+from daCore.Templates import ObserverTemplates
+observers_list = ObserverTemplates.keys_in_presentation_order()
+observers_list = '"%s"'%str('", "'.join(observers_list))
+observers_cont = ""
+for k in ObserverTemplates.keys_in_presentation_order():
+ observers_cont += """ %s = BLOC (condition = " Template == '%s' ",\n"""%(k,k)
+ observers_cont += """ ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "%s", fr="%s", ang="%s" ),\n"""%(
+ ObserverTemplates[k].replace("\n","\\n").replace('"','\\"'),
+ ObserverTemplates.getdoc(k, "fr_FR"),
+ ObserverTemplates.getdoc(k, "en_EN"),
+ )
+ observers_cont += """ ),\n"""
observers_method = """
def F_ObserverTemplate() : return BLOC(condition = " NodeType == 'Template' ",
- Template = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "ValuePrinter", into=("ValuePrinter", "ValueSeriePrinter", "ValueSaver", "ValueSerieSaver", "ValuePrinterAndSaver", "ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver", "ValueGnuPlotter", "ValueSerieGnuPlotter", "ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter", "ValueSeriePrinterAndGnuPlotter", "ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter", "ValueSeriePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter", "ValueMean", "ValueStandardError", "ValueVariance", "ValueRMS")),
- ValuePrinter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValuePrinter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print info, var[-1]" ),
- ),
- ValueSeriePrinter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueSeriePrinter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print info, var[:] " ),
- ),
- ValueSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy, re\\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\\nglobal istep\\ntry:\\n istep += 1\\nexcept:\\n istep = 0\\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\\nprint 'Value saved in \\"%s\\"'%f\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)" ),
- ),
- ValueSerieSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueSerieSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy, re\\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\\nglobal istep\\ntry:\\n istep += 1\\nexcept:\\n istep = 0\\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\\nprint 'Value saved in \\"%s\\"'%f\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)" ),
- ),
- ValuePrinterAndSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValuePrinterAndSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy, re\\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\\nprint info,v\\nglobal istep\\ntry:\\n istep += 1\\nexcept:\\n istep = 0\\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\\nprint 'Value saved in \\"%s\\"'%f\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)" ),
- ),
- ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy, re\\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\\nprint info,v\\nglobal istep\\ntry:\\n istep += 1\\nexcept:\\n istep = 0\\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\\nprint 'Value saved in \\"%s\\"'%f\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)" ),
- ),
- ValueGnuPlotter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueGnuPlotter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy, Gnuplot\\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\\nglobal ifig, gp\\ntry:\\n ifig += 1\\n gp('set style data lines')\\nexcept:\\n ifig = 0\\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\\n gp('set style data lines')\\ngp('set title \\"%s (Figure %i)\\"'%(info,ifig))\\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )" ),
- ),
- ValueSerieGnuPlotter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueSerieGnuPlotter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy, Gnuplot\\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\\nglobal ifig, gp\\ntry:\\n ifig += 1\\n gp('set style data lines')\\nexcept:\\n ifig = 0\\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\\n gp('set style data lines')\\ngp('set title \\"%s (Figure %i)\\"'%(info,ifig))\\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )" ),
- ),
- ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print info, var[-1]\\nimport numpy, Gnuplot\\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\\nglobal ifig,gp\\ntry:\\n ifig += 1\\n gp('set style data lines')\\nexcept:\\n ifig = 0\\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\\n gp('set style data lines')\\ngp('set title \\"%s (Figure %i)\\"'%(info,ifig))\\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )" ),
- ),
- ValueSeriePrinterAndGnuPlotter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueSeriePrinterAndGnuPlotter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print info, var[:] \\nimport numpy, Gnuplot\\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\\nglobal ifig,gp\\ntry:\\n ifig += 1\\n gp('set style data lines')\\nexcept:\\n ifig = 0\\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\\n gp('set style data lines')\\ngp('set title \\"%s (Figure %i)\\"'%(info,ifig))\\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )" ),
