--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE ResourcesCatalog>
+ <machine
+ protocol="ssh"
+ nbOfNodes="1"
+ mode="interactif"
+ CPUFreqMHz="2800"
+ userName="prascle"
+ memInMB="1500"
+ nbOfProcPerNode="2"
+ alias="cli76cd"
+ hostname="cli76cd" >
+ </machine>
+ <machine
+ protocol="ssh"
+ nbOfNodes="1"
+ mode="interactif"
+ CPUFreqMHz="2000"
+ userName="prascle"
+ memInMB="1000"
+ nbOfProcPerNode="1"
+ alias="cli76ce"
+ hostname="cli76ce" >
+ </machine>
--- /dev/null
+Set of scripts for a SALOME application
+# - A SALOME application distributed on several computers needs APPLI
+# directories on the same path ($APPLI) relative to $HOME directory
+# of the user, on each computer.
+user scripts:
+runAppli : SALOME launch (idem runSalome but different name to avoid
+ confusion with ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome
+runConsole : a python console in the current SALOME session environment
+runSession : a shell in SALOME environment, either interactive (without args)
+ or used to run a program (defined by given args)
+internal application scripts:
+runRemote.sh : called from remote computer, via ssh, rsh...
+ used for instance to create container
+envd : sets SALOME application environment
+ sourced by other scripts
+The following files must be adapted to your environment and SALOME Application:
+SalomeApp.xml - list of modules, options on server launch and resources...
+CatalogResources.xml - configuration of machines used in SALOME application
+ (no need of modules list and path here)
+env.d directory must contain the necessary files to source, to define
+the SALOME Application environment :
+ ( envd script source these files in alphanumeric order )
+For instance,
+ atFirst.sh - general presets
+ envProducts.sh - prerequisite SALOME environment
+ envSalome.sh - list of MODULE_ROOT_DIR
--- /dev/null
+ <section name="desktop" >
+ <parameter name="state" value="max"/>
+ <parameter name="pos_x" value="100"/>
+ <parameter name="pos_y" value="050"/>
+ <parameter name="width" value="640"/>
+ <parameter name="height" value="480"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="launch">
+ <parameter name="gui" value="yes"/>
+ <parameter name="splash" value="yes"/>
+ <parameter name="file" value="no"/>
+ <parameter name="key" value="no"/>
+ <parameter name="interp" value="no"/>
+ <parameter name="logger" value="no"/>
+ <parameter name="xterm" value="no"/>
+ <parameter name="portkill" value="no"/>
+ <parameter name="killall" value="no"/>
+ <parameter name="pyModules" value=""/>
+ <parameter name="embedded" value="SalomeAppEngine,cppContainer,registry,moduleCatalog,study"/>
+ <parameter name="standalone" value="pyContainer"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="language">
+ <parameter name="language" value="en"/>
+ <parameter name="translators" value="%P_msg_%L.qm|%P_icons.qm|%P_images.qm"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="resources">
+ <parameter name="SUIT" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="STD" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="Plot2d" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="SPlot2d" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="GLViewer" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="OCCViewer" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="VTKViewer" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="SalomeApp" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="OB" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="CAM" value="${SUITRoot}/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="GEOM" value="${GEOM_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="SMESH" value="${SMESH_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="VISU" value="${VISU_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="SUPERV" value="${SUPERV_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="MED" value="${MED_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="StdMeshers" value="${SMESH_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="NETGENPlugin" value="${NETGENPLUGIN_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="GHS3DPlugin" value="${GHS3DPLUGIN_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="COMPONENT" value="${COMPONENT_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="PYHELLO" value="${PYHELLO_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="PYCALCULATOR" value="${PYCALCULATOR_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ <parameter name="LIGHT" value="${LIGHT_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="GEOM">
+ <parameter name="name" value="Geometry"/>
+ <parameter name="icon" value="ModuleGeom.png"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="SMESH">
+ <parameter name="name" value="Mesh"/>
+ <parameter name="icon" value="ModuleMesh.png"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="VISU">
+ <parameter name="name" value="Post-Pro"/>
+ <parameter name="icon" value="ModuleVisu.png"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="SUPERV">
+ <parameter name="name" value="Supervisor"/>
+ <parameter name="icon" value="ModuleSupervision.png"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="MED">
+ <parameter name="name" value="Med"/>
+ <parameter name="icon" value="ModuleMed.png"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="PYHELLO">
+ <parameter name="name" value="PyHello"/>
+ <parameter name="icon" value="PYHELLO.png"/>
+ <parameter name="library" value="libSalomePyQtGUI.so"/>
+ </section>
+ <section name="LIGHT">
+ <parameter name="name" value="Light"/>
+ <parameter name="icon" value="LIGHT.png"/>
+ </section>
+<!-- values below this line are just an example, they are not used -->
+ <section name="application">
+ <parameter name="QuickDirList" value=""/>
+ <!-- Here go other common user preferences -->
+ </section>
+ <section name="Geometry" >
+ <parameter value="255, 255, 0" name="shading_color" />
+ </section>
+ <section name="SMESH">
+ <parameter name="plugins" value="NETGENPlugin,GHS3DPlugin"/>
+ <!-- Here go SMESH module user preferences -->
+ </section>
+ <!-- Here go optional sections for other modules -->
+ <section name="resources">
+ <parameter name="salome" value="${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/res"/>
+ <!-- Here go resource directories for other modules -->
+ </section>
--- /dev/null
+# to be sourced first, used in following scripts
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="."
