+++ /dev/null
-# SWIG suppressions for MEDCoupling
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:*PyImport_ImportModule*
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:*PyObject_FastCallDict*
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:*PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs*
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:*ufunc_generic_fastcall*
- <eval_vec>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:_PyObject_*alloc*
- ...
- fun:PyList_New
- ...
- fun:_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
- <eval_vec2>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:cfunction_vectorcall_O
- ...
- fun:_PyEval_Vector
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:_PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
- <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:unicode_decode_utf8
- <malloc>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- ...
- fun:*PyObject_Malloc*
- <realloc_unicode>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:*PyUnicode_*
- <swig_py_client_data>
- Memcheck:Leak
- match-leak-kinds: definite
- fun:malloc
- fun:SwigPyClientData_New
- <dic2>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- ...
- fun:*PyDict_*
- <py_gc>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:realloc
- fun:_PyObject_GC_Resize
- <call>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:malloc
- ...
- fun:PyObject_Call
- <load_mod>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:_PyImport_LoadDynamicModule
- <load_mod>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:*PyInit*
- <raise_excep>
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:*alloc
- ...
- fun:_dl_catch_exception
+++ /dev/null
-""" Python version of MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate() and MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellsToRenumber() methods which are at the core of the
- MEDFileUMesh::buildInnerBoundaryAlongM1Group() algorithm.
- This greatly helps algorithm tuning ...
-from medcoupling import *
-def findNodesToDuplicate(this, otherDimM1OnSameCoords):
- # Checking star-shaped M1 group:
- meshM2, _,_,_,rdit0 = otherDimM1OnSameCoords.buildDescendingConnectivity() # 2D: a mesh of points, 3D: a mesh of segs
- dsi = rdit0.deltaShiftIndex()
- idsTmp0 = dsi.findIdsNotInRange(-1, 3) # for 2D: if a point is connected to more than 2 segs. For 3D: if a seg is connected to more than two faces.
- if(idsTmp0.getNumberOfTuples()):
- raise ValueError("")
- # Get extreme nodes from the group (they won't be duplicated except if they also lie on bound of M0 -- see below),
- # ie nodes belonging to the boundary "cells" (might be points) of M1
- xtremIdsM2 = dsi.findIdsEqual(1)
- meshM2Part = meshM2[xtremIdsM2]
- xtrem = meshM2Part.computeFetchedNodeIds()
- # Remove from the list points on the boundary of the M0 mesh (those need duplication!)
- m0desc, dt0, dit0, rdt0, rdit0 = this.buildDescendingConnectivity()
- dsi = rdit0.deltaShiftIndex()
- boundSegs = dsi.findIdsEqual(1) # boundary segs/faces of the M0 mesh
- m0descSkin = m0desc[boundSegs]
- fNodes = m0descSkin.computeFetchedNodeIds() # fNodes needs dupl
- # In 3D, some points on the boundary of M0 will NOT be duplicated (where as in 2D, points on the boundary of M0 are always duplicated)
- # Think of a partial (plane) crack in a cube: the points at the tip of the crack and not located inside the volume of the cube are not duplicated
- # although they are technically on the skin of the cube.
- if this.getMeshDimension() == 3 :
- m0descSkinDesc, _, _, _, _ = m0descSkin.buildDescendingConnectivity() # all segments of the skin of the 3D (M0) mesh
- _, corresp = meshM2.areCellsIncludedIn(m0descSkinDesc,2)
- # validIds is the list of segments which are on both the skin of *this*, and in the segments of the M1 group
- # In the cube example above, this is a U shape polyline.
- validIds = corresp.findIdsInRange(0, meshM2.getNumberOfCells())
- if validIds.getNumberOfTuples():
- # Build the set of segments which are: in the desc mesh of the skin of the 3D mesh (M0) **and** in the desc mesh of the M1 group:
- # (the U-shaped polyline described above)
- m1IntersecSkin = m0descSkinDesc[validIds]
- # Its boundary nodes should no be duplicated (this is for example the tip of the crack inside the cube described above)
- notDuplSkin = m1IntersecSkin.findBoundaryNodes()
- fNodes1 = fNodes.buildSubstraction(notDuplSkin) # fNodes1 needs dupl
- # Specific logic to handle singular points :
- # - a point on this U-shape line used in a cell which has no face in common with M1 is deemed singular.
- # - indeed, if duplicated, such a point would lead to the duplication of a cell which has no face touching M1 ! The
- # algorithm would be duplicating too much ...