- ),
- ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print info, var[-1]\\nimport numpy, re\\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\\nglobal istep\\ntry:\\n istep += 1\\nexcept:\\n istep = 0\\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\\nprint 'Value saved in \\"%s\\"'%f\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)\\nimport Gnuplot\\nglobal ifig,gp\\ntry:\\n ifig += 1\\n gp('set style data lines')\\nexcept:\\n ifig = 0\\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\\n gp('set style data lines')\\ngp('set title \\"%s (Figure %i)\\"'%(info,ifig))\\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )" ),
- ),
- ValueSeriePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueSeriePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "print info, var[:] \\nimport numpy, re\\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\\nglobal istep\\ntry:\\n istep += 1\\nexcept:\\n istep = 0\\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\\nf=re.sub('\s','_',f)\\nprint 'Value saved in \\"%s\\"'%f\\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)\\nimport Gnuplot\\nglobal ifig,gp\\ntry:\\n ifig += 1\\n gp('set style data lines')\\nexcept:\\n ifig = 0\\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\\n gp('set style data lines')\\ngp('set title \\"%s (Figure %i)\\"'%(info,ifig))\\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )" ),
- ),
- ValueMean = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueMean' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy\\nprint info, numpy.nanmean(var[-1])" ),
- ),
- ValueStandardError = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueStandardError' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy\\nprint info, numpy.nanstd(var[-1])" ),
- ),
- ValueVariance = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueVariance' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy\\nprint info, numpy.nanvar(var[-1])" ),
- ),
- ValueRMS = BLOC (condition = " Template == 'ValueRMS' ",
- ValueTemplate = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "import numpy\\nv = numpy.matrix( numpy.ravel( var[-1] ) )\\nprint info, float( numpy.sqrt((1./v.size)*(v*v.T)) )" ),
- ),
- )
+ Template = SIMP(statut = "o", typ = "TXM", min=1, max=1, defaut = "ValuePrinter", into=(%s)),
+%s )
def F_Observers(statut) : return FACT(
SELECTION = SIMP(statut="o", defaut=[], typ="TXM", min=0, max="**", validators=NoRepeat(), into=(${choices})),${decl_choices}
algo_choices = """
def AlgorithmParametersInNS(filename):
Inventory of available *observer* models ("*Template*")
-.. index:: single: ValueGnuPlotter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValuePrinter (Observer)
-Template **ValueGnuPlotter** :
+Template **ValuePrinter** :
-Graphically plot with Gnuplot the current value of the variable.
+Print on standard output the current value of the variable.
- import numpy, Gnuplot
- v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
- global ifig, gp
- try:
- ifig += 1
- gp('set style data lines')
- except:
- ifig = 0
- gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
- gp('set style data lines')
- gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
- gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
+ print info, var[-1]
-.. index:: single: ValueMean (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinter (Observer)
-Template **ValueMean** :
+Template **ValueSeriePrinter** :
-Print on standard output the mean of the current value of the variable.
+Print on standard output the value serie of the variable.
- import numpy
- print info, numpy.nanmean(var[-1])
+ print info, var[:]
-.. index:: single: ValuePrinter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSaver (Observer)
-Template **ValuePrinter** :
+Template **ValueSaver** :
-Print on standard output the current value of the variable.
+Save the current value of the variable in a file of the '/tmp' directory named 'value...txt' from the variable name and the saving step.
- print info, var[-1]
+ import numpy, re
+ v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
+ global istep
+ try:
+ istep += 1
+ except:
+ istep = 0
+ f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
+ f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
+ print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
+ numpy.savetxt(f,v)
-.. index:: single: ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSerieSaver (Observer)
-Template **ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter** :
+Template **ValueSerieSaver** :
-Print on standard output and, in the same time, graphically plot with Gnuplot the current value of the variable.