+export PATH="/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/prascle/bin:."
+export PYTHONPATH=""
+export RAC=${HOME}
+export PAKSAL=/opt
+export PUB=${RAC}/public
+export TARP=${RAC}/tarpublic
+export PYPACKAGES=${PUB}/site_packages
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# ---- gdb 5.3
+export PATH=${PAKSAL}/gdb53/bin:${PATH}
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# ---- ddd 3.3.7
+export PATH=${PAKSAL}/ddd337/bin:${PATH}
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# --- Java 1.4
+export JDKHOME=${PUB}/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2
+export JAVAHOME=${PUB}/j2sdk_nb/j2sdk1.4.2
+export PATH=${JAVAHOME}/bin:${PATH}
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${JAVAHOME}/jre/lib/i386/client:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# --- gsl -1.4
+export GSLHOME=${PAKSAL}/gsl-1.4
+export PATH=${GSLHOME}/bin:${PATH}
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# --- fltk 1.1.4
+export FLTKHOME=${PAKSAL}/fltk114
+export PATH=${FLTKHOME}/bin:${PATH}
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# --- gmsh 1.48
+export GMSHHOME=${PAKSAL}/gmsh148
+export PATH=${GMSHHOME}/bin:${PATH}
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# ---- tkcvs, tkdiffb, cvs
+export PATH=${PAKSAL}/tkcvs7.2/bin:${PAKSAL}/cvs1.11.14/bin:${PATH}
--- /dev/null
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# ---- openpbs
+export OPENPBS=/optroot/openpbs2316
+export PATH=${OPENPBS}/bin:${PATH}
+export INSTALL_ROOT=/home/prascle/PAL_SALOME141
+#------ gcc ------
+export GCC_ROOT=/usr
+export CXX=${GCC_ROOT}/bin/g++
+export CC=${GCC_ROOT}/bin/gcc
+#------ boost ------
+export BOOSTDIR=${INSTALL_ROOT}/boost-1.30.2
+#------ tcltk ------
+export TCLHOME=/usr
+#------ Python ------
+export PYTHONHOME=/usr
+#------ Qt ------
+#export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-3.0.5
+export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3-gcc3.2
+export PATH=${PATH}:${QTDIR}/bin
+#------ Sip ------
+export SIPDIR=/usr
+export PYQTDIR=/usr
+#------ PyQt ------
+export PYQT_SIPS=/usr/share/sip/qt
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages
+#------ Swig ------
+export PATH=${SWIG_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}
+#------ OpenCascade ------
+export CASROOT=/opt/CAS52patch
+export PATH=${CASROOT}/Linux/bin:${PATH}
+# Variable for Foundation Classes :
+export CSF_UnitsLexicon=${CASROOT}/src/UnitsAPI/Lexi_Expr.dat
+export CSF_UnitsDefinition=${CASROOT}/src/UnitsAPI/Units.dat
+# Variable for DataExchange :
+export CSF_SHMessage=${CASROOT}/src/SHMessage
+export CSF_XSMessage=${CASROOT}/src/XSMessage
+# Variable for Font :
+export CSF_MDTVFontDirectory=${CASROOT}/src/FontMFT
+export CSF_MDTVTexturesDirectory=${CASROOT}/src/Textures
+export CSF_LANGUAGE=us
+export MMGT_CLEAR=1
+export CSF_StandardDefaults=${CASROOT}/src/StdResource
+export CSF_PluginDefaults=${CASROOT}/src/StdResource
+export CSF_XCAFDefaults=${CASROOT}/src/StdResource
+export CSF_GraphicShr=${CASROOT}/Linux/lib/libTKOpenGl.so
+export CSF_IGESDefaults=${CASROOT}/src/XSTEPResource
+export CSF_STEPDefaults=${CASROOT}/src/XSTEPResource
+#------ Qwt ------
+export QWTHOME=${INSTALL_ROOT}/qwt-0.4.1
