#include <vector>
#include "Utils_CorbaException.hxx"
#include "Batch_Date.hxx"
+#include <sstream>
#include "PaCO++.hxx"
// This method knows the differences between the proxy and the nodes.
// nb_component_nodes is not used in the same way if it is a proxy or
// a node.
- string command;
- string parallelLib(CORBA::string_dup(params.parallelLib));
- string hostname(CORBA::string_dup(params.hostname));
- int par = exe_name.find("Proxy");
- int nbproc = params.nb_component_nodes;
- char buffer [33];
- sprintf(buffer,"%d",nbproc);
+ //command = "gdb --args ";
+ //command = "valgrind --tool=memcheck --log-file=val_log ";
+ //command += real_exe_name;
+ std::string parallelLib(CORBA::string_dup(params.parallelLib));
+ std::string real_exe_name = exe_name + parallelLib;
+ std::string hostname(CORBA::string_dup(params.hostname));
+ std::ostringstream tmp_string;
+ CORBA::Long nb_nodes = params.nb_component_nodes;
+ tmp_string << nb_nodes;
+ std::string nbproc = tmp_string.str();
+ bool is_a_proxy = false;
+ std::string::size_type loc_proxy = exe_name.find("Proxy");
+ if( loc_proxy != string::npos ) {
+ is_a_proxy = true;
+ }
Engines::MachineParameters_var rtn = new Engines::MachineParameters();
rtn->container_name = params.container_name;
rtn->nb_node = params.nb_node;
rtn->isMPI = params.isMPI;
- string real_exe_name = exe_name + parallelLib;
+ std::string log_env("");
+ char * get_val = getenv("PARALLEL_LOG");
+ if (get_val)
+ log_env = get_val;
+ std::string command_begin("");
+ std::string command_end("");
+ if(log_env == "xterm")
+ {
+ command_begin = "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e \"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export PATH=$PATH;";
+ command_end = "\"&";
+ }
+ else if(log_env == "xterm_debug")
+ {
+ command_begin = "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e \"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export PATH=$PATH;";
+ command_end = "; cat \" &";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // default into a file...
+ std::string logFilename = "/tmp/" + _NS->ContainerName(params) + "_" + hostname;
+ if (is_a_proxy)
+ logFilename += "_Proxy_";
+ else
+ logFilename += "_Node_";
+ logFilename += std::string(getenv("USER")) + ".log";
+ command_end = " > " + logFilename + " 2>&1 & ";
+ }
+ std::string command("");
if (parallelLib == "Dummy")
- command = "";
- //command = "gdb --args ";
- //command = "valgrind --tool=memcheck --log-file=val_log ";
- //command += real_exe_name;
- if (par > 0)
+ if (is_a_proxy)
- string command_temp = real_exe_name;
- command_temp += " " + _NS->ContainerName(rtn);
- command_temp += " " + parallelLib;
- command_temp += " " + hostname;
- command_temp += " " + string(buffer);
- command_temp += " -";
- AddOmninamesParams(command_temp);
- command += "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e \"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export PATH=$PATH;"
- + command_temp
- + "\"&";
+ command = real_exe_name;
+ command += " " + _NS->ContainerName(rtn);
+ command += " " + parallelLib;
+ command += " " + hostname;
+ command += " " + nbproc;
+ command += " -";
+ AddOmninamesParams(command);
+ command = command_begin + command + command_end;
- for (int i= 0; i < nbproc; i++)
+ for (int i= 0; i < nb_nodes; i++)
- string command_temp = real_exe_name;
- // A refaire en C++
- char buffer_temp [33];
- sprintf(buffer_temp,"%d",i);
- command_temp += " " + _NS->ContainerName(rtn);
- command_temp += " " + parallelLib;
- command_temp += " " + hostname;
- command_temp += " " + string(buffer_temp);
- command_temp += " -";
- AddOmninamesParams(command_temp);
-// if (command != "")
-// command += ";";
- command += "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e \"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export PATH=$PATH;"
- + command_temp
- + "\"&";
+ std::ostringstream tmp;
+ tmp << i;
+ std::string proc_number = tmp.str();
+ std::string command_tmp("");
+ command_tmp += real_exe_name;
+ command_tmp += " " + _NS->ContainerName(rtn);
+ command_tmp += " " + parallelLib;
+ command_tmp += " " + hostname;
+ command_tmp += " " + proc_number;
+ command_tmp += " -";
+ AddOmninamesParams(command_tmp);
+ // On change _Node_ par _Nodex_ pour avoir chaque noeud
+ // sur un fichier
+ std::string command_end_tmp = command_end;
+ std::string::size_type loc_node = command_end_tmp.find("_Node_");
+ if (loc_node != std::string::npos)
+ command_end_tmp.insert(loc_node+5, proc_number);
+ command += command_begin + command_tmp + command_end_tmp;
else if (parallelLib == "Mpi")
// Step 1 : check if MPI is started
+ // Required for lam -> lamboot
if (_MpiStarted == false)
- if (par < 0)
+ if (is_a_proxy)
- // Nodes case
- command = "mpirun -np " + string(buffer) + " ";
- // command += "gdb --args ";
+ command = "mpirun -np 1 ";
command += real_exe_name;
command += " " + _NS->ContainerName(rtn);
+ command += " " + nbproc;
command += " " + parallelLib;
command += " " + hostname;
command += " -";
+ command = command_begin + command + command_end;
- // Proxy case
- command = "mpirun -np 1 ";
+ command = "mpirun -np " + nbproc + " ";
command += real_exe_name;
command += " " + _NS->ContainerName(rtn);
- command += " " + string(buffer);
command += " " + parallelLib;
command += " " + hostname;
command += " -";
- }
- // log choice
- if (log == "default")
- {
- command += " > /tmp/";
- command += _NS->ContainerName(rtn);
- command += "_";
- command += Kernel_Utils::GetHostname();
- command += "_";
- command += getenv( "USER" ) ;
- command += ".log 2>&1 &" ;
- }
- if (log == "xterm")
- {
- command = "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e \"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export PATH=$PATH; "
- // + command + " \" &";
- + command + "; echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH; cat \" &";
+ command = command_begin + command + command_end;
- {
- std::string message("Unknown parallelLib" + parallelLib);
- throw SALOME_Exception(message.c_str());
- }
+ {
+ std::string message("Unknown parallelLib : " + parallelLib);
+ throw SALOME_Exception(message.c_str());
+ }
+ MESSAGE("Parallel launch is: " << command);
return command;
- /* if (log == "xterm")
- {
- command = "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e \"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; export PATH=$PATH; echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH; echo $PATH; " + command + "; cat \" &";
- }
- */
- /* command = "cd ; rm " + fichier_commande + "; touch " + \
- fichier_commande + "; echo \" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; " + \
- command + " >& /tmp/ribes_" + fichier_commande + " & \" > " + fichier_commande + ";";
- command += "ssh cn01 sh " + fichier_commande + " &";
- cerr << "La commande : " << command << endl;
- */
void SALOME_ContainerManager::startMPI()