extern "C"{
#include <distene/api.h>
-#include <distene/precad.h>
#include <distene/blsurf.h>
- // If user requests it, send the CAD through Distene preprocessor : PreCAD
- cad_t *cleanc = NULL;
- int topo = 0;
- if (_hypothesis) {
- topo = (int) _hypothesis->GetTopology();
- if (topo > 0) {
- precad_session_t *pcs = precad_session_new(ctx);
- precad_data_set_cad(pcs, c);
- int verb = (int) _hypothesis->GetVerbosity();
- precad_set_param(pcs, "verbose", to_string(verb).c_str());
- integer you_want_precad_to_optimize_the_CAD = 1;
- if(you_want_precad_to_optimize_the_CAD){
- precad_set_param(pcs, "merge_edges", "1");
- precad_set_param(pcs, "remove_nano_edges", "1");
- }
- // if you want preCAD to compute topology from scratch, without
- // considering the toplogical information contained in c, you
- // have to set the folowing option to "1" :
- // precad_set_param(pcs, "discard_input_topology", "1");
- /* You can use these 2 options if you want to help PreCAD treat some
- * very dirty cases :
- * if the treated object is manifold set "manifold_geometry" to "1"
- * if the object is also closed (imagine a shell), also set "closed_geometry" to "1"
- */
- // precad_set_param(pcs, "manifold_geometry", "1");
- // precad_set_param(pcs, "closed_geometry", "1");
- /* Now launch the PreCAD process */
- status = precad_process(pcs);
- if(status != STATUS_OK){
- MESSAGE("PreCAD processing failed with error code " << status);
- }
- // retrieve the pre-processed CAD object
- cleanc = precad_new_cad(pcs);
- if(!cleanc){
- MESSAGE("Unable to retrieve PreCAD result");
- }
- // Now we can delete the PreCAD session
- precad_session_delete(pcs);
- }
- }
- if(cleanc){
- // Give the pre-processed CAD object to the current BLSurf session
- blsurf_data_set_cad(bls, cleanc);
- }else{
- // Use the original one
- blsurf_data_set_cad(bls, c);
- }
+ blsurf_data_set_cad(bls, c);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Beginning of Surface Mesh generation" << std::endl;
_comment = "Exception in blsurf_compute_mesh()";
if ( status != STATUS_OK) {
- // Their was an error while meshing
+ // There was an error while meshing
dvv[0]=D2V.X(); dvv[1]=D2V.Y(); dvv[2]=D2V.Z();
-// if(duu && duv && dvv){
-// /* query for the second order derivatives */
-// gp_Pnt P;
-// gp_Vec D1U,D1V;
-// gp_Vec D2U,D2V,D2UV;
-// geometry->D2(uv[0],uv[1],P,D1U,D1V,D2U,D2V,D2UV);
-// duu[0]=D2U.X(); duu[1]=D2U.Y(); duu[2]=D2U.Z();
-// duv[0]=D2UV.X(); duv[1]=D2UV.Y(); duv[2]=D2UV.Z();
-// dvv[0]=D2V.X(); dvv[1]=D2V.Y(); dvv[2]=D2V.Z();
-// if(du && dv){
-// geometry->D1(uv[0],uv[1],P,D1U,D1V);
-// du[0]=D1U.X(); du[1]=D1U.Y(); du[2]=D1U.Z();
-// dv[0]=D1V.X(); dv[1]=D1V.Y(); dv[2]=D1V.Z();
-// }
-// if(xyz){
-// P = geometry->Value(uv[0],uv[1]);
-// xyz[0]=P.X(); xyz[1]=P.Y(); xyz[2]=P.Z();
-// }
-// } else if(du && dv){
-// /* query for the first order derivatives */
-// gp_Pnt P;
-// gp_Vec D1U,D1V;
-// geometry->D1(uv[0],uv[1],P,D1U,D1V);
-// du[0]=D1U.X(); du[1]=D1U.Y(); du[2]=D1U.Z();
-// dv[0]=D1V.X(); dv[1]=D1V.Y(); dv[2]=D1V.Z();
-// if(xyz){
-// P = geometry->Value(uv[0],uv[1]);
-// xyz[0]=P.X(); xyz[1]=P.Y(); xyz[2]=P.Z();
-// }
-// } else if(xyz){
-// /* query for the function evaluation */
-// gp_Pnt P;
-// P = geometry->Value(uv[0],uv[1]); // S.D0(U,V,P);
-// xyz[0]=P.X(); xyz[1]=P.Y(); xyz[2]=P.Z();
-// }
return STATUS_OK;