node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os \n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script +=
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os \n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script +=
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os, numpy, logging\n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script += """# ==============================================\n"""
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os, numpy, logging\n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script += """# ==============================================\n"""
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os \n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script +=
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os \n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script +=
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os, numpy, logging\n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script +=
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os, numpy, logging\n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(script_filename) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(script_filename) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script +=
node_script = "#-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-\n"
node_script += "import sys, os \n"
node_script += "filepath = \"" + os.path.dirname(analysis_file_name) + "\"\n"
+ node_script += "filename = \"" + os.path.basename(analysis_file_name) + "\"\n"
node_script += "if sys.path.count(filepath)==0 or (sys.path.count(filepath)>0 and sys.path.index(filepath)>0):\n"
node_script += " sys.path.insert(0,filepath)\n"
node_script += default_script