// Load a component library
bool Engines_MPIContainer_i::load_component_Library(const char* componentName)
- if( _numproc == 0 ){
- // Invocation du chargement du composant dans les autres process
- for(int ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
- (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Asload_component_Library(componentName);
+ pthread_t *th;
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ th = new pthread_t[_nbproc];
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++){
+ thread_st *st = new thread_st;
+ st->ip = ip;
+ st->tior = _tior;
+ st->compoName = componentName;
+ pthread_create(&(th[ip]),NULL,th_loadcomponentlibrary,(void*)st);
+ }
- return Lload_component_Library(componentName);
+ bool ret = Lload_component_Library(componentName);
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Asload_component_Library(const char* componentName)
- Lload_component_Library(componentName);
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ pthread_join(th[ip],NULL);
+ delete th;
+ }
+ return ret;
bool Engines_MPIContainer_i::Lload_component_Library(const char* componentName)
_library_map[impl_name] = handle;
MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] Library " << impl_name << " loaded");
return true;
MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] Can't load shared library : " << impl_name);
MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] error dlopen: " << dlerror());
Engines_MPIContainer_i::create_component_instance( const char* componentName,
CORBA::Long studyId)
- if( _numproc == 0 ){
- // Invocation du chargement du composant dans les autres process
- for(int ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
- (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Ascreate_component_instance(componentName,studyId);
+ pthread_t *th;
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ th = new pthread_t[_nbproc];
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++){
+ thread_st *st = new thread_st;
+ st->ip = ip;
+ st->tior = _tior;
+ st->compoName = componentName;
+ st->studyId = studyId;
+ pthread_create(&(th[ip]),NULL,th_createcomponentinstance,(void*)st);
+ }
- return Lcreate_component_instance(componentName,studyId);
+ Engines::Component_ptr cptr = Lcreate_component_instance(componentName,studyId);
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Ascreate_component_instance( const char* componentName,
- CORBA::Long studyId)
- Lcreate_component_instance(componentName,studyId);
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ pthread_join(th[ip],NULL);
+ delete th;
+ }
+ return cptr;
Engines::Component_ptr Engines_MPIContainer_i::load_impl(const char* nameToRegister,
const char* componentName)
- if( _numproc == 0 ){
- // Invocation du chargement du composant dans les autres process
- for(int ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
- (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Asload_impl(nameToRegister,
- componentName);
+ pthread_t *th;
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ th = new pthread_t[_nbproc];
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++){
+ thread_st *st = new thread_st;
+ st->ip = ip;
+ st->tior = _tior;
+ st->nameToRegister = nameToRegister;
+ st->compoName = componentName;
+ pthread_create(&(th[ip]),NULL,th_loadimpl,(void*)st);
+ }
- return Lload_impl(nameToRegister,componentName);
+ Engines::Component_ptr cptr = Lload_impl(nameToRegister,componentName);
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ pthread_join(th[ip],NULL);
+ delete th;
+ }
-// Load component
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Asload_impl(const char* nameToRegister,
- const char* componentName)
- Lload_impl(nameToRegister,componentName);
+ return cptr;
+// Load component
Engines::Component_ptr Engines_MPIContainer_i::Lload_impl(
const char* nameToRegister,
const char* componentName)
void Engines_MPIContainer_i::remove_impl(Engines::Component_ptr component_i)
- int ip;
- Engines::Component_ptr cptr;
Engines::MPIObject_ptr pcptr;
Engines::MPIObject_ptr spcptr;
- ASSERT(! CORBA::is_nil(component_i));
- if( _numproc == 0 ){
- // Invocation de la destruction du composant dans les autres process
+ pthread_t *th;
+ if(_numproc == 0){
pcptr = (Engines::MPIObject_ptr)component_i;
- for(ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++){
+ th = new pthread_t[_nbproc];
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++){
+ thread_st *st = new thread_st;
+ st->ip = ip;
+ st->tior = _tior;
spcptr = Engines::MPIObject::_narrow((*(pcptr->tior()))[ip]);
- cptr = (Engines::Component_ptr)spcptr;
- (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Asremove_impl(cptr);
+ st->cptr = (Engines::Component_ptr)spcptr;
+ pthread_create(&(th[ip]),NULL,th_removeimpl,(void*)st);
- Lremove_impl(component_i);
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Asremove_impl(Engines::Component_ptr component_i)
- Lremove_impl(component_i);
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Lremove_impl(Engines::Component_ptr component_i)
- BEGIN_OF("[" << _numproc << "] MPIContainer_i::Lremove_impl");
ASSERT(! CORBA::is_nil(component_i));
string instanceName = component_i->instanceName() ;
MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] unload component " << instanceName);
- component_i->destroy() ;
- MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] test key handle_map");
_numInstanceMutex.lock() ; // lock on the remove on handle_map
+ _listInstances_map.erase(instanceName);
_numInstanceMutex.unlock() ;
- MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] list handle_map");
+ component_i->destroy() ;
+ if(_numproc == 0)
+ _NS->Destroy_Name(instanceName.c_str());
- END_OF("[" << _numproc << "] MPIContainer_i::Lremove_impl");
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ pthread_join(th[ip],NULL);
+ delete th;
+ }
void Engines_MPIContainer_i::finalize_removal()
- int ip;
+ pthread_t *th;
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ th = new pthread_t[_nbproc];
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++){
+ thread_st *st = new thread_st;
+ st->ip = ip;
+ st->tior = _tior;
+ pthread_create(&(th[ip]),NULL,th_finalizeremoval,(void*)st);
+ }
+ }
- if( _numproc == 0 ){
- // Invocation de la destruction du composant dans les autres process
- for(ip= 1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
- (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*_tior)[ip]))->Asfinalize_removal();
+ _numInstanceMutex.lock(); // lock to be alone
+ // (see decInstanceCnt, load_component_Library)
+ map<string, void *>::iterator ith;
+ for (ith = _toRemove_map.begin(); ith != _toRemove_map.end(); ith++)
+ {
+ void *handle = (*ith).second;
+ string impl_name= (*ith).first;
+ if (handle)
+ {
+ SCRUTE(handle);
+ SCRUTE(impl_name);
+ // dlclose(handle); // SALOME unstable after ...
