from omniORB import CORBA
prefix = "" if CORBA.ORB_ID == "omniORB4" else "ORB"
+ from subprocess import check_output
+ ips = check_output(['hostname', '--all-ip-addresses'])
+ # get ip address on default interface (for instance eth0) to limit listening on this interface (cyber security request)
+ ipDefault = ips.split()[0].decode()
GIOP_MaxMsgSize = 2097152000 # 2 GBytes
orbdata.append("%straceLevel = 0 # critical errors only"%(prefix))
orbdata.append("%smaxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 500 # to allow containers parallel launch"%(prefix))
orbdata.append("%snativeCharCodeSet = UTF-8"%(prefix))
+ orbdata.append("%sendPoint = giop:tcp:"%(prefix,''))
+ orbdata.append("%sendPoint = giop:tcp:%s:%s"%(prefix, ipDefault,''))
with open(omniorb_config, "w") as f:
self.CMD = ['omniNames', '-start' , aPort , '-nohostname', '-logdir' , os.path.realpath(upath), '-errlog', os.path.realpath(os.path.join(upath,'omniNameErrors.log'))]
#os.system("start omniNames -start " + aPort + " -logdir " + upath)
- #self.CMD=['omniNames -start ' , aPort , ' -logdir ' , upath , ' &']
- self.CMD = ['omniNames','-start' , aPort, '-logdir' , upath, '-errlog', upath+'/omniNameErrors.log']
- #os.system("omniNames -start " + aPort + " -logdir " + upath + " &")
+ # get ip address on default interface (for instance eth0) to limit listening on this interface (cyber security request)
+ from subprocess import check_output
+ ips = check_output(['hostname', '--all-ip-addresses'])
+ ipDefault = ips.split()[0].decode()
+ self.CMD = ['omniNames','-start' , aPort]
+ self.CMD += ['-logdir' , upath, '-errlog', upath+'/omniNameErrors.log']
+ self.CMD += ['-ORBendPoint', 'giop:tcp:%s:%s'%(hname,aPort)]
if verbose(): print("... ok")
if verbose(): print("to list contexts and objects bound into the context with the specified name : showNS ")