# @param opt boolean parameter for creating/not creating
# the groups Group_On_All_Nodes, Group_On_All_Faces, ...
# @param overwrite boolean parameter for overwriting/not overwriting the file
+ # @param autoDimension: if @c True (default), a space dimension of a MED mesh can be either
+ # - 1D if all mesh nodes lie on OX coordinate axis, or
+ # - 2D if all mesh nodes lie on XOY coordinate plane, or
+ # - 3D in the rest cases.
+ #
+ # If @a autoDimension is @c False, the space dimension is always 3.
# @ingroup l2_impexp
- def ExportToMED(self, f, version, opt=0, overwrite=1):
- self.mesh.ExportToMEDX(f, opt, version, overwrite)
+ def ExportToMED(self, f, version, opt=0, overwrite=1, autoDimension=True):
+ self.mesh.ExportToMEDX(f, opt, version, overwrite, autoDimension)
# Operations with groups:
# ----------------------