--- /dev/null
+#)# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+## --------------------------------------------------
+## debut entete
+## --------------------------------------------------
+from Accas import *
+import os
+import sys
+import types
+from prefs_MAP import PATH_MAP
+class Tuple:
+ def __init__(self,ntuple):
+ self.ntuple=ntuple
+ def __convert__(self,valeur):
+ if type(valeur) == types.StringType:
+ return None
+ if len(valeur) != self.ntuple:
+ return None
+ return valeur
+ def info(self):
+ return "Tuple de %s elements" % self.ntuple
+ __repr__=info
+ __str__=info
+#CONTEXT.debug = 1
+JdC = JDC_CATA ( code = 'MAP',
+ execmodul = None,
+ )# Fin JDC_CATA
+ path=SIMP(typ='Fichier',defaut='/home/A28637/SVN_MAP/trunk/vendor/PERFORM_20110225/perfect_dev/tools/bin/specter', statut='o', fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a file', max=1,),
+ )
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ beta=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a numerical value',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.779, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="The model which gives the total number of surviving point defects for cascades in iron up to 10 keV. ", max=1),
+ alpha=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a numerical value',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=5.67, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ )
+ path=SIMP(typ='Fichier',defaut='/home/A28637/SVN_MAP/trunk/vendor/PERFORM_20110225/perfect_dev/tools/bin/mfvisc', statut='o', fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a file', max=1,),
+ )
+ stop_if_solute_loss=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choose Yes if you want the rate-theory calculation to stop when a solute loss (i.e. Cu or He in the case of RPV and INTERN respectively) is detected. Choose No otherwise.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="No", max=1,into=['Yes', 'No']),
+ ),
+ bound_solute=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choose Yes if you want the to artifically impose the solute conservation by imposing a null flux for concentrations at Nob.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Yes", max=1,into=['Yes', 'No']),
+ ),
+ numerical_scheme_i=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Numerical parameters scheme for interstitials',
+ No=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of discrete equations for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of continuous equations for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=300, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=97, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ ),
+ numerical_scheme_b=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Numerical parameters scheme for the solute element',
+ No=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of discrete equations for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of continuous equations for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ ),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ solver_absolute_error=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Absolute error for the rate theory solver',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0001, max=1,val_min=0),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ solver_relative_error=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Relative error for the rate theory solver',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.001, max=1,val_min=0),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Parametrisation of the rate theory code", max=1),
+ numerical_scheme_v=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Numerical parameters scheme for vacancies',
+ No=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of discrete equations for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of continuous equations for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=300, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=55, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ ),
+ bound_self_defects=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choose Yes if you want the to artifically impose self defects conservation by imposing a null flux for concentrations at $(No+Nc)$. Choose stop to stop the calculation in case of leakage.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Stop", max=1,into=['Yes', 'No', 'Stop']),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ )
+ spectrum=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Neutron spectrum table',
+ values=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = Tuple(2), defaut=[[0.0465, 21000000000000.0], [0.10000000000000001, 24300000000000.0], [0.20000000000000001, 27300000000000.0], [0.40000000000000002, 37800000000000.0], [0.80000000000000004, 46600000000000.0], [1.0, 16400000000000.0], [1.3999999999999999, 25800000000000.0], [2.5, 41200000000000.0]], min=1, max='**'),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ spectrum_time=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="None", max=1),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Data object containing the neutron spectrum table.", max=1),
+ )
+ valeur=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Chemical composition of the steel',
+ Cu=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1,val_min=0.0,val_max=0.1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='atomic percent', max=1),
+ ),
+ )
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="A base class for the minimum radius of interstitial and vacancy clusters taken into account in number densities calculations.", max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ R_min_V=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Minimum radius of vacancy clusters taken into account in number densities calculations.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='nm', max=1),
+ ),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ interstitial_cluster_shape=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choice for the shape of interstitials clusters, disks or spheres. This only impacts the calculation of the radius of the cluster and associated radial density.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="disk", max=1,into=['disk', 'sphere']),
+ ),
+ R_min_B=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Minimum radius of copper precipitates taken into account in number densities calculations. ',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='nm', max=1),
+ ),
+ R_min_I=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Minimum radius of interstitial clusters taken into account in number densities calculations. ',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='nm', max=1),
+ ),
+ )
+ a=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.11787605409e-09, max=1),
+ elect=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=4.8e-10, max=1),
+ r_bohr=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=5.29e-09, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ z_p=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=26.0, max=1),
+ z_t=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=26.0, max=1),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="expert", max=1),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Lindhard damage energy model", max=1),
+ m_p=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=55.0, max=1),
+ m_t=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=55.0, max=1),
+ )
from Accas import *
import os
import sys
+import types
from prefs_MAP import PATH_MAP
-specter_path=PROC(nom="specter_path",op= None,
- path = SIMP ( typ = 'TXM', defaut=PATH_MAP+"perfect_dev/tools/bin/specter",
- statut='o', fr = "", ang = "specter_path ", max=1,
- ),
-residual_energy_model=PROC(nom="residual_energy_model",op= None,
- beta = FACT (statut='o', max=1,
- ang = "total number of surviving point defects for cascades in iron up",
