* \param [in] mrs - object used to read additional low-level information
* \return MEDFileUMesh* - a new instance of MEDFileUMesh. The
* caller is to delete this mesh using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
- * \throw exception if the mesh contains multiple types of cells
* \throw exception if the partition of the mesh cells defined by \a distrib does not cover the whole mesh
MEDFileUMesh *ParaMEDFileUMesh::ParaNew(const std::map<INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType,std::vector<mcIdType>> &distrib, const MPI_Comm& com, const MPI_Info& nfo, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& mName, int dt, int it, MEDFileMeshReadSelector *mrs)
* Loads field \a fName laying on mesh \a mName from the filename \a fileName in parallel:
* each processor will load their portion of the field (ie the portion laying on the cells/nodes in the vector \a distrib given in the parameters).
* WARNING : this will only load the array of values of the field, additionnal information of the local field such as the number of its tuples might be incorrect
+ * WARNING : this method does not check the distribution given as input !
* \param [in] com - group of MPI processes that will read the file
* \param [in] nfo- MPI info object (used to manage MPI routines)
* \param [in] fileName - name of the file containing the field
* \return MEDFileField1TS* - a new instance of MEDFileField1TS. The
* caller is to delete it using decrRef() as it is no more needed.
* \throw exception if the field is not of type FLOAT64
- * \throw exception if the mesh contains more than one geometric type
- * \throw exception if the given distribution does not cover the entire mesh on which the field is defined
MEDFileField1TS *ParaMEDFileField1TS::ParaNew(const MPI_Comm& com, const MPI_Info& nfo, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& fName, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<mcIdType>& distrib, TypeOfField loc, INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType geoType, int dt, int it)
MEDFileField1TS *ParaMEDFileField1TS::NewPrivate(med_idt fid, const MPI_Comm& com, const std::string& fName, const std::string& mName, const std::vector<mcIdType>& distrib, TypeOfField loc, INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType geoType, int dt, int it)
- if(loc==ON_CELLS) //if distribution is on nodes, no fast way to check it (as a node can be shared by multiple processors)
- {
- med_geometry_type geoMedType(typmai3[geoType]);
- med_bool changement,transformation;
- med_int totalNumberOfElements(MEDmeshnEntity(fid,mName.c_str(),dt,it,MED_CELL,geoMedType,MED_FAMILY_NUMBER,MED_NODAL,&changement,&transformation));
- checkDistribution(com,totalNumberOfElements,distrib);
- }
std::vector<std::pair<TypeOfField,INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType>> tmp={ {loc, geoType} };
INTERP_KERNEL::AutoCppPtr<MEDFileEntities> entities(MEDFileEntities::BuildFrom(&tmp));
MCAuto<MEDFileAnyTypeField1TS> partFile(MEDFileAnyTypeField1TS::NewAdv(fid,fName,dt,it,entities,distrib));