mesh (or elements) at the new location and erase it from the previous location;</li>
<li>activate <b>Copy elements</b> radio button to create the source
mesh (or elements) at the new location, but leave it at the previous
-location, the source mesh will be considered one and single mesh with the result of the rotation;</li>
+location, the source mesh will be considered one and single mesh with
+the result of the scale operation;</li>
<li>activate <b>Create as new mesh</b> radio button to leave the
source mesh (or elements) at its previous location and create a new
mesh at the new location, the new mesh appears in the Object Browser
-with the default name MeshName_rotated (it is possible to change this
+with the default name MeshName_scaled (it is possible to change this
name in the adjacent box);</li>
<li>activate <b> Copy groups </b> checkbox to copy the groups of elements of the source mesh to the newly created mesh.</li>