+++ /dev/null
-#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# --
-# Author : André RIBES (EDF R&D)
-# --
-import logging
-import traceback
-import sys
-import string
-import StringIO
-#----------- Templates Part ---------------#
-begin_catalog_file = """
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-# generated by AdaoCatalogGenerator at ${date}
-# --------------------------------------------------------
-import Accas
-from Accas import *
-JdC = JDC_CATA (code = 'ADAO',
- execmodul = None,
- regles = ( AU_MOINS_UN ('ASSIM_STUDY')),
- )
-String_data_bloc = """
- STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
- STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
- ),
-Script_data_bloc = """
- SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
- SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
- ),
-Dict_data_bloc = """
- DICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
- SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
- ),
-# Pour l'instant on ne gère qu'un seul script pour toutes les functions
-FunctionDict_data_bloc = """
- FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
- FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
- ),
-data_method = """
-def F_${data_name}(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
- FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=(${data_into})),
- )
-init_method = """
-def F_InitChoice() : return ("Background",
- "BackgroundError",
- "Observation",
- "ObservationError",
- "ObservationOperator",
- "AlgorithmParameters",
- "Analysis",
- )
-def F_Init(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
- INIT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
- TARGET_LIST = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max="**", into=F_InitChoice(), validators=(VerifExiste(2))),
- )
-assim_data_method = """
-def F_${assim_name}(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
- regles = ( UN_PARMI (${choices})),
- )
-assim_data_choice = """
- ${choice_name} = F_${choice_name}("f"),
-assim_opt_choice = """
- ${choice_name} = F_${choice_name}("f"),
-assim_algo = """
- ${name} = FACT(regles = ( ENSEMBLE ("Background", "BackgroundError",
- "Observation", "ObservationError",
- "ObservationOperator")),
- Background = F_Background("o"),
- BackgroundError = F_BackgroundError("o"),
- Observation = F_Observation("o"),
- ObservationError = F_ObservationError("o"),
- ObservationOperator = F_ObservationOperator("o"),
- AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("f"),
- Init = F_Init("f"),
- ),
-assim_study = """
- op=None,
- repetable = "n",
- STUDY_NAME = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM"),
- ALGORITHM = FACT(statut='o',
- regles = ( UN_PARMI (${algos}),),
- ),
- )
-begin_catalog_file = string.Template(begin_catalog_file)
-data_method = string.Template(data_method)
-assim_data_method = string.Template(assim_data_method)
-assim_data_choice = string.Template(assim_data_choice)
-assim_opt_choice = string.Template(assim_opt_choice)
-assim_algo = string.Template(assim_algo)
-assim_study = string.Template(assim_study)
-#----------- End of Templates Part ---------------#
-#----------- Begin generation script -----------#
-print "-- Starting AdaoCalatogGenerator.py --"
- import daEficas
- import daYacsSchemaCreator
- import daCore.AssimilationStudy
- logging.fatal("Import of ADAO python modules failed !" +
- "\n add ADAO python installation directory in your PYTHONPATH")
- traceback.print_exc()
- sys.exit(1)
-def check_args(args):
- logging.debug("Arguments are :" + str(args))
- if len(args) != 2:
- logging.fatal("Bad number of arguments: you have to provide two arguments (%d given)" % (len(args)))
- sys.exit(1)
-# Parse arguments
-from optparse import OptionParser
-usage = "usage: %prog [options] catalog_path catalog_name"
-version="%prog 0.1"
-my_parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
-(options, args) = my_parser.parse_args()
-catalog_path = args[0]
-catalog_name = args[1]
-# Generates into a string
-mem_file = StringIO.StringIO()
-# Start file
-from time import strftime
-mem_file.write(begin_catalog_file.substitute(date=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
-# Step 1: Check basic data input types
-import daYacsSchemaCreator.infos_daComposant as infos
-for basic_type in infos.BasicDataInputs:
- logging.debug('A basic data input type is found: ' + basic_type)
- if basic_type + '_data_bloc' not in locals().keys():
- logging.fatal("Basic data input type not found: " + basic_type)
- sys.exit(1)
-# Step 2: Add data input dict
-for data_input_name in infos.DataTypeDict.keys():
- logging.debug('A data input is found: ' + data_input_name)
- data_name = data_input_name
- data_into = ""
- data_bloc = ""
- for basic_type in infos.DataTypeDict[data_input_name]:
