aPolygonsList, aFaces, aShapeTypeOfFile);
+ if (aStat == 1)
- SUIT_MessageBox::warning( module()->getApp()->desktop(), tr( "IMPORT_LANDCOVER" ), "Cannot import land cover;\nThe shape type is not polygon" );
+ QString aMess = "Cannot import land cover;\n";
+ if (aStat == -1)
+ aMess += "Cannot open SHP file";
+ else if (aStat == -2)
+ aMess += "Cannot open SHX file";
+ else
+ aMess += "The shape type of file is " + anImporter.GetShapeTypeName(aShapeTypeOfFile);
+ SUIT_MessageBox::warning( module()->getApp()->desktop(), tr( "IMPORT_LANDCOVER" ), aMess);
HYDROData_ShapeFile anImporter;
NCollection_Sequence<Handle_HYDROData_Entity> theEntities;
- if (anImporter.ImportPolylines(doc(), aFileName, theEntities ))
+ int aShapeTypeOfFile = -1;
+ int aStat = anImporter.ImportPolylines(doc(), aFileName, theEntities, aShapeTypeOfFile );
+ if (aStat == 1)
- SUIT_MessageBox::warning( module()->getApp()->desktop(), tr( "IMPORT_POLYLINE" ), "Cannot import polyline;\nThe shape type is incorrect" );
+ {
+ QString aMess = "Cannot import polyline;\n";
+ if (aStat == -1)
+ aMess += "Cannot open SHP file";
+ else if (aStat == -2)
+ aMess += "Cannot open SHX file";
+ else
+ aMess += "The shape type of file is " + anImporter.GetShapeTypeName(aShapeTypeOfFile);
+ SUIT_MessageBox::warning( module()->getApp()->desktop(), tr( "IMPORT_POLYLINE" ), aMess);
+ }
if (!aFileNames.empty())