+#------ Hdf ------
+export HDF5HOME=${INSTALL_ROOT}/hdf5-1.4.4
+export PATH=${HDF5HOME}/bin:$PATH
+#------ Med ------
+export MED2HOME=/opt/med2.2.2
+export PATH=${MED2HOME}/bin:${PATH}
+#------ Vtk ------
+export PATH=${VTKHOME}/bin:${PATH}
+export PYTHONPATH=${VTKHOME}/lib/vtk:${VTKHOME}/lib/python2.2/site-packages/vtk_python:${PYTHONPATH}
+#------ netgen ------
+export NETGENROOT=${INSTALL_ROOT}/netgen4.3
+export NETGEN_HOME=${INSTALL_ROOT}/netgen4.3
+#------ OmniORB ------
+export OMNIORBDIR=${INSTALL_ROOT}/omniORB-3.0.5
+export PYTHONPATH=${OMNIORBDIR}/lib/python:${OMNIORBDIR}/lib/i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1:${PYTHONPATH}
+export PATH=$OMNIORBDIR/bin/i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1:$PATH
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OMNIORBDIR/lib/i586_linux_2.0_glibc2.1:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+#------ Numeric ------
+export PYTHONPATH=${INSTALL_ROOT}/Numeric-22.0/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Numeric:${PYTHONPATH}
+#------ HappyDoc ------
+export PATH=${INSTALL_ROOT}/HappyDoc-r2_1/bin:${PATH}
+export PYTHONPATH=${INSTALL_ROOT}/HappyDoc-r2_1/lib/python2.2/site-packages:${PYTHONPATH}
+#------ Doxygen ------
+export PATH=${INSTALL_ROOT}/doxygen-1.3-rc2/bin:${PATH}
+#------ Graphviz ------
+export PATH=${INSTALL_ROOT}/graphviz-1.9/bin:${PATH}
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${INSTALL_ROOT}/graphviz-1.9/lib/graphviz:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
--- /dev/null
+# --- example to adapt to your own configuration ---
+# --- envSalome.sh gives a set of MODULE_ROOT_DIR, to source
+# --- you must at least define and export KERNEL_ROOT_DIR
+#export SalomeAppConfig=${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome/resources
+export SalomeAppConfig=${HOME}/${APPLI}
+export SUITRoot=${GUI_ROOT_DIR}/share/salome
--- /dev/null
+for i in $1/env.d/*;do source ${i}; done
--- /dev/null
+# --- retrieve APPLI path, relative to $HOME
+# on sarge, "which" gives not allways the absolute path...
+comName=`which $0`
+if test x$aa == x\/; then
+ mycom=${comName}
+elif test x$aa == x\.; then
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName:2}
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName}
+APPLI=`echo ${HOME} \`dirname $mycom\` | awk ' { print substr($2,length($1)+2) } '`
+#echo $APPLI
+export APPLI
+# --- set the SALOME environment (prerequisites, MODULES_ROOT_DIR...)
+. ${HOME}/${APPLI}/envd ${HOME}/${APPLI}
+# --- define port for CORBA naming service
+searchFreePort() {
+ echo -n "Searching for a free port for naming service: "
+ export NSPORT=2810
+ local limit=$NSPORT
+ let limit=limit+100
+ while [ 1 ]
+ do
+ aRes=`netstat -ltn | grep -E :${NSPORT}`
+ if [ -z "$aRes" ]; then
+ echo ${NSPORT} - Ok
+ local myhost=`hostname`
+ export OMNIORB_CONFIG=${HOME}/$APPLI//.omniORB_${myhost}_${NSPORT}.cfg
+ export NSPORT
+ local initref="NameService=corbaname::"`hostname`":$NSPORT"
+ echo "ORBInitRef $initref" > $OMNIORB_CONFIG
+ break
+ fi
+ echo -n "${NSPORT} "
+ if [[ $NSPORT -eq $limit ]] ; then
+ echo
+ echo "Can't find a free port to launch omniNames"
+ echo "Try to kill the running servers and then launch SALOME again."