- # This is a costly algorithm so only go into it if a simple (non sufficient) criteria is met: a node connected to more than 3 segs in meshM2:
- meshM2Desc, _, _, _, rdit0 = meshM2.buildDescendingConnectivity() # a mesh made of node cells
- dsi = rdit0.deltaShiftIndex()
- singPoints = dsi.findIdsNotInRange(-1,4) # points connected to (strictly) more than 3 segments
- if singPoints.getNumberOfTuples():
- print ("Hitting singular point logic")
- boundNodes = m1IntersecSkin.computeFetchedNodeIds()
- # If a point on this U-shape line is connected to cells which do not share any face with M1, then it
- # should not be duplicated
- # 1. Extract N D cells touching U-shape line:
- cellsAroundBN = this.getCellIdsLyingOnNodes(boundNodes, False) # false= take cell in, even if not all nodes are in dupl
- mAroundBN = this[cellsAroundBN]
- mAroundBNDesc, descBN,descIBN,revDescBN,revDescIBN=mAroundBN.buildDescendingConnectivity()
- # 2. Identify cells in sub-mesh mAroundBN which have a face in common with M1
- _, idsOfM1BN = mAroundBNDesc.areCellsIncludedIn(otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2)
- nCells, nCellsDesc = mAroundBN.getNumberOfCells(), mAroundBNDesc.getNumberOfCells()
- idsTouch = DataArrayInt.New(); idsTouch.alloc(0,1)
- for v in idsOfM1BN:
- if v[0] >= nCellsDesc: # Keep valid match only
- continue
- idx0 = revDescIBN[v[0], 0]
- c1, c2 = revDescBN[idx0, 0], revDescBN[idx0+1,0]
- idsTouch.pushBackSilent(c1)
- idsTouch.pushBackSilent(c2)
- # 3. Build complement
- idsTouchCompl = idsTouch.buildComplement(nCells)
- mAroundBNStrict = mAroundBN[idsTouchCompl]
- nod3 = mAroundBNStrict.computeFetchedNodeIds()
- inters = boundNodes.buildIntersection(nod3)
- print("sing,", inters.getValues())
- fNodes1 = fNodes1.buildSubstraction(inters) # reminder: fNodes1 represent nodes that need dupl.
- notDup = xtrem.buildSubstraction(fNodes1)
- else: # if validIds ...
- notDup = xtrem.buildSubstraction(fNodes)
- else: # if 3D ...
- notDup = xtrem.buildSubstraction(fNodes)
- m1Nodes = otherDimM1OnSameCoords.computeFetchedNodeIds()
- dupl = m1Nodes.buildSubstraction(notDup)
- return dupl
-def findCellsToRenumber(this, otherDimM1OnSameCoords, dupl):
- """ Find cells to renumber
- """
- # All N D cells touching our group (even when this is just one point touching)
- cellsAroundGroupLarge = this.getCellIdsLyingOnNodes(dupl, False) # false= take cell in, even if not all nodes are in dupl
- #
- mAroundGrpLarge=this[cellsAroundGroupLarge]
- mArGrpLargeDesc,descL,descIL,revDescL,revDescIL=mAroundGrpLarge.buildDescendingConnectivity()
- mAroundGrpLarge.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr_large.vtu")
- mArGrpLargeDesc.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr_large_desc.vtu")
- # Extract now all N D cells which have a complete face in touch with the group:
- # 1. Identify cells of M1 group in sub-mesh mAroundGrp
- _, idsOfM1Large = mArGrpLargeDesc.areCellsIncludedIn(otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2)
- nL = mArGrpLargeDesc.getNumberOfCells()
- idsStrict = DataArrayInt.New(); idsStrict.alloc(0,1)
- # 2. Build map giving for each cell ID in mAroundGrp (not in mAroundGrpLarge) the corresponding cell
- # ID on the other side of the crack:
- toOtherSide, pos = {}, {}
- cnt = 0
- for v in idsOfM1Large:
- if v[0] >= nL: # Keep valid match only
- continue
- idx0 = revDescIL[v[0], 0]
- # Keep the two cells on either side of the face v of M1:
- c1, c2 = revDescL[idx0, 0], revDescL[idx0+1,0]
- if not c1 in idsStrict:
- pos[c1] = cnt
- idsStrict.pushBackSilent(c1)
- cnt += 1
- if not c2 in idsStrict:
- pos[c2] = cnt
- idsStrict.pushBackSilent(c2)
- cnt += 1
- k1, k2 = pos[c1], pos[c2]
- toOtherSide[k1] = k2
- toOtherSide[k2] = k1
- cellsAroundGroup = cellsAroundGroupLarge[idsStrict]
- mAroundGrp = this[cellsAroundGroup]
- nCells, nCellsLarge = cellsAroundGroup.getNumberOfTuples(), cellsAroundGroupLarge.getNumberOfTuples()
- mArGrpDesc,desc,descI,revDesc,revDescI=mAroundGrp.buildDescendingConnectivity()
- _, idsOfM1 = mArGrpDesc.areCellsIncludedIn(otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2) # TODO : could we avoid recomputing this??
- mAroundGrp.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr.vtu")
- mArGrpDesc.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr_desc.vtu")
- # Neighbor information of the mesh WITH the crack (some neighbors are removed):
- # In the neighbor information remove the connection between high dimension cells and its low level constituents which are part
- # of the frontier given in parameter (i.e. the cells of low dimension from the group delimiting the crack):
- DataArrayInt.RemoveIdsFromIndexedArrays(idsOfM1,desc,descI)
- # Compute the neighbor of each cell in mAroundGrp, taking into account the broken link above. Two
- # cells on either side of the crack (defined by the mesh of low dimension) are not neighbor anymore.
- neigh, neighI = MEDCouplingUMesh.ComputeNeighborsOfCellsAdv(desc,descI,revDesc,revDescI)
- # For each initial connex part of the M1 mesh (or said differently for each independent crack):
- seed, nIter, cnt = 0, 0, 0
- nIterMax = nCells+1 # Safety net for the loop
- hitCells = DataArrayInt.New(); hitCells.alloc(nCells)
- hitCells.fillWithValue(0) # 0 : not hit, -1: one side of the crack, +1: other side of the crack
- MAX_CP = 10000 # the choices below assume we won't have more than 10000 different connex parts ...
