d = Y - HXb
logging.debug("%s Innovation d = %s"%(self._name, d))
- # Précalcul des inversion appellée dans les fonction-coût et gradient
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Précalcul des inversions de B et R
+ # ----------------------------------
if B is not None:
BI = B.I
elif Parameters["B_scalar"] is not None:
Jb = 0.5 * (_X - Xb).T * BI * (_X - Xb)
Jo = 0.5 * (Y - _HX).T * RI * (Y - _HX)
J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
- logging.info("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
- logging.info("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
- logging.info("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( _X.A1 )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
HXb = Hm * Xb
HXb = numpy.asmatrix(HXb).flatten().T
- # Calcul de la matrice de gain dans l'espace le plus petit
- # --------------------------------------------------------
- if Y.size <= Xb.size:
- logging.debug("%s Calcul de K dans l'espace des observations"%self._name)
- K = B * Ht * (Hm * B * Ht + R).I
- else:
- logging.debug("%s Calcul de K dans l'espace d'ébauche"%self._name)
- K = (Ht * R.I * Hm + B.I).I * Ht * R.I
+ # Précalcul des inversions de B et R
+ # ----------------------------------
+ if B is not None:
+ BI = B.I
+ elif Parameters["B_scalar"] is not None:
+ BI = 1.0 / Parameters["B_scalar"]
+ B = Parameters["B_scalar"]
+ if R is not None:
+ RI = R.I
+ elif Parameters["R_scalar"] is not None:
+ RI = 1.0 / Parameters["R_scalar"]
+ R = Parameters["R_scalar"]
- # Calcul de l'innovation et de l'analyse
- # --------------------------------------
+ # Calcul de l'innovation
+ # ----------------------
if Y.size != HXb.size:
raise ValueError("The size %i of observations Y and %i of observed calculation H(X) are different, they have to be identical."%(Y.size,HXb.size))
if max(Y.shape) != max(HXb.shape):
raise ValueError("The shapes %s of observations Y and %s of observed calculation H(X) are different, they have to be identical."%(Y.shape,HXb.shape))
d = Y - HXb
logging.debug("%s Innovation d = %s"%(self._name, d))
+ #
+ # Calcul de la matrice de gain dans l'espace le plus petit et de l'analyse
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if Y.size <= Xb.size:
+ logging.debug("%s Calcul de K dans l'espace des observations"%self._name)
+ K = B * Ht * (Hm * B * Ht + R).I
+ else:
+ logging.debug("%s Calcul de K dans l'espace d'ébauche"%self._name)
+ K = (Ht * RI * Hm + BI).I * Ht * RI
Xa = Xb + K*d
logging.debug("%s Analyse Xa = %s"%(self._name, Xa))
+ # Calcul de la fonction coût
+ # --------------------------
+ Jb = 0.5 * (Xa - Xb).T * BI * (Xa - Xb)
+ Jo = 0.5 * d.T * RI * d
+ J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
+ #
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa.A1 )
self.StoredVariables["Innovation"].store( d.A1 )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
logging.debug("%s Taille mémoire utilisée de %.1f Mo"%(self._name, m.getUsedMemory("MB")))
logging.debug("%s Terminé"%self._name)
Hm = H["Direct"].asMatrix()
Ht = H["Adjoint"].asMatrix()
- K = (Ht * R.I * Hm ).I * Ht * R.I
+ if R is not None:
+ RI = R.I
+ elif Parameters["R_scalar"] is not None:
+ RI = 1.0 / Parameters["R_scalar"]
+ #
+ K = (Ht * RI * Hm ).I * Ht * RI
Xa = K * Y
+ logging.debug("%s Analyse Xa = %s"%(self._name, Xa))
+ #
+ # Calcul de la fonction coût
+ # --------------------------
+ d = Y - Hm * Xa
+ Jb = 0.
+ Jo = 0.5 * d.T * RI * d
+ J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
self.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( Xa.A1 )
+ self.StoredVariables["Innovation"].store( d.A1 )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )
+ self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ].store( J )
logging.debug("%s Taille mémoire utilisée de %.1f Mo"%(self._name, m.getUsedMemory("Mo")))
logging.debug("%s Terminé"%self._name)
d = Y - HXb
logging.debug("%s Innovation d = %s"%(self._name, d))
- # Précalcul des inversion appellée dans les fonction-coût et gradient
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Précalcul des inversions de B et R
+ # ----------------------------------
# if B is not None:
# BI = B.I
# elif Parameters["B_scalar"] is not None:
Jb = 0.
Jo = 0.5 * (Y - _HX).T * RI * (Y - _HX)
J = float( Jb ) + float( Jo )
- logging.info("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
- logging.info("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
- logging.info("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jb = %s"%(self._name, Jb))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction Jo = %s"%(self._name, Jo))
+ logging.debug("%s CostFunction J = %s"%(self._name, J))
self.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( _X.A1 )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJb"].store( Jb )
self.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJo"].store( Jo )