- name= SIMP(statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=0.779, max=1),
- unit= SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- alpha = FACT (statut='o', max=1,
- name= SIMP(statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=5.67, ang = "",max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
-mfvisc2_path=PROC(nom="mfvisc2_path",op= None,
- path = SIMP ( typ = 'TXM', defaut=PATH_MAP+"perfect_dev/tools/bin/mfvisc",
- statut='o', fr = "", ang = "specter_path ", max=1,
- ),
-mfvisc2_parametrisation=PROC(nom="mfvisc2_parametrisation",op= None,
- stop_if_solute_loss=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM',
- ang = "Yes if you want the rate-theory calculation to stop when a solute loss is detected",
- defaut="No",into=("Yes","No")
- ),
- bound_solute=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM',
- ang = "Yes if you want the to artifically impose the solute conservation by imposing a null flux for concentrations at Nob",
- defaut="Yes",into=("Yes","No")
- ),
- numerical_scheme_i = FACT (statut='o', max=1,
- ang="Numerical parameters scheme for interstitial",
- No=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang='Number of discrete equations for species i',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='No_i', ang = "",max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=30,into=(30,), ang = "",max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang='Number of continous equations for species i',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='Nc_i', ang = "",max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=300, ang = "",max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, ang='Step value for species i',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='M_i', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=50, max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, ang='Step value for species i',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='kmet_i', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=97, max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- species=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- numerical_scheme_b = FACT (statut='o', max=1,
- ang="Numerical parameters scheme for the solute element",
- No=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang='Number of discrete equations for species b',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='No_b', ang = "",max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=0, ang = "",max=1,val_min=0,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang='Number of continous equations for species b',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='Nc_b', ang = "",max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=0, ang = "",max=1,val_min=0,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, ang='Step value for species b',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='M_b', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, ang='Step value for species b',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='kmet_b', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- species=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- numerical_scheme_v = FACT (statut='o', max=1,
- ang="Numerical parameters scheme for vacancies",
- No=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang='Number of discrete equations for species v',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='No_v', ang = "",max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=30, ang = "",max=1,val_min=0,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang='Number of continous equations for species v',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='Nc_v', ang = "",max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=300, ang = "",max=1,val_min=0,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, ang='Step value for species v',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='M_v', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, ang='Step value for species v',
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='kmet_v', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'I', defaut=55, max=1,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- species=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1),
- ),
- ignore_Helium = SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', ang = "",max=1,
- defaut="Yes",into=("Yes","No"),),
- bound_self_defects = SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', max=1,
- ang="Yes if you want the to artifically impose self defects conservation by imposing a null flux for concentrations at $(No+Nc)$. Choose 'stop' to stop the calculation in case of leakage.",
- defaut="Stop",into=("Yes","No","Stop"),)
-operating_conditions=PROC(nom="operating_conditions",op= None,
- relative_time_increments=SIMP (statut= "o",typ = 'R', min=3, max='**',
- ang="Relative time increments for the LONG_TERM computation",
- defaut=(1e-10, 1.0000000000000001e-09, 3e-09, 1e-08, 2.9999999999999997e-08, 9.9999999999999995e-08, 2.9999999999999999e-07, 9.9999999999999995e-07, 3.0000000000000001e-06, 1.0000000000000001e-05, 3.0000000000000001e-05, 0.0001, 0.00029999999999999997, 0.001, 0.0030000000000000001, 0.01, 0.029999999999999999, 0.10000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999, 1.0),
- ),
- rescaling_NRT_damage_rate=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang="rescaling NRT damage rate (dpa/s)",
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, val_min=0,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', defaut='dpa_per_s',into=('dpa_per_s',)),
+ path=SIMP(typ='Fichier',defaut='/home/A28637/SVN_MAP/trunk/vendor/PERFORM_20110225/perfect_dev/tools/bin/specter', statut='o', fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a file', max=1,),
+ )
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ beta=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a numerical value',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.779, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="The model which gives the total number of surviving point defects for cascades in iron up to 10 keV. ", max=1),
+ alpha=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a numerical value',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=5.67, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ )
+ path=SIMP(typ='Fichier',defaut='/home/A28637/SVN_MAP/trunk/vendor/PERFORM_20110225/perfect_dev/tools/bin/mfvisc', statut='o', fr = '', ang = 'A class for the definition of a file', max=1,),
+ )
+ stop_if_solute_loss=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choose Yes if you want the rate-theory calculation to stop when a solute loss (i.e. Cu or He in the case of RPV and INTERN respectively) is detected. Choose No otherwise.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="No", max=1,into=['Yes', 'No']),
+ ),
+ bound_solute=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choose Yes if you want the to artifically impose the solute conservation by imposing a null flux for concentrations at Nob.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Yes", max=1,into=['Yes', 'No']),
+ ),
+ numerical_scheme_i=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Numerical parameters scheme for interstitials',
+ No=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of discrete equations for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of continuous equations for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=300, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species i',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=97, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ ),
+ numerical_scheme_b=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Numerical parameters scheme for the solute element',