- while nIter < nIterMax:
-# print("dbg ", hitCells.getValues())
- t = hitCells.findIdsEqual(0)
- if not t.getNumberOfTuples():
- break
- seed = t[0,0]
- done = False
- cnt += 1
- PING_FULL = PING_FULL_init+cnt
- PONG_FULL = PONG_FULL_init-cnt
- while not done and nIter < nIterMax: # Start of the ping-pong
- nIter += 1
- # Identify connex zone around the seed
- spreadZone, _ = MEDCouplingUMesh.ComputeSpreadZoneGraduallyFromSeed([seed], neigh,neighI, -1)
- done = True
- for i, s in enumerate(spreadZone.getValues()):
- hitCells[s] = PING_FULL
- if s in toOtherSide:
- other = toOtherSide[s]
- if hitCells[other] != PONG_FULL:
- done = False
- hitCells[other] = PONG_PART
- # Compute next seed, i.e. a cell on the other side of the crack
- seed = other
- if done:
- # we might have several disjoing PONG parts in front of a single PING connex part:
- idsPong = hitCells.findIdsEqual(PONG_PART)
- if idsPong.getNumberOfTuples():
- seed = idsPong[0,0]
- done = False
- continue # continue without switching side (or break if done remains false)
- else:
- # Go the other side
- nonHitCells = hitCells.findIdsEqual(0)
- if nonHitCells.getNumberOfTuples():
- seed = nonHitCells[0,0]
- else:
- break
- if nIter >= nIterMax:
- raise ValueError("Too many iterations - should not happen")
- # Now we have handled all N D cells which have a face touching the M1 group. It remains the cells
- # which are just touching the group by one (or several) node(s):
- # All those cells are in direct contact with a cell which is either PING_FULL or PONG_FULL
- # So first reproject the PING/PONG info onto mAroundGrpLarge:
- hitCellsLarge = DataArrayInt.New(); hitCellsLarge.alloc(nCellsLarge)
- hitCellsLarge.fillWithValue(0)
- hitCellsLarge[idsStrict] = hitCells
- nonHitCells = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(0)
- # Neighbor information in mAroundGrpLarge:
- neighL, neighIL = MEDCouplingUMesh.ComputeNeighborsOfCellsAdv(descL,descIL,revDescL,revDescIL)
- for c in nonHitCells:
- assert(False)
- neighs = neighL[neighIL[c[0]]:neighIL[c[0]+1]]
- for n in neighs:
- neighVal = hitCellsLarge[n[0]]
- if neighVal != 0 and abs(neighVal) < MAX_CP: # (@test_T0) second part of the test to skip cells being assigned and target only cells assigned in the first part of the algo above
- currVal = hitCellsLarge[c[0]]
- if currVal != 0: # Several neighbors have a candidate number
- # Unfortunately in some weird cases (see testBuildInnerBoundary8) a cell in mAroundGrpLarge
- # might have as neighbor two conflicting spread zone ...
- if currVal*neighVal < 0:
- # If we arrive here, the cell was already assigned a number and we found a neighbor with
- # a different sign ... we must swap the whole spread zone!!
- print("Ouch - must switch spread zones ...")
- ids1 = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(neighVal)
- ids1b = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(-neighVal)
- ids2 = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(MAX_CP*neighVal)
- ids2b = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(-MAX_CP*neighVal)
- hitCellsLarge[ids1] *= -1
- hitCellsLarge[ids1b] *= -1
- hitCellsLarge[ids2] *= -1
- hitCellsLarge[ids2b] *= -1
- else: # First assignation
- hitCellsLarge[c[0],0] = MAX_CP*neighVal # Same sign, but different value to preserve PING_FULL and PONG_FULL
-# # Now handling remaining cells not touched by the above process, called "naked" cells (see cell #20 in mArndLarge in testBuildInnerBoundary8() ...)
-# naked = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(0)
-# mLargC, mLargCI = mArGrpLargeDesc.getNodalConnectivity(),mArGrpLargeDesc.getNodalConnectivityIndex()
-# for c in naked:
-# neighs = neighL[neighIL[c[0]]:neighIL[c[0]+1]] # ExtractFromIndexedArray?
-# nbDup = {}
-# fac1 = descL[descIL[c[0]]:descIL[c[0]+1]]
-# for n in neighs:
-# if hitCellsLarge[n[0]] == 0:
-# continue # this neighbour is naked too, nothing we can do for now
-# # Among the values found on neighbour cells, take the one from the neighbour which is connected
-# # with the most "economical" face, i.e. the face made of a minimal number of duplicated points.
-# # TODO: this is a shaky criteria ... find sth more robust ...
-# # 1. find face(s) making the link
-# fac2 = descL[descIL[n[0]]:descIL[n[0]+1]]
-# com = fac1.buildIntersection(fac2)
-# if (com.getNumberOfTuples() == 0):
-# raise ValueError("Internal error : no common face ?")
-# # 2. count number of duplicated node for this face.
-# for f in com: # for all common faces
-# faceNodes = mLargC[mLargCI[f[0]]+1:mLargCI[f[0]+1]] # first +1 to skip type
-# comNod = faceNodes.buildIntersection(dupl)
-# # in case the two cells are in contact by multiple faces, take the most conservative value
-# nbDup[n[0]] = max(nbDup.get(n[0],-1), comNod.getNumberOfTuples())
-# # Minimal value in nbDup?
-# cellIdx = min(nbDup, key=nbDup.get)
-# hitCellsLarge[c[0]] = hitCellsLarge[cellIdx]
-# cellsToModifyConn0_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(1,MAX_CP) # Positive spread zone number
-# cellsToModifyConn1_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(-MAX_CP, 0) # Negative spread zone number
-# //
-# // // Now handling remaining cells not touched by the for loop above, called "naked" cells (see cell #20 in mArndGrpLarge in testBuildInnerBoundary8() ...)