+ exit
+ fi
+ done
+# --- run SALOME
+# (default arguments defined in local salome.launch could be completed
+# by arguments to this command)
+if [ $# -ne 0 ] ; then
+ ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py python -i ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome.py $*
+ ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py python ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/runSalome.py
--- /dev/null
+# --- retrieve APPLI path, relative to $HOME
+# on sarge, "which" gives not allways the absolute path...
+comName=`which $0`
+if test x$aa == x\/; then
+ mycom=${comName}
+elif test x$aa == x\.; then
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName:2}
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName}
+APPLI=`echo ${HOME} \`dirname $mycom\` | awk ' { print substr($2,length($1)+2) } '`
+#echo $APPLI
+export APPLI
+# --- set the SALOME environment (prerequisites, MODULES_ROOT_DIR...)
+. ${HOME}/${APPLI}/envd ${HOME}/${APPLI}
+# --- open a Python interpreter with SALOME environment
+${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py python -i ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/salomeConsole.py $*
--- /dev/null
+./runAppli --killall
+#./runSession killSalome.py
--- /dev/null
+# --- run command in SALOME environment from remote call, ssh or rsh
+# - SALOME configuration is defined by :
+# - list of MODULE_ROOT_DIR
+# - prerequisite environment
+# - specific configuration for a particular SALOME application
+# - These elements of configuration are defined locally on each computer
+# in the directory APPLI:
+# - A SALOME application distributed on several computers needs APPLI
+# directories on the same path ($APPLI) relative to $HOME directory
+# of the user, on each computer.
+# --- call example (from cli76cd to cli76ce):
+# ssh cli76ce ${APPLI}/runRemote.sh cli76cd 2810 SALOME_Container myContainerName
+# --- local arguments
+# $0 : ${APPLI}/runRemote.sh: from arg name, rebuild and export $APPLI variable
+# $1 : computer name for CORBA name service (where SALOME was launched)
+# $2 : port for CORBA name service
+# $3 and following : local command to execute, with args
+# --- retrieve APPLI path, relative to $HOME
+# on sarge, "which" gives not allways the absolute path...
+comName=`which $0`
+if test x$aa == x\/; then
+ mycom=${comName}
+elif test x$aa == x\.; then
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName:2}
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName}
+APPLI=`echo ${HOME} \`dirname $mycom\` | awk ' { print substr($2,length($1)+2) } '`
+#echo $APPLI
+export APPLI
+# --- set the SALOME environment (prerequisites, MODULES_ROOT_DIR...)
+. ${HOME}/${APPLI}/envd ${HOME}/${APPLI}
+# --- set the OMNIORB_CONFIG file and environment relative to this run of SALOME
+export OMNIORB_CONFIG=${HOME}/${APPLI}/.omniORB_$1_$2.cfg
+echo "ORBInitRef $initref" > $OMNIORB_CONFIG
+# --- execute the command in the SALOME environment
+shift 2
+${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py /bin/bash --rcfile $HOME/$APPLI/.bashrc -c "$*"
--- /dev/null
+# Useful shell to run executable progs or shells under Salome env
+# Use it with args to run a program : runSession python -i myprog.py
+# Use it without args to run an interactive shell under Salome env
+# --- retrieve APPLI path, relative to $HOME
+# on sarge, "which" gives not allways the absolute path...
+comName=`which $0`
+if test x$aa == x\/; then
+ mycom=${comName}
+elif test x$aa == x\.; then
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName:2}
+ mycom=${PWD}/${comName}
+APPLI=`echo ${HOME} \`dirname $mycom\` | awk ' { print substr($2,length($1)+2) } '`
+#echo $APPLI
+export APPLI
+# --- set the SALOME environment (prerequisites, MODULES_ROOT_DIR...)
+. ${HOME}/${APPLI}/envd ${HOME}/${APPLI}
+# --- invoque shell with or without args
+if [ $# -ne 0 ] ; then
+ ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py /bin/bash --rcfile ${HOME}/${APPLI}/.bashrc -c "$*"
+ ${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py /bin/bash --rcfile ${HOME}/${APPLI}/.bashrc