+Save the value serie of the variable in a file of the '/tmp' directory named 'value...txt' from the variable name and the saving step.
- print info, var[-1]
- import numpy, Gnuplot
- v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
- global ifig,gp
+ import numpy, re
+ v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
+ global istep
- ifig += 1
- gp('set style data lines')
+ istep += 1
- ifig = 0
- gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
- gp('set style data lines')
- gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
- gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
+ istep = 0
+ f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
+ f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
+ print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
+ numpy.savetxt(f,v)
.. index:: single: ValuePrinterAndSaver (Observer)
print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
-.. index:: single: ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver (Observer)
-Template **ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter** :
+Template **ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver** :
-Print on standard output and, in the same, time save in a file and graphically plot the current value of the variable.
+Print on standard output and, in the same time, save in a file the value serie of the variable.
- print info, var[-1]
import numpy, re
- v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
+ v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
+ print info,v
global istep
istep += 1
print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
- import Gnuplot
- global ifig,gp
- try:
- ifig += 1
- gp('set style data lines')
- except:
- ifig = 0
- gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
- gp('set style data lines')
- gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
- gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueRMS (Observer)
-Template **ValueRMS** :
-Print on standard output the root mean square (RMS), or quadratic mean, of the current value of the variable.
- import numpy
- v = numpy.matrix( numpy.ravel( var[-1] ) )
- print info, float( numpy.sqrt((1./v.size)*(v*v.T)) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSaver (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueGnuPlotter (Observer)
-Template **ValueSaver** :
+Template **ValueGnuPlotter** :
-Save the current value of the variable in a file of the '/tmp' directory named 'value...txt' from the variable name and the saving step.
+Graphically plot with Gnuplot the current value of the variable.
- import numpy, re
+ import numpy, Gnuplot
v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
- global istep
+ global ifig, gp
- istep += 1
+ ifig += 1
+ gp('set style data lines')
- istep = 0
- f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
- f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
- print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
- numpy.savetxt(f,v)
+ ifig = 0
+ gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
+ gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
.. index:: single: ValueSerieGnuPlotter (Observer)
gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
-Template **ValueSeriePrinter** :
+Template **ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter** :
-Print on standard output the value serie of the variable.
+Print on standard output and, in the same time, graphically plot with Gnuplot the current value of the variable.
- print info, var[:]
+ print info, var[-1]
+ import numpy, Gnuplot
+ v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
+ global ifig,gp
+ try:
+ ifig += 1
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ except:
+ ifig = 0
+ gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
+ gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
-Template **ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver** :
+Template **ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter** :
-Print on standard output and, in the same time, save in a file the value serie of the variable.
+Print on standard output and, in the same, time save in a file and graphically plot the current value of the variable.
+ print info, var[-1]
import numpy, re
- v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
- print info,v
+ v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
global istep
istep += 1
print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
+ import Gnuplot
+ global ifig,gp
+ try:
+ ifig += 1
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ except:
+ ifig = 0
+ gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
+ gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSerieSaver (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueMean (Observer)
-Template **ValueSerieSaver** :
+Template **ValueMean** :
-Save the value serie of the variable in a file of the '/tmp' directory named 'value...txt' from the variable name and the saving step.
+Print on standard output the mean of the current value of the variable.
- import numpy, re
- v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
- global istep
- try:
- istep += 1
- except:
- istep = 0
- f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
- f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
- print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
- numpy.savetxt(f,v)
+ import numpy
+ print info, numpy.nanmean(var[-1])
.. index:: single: ValueStandardError (Observer)
import numpy
print info, numpy.nanvar(var[-1])
+.. index:: single: ValueRMS (Observer)
+Template **ValueRMS** :
+Print on standard output the root mean square (RMS), or quadratic mean, of the current value of the variable.
