// retPolsUnderConstruction initially empty -> see if(!pol1Zip.empty()) below ...
for(std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator itConstr=retPolsUnderContruction.begin();itConstr!=retPolsUnderContruction.end();)
- if((*itConstr)->getStartNode()==(*itConstr)->getEndNode()) // reconstruction of a cell is finished
- {
- itConstr++;
- continue;
- }
- Node *curN=(*itConstr)->getEndNode();
- bool smthHappened=false;
+ Node *startN = (*itConstr)->getStartNode();
+ Node *curN = (*itConstr)->getEndNode();
+ if(startN == curN) // reconstruction of a cell is finished
+ { itConstr++; continue; }
+ bool smthHappened=false, doneEarly=false;
// Complete a partially reconstructed polygon with boundary edges by matching nodes:
for(std::list<Edge *>::iterator it2=edgesInPol2OnBoundaryL.begin();it2!=edgesInPol2OnBoundaryL.end();)
- if(curN==(*it2)->getStartNode())
- { (*it2)->incrRef(); (*itConstr)->pushBack(new ElementaryEdge(*it2,true)); curN=(*it2)->getEndNode(); smthHappened=true; it2=edgesInPol2OnBoundaryL.erase(it2); }
- else if(curN==(*it2)->getEndNode())
- { (*it2)->incrRef(); (*itConstr)->pushBack(new ElementaryEdge(*it2,false)); curN=(*it2)->getStartNode(); smthHappened=true; it2=edgesInPol2OnBoundaryL.erase(it2); }
+ if(curN==(*it2)->getEndNode()) // only end node should be considered if orientation is correct for input meshes
+ // in the funny case of cells exactly included (see test case testIntersect2DMeshesTmp13) this is mandatory to take edges from pol2 in the right order.
+ {
+ (*it2)->incrRef();
+ (*itConstr)->pushBack(new ElementaryEdge(*it2,false));
+ curN=(*it2)->getStartNode();
+ smthHappened=true;
+ it2=edgesInPol2OnBoundaryL.erase(it2);
+ }
+ if (curN == startN) // we might end here
+ { doneEarly = true; break; }
- if(smthHappened)
+ if (doneEarly)
+ { itConstr++; continue; }
+ if(smthHappened) // Now continue the construction by finding the next bit in pol1Zip. Not too sure what are the cases where the boolean if False ...
for(std::list<QuadraticPolygon *>::iterator itZip=pol1Zip.begin();itZip!=pol1Zip.end();)
self.assertEqual(res2Tool.getValues(), [0, -1, -1])
+ def testIntersect2DMeshesTmp13(self):
+ """ Bug fix: when part of mesh2 is fully included in mesh1 and some points of mesh2 are touching edges of mesh1, reconstruction of
+ residual cells was not properly done.
+ """
+ eps = 1.0e-6
+ # First case: only two points of mesh2 touching edges of mesh1
+ coo1 = DataArrayDouble([(0,0) , (1,1), (1,0)])
+ mesh1 = MEDCouplingUMesh("mesh1", 2)
+ mesh1.setCoords(coo1)
+ c = DataArrayInt([NORM_TRI3, 0,1,2])
+ cI = DataArrayInt([0,4])
+ mesh1.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ coo2 = DataArrayDouble([(0.5,0) , (0.5,0.5), (0.7,0.25)])
+ mesh2 = MEDCouplingUMesh("mesh1", 2)
+ mesh2.setCoords(coo2)
+ c = DataArrayInt([NORM_TRI3, 0,1,2])
+ cI = DataArrayInt([0,4])
+ mesh2.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ meshinter, res2Back, res2Tool = MEDCouplingUMesh.Intersect2DMeshes(mesh1,mesh2,eps)
+ self.assertEqual(meshinter.getNodalConnectivity().getValues(), [5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 3, 0, 4])
+ self.assertEqual(meshinter.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues(), [0, 4, 10, 14])
+ self.assertEqual(res2Back.getValues(), [0, 0, 0])
+ self.assertEqual(res2Tool.getValues(), [0, -1, -1])
+ # Second case: all three points of mesh2 touching edges of mesh1
+ coo2[2, 0] = 1.0
+ mesh2.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ meshinter, res2Back, res2Tool = MEDCouplingUMesh.Intersect2DMeshes(mesh1,mesh2,eps)
+ self.assertEqual(meshinter.getNodalConnectivity().getValues(), [5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, 5, 5, 5, 2, 3, 5, 3, 0, 4])
+ self.assertEqual(meshinter.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues(), [0, 4, 8, 12, 16])
+ self.assertEqual(res2Back.getValues(), [0,0,0,0])
+ self.assertEqual(res2Tool.getValues(), [0,-1,-1,-1])
+ pass
def testSwig2Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine1(self):
"""A basic test with no colinearity between m1 and m2."""
mesh.setConnectivity(c, cI)
tool = MEDCouplingUMesh('tool', 1)
- coo = DataArrayDouble([(0.0, 182.78400), (182.78400, 182.78400)])
+ coo = DataArrayDouble([(0.0, 182.78400), (182.78400, 182.78400)])
c = DataArrayInt([NORM_SEG2,0,1])
cI = DataArrayInt([0, 3])
tool.setConnectivity(c, cI)
res2D, res1D, resToSelf, mapLeftRight = MEDCouplingUMesh.Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine(mesh, tool, eps)
self.assertEqual(res1D.getNodalConnectivity().getValues(), [1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 8, 9, 1, 9, 7])
self.assertEqual(res1D.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues(),[0, 3, 6, 9, 12])
self.assertEqual(resToSelf.getValues(), [0, 1, 1])
self.assertEqual(mapLeftRight.getValues(), [-1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -1])
def testSwig2Conformize2D1(self):
eps = 1.0e-8