- data_into += "\"" + basic_type + "\", "
- data_bloc += locals()[basic_type + '_data_bloc'] + "\n"
- mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
- data_into = data_into,
- data_bloc = data_bloc))
-# Step 3: Add assimilation algorithm data input
-for assim_data_input_name in infos.AssimDataDict.keys():
- logging.debug("An assimilation algorithm data input is found: " + assim_data_input_name)
- assim_name = assim_data_input_name
- choices = ""
- decl_choices = ""
- decl_opts = ""
- for choice in infos.AssimDataDict[assim_data_input_name]:
- choices += "\"" + choice + "\", "
- decl_choices += assim_data_choice.substitute(choice_name = choice)
- mem_file.write(assim_data_method.substitute(assim_name = assim_name,
- choices = choices,
- decl_choices = decl_choices))
-# Step 4: Add optional nodes
-opt_names = []
-for opt_name in infos.OptDict.keys():
- logging.debug("An optional node is found: " + opt_name)
- data_name = opt_name
- data_into = ""
- data_bloc = ""
- for choice in infos.OptDict[opt_name]:
- data_into += "\"" + choice + "\", "
- data_bloc += locals()[choice + '_data_bloc'] + "\n"
- mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
- data_into = data_into,
- data_bloc = data_bloc))
- opt_names.append(opt_name)
-# Step 5: Add init node
-# Final step: Add algorithm and assim_study
-algos = ""
-decl_algos = ""
-decl_opts = ""
-for opt_name in opt_names:
- decl_opts += assim_opt_choice.substitute(choice_name = opt_name)
-assim_study_object = daCore.AssimilationStudy.AssimilationStudy()
-algos_list = assim_study_object.get_available_algorithms()
-for algo_name in algos_list:
- logging.debug("An assimilation algorithm is found: " + algo_name)
- if algo_name == "3DVAR":
- algo_name = "ThreeDVAR"
- algos += "\"" + algo_name + "\", "
- decl_algos += assim_algo.substitute(name = algo_name, decl_opts=decl_opts) + "\n"
- decl_algos=decl_algos))
-# Write file
-final_file = open(catalog_path + "/" + catalog_name, "wr")
--- /dev/null
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# --
+# Author : André RIBES (EDF R&D)
+# --
+import logging
+import traceback
+import sys
+import string
+import StringIO
+#----------- Templates Part ---------------#
+begin_catalog_file = """
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+# generated by AdaoCatalogGenerator at ${date}
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+import Accas
+from Accas import *
+JdC = JDC_CATA (code = 'ADAO',
+ execmodul = None,
+ regles = ( AU_MOINS_UN ('ASSIM_STUDY')),
+ )
+String_data_bloc = """
+ STRING_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'String', ) ",
+ STRING = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ),
+Script_data_bloc = """
+ SCRIPT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
+ ),
+Dict_data_bloc = """
+ DICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'Script', ) ",
+ SCRIPT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
+ ),
+# Pour l'instant on ne gère qu'un seul script pour toutes les functions
+FunctionDict_data_bloc = """
+ FUNCTIONDICT_DATA = BLOC ( condition = " FROM in ( 'FunctionDict', ) ",
+ FUNCTIONDICT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
+ ),
+data_method = """
+def F_${data_name}(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ FROM = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", into=(${data_into})),
+ )
+init_method = """
+def F_InitChoice() : return ("Background",
+ "BackgroundError",
+ "Observation",
+ "ObservationError",
+ "ObservationOperator",
+ "AlgorithmParameters",
+ "Analysis",
+ )
+def F_Init(statut) : return FACT(statut = statut,
+ INIT_FILE = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "Fichier"),
+ TARGET_LIST = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max="**", into=F_InitChoice(), validators=(VerifExiste(2))),
+ )
+assim_data_method = """
+def F_${assim_name}(statut) : return FACT(statut=statut,
+ regles = ( UN_PARMI (${choices})),
+ )
+assim_data_choice = """
+ ${choice_name} = F_${choice_name}("f"),
+assim_opt_choice = """
+ ${choice_name} = F_${choice_name}("f"),
+assim_algo = """
+ ${name} = FACT(regles = ( ENSEMBLE ("Background", "BackgroundError",
+ "Observation", "ObservationError",
+ "ObservationOperator")),
+ Background = F_Background("o"),
+ BackgroundError = F_BackgroundError("o"),
+ Observation = F_Observation("o"),
+ ObservationError = F_ObservationError("o"),
+ ObservationOperator = F_ObservationOperator("o"),
+ AlgorithmParameters = F_AlgorithmParameters("f"),
+ Init = F_Init("f"),
+ ),
+assim_study = """
+ op=None,
+ repetable = "n",
+ STUDY_NAME = SIMP(statut="o", typ = "TXM"),
+ ALGORITHM = FACT(statut='o',
+ regles = ( UN_PARMI (${algos}),),
+ ),
+ )
+begin_catalog_file = string.Template(begin_catalog_file)
+data_method = string.Template(data_method)