+ import numpy
+ v = numpy.matrix( numpy.ravel( var[-1] ) )
+ print info, float( numpy.sqrt((1./v.size)*(v*v.T)) )
Inventaire des modèles d'*observer* disponibles ("*Template*")
-.. index:: single: ValueGnuPlotter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValuePrinter (Observer)
-Modèle **ValueGnuPlotter** :
+Modèle **ValuePrinter** :
-Affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la valeur courante de la variable.
+Imprime sur la sortie standard la valeur courante de la variable.
- import numpy, Gnuplot
- v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
- global ifig, gp
- try:
- ifig += 1
- gp('set style data lines')
- except:
- ifig = 0
- gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
- gp('set style data lines')
- gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
- gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
+ print info, var[-1]
-.. index:: single: ValueMean (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinter (Observer)
-Modèle **ValueMean** :
+Modèle **ValueSeriePrinter** :
-Imprime sur la sortie standard la moyenne de la valeur courante de la variable.
+Imprime sur la sortie standard la série des valeurs de la variable.
- import numpy
- print info, numpy.nanmean(var[-1])
+ print info, var[:]
-.. index:: single: ValuePrinter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSaver (Observer)
-Modèle **ValuePrinter** :
+Modèle **ValueSaver** :
-Imprime sur la sortie standard la valeur courante de la variable.
+Enregistre la valeur courante de la variable dans un fichier du répertoire '/tmp' nommé 'value...txt' selon le nom de la variable et l'étape d'enregistrement.
- print info, var[-1]
+ import numpy, re
+ v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
+ global istep
+ try:
+ istep += 1
+ except:
+ istep = 0
+ f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
+ f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
+ print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
+ numpy.savetxt(f,v)
-.. index:: single: ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSerieSaver (Observer)
-Modèle **ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter** :
+Modèle **ValueSerieSaver** :
-Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la valeur courante de la variable.
+Enregistre la série des valeurs de la variable dans un fichier du répertoire '/tmp' nommé 'value...txt' selon le nom de la variable et l'étape.
- print info, var[-1]
- import numpy, Gnuplot
- v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
- global ifig,gp
+ import numpy, re
+ v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
+ global istep
- ifig += 1
- gp('set style data lines')
+ istep += 1
- ifig = 0
- gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
- gp('set style data lines')
- gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
- gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
+ istep = 0
+ f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
+ f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
+ print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
+ numpy.savetxt(f,v)
.. index:: single: ValuePrinterAndSaver (Observer)
print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
-.. index:: single: ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver (Observer)
-Modèle **ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter** :
+Modèle **ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver** :
-Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier et affiche graphiquement la valeur courante de la variable .
+Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier la série des valeurs de la variable.
- print info, var[-1]
import numpy, re
- v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
+ v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
+ print info,v
global istep
istep += 1
print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
- import Gnuplot
- global ifig,gp
- try:
- ifig += 1
- gp('set style data lines')
- except:
- ifig = 0
- gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
- gp('set style data lines')
- gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
- gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueRMS (Observer)
-Modèle **ValueRMS** :
-Imprime sur la sortie standard la racine de la moyenne des carrés (RMS), ou moyenne quadratique, de la valeur courante de la variable.
- import numpy
- v = numpy.matrix( numpy.ravel( var[-1] ) )
- print info, float( numpy.sqrt((1./v.size)*(v*v.T)) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSaver (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueGnuPlotter (Observer)
-Modèle **ValueSaver** :
+Modèle **ValueGnuPlotter** :
-Enregistre la valeur courante de la variable dans un fichier du répertoire '/tmp' nommé 'value...txt' selon le nom de la variable et l'étape d'enregistrement.
+Affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la valeur courante de la variable.
- import numpy, re
+ import numpy, Gnuplot
v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
- global istep
+ global ifig, gp
- istep += 1
+ ifig += 1
+ gp('set style data lines')
- istep = 0
- f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
- f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
- print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
- numpy.savetxt(f,v)
+ ifig = 0
+ gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
+ gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
.. index:: single: ValueSerieGnuPlotter (Observer)
gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinter (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
-Modèle **ValueSeriePrinter** :
+Modèle **ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter** :
-Imprime sur la sortie standard la série des valeurs de la variable.
+Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la valeur courante de la variable.
- print info, var[:]
+ print info, var[-1]
+ import numpy, Gnuplot
+ v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
+ global ifig,gp
+ try:
+ ifig += 1
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ except:
+ ifig = 0
+ gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
+ gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
-Modèle **ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver** :
+Modèle **ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter** :
-Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier la série des valeurs de la variable.
+Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier et affiche graphiquement la valeur courante de la variable .
+ print info, var[-1]
import numpy, re
- v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
- print info,v
+ v=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)
global istep
istep += 1
print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
+ import Gnuplot
+ global ifig,gp
+ try:
+ ifig += 1
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ except:
+ ifig = 0
+ gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)
+ gp('set style data lines')
+ gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
+ gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
.. index:: single: ValueSeriePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter (Observer)
gp('set title "%s (Figure %i)"'%(info,ifig))
gp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )
-.. index:: single: ValueSerieSaver (Observer)
+.. index:: single: ValueMean (Observer)
-Modèle **ValueSerieSaver** :
+Modèle **ValueMean** :
-Enregistre la série des valeurs de la variable dans un fichier du répertoire '/tmp' nommé 'value...txt' selon le nom de la variable et l'étape.
+Imprime sur la sortie standard la moyenne de la valeur courante de la variable.
- import numpy, re
- v=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)
- global istep
- try:
- istep += 1
- except:
- istep = 0
- f='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)
- f=re.sub('\s','_',f)
- print 'Value saved in "%s"'%f
- numpy.savetxt(f,v)
+ import numpy
+ print info, numpy.nanmean(var[-1])
.. index:: single: ValueStandardError (Observer)
import numpy
print info, numpy.nanvar(var[-1])
+.. index:: single: ValueRMS (Observer)
+Modèle **ValueRMS** :
+Imprime sur la sortie standard la racine de la moyenne des carrés (RMS), ou moyenne quadratique, de la valeur courante de la variable.
+ import numpy
+ v = numpy.matrix( numpy.ravel( var[-1] ) )
+ print info, float( numpy.sqrt((1./v.size)*(v*v.T)) )
def __len__(self):
return self.shape[0]
-# ==============================================================================
-class TemplateStorage(object):
- """
- Classe générale de stockage de type dictionnaire étendu
- (Template)
- """
- def __init__( self, language = "fr_FR" ):
- self.__preferedLanguage = "fr"
- self.__values = {}
- def store( self, name = None, content = None, fr_FR = "", en_EN = "" ):
- if name is None or content is None:
- raise ValueError("To be consistent, the storage of a template must provide a name and a content.")
- self.__values[str(name)] = {
- 'content': str(content),
- 'fr_FR' : str(fr_FR),
- 'en_EN' : str(en_EN),
- }
- def keys(self):
- __keys = self.__values.keys()
- __keys.sort()
- return __keys
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.__values)
- def __getitem__(self, name=None ):
- return self.__values[name]['content']
- def getdoc(self, name = None, lang = "fr_FR"):
- if lang not in self.__values[name]: lang = "fr_FR"
- return self.__values[name][lang]
# ==============================================================================
def CostFunction3D(
import os
import sys
import logging
-from PlatformInfo import PlatformInfo
+import PlatformInfo
LOGFILE = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir),"AssimilationStudy.log")
# Initialise l'affichage de logging
# ---------------------------------
- p = PlatformInfo()
+ p = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo()
logging.info( "--------------------------------------------------" )
logging.info( "Lancement de "+p.getName()+" "+p.getVersion() )
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 EDF R&D
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+# Author: Jean-Philippe Argaud, jean-philippe.argaud@edf.fr, EDF R&D
+ Modèles généraux pour les observers, le post-processing
+__author__ = "Jean-Philippe ARGAUD"
+__all__ = ["ObserverTemplates"]
+import numpy
+# ==============================================================================
+class TemplateStorage(object):
+ """
+ Classe générale de stockage de type dictionnaire étendu
+ (Template)
+ """
+ def __init__( self, language = "fr_FR" ):
+ self.__preferedLanguage = language
+ self.__values = {}
+ self.__order = -1
+ def store( self, name = None, content = None, fr_FR = "", en_EN = "", order = "next" ):
+ if name is None or content is None:
+ raise ValueError("To be consistent, the storage of a template must provide a name and a content.")