-# // DAInt naked = hitCellsLarge->findIdsEqual(0);
-# // const mcIdType *mLargCP=mArGrpLargeDesc->getNodalConnectivity()->begin(), *mLargCIP=mArGrpLargeDesc->getNodalConnectivityIndex()->begin();
-# // for (const auto &c: *naked)
-# // {
-# // std::map<mcIdType, mcIdType> nbDup;
-# // // Retrieve list of faces of cell c
-# // mcIdType nbFac1=descILP[c+1]-descILP[c];
-# // std::vector<mcIdType> fac1(nbFac1);
-# // std::copy(descLP+descILP[c], descLP+descILP[c+1], fac1.begin());
-# // std::sort(fac1.begin(), fac1.end());
-# // mcIdType cnt00 = neighILP[c];
-# // for (const mcIdType *n=neighLP+cnt00; cnt00 < neighILP[c+1]; n++, cnt00++)
-# // {
-# // if (hitCellsLargeP[*n] == 0)
-# // continue; // this neighbour is naked too, nothing we can do for now
-# // // Among the values found on neighbour cells, take the one from the neighbour which is connected
-# // // with the most "economical" face, i.e. the face made of a minimal number of duplicated points.
-# // // TODO: this is a shaky criteria ... find sth more robust ...
-# // // 1. find face(s) making the link
-# // mcIdType nbFac2=descILP[*n+1]-descILP[*n];
-# // std::vector<mcIdType> fac2(nbFac2);
-# // std::copy(descLP+descILP[*n], descLP+descILP[*n+1], fac2.begin());
-# // std::sort(fac2.begin(), fac2.end());
-# // std::vector<mcIdType> comFac;
-# // std::set_intersection(fac1.begin(), fac1.end(),
-# // fac2.begin() ,fac2.end(),
-# // std::back_inserter(comFac));
-# // if (comFac.size() == 0)
-# // throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellsToRenumber: internal error no common face between two cells should not happen");
-# // // 2. count number of duplicated node for this face.
-# // for (const auto &f : comFac) // for all common faces
-# // {
-# // std::vector<mcIdType> comNod;
-# // std::set_intersection(nodeIdsToDuplicateBg, nodeIdsToDuplicateEnd,
-# // mLargCP+mLargCIP[f]+1, mLargCP+mLargCIP[f+1], // first +1 to skip type in connectivity
-# // std::back_inserter(comNod));
-# // // in case the two cells are in contact by multiple faces, take the most conservative value
-# // mcIdType val=-1;
-# // if(nbDup.find(*n) != nbDup.end()) val=nbDup[*n];
-# // nbDup[*n] = std::max(val, (mcIdType)comNod.size());
-# // }
-# // }
-# // // Minimal value in nbDup?
-# // using PairId = std::pair<mcIdType, mcIdType>;
-# // auto comp_fonc = [](const PairId& p1, const PairId& p2) { return p1.second < p2.second; };
-# // PairId zemin = *min_element(nbDup.begin(), nbDup.end(), comp_fonc);
-# // hitCellsLargeP[c] = hitCellsLargeP[zemin.first];
-# // }
- cellsToModifyConn0_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(1,MAX_CP*MAX_CP) # Positive spread zone number
- cellsToModifyConn1_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(-MAX_CP*MAX_CP, 0) # Negative spread zone number
- if cellsToModifyConn0_torenum.getNumberOfTuples() + cellsToModifyConn1_torenum.getNumberOfTuples() != cellsAroundGroupLarge.getNumberOfTuples():
- raise ValueError("Some cells not hit - Internal error should not happen")
- cellsToModifyConn0_torenum.transformWithIndArr(cellsAroundGroupLarge)
- cellsToModifyConn1_torenum.transformWithIndArr(cellsAroundGroupLarge)
- #
- cellIdsNeededToBeRenum=cellsToModifyConn0_torenum
- cellIdsNotModified=cellsToModifyConn1_torenum
- return cellIdsNeededToBeRenum, cellIdsNotModified
+++ /dev/null
-# Check that the ICoCo headers used in MEDCoupling are well synchronized with the official ICoCo version
-# hosted at:
-# https://github.com/cea-trust-platform/icoco-coupling
-rm -rf icoco-coupling
-rm -rf tmp_compare
-git clone https://github.com/cea-trust-platform/icoco-coupling.git
-lst="ICoCo_DeclSpec.hxx ICoCoField.h ICoCoField.hxx ICoCoMEDDoubleField.h ICoCoMEDDoubleField.hxx ICoCoMEDIntField.h ICoCoMEDIntField.hxx"
-mkdir tmp_compare
-cd tmp_compare
-for f in $lst; do
- tail -n+4 ../icoco-coupling/include/$f > "${f}_github"
- tail -n+20 ../../$f > "${f}_mc"
- diff "${f}_github" "${f}_mc"
- if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "File $f is not the same in MEDCoupling repository and in official ICoCo GitHub repository!!"
- exit 1
- fi
-cd ..
