def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
self.Create(mesh, geom, "RadialPrism_3D")
self.distribHyp = self.Hypothesis( "LayerDistribution" )
+ self.nbLayers = None
## Return 3D hypothesis holding the 1D one
def Get3DHypothesis(self):
## Private method creating 1D hypothes and storing it in the LayerDistribution
# hypothes. Returns the created hypothes
def OwnHypothesis(self, hypType, args=[], so=""):
+ if not self.nbLayers is None:
+ self.mesh.GetMesh().RemoveHypothesis( self.geom, self.nbLayers )
+ self.mesh.GetMesh().AddHypothesis( self.geom, self.distribHyp )
study = GetCurrentStudy() # prevent publishing of own 1D hypothesis
hyp = smesh.CreateHypothesis(hypType, so)
SetCurrentStudy( study ) # anable publishing
## Define "NumberOfLayers" hypothesis, specifying a number of layers of
# prisms to build between the inner and outer shells
def NumberOfLayers(self, n ):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfLayers")
- hyp.SetNumberOfLayers( n )
- return hyp
+ self.mesh.GetMesh().RemoveHypothesis( self.geom, self.distribHyp )
+ self.nbLayers = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfLayers")
+ self.nbLayers.SetNumberOfLayers( n )
+ return self.nbLayers
## Define "LocalLength" hypothesis, specifying segment length
# to build between the inner and outer shells