+ if order == "next":
+ self.__order += 1
+ else:
+ self.__order = int(order)
+ self.__values[str(name)] = {
+ 'content': str(content),
+ 'fr_FR' : str(fr_FR),
+ 'en_EN' : str(en_EN),
+ 'order' : int(self.__order),
+ }
+ def keys(self):
+ __keys = self.__values.keys()
+ __keys.sort()
+ return __keys
+ def has_key(self, name):
+ return self.__values.has_key(name)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.__values)
+ def __getitem__(self, name=None ):
+ return self.__values[name]['content']
+ def getdoc(self, name = None, lang = "fr_FR"):
+ if lang not in self.__values[name]: lang = self.__preferedLanguage
+ return self.__values[name][lang]
+ def keys_in_presentation_order(self):
+ "Restitue l'ordre de présentation requis"
+ __orders = []
+ for k in self.keys():
+ __orders.append( self.__values[k]['order'] )
+ __reorder = numpy.array(__orders).argsort()
+ return list(numpy.array(self.keys())[__reorder])
+# ==============================================================================
+ObserverTemplates = TemplateStorage()
+ name = "ValuePrinter",
+ content = """print info, var[-1]""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueSeriePrinter",
+ content = """print info, var[:]""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard la série des valeurs de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output the value serie of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueSaver",
+ content = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)""",
+ fr_FR = "Enregistre la valeur courante de la variable dans un fichier du répertoire '/tmp' nommé 'value...txt' selon le nom de la variable et l'étape d'enregistrement",
+ en_EN = "Save the current value of the variable in a file of the '/tmp' directory named 'value...txt' from the variable name and the saving step",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueSerieSaver",
+ content = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)""",
+ fr_FR = "Enregistre la série des valeurs de la variable dans un fichier du répertoire '/tmp' nommé 'value...txt' selon le nom de la variable et l'étape",
+ en_EN = "Save the value serie of the variable in a file of the '/tmp' directory named 'value...txt' from the variable name and the saving step",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValuePrinterAndSaver",
+ content = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nprint info,v\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output and, in the same time, save in a file the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver",
+ content = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nprint info,v\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier la série des valeurs de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output and, in the same time, save in a file the value serie of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueGnuPlotter",
+ content = """import numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig, gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )""",
+ fr_FR = "Affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Graphically plot with Gnuplot the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueSerieGnuPlotter",
+ content = """import numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig, gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )""",
+ fr_FR = "Affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la série des valeurs de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Graphically plot with Gnuplot the value serie of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter",
+ content = """print info, var[-1]\nimport numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output and, in the same time, graphically plot with Gnuplot the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueSeriePrinterAndGnuPlotter",
+ content = """print info, var[:] \nimport numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, affiche graphiquement avec Gnuplot la série des valeurs de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output and, in the same time, graphically plot with Gnuplot the value serie of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter",
+ content = """print info, var[-1]\nimport numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)\nimport Gnuplot\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier et affiche graphiquement la valeur courante de la variable ",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output and, in the same, time save in a file and graphically plot the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueSeriePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter",
+ content = """print info, var[:] \nimport numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)\nimport Gnuplot\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard et, en même temps, enregistre dans un fichier et affiche graphiquement la série des valeurs de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output and, in the same, time save in a file and graphically plot the value serie of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueMean",