-rm -rf icoco-coupling
-rm -rf tmp_compare
--- /dev/null
+# Check that the ICoCo headers used in MEDCoupling are well synchronized with the official ICoCo version
+# hosted at:
+# https://github.com/cea-trust-platform/icoco-coupling
+rm -rf icoco-coupling
+rm -rf tmp_compare
+git clone https://github.com/cea-trust-platform/icoco-coupling.git
+lst="ICoCo_DeclSpec.hxx ICoCoField.h ICoCoField.hxx ICoCoMEDDoubleField.h ICoCoMEDDoubleField.hxx ICoCoMEDIntField.h ICoCoMEDIntField.hxx"
+mkdir tmp_compare
+cd tmp_compare
+for f in $lst; do
+ tail -n+4 ../icoco-coupling/include/$f > "${f}_github"
+ tail -n+20 ../../$f > "${f}_mc"
+ diff "${f}_github" "${f}_mc"
+ if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "File $f is not the same in MEDCoupling repository and in official ICoCo GitHub repository!!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+cd ..
+rm -rf icoco-coupling
+rm -rf tmp_compare
--- /dev/null
+# SWIG suppressions for MEDCoupling
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:cfunction_vectorcall_FASTCALL_KEYWORDS
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:*PyImport_ImportModule*
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:*PyObject_FastCallDict*
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:*PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs*
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:*ufunc_generic_fastcall*
+ <eval_vec>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:_PyObject_*alloc*
+ ...
+ fun:PyList_New
+ ...
+ fun:_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
+ <eval_vec2>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:cfunction_vectorcall_O
+ ...
+ fun:_PyEval_Vector
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:_PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict
+ <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:unicode_decode_utf8
+ <malloc>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:malloc
+ ...
+ fun:*PyObject_Malloc*
+ <realloc_unicode>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:*PyUnicode_*
+ <swig_py_client_data>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ match-leak-kinds: definite
+ fun:malloc
+ fun:SwigPyClientData_New
+ <dic2>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:malloc
+ ...
+ fun:*PyDict_*
+ <py_gc>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:realloc
+ fun:_PyObject_GC_Resize
+ <call>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:malloc
+ ...
+ fun:PyObject_Call
+ <load_mod>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:_PyImport_LoadDynamicModule
+ <load_mod>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:*PyInit*
+ <raise_excep>
+ Memcheck:Leak
+ fun:*alloc
+ ...
+ fun:_dl_catch_exception
--- /dev/null
+""" Python version of MEDCouplingUMesh::findNodesToDuplicate() and MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellsToRenumber() methods which are at the core of the
+ MEDFileUMesh::buildInnerBoundaryAlongM1Group() algorithm.
+ This greatly helps algorithm tuning ...
+from medcoupling import *
+def findNodesToDuplicate(this, otherDimM1OnSameCoords):
+ # Checking star-shaped M1 group:
+ meshM2, _,_,_,rdit0 = otherDimM1OnSameCoords.buildDescendingConnectivity() # 2D: a mesh of points, 3D: a mesh of segs
+ dsi = rdit0.deltaShiftIndex()
+ idsTmp0 = dsi.findIdsNotInRange(-1, 3) # for 2D: if a point is connected to more than 2 segs. For 3D: if a seg is connected to more than two faces.
+ if(idsTmp0.getNumberOfTuples()):
+ raise ValueError("")
+ # Get extreme nodes from the group (they won't be duplicated except if they also lie on bound of M0 -- see below),
+ # ie nodes belonging to the boundary "cells" (might be points) of M1
+ xtremIdsM2 = dsi.findIdsEqual(1)
+ meshM2Part = meshM2[xtremIdsM2]
+ xtrem = meshM2Part.computeFetchedNodeIds()
+ # Remove from the list points on the boundary of the M0 mesh (those need duplication!)
+ m0desc, dt0, dit0, rdt0, rdit0 = this.buildDescendingConnectivity()
+ dsi = rdit0.deltaShiftIndex()
+ boundSegs = dsi.findIdsEqual(1) # boundary segs/faces of the M0 mesh
+ m0descSkin = m0desc[boundSegs]
+ fNodes = m0descSkin.computeFetchedNodeIds() # fNodes needs dupl
+ # In 3D, some points on the boundary of M0 will NOT be duplicated (where as in 2D, points on the boundary of M0 are always duplicated)
+ # Think of a partial (plane) crack in a cube: the points at the tip of the crack and not located inside the volume of the cube are not duplicated
+ # although they are technically on the skin of the cube.
+ if this.getMeshDimension() == 3 :
+ m0descSkinDesc, _, _, _, _ = m0descSkin.buildDescendingConnectivity() # all segments of the skin of the 3D (M0) mesh
+ _, corresp = meshM2.areCellsIncludedIn(m0descSkinDesc,2)
+ # validIds is the list of segments which are on both the skin of *this*, and in the segments of the M1 group
+ # In the cube example above, this is a U shape polyline.
+ validIds = corresp.findIdsInRange(0, meshM2.getNumberOfCells())
+ if validIds.getNumberOfTuples():
+ # Build the set of segments which are: in the desc mesh of the skin of the 3D mesh (M0) **and** in the desc mesh of the M1 group:
+ # (the U-shaped polyline described above)
+ m1IntersecSkin = m0descSkinDesc[validIds]
+ # Its boundary nodes should no be duplicated (this is for example the tip of the crack inside the cube described above)
+ notDuplSkin = m1IntersecSkin.findBoundaryNodes()
+ fNodes1 = fNodes.buildSubstraction(notDuplSkin) # fNodes1 needs dupl
+ # Specific logic to handle singular points :
+ # - a point on this U-shape line used in a cell which has no face in common with M1 is deemed singular.
+ # - indeed, if duplicated, such a point would lead to the duplication of a cell which has no face touching M1 ! The
+ # algorithm would be duplicating too much ...