+assim_data_method = string.Template(assim_data_method)
+assim_data_choice = string.Template(assim_data_choice)
+assim_opt_choice = string.Template(assim_opt_choice)
+assim_algo = string.Template(assim_algo)
+assim_study = string.Template(assim_study)
+#----------- End of Templates Part ---------------#
+#----------- Begin generation script -----------#
+print "-- Starting AdaoCalatogGenerator.py --"
+ import daEficas
+ import daYacsSchemaCreator
+ import daCore.AssimilationStudy
+ logging.fatal("Import of ADAO python modules failed !" +
+ "\n add ADAO python installation directory in your PYTHONPATH")
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ sys.exit(1)
+def check_args(args):
+ logging.debug("Arguments are :" + str(args))
+ if len(args) != 2:
+ logging.fatal("Bad number of arguments: you have to provide two arguments (%d given)" % (len(args)))
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Parse arguments
+from optparse import OptionParser
+usage = "usage: %prog [options] catalog_path catalog_name"
+version="%prog 0.1"
+my_parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version)
+(options, args) = my_parser.parse_args()
+catalog_path = args[0]
+catalog_name = args[1]
+# Generates into a string
+mem_file = StringIO.StringIO()
+# Start file
+from time import strftime
+mem_file.write(begin_catalog_file.substitute(date=strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
+# Step 1: Check basic data input types
+import daYacsSchemaCreator.infos_daComposant as infos
+for basic_type in infos.BasicDataInputs:
+ logging.debug('A basic data input type is found: ' + basic_type)
+ if basic_type + '_data_bloc' not in locals().keys():
+ logging.fatal("Basic data input type not found: " + basic_type)
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Step 2: Add data input dict
+for data_input_name in infos.DataTypeDict.keys():
+ logging.debug('A data input is found: ' + data_input_name)
+ data_name = data_input_name
+ data_into = ""
+ data_bloc = ""
+ for basic_type in infos.DataTypeDict[data_input_name]:
+ data_into += "\"" + basic_type + "\", "
+ data_bloc += locals()[basic_type + '_data_bloc'] + "\n"
+ mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
+ data_into = data_into,
+ data_bloc = data_bloc))
+# Step 3: Add assimilation algorithm data input
+for assim_data_input_name in infos.AssimDataDict.keys():
+ logging.debug("An assimilation algorithm data input is found: " + assim_data_input_name)
+ assim_name = assim_data_input_name
+ choices = ""
+ decl_choices = ""
+ decl_opts = ""
+ for choice in infos.AssimDataDict[assim_data_input_name]:
+ choices += "\"" + choice + "\", "
+ decl_choices += assim_data_choice.substitute(choice_name = choice)
+ mem_file.write(assim_data_method.substitute(assim_name = assim_name,
+ choices = choices,
+ decl_choices = decl_choices))
+# Step 4: Add optional nodes
+opt_names = []
+for opt_name in infos.OptDict.keys():
+ logging.debug("An optional node is found: " + opt_name)
+ data_name = opt_name
+ data_into = ""
+ data_bloc = ""
+ for choice in infos.OptDict[opt_name]:
+ data_into += "\"" + choice + "\", "
+ data_bloc += locals()[choice + '_data_bloc'] + "\n"
+ mem_file.write(data_method.substitute(data_name = data_name,
+ data_into = data_into,
+ data_bloc = data_bloc))
+ opt_names.append(opt_name)
+# Step 5: Add init node
+# Final step: Add algorithm and assim_study
+algos = ""
+decl_algos = ""
+decl_opts = ""
+for opt_name in opt_names:
+ decl_opts += assim_opt_choice.substitute(choice_name = opt_name)
+assim_study_object = daCore.AssimilationStudy.AssimilationStudy()
+algos_list = assim_study_object.get_available_algorithms()
+for algo_name in algos_list:
+ logging.debug("An assimilation algorithm is found: " + algo_name)
+ if algo_name == "3DVAR":
+ algo_name = "ThreeDVAR"
+ algos += "\"" + algo_name + "\", "
+ decl_algos += assim_algo.substitute(name = algo_name, decl_opts=decl_opts) + "\n"
+ decl_algos=decl_algos))
+# Write file
+final_file = open(catalog_path + "/" + catalog_name, "wr")
include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-bin_SCRIPTS = AdaoYacsSchemaCreator.py qtEficas_adao_study.py AdaoCalatogGenerator.py
+bin_SCRIPTS = AdaoYacsSchemaCreator.py qtEficas_adao_study.py AdaoCatalogGenerator.py
-EXTRA_DIST = AdaoYacsSchemaCreator.py qtEficas_adao_study.py.in AdaoCalatogGenerator.py
+EXTRA_DIST = AdaoYacsSchemaCreator.py qtEficas_adao_study.py.in AdaoCatalogGenerator.py
- @export PYTHONPATH=${salomepythondir}:${PYTHONPATH} && python $(top_srcdir)/bin/AdaoCalatogGenerator.py ${salomepythondir}/daEficas ADAO_Cata_V0.py
+ @export PYTHONPATH=${salomepythondir}:${PYTHONPATH} && python $(top_srcdir)/bin/AdaoCatalogGenerator.py ${salomepythondir}/daEficas ADAO_Cata_V0.py
@rm ${salomepythondir}/daEficas/ADAO_Cata_V0.py