+ No=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of discrete equations for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of continuous equations for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species b',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=0, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ ),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ solver_absolute_error=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Absolute error for the rate theory solver',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0001, max=1,val_min=0),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ solver_relative_error=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Relative error for the rate theory solver',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.001, max=1,val_min=0),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='None', max=1),
+ ),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Parametrisation of the rate theory code", max=1),
+ numerical_scheme_v=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Numerical parameters scheme for vacancies',
+ No=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of discrete equations for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ Nc=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Number of continuous equations for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=300, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ M=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=30, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ kmet=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Step value for species v',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'I', defaut=55, max=1,val_min=0),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ ),
+ bound_self_defects=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choose Yes if you want the to artifically impose self defects conservation by imposing a null flux for concentrations at $(No+Nc)$. Choose stop to stop the calculation in case of leakage.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Stop", max=1,into=['Yes', 'No', 'Stop']),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ )
+ spectrum=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Neutron spectrum table',
+ values=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = Tuple(2), defaut=[[0.0465, 21000000000000.0], [0.10000000000000001, 24300000000000.0], [0.20000000000000001, 27300000000000.0], [0.40000000000000002, 37800000000000.0], [0.80000000000000004, 46600000000000.0], [1.0, 16400000000000.0], [1.3999999999999999, 25800000000000.0], [2.5, 41200000000000.0]], min=1, max='**'),
+ ),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ spectrum_time=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="None", max=1),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Data object containing the neutron spectrum table.", max=1),
+ )
+ valeur=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Chemical composition of the steel',
+ Cu=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1,val_min=0.0,val_max=0.1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='atomic percent', max=1),
- flux_cut_off_energy=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang="Energy threshold for the calculation of the flux",
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=1.0, val_min=0,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', defaut='MeV',into=('MeV',)),
- ),
- toughness_calculation_time_index = SIMP (statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=-1,into=(-1,),),
- temp_irrad=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- ang="Energy threshold for the calculation of the flux",
- name=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='T', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=573.0, val_min=0,),
- unit=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', defaut='K',into=('K',)),
- ),
- time_irrad=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- unit=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='s', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=100000.0, val_min=0,),
- ),
- rescaling_flux=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- unit=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='n_per_cm2_per_s', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, val_min=0,),
- ),
-bcc_crystal=PROC(nom="bcc_crystal",op= None,
- lattice_parameter=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- unit=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='angstrom', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=2.87, ),
- ),
- atomic_volume=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- unit=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='m3', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=1.18199515e-29, ),
- ),
- structure=SIMP (statut= "f",typ = 'TXM', defaut='bcc',into=('bcc','fcc'),
- ang='Crystalline structure of the considered alloy'),
- atomic_density=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- unit=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='at_per_m3', max=1,),
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=8.46027160095e+28, ),
- ),
-neutron_spectrum=PROC(nom="neutron_spectrum",op= None,
- spectrum=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R',max='**', defaut=(0.0465, 21000000000000.0, 0.10000000000000001, 24300000000000.0, 0.20000000000000001, 27300000000000.0, 0.40000000000000002, 37800000000000.0, 0.80000000000000004, 46600000000000.0, 1.0, 16400000000000.0, 1.3999999999999999, 25800000000000.0, 2.5, 41200000000000.0)),
- spectrum_description=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', max=1,),
- mv=FACT(statut='o', max=1,
- value=SIMP(statut= "o",typ = 'R', defaut=5., ),
- unit=SIMP(statut= "f", typ = 'TXM', defaut='atomic percent', max=1,),
+ )
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="A base class for the minimum radius of interstitial and vacancy clusters taken into account in number densities calculations.", max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ R_min_V=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Minimum radius of vacancy clusters taken into account in number densities calculations.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='nm', max=1),
+ ),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="user", max=1),
+ interstitial_cluster_shape=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Choice for the shape of interstitials clusters, disks or spheres. This only impacts the calculation of the radius of the cluster and associated radial density.',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="disk", max=1,into=['disk', 'sphere']),
+ ),
+ R_min_B=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Minimum radius of copper precipitates taken into account in number densities calculations. ',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='nm', max=1),
+ ),
+ R_min_I=FACT(statut='o', max=1, fr = '', ang = 'Minimum radius of interstitial clusters taken into account in number densities calculations. ',
+ value=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=0.0, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut='nm', max=1),
+ ),
+ )
+ a=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=1.11787605409e-09, max=1),
+ elect=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=4.8e-10, max=1),
+ r_bohr=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=5.29e-09, max=1),
+ unit=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="", max=1),
+ z_p=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=26.0, max=1),
+ z_t=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=26.0, max=1),
+ access=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="expert", max=1),
+ short_doc=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'TXM', defaut="Lindhard damage energy model", max=1),
+ m_p=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=55.0, max=1),
+ m_t=SIMP(statut= 'o',typ = 'R', defaut=55.0, max=1),
+ )