+ # This is a costly algorithm so only go into it if a simple (non sufficient) criteria is met: a node connected to more than 3 segs in meshM2:
+ meshM2Desc, _, _, _, rdit0 = meshM2.buildDescendingConnectivity() # a mesh made of node cells
+ dsi = rdit0.deltaShiftIndex()
+ singPoints = dsi.findIdsNotInRange(-1,4) # points connected to (strictly) more than 3 segments
+ if singPoints.getNumberOfTuples():
+ print ("Hitting singular point logic")
+ boundNodes = m1IntersecSkin.computeFetchedNodeIds()
+ # If a point on this U-shape line is connected to cells which do not share any face with M1, then it
+ # should not be duplicated
+ # 1. Extract N D cells touching U-shape line:
+ cellsAroundBN = this.getCellIdsLyingOnNodes(boundNodes, False) # false= take cell in, even if not all nodes are in dupl
+ mAroundBN = this[cellsAroundBN]
+ mAroundBNDesc, descBN,descIBN,revDescBN,revDescIBN=mAroundBN.buildDescendingConnectivity()
+ # 2. Identify cells in sub-mesh mAroundBN which have a face in common with M1
+ _, idsOfM1BN = mAroundBNDesc.areCellsIncludedIn(otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2)
+ nCells, nCellsDesc = mAroundBN.getNumberOfCells(), mAroundBNDesc.getNumberOfCells()
+ idsTouch = DataArrayInt.New(); idsTouch.alloc(0,1)
+ for v in idsOfM1BN:
+ if v[0] >= nCellsDesc: # Keep valid match only
+ continue
+ idx0 = revDescIBN[v[0], 0]
+ c1, c2 = revDescBN[idx0, 0], revDescBN[idx0+1,0]
+ idsTouch.pushBackSilent(c1)
+ idsTouch.pushBackSilent(c2)
+ # 3. Build complement
+ idsTouchCompl = idsTouch.buildComplement(nCells)
+ mAroundBNStrict = mAroundBN[idsTouchCompl]
+ nod3 = mAroundBNStrict.computeFetchedNodeIds()
+ inters = boundNodes.buildIntersection(nod3)
+ print("sing,", inters.getValues())
+ fNodes1 = fNodes1.buildSubstraction(inters) # reminder: fNodes1 represent nodes that need dupl.
+ notDup = xtrem.buildSubstraction(fNodes1)
+ else: # if validIds ...
+ notDup = xtrem.buildSubstraction(fNodes)
+ else: # if 3D ...
+ notDup = xtrem.buildSubstraction(fNodes)
+ m1Nodes = otherDimM1OnSameCoords.computeFetchedNodeIds()
+ dupl = m1Nodes.buildSubstraction(notDup)
+ return dupl
+def findCellsToRenumber(this, otherDimM1OnSameCoords, dupl):
+ """ Find cells to renumber
+ """
+ # All N D cells touching our group (even when this is just one point touching)
+ cellsAroundGroupLarge = this.getCellIdsLyingOnNodes(dupl, False) # false= take cell in, even if not all nodes are in dupl
+ #
+ mAroundGrpLarge=this[cellsAroundGroupLarge]
+ mArGrpLargeDesc,descL,descIL,revDescL,revDescIL=mAroundGrpLarge.buildDescendingConnectivity()
+ mAroundGrpLarge.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr_large.vtu")
+ mArGrpLargeDesc.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr_large_desc.vtu")
+ # Extract now all N D cells which have a complete face in touch with the group:
+ # 1. Identify cells of M1 group in sub-mesh mAroundGrp
+ _, idsOfM1Large = mArGrpLargeDesc.areCellsIncludedIn(otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2)
+ nL = mArGrpLargeDesc.getNumberOfCells()
+ idsStrict = DataArrayInt.New(); idsStrict.alloc(0,1)
+ # 2. Build map giving for each cell ID in mAroundGrp (not in mAroundGrpLarge) the corresponding cell
+ # ID on the other side of the crack:
+ toOtherSide, pos = {}, {}
+ cnt = 0
+ for v in idsOfM1Large:
+ if v[0] >= nL: # Keep valid match only
+ continue
+ idx0 = revDescIL[v[0], 0]
+ # Keep the two cells on either side of the face v of M1:
+ c1, c2 = revDescL[idx0, 0], revDescL[idx0+1,0]
+ if not c1 in idsStrict:
+ pos[c1] = cnt
+ idsStrict.pushBackSilent(c1)
+ cnt += 1
+ if not c2 in idsStrict:
+ pos[c2] = cnt
+ idsStrict.pushBackSilent(c2)
+ cnt += 1
+ k1, k2 = pos[c1], pos[c2]
+ toOtherSide[k1] = k2
+ toOtherSide[k2] = k1
+ cellsAroundGroup = cellsAroundGroupLarge[idsStrict]
+ mAroundGrp = this[cellsAroundGroup]
+ nCells, nCellsLarge = cellsAroundGroup.getNumberOfTuples(), cellsAroundGroupLarge.getNumberOfTuples()
+ mArGrpDesc,desc,descI,revDesc,revDescI=mAroundGrp.buildDescendingConnectivity()
+ _, idsOfM1 = mArGrpDesc.areCellsIncludedIn(otherDimM1OnSameCoords,2) # TODO : could we avoid recomputing this??
+ mAroundGrp.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr.vtu")
+ mArGrpDesc.writeVTK("/tmp/mAr_desc.vtu")
+ # Neighbor information of the mesh WITH the crack (some neighbors are removed):
+ # In the neighbor information remove the connection between high dimension cells and its low level constituents which are part
+ # of the frontier given in parameter (i.e. the cells of low dimension from the group delimiting the crack):
+ DataArrayInt.RemoveIdsFromIndexedArrays(idsOfM1,desc,descI)
+ # Compute the neighbor of each cell in mAroundGrp, taking into account the broken link above. Two
+ # cells on either side of the crack (defined by the mesh of low dimension) are not neighbor anymore.