+ // _library_map.erase(impl_name);
+ }
+ _toRemove_map.clear();
+ _numInstanceMutex.unlock();
- Lfinalize_removal();
+ if(_numproc == 0){
+ for(int ip=1;ip<_nbproc;ip++)
+ pthread_join(th[ip],NULL);
+ delete th;
+ }
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Asfinalize_removal()
+void *th_loadcomponentlibrary(void *s)
- Lfinalize_removal();
+ thread_st *st = (thread_st*)s;
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*(st->tior))[st->ip]))->load_component_Library(st->compoName.c_str());
-void Engines_MPIContainer_i::Lfinalize_removal()
+void *th_createcomponentinstance(void *s)
- BEGIN_OF("[" << _numproc << "] MPIContainer_i::Lfinalize_removal");
-// map<string, void *>::iterator im ;
-// // lock on the explore remove_map & dlclose
-// _numInstanceMutex.lock() ;
-// for (im = remove_map.begin() ; im != remove_map.end() ; im ++)
-// {
-// void * handle = (*im).second ;
-// MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] dlclose " << (*im).first);
-// dlclose(handle) ;
-// }
-// MESSAGE("[" << _numproc << "] remove_map.clear()");
-// remove_map.clear() ;
-// _numInstanceMutex.unlock() ;
- END_OF("[" << _numproc << "] MPIContainer_i::Lfinalize_removal");
+ thread_st *st = (thread_st*)s;
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*(st->tior))[st->ip]))->create_component_instance(st->compoName.c_str(),st->studyId);
+void *th_loadimpl(void *s)
+ thread_st *st = (thread_st*)s;
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*(st->tior))[st->ip]))->load_impl(st->nameToRegister.c_str(),st->compoName.c_str());
+void *th_removeimpl(void *s)
+ thread_st *st = (thread_st*)s;
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*(st->tior))[st->ip]))->remove_impl(st->cptr);
+void *th_finalizeremoval(void *s)
+ thread_st *st = (thread_st*)s;
+ (Engines::MPIContainer::_narrow((*(st->tior))[st->ip]))->finalize_removal();
#include "SALOME_Container_i.hxx"
#include "MPIObject_i.hxx"
+void * th_loadcomponentlibrary(void *st);
+void * th_createcomponentinstance(void *st);
+void * th_loadimpl(void *st);
+void * th_removeimpl(void *st);
+void * th_finalizeremoval(void *st);
+typedef struct {
+ int ip;
+ Engines::IORTab* tior;
+ std::string compoName;
+ std::string nameToRegister;
+ long studyId;
+ Engines::Component_ptr cptr;
+} thread_st;
class Engines_MPIContainer_i : public POA_Engines::MPIContainer,
public Engines_Container_i,
public MPIObject_i
// Load a component library
// synchronous version for process 0
bool load_component_Library(const char* componentName);
- // asynchronous version for other process
- void Asload_component_Library(const char* componentName);
// Create an instance of component
// synchronous version for process 0
create_component_instance( const char* componentName,
CORBA::Long studyId); // 0 for multiStudy
- // asynchronous version for other process
- void Ascreate_component_instance( const char* componentName,
- CORBA::Long studyId); // 0 for multiStudy
// Load a component in current MPI container
// synchronous version for process 0
Engines::Component_ptr load_impl(const char* nameToRegister,
const char* componentName);
- // asynchronous version for other process
- void Asload_impl(const char* nameToRegister, const char* componentName);
// Unload a component from current MPI container
// synchronous version for process 0
void remove_impl(Engines::Component_ptr component_i);
- // asynchronous version for other process
- void Asremove_impl(Engines::Component_ptr component_i);
// synchronous version for process 0
void finalize_removal();
- // asynchronous version for other process
- void Asfinalize_removal();
- // local version to not duplicate code
- // called by synchronous and asynchronous version
bool Lload_component_Library(const char* componentName);
Lcreate_component_instance( const char* componentName,
CORBA::Long studyId); // 0 for multiStudy
Engines::Component_ptr Lload_impl(const char* nameToRegister,
const char* componentName);
- void Lremove_impl(Engines::Component_ptr component_i);
- void Lfinalize_removal();
createMPIInstance(std::string genericRegisterName,