+ content = """import numpy\nprint info, numpy.nanmean(var[-1])""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard la moyenne de la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output the mean of the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueStandardError",
+ content = """import numpy\nprint info, numpy.nanstd(var[-1])""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard l'écart-type de la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output the standard error of the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueVariance",
+ content = """import numpy\nprint info, numpy.nanvar(var[-1])""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard la variance de la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output the variance of the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+ name = "ValueRMS",
+ content = """import numpy\nv = numpy.matrix( numpy.ravel( var[-1] ) )\nprint info, float( numpy.sqrt((1./v.size)*(v*v.T)) )""",
+ fr_FR = "Imprime sur la sortie standard la racine de la moyenne des carrés (RMS), ou moyenne quadratique, de la valeur courante de la variable",
+ en_EN = "Print on standard output the root mean square (RMS), or quadratic mean, of the current value of the variable",
+ order = "next",
+ )
+# ==============================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print '\n AUTODIAGNOSTIC \n'
__all__ = ["New"]
import os
-from daCore import AssimilationStudy
+from daCore import AssimilationStudy, Templates
# ==============================================================================
class New(object):
if String is not None:
__FunctionText = String
- elif Template is not None:
- __FunctionText = ""
- if Template == "ValuePrinter":
- __FunctionText = """print info, var[-1]"""
- if Template == "ValueSeriePrinter":
- __FunctionText = """print info, var[:]"""
- if Template == "ValueSaver":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"""
- if Template == "ValueSerieSaver":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"""
- if Template == "ValuePrinterAndSaver":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nprint info,v\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"""
- if Template == "ValueSeriePrinterAndSaver":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nprint info,v\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)"""
- if Template == "ValueGnuPlotter":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig, gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )"""
- if Template == "ValueSerieGnuPlotter":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig, gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )"""
- if Template == "ValuePrinterAndGnuPlotter":
- __FunctionText = """print info, var[-1]\nimport numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )"""
- if Template == "ValueSeriePrinterAndGnuPlotter":
- __FunctionText = """print info, var[:] \nimport numpy, Gnuplot\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )"""
- if Template == "ValuePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter":
- __FunctionText = """print info, var[-1]\nimport numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[-1], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)\nimport Gnuplot\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )"""
- if Template == "ValueSeriePrinterSaverAndGnuPlotter":
- __FunctionText = """print info, var[:] \nimport numpy, re\nv=numpy.array(var[:], ndmin=1)\nglobal istep\ntry:\n istep += 1\nexcept:\n istep = 0\nf='/tmp/value_%s_%05i.txt'%(info,istep)\nf=re.sub('\\s','_',f)\nprint 'Value saved in \"%s\"'%f\nnumpy.savetxt(f,v)\nimport Gnuplot\nglobal ifig,gp\ntry:\n ifig += 1\n gp('set style data lines')\nexcept:\n ifig = 0\n gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1)\n gp('set style data lines')\ngp('set title \"%s (Figure %i)\"'%(info,ifig))\ngp.plot( Gnuplot.Data( v, with_='lines lw 2' ) )"""
- if Template == "ValueMean":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy\nprint info, numpy.nanmean(var[-1])"""
- if Template == "ValueStandardError":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy\nprint info, numpy.nanstd(var[-1])"""
- if Template == "ValueVariance":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy\nprint info, numpy.nanvar(var[-1])"""
- if Template == "ValueRMS":
- __FunctionText = """import numpy\nv = numpy.matrix( numpy.ravel( var[-1] ) )\nprint info, float( numpy.sqrt((1./v.size)*(v*v.T)) )"""
+ elif (Template is not None) and Templates.ObserverTemplates.has_key(Template):
+ __FunctionText = Templates.ObserverTemplates[Template]
elif Script is not None:
__FunctionText = _ImportFromScript(Script).getstring()