+ neigh, neighI = MEDCouplingUMesh.ComputeNeighborsOfCellsAdv(desc,descI,revDesc,revDescI)
+ # For each initial connex part of the M1 mesh (or said differently for each independent crack):
+ seed, nIter, cnt = 0, 0, 0
+ nIterMax = nCells+1 # Safety net for the loop
+ hitCells = DataArrayInt.New(); hitCells.alloc(nCells)
+ hitCells.fillWithValue(0) # 0 : not hit, -1: one side of the crack, +1: other side of the crack
+ MAX_CP = 10000 # the choices below assume we won't have more than 10000 different connex parts ...
+ while nIter < nIterMax:
+# print("dbg ", hitCells.getValues())
+ t = hitCells.findIdsEqual(0)
+ if not t.getNumberOfTuples():
+ break
+ seed = t[0,0]
+ done = False
+ cnt += 1
+ PING_FULL = PING_FULL_init+cnt
+ PONG_FULL = PONG_FULL_init-cnt
+ while not done and nIter < nIterMax: # Start of the ping-pong
+ nIter += 1
+ # Identify connex zone around the seed
+ spreadZone, _ = MEDCouplingUMesh.ComputeSpreadZoneGraduallyFromSeed([seed], neigh,neighI, -1)
+ done = True
+ for i, s in enumerate(spreadZone.getValues()):
+ hitCells[s] = PING_FULL
+ if s in toOtherSide:
+ other = toOtherSide[s]
+ if hitCells[other] != PONG_FULL:
+ done = False
+ hitCells[other] = PONG_PART
+ # Compute next seed, i.e. a cell on the other side of the crack
+ seed = other
+ if done:
+ # we might have several disjoing PONG parts in front of a single PING connex part:
+ idsPong = hitCells.findIdsEqual(PONG_PART)
+ if idsPong.getNumberOfTuples():
+ seed = idsPong[0,0]
+ done = False
+ continue # continue without switching side (or break if done remains false)
+ else:
+ # Go the other side
+ nonHitCells = hitCells.findIdsEqual(0)
+ if nonHitCells.getNumberOfTuples():
+ seed = nonHitCells[0,0]
+ else:
+ break
+ if nIter >= nIterMax:
+ raise ValueError("Too many iterations - should not happen")
+ # Now we have handled all N D cells which have a face touching the M1 group. It remains the cells
+ # which are just touching the group by one (or several) node(s):
+ # All those cells are in direct contact with a cell which is either PING_FULL or PONG_FULL
+ # So first reproject the PING/PONG info onto mAroundGrpLarge:
+ hitCellsLarge = DataArrayInt.New(); hitCellsLarge.alloc(nCellsLarge)
+ hitCellsLarge.fillWithValue(0)
+ hitCellsLarge[idsStrict] = hitCells
+ nonHitCells = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(0)
+ # Neighbor information in mAroundGrpLarge:
+ neighL, neighIL = MEDCouplingUMesh.ComputeNeighborsOfCellsAdv(descL,descIL,revDescL,revDescIL)
+ for c in nonHitCells:
+ assert(False)
+ neighs = neighL[neighIL[c[0]]:neighIL[c[0]+1]]
+ for n in neighs:
+ neighVal = hitCellsLarge[n[0]]
+ if neighVal != 0 and abs(neighVal) < MAX_CP: # (@test_T0) second part of the test to skip cells being assigned and target only cells assigned in the first part of the algo above
+ currVal = hitCellsLarge[c[0]]
+ if currVal != 0: # Several neighbors have a candidate number
+ # Unfortunately in some weird cases (see testBuildInnerBoundary8) a cell in mAroundGrpLarge
+ # might have as neighbor two conflicting spread zone ...
+ if currVal*neighVal < 0:
+ # If we arrive here, the cell was already assigned a number and we found a neighbor with
+ # a different sign ... we must swap the whole spread zone!!
+ print("Ouch - must switch spread zones ...")
+ ids1 = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(neighVal)
+ ids1b = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(-neighVal)
+ ids2 = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(MAX_CP*neighVal)
+ ids2b = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(-MAX_CP*neighVal)
+ hitCellsLarge[ids1] *= -1
+ hitCellsLarge[ids1b] *= -1
+ hitCellsLarge[ids2] *= -1
+ hitCellsLarge[ids2b] *= -1
+ else: # First assignation
+ hitCellsLarge[c[0],0] = MAX_CP*neighVal # Same sign, but different value to preserve PING_FULL and PONG_FULL
+# # Now handling remaining cells not touched by the above process, called "naked" cells (see cell #20 in mArndLarge in testBuildInnerBoundary8() ...)
+# naked = hitCellsLarge.findIdsEqual(0)
+# mLargC, mLargCI = mArGrpLargeDesc.getNodalConnectivity(),mArGrpLargeDesc.getNodalConnectivityIndex()
+# for c in naked:
+# neighs = neighL[neighIL[c[0]]:neighIL[c[0]+1]] # ExtractFromIndexedArray?
+# nbDup = {}
+# fac1 = descL[descIL[c[0]]:descIL[c[0]+1]]
+# for n in neighs:
+# if hitCellsLarge[n[0]] == 0:
+# continue # this neighbour is naked too, nothing we can do for now
+# # Among the values found on neighbour cells, take the one from the neighbour which is connected
+# # with the most "economical" face, i.e. the face made of a minimal number of duplicated points.
+# # TODO: this is a shaky criteria ... find sth more robust ...
+# # 1. find face(s) making the link
+# fac2 = descL[descIL[n[0]]:descIL[n[0]+1]]
+# com = fac1.buildIntersection(fac2)
+# if (com.getNumberOfTuples() == 0):
+# raise ValueError("Internal error : no common face ?")
+# # 2. count number of duplicated node for this face.
+# for f in com: # for all common faces
+# faceNodes = mLargC[mLargCI[f[0]]+1:mLargCI[f[0]+1]] # first +1 to skip type
+# comNod = faceNodes.buildIntersection(dupl)
+# # in case the two cells are in contact by multiple faces, take the most conservative value
+# nbDup[n[0]] = max(nbDup.get(n[0],-1), comNod.getNumberOfTuples())
+# # Minimal value in nbDup?
+# cellIdx = min(nbDup, key=nbDup.get)
+# hitCellsLarge[c[0]] = hitCellsLarge[cellIdx]
+# cellsToModifyConn0_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(1,MAX_CP) # Positive spread zone number
+# cellsToModifyConn1_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(-MAX_CP, 0) # Negative spread zone number
+# //
+# // // Now handling remaining cells not touched by the for loop above, called "naked" cells (see cell #20 in mArndGrpLarge in testBuildInnerBoundary8() ...)
+# // DAInt naked = hitCellsLarge->findIdsEqual(0);
+# // const mcIdType *mLargCP=mArGrpLargeDesc->getNodalConnectivity()->begin(), *mLargCIP=mArGrpLargeDesc->getNodalConnectivityIndex()->begin();
+# // for (const auto &c: *naked)
+# // {
+# // std::map<mcIdType, mcIdType> nbDup;
+# // // Retrieve list of faces of cell c
+# // mcIdType nbFac1=descILP[c+1]-descILP[c];
+# // std::vector<mcIdType> fac1(nbFac1);
+# // std::copy(descLP+descILP[c], descLP+descILP[c+1], fac1.begin());
+# // std::sort(fac1.begin(), fac1.end());
+# // mcIdType cnt00 = neighILP[c];
+# // for (const mcIdType *n=neighLP+cnt00; cnt00 < neighILP[c+1]; n++, cnt00++)
+# // {
+# // if (hitCellsLargeP[*n] == 0)
+# // continue; // this neighbour is naked too, nothing we can do for now
+# // // Among the values found on neighbour cells, take the one from the neighbour which is connected
+# // // with the most "economical" face, i.e. the face made of a minimal number of duplicated points.
+# // // TODO: this is a shaky criteria ... find sth more robust ...
+# // // 1. find face(s) making the link
+# // mcIdType nbFac2=descILP[*n+1]-descILP[*n];
+# // std::vector<mcIdType> fac2(nbFac2);
+# // std::copy(descLP+descILP[*n], descLP+descILP[*n+1], fac2.begin());
+# // std::sort(fac2.begin(), fac2.end());
+# // std::vector<mcIdType> comFac;
+# // std::set_intersection(fac1.begin(), fac1.end(),
+# // fac2.begin() ,fac2.end(),
+# // std::back_inserter(comFac));
+# // if (comFac.size() == 0)
+# // throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingUMesh::findCellsToRenumber: internal error no common face between two cells should not happen");
+# // // 2. count number of duplicated node for this face.
+# // for (const auto &f : comFac) // for all common faces
+# // {
+# // std::vector<mcIdType> comNod;
+# // std::set_intersection(nodeIdsToDuplicateBg, nodeIdsToDuplicateEnd,
+# // mLargCP+mLargCIP[f]+1, mLargCP+mLargCIP[f+1], // first +1 to skip type in connectivity
+# // std::back_inserter(comNod));
+# // // in case the two cells are in contact by multiple faces, take the most conservative value
+# // mcIdType val=-1;
+# // if(nbDup.find(*n) != nbDup.end()) val=nbDup[*n];
+# // nbDup[*n] = std::max(val, (mcIdType)comNod.size());
+# // }
+# // }
+# // // Minimal value in nbDup?
+# // using PairId = std::pair<mcIdType, mcIdType>;
+# // auto comp_fonc = [](const PairId& p1, const PairId& p2) { return p1.second < p2.second; };
+# // PairId zemin = *min_element(nbDup.begin(), nbDup.end(), comp_fonc);
+# // hitCellsLargeP[c] = hitCellsLargeP[zemin.first];
+# // }
+ cellsToModifyConn0_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(1,MAX_CP*MAX_CP) # Positive spread zone number
+ cellsToModifyConn1_torenum = hitCellsLarge.findIdsInRange(-MAX_CP*MAX_CP, 0) # Negative spread zone number
+ if cellsToModifyConn0_torenum.getNumberOfTuples() + cellsToModifyConn1_torenum.getNumberOfTuples() != cellsAroundGroupLarge.getNumberOfTuples():
+ raise ValueError("Some cells not hit - Internal error should not happen")
+ cellsToModifyConn0_torenum.transformWithIndArr(cellsAroundGroupLarge)
+ cellsToModifyConn1_torenum.transformWithIndArr(cellsAroundGroupLarge)
+ #
+ cellIdsNeededToBeRenum=cellsToModifyConn0_torenum
+ cellIdsNotModified=cellsToModifyConn1_torenum
+ return cellIdsNeededToBeRenum, cellIdsNotModified