or selfA._toStore("CurrentState"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
if selfA._toStore("ForecastState"):
- selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( Xn_predicted )
+ selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( EMX )
if selfA._toStore("BMA"):
- selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xn_predicted - Xa )
+ selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( EMX - Xa.reshape((__n,1)) )
if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( - HX_predicted + Ynpu )
if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
if selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )
if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- Eai = (1/numpy.sqrt(__m-1)) * (Xn - Xa.reshape((__n,-1))) # Anomalies
+ Eai = EnsembleOfAnomalies( Xn ) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1) # Anomalies
Pn = Eai @ Eai.T
Pn = 0.5 * (Pn + Pn.T)
selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
else: Rn = R
if hasattr(Q,"asfullmatrix"): Qn = Q.asfullmatrix(__n)
else: Qn = Q
- Xn = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.dot( Xb.reshape((__n,1)), numpy.ones((1,__m)) ))
+ Xn = EnsembleOfBackgroundPerturbations( Xb, None, __m )
if len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"])==0 or not selfA._parameters["nextStep"]:
selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) )
previousJMinimum = numpy.finfo(float).max
- # Predimensionnement
- Xn_predicted = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.zeros((__n,__m)))
- #
for step in range(duration-1):
if hasattr(Y,"store"):
- Ynpu = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( Y[step+1] )).T
+ Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y[step+1] ).reshape((__p,-1))
- Ynpu = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.ravel( Y )).T
+ Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y ).reshape((__p,-1))
if U is not None:
if hasattr(U,"store") and len(U)>1:
if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "State": # Forecast + Q and observation of forecast
- EMX = M( [(Xn[:,i], Un) for i in range(__m)], argsAsSerie = True )
- for i in range(__m):
- qi = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(numpy.zeros(__n), Qn)
- Xn_predicted[:,i] = (numpy.ravel( EMX[i] ) + qi).reshape((__n,-1))
+ EMX = M( [(Xn[:,i], Un) for i in range(__m)],
+ argsAsSerie = True,
+ returnSerieAsArrayMatrix = True )
+ qi = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(numpy.zeros(__n), Qn, size=__m).T
+ Xn_predicted = EMX + qi
HX_predicted = H( [(Xn_predicted[:,i], Un) for i in range(__m)],
argsAsSerie = True,
returnSerieAsArrayMatrix = True )
returnSerieAsArrayMatrix = True )
# Mean of forecast and observation of forecast
- Xfm = Xn_predicted.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float')
- Hfm = HX_predicted.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float')
+ Xfm = Xn_predicted.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float').reshape((__n,-1))
+ Hfm = HX_predicted.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float').reshape((__p,1))
# Anomalies
- EaX = numpy.matrix(Xn_predicted - Xfm.reshape((__n,-1)))
- EaHX = numpy.matrix(HX_predicted - Hfm.reshape((__p,-1)))
+ EaX = EnsembleOfAnomalies( Xn_predicted )
+ EaHX = numpy.matrix(HX_predicted - Hfm)
if VariantM == "KalmanFilterFormula":
- EaX = EaX / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)
mS = RIdemi * EaHX / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)
- delta = RIdemi * ( Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - Hfm.reshape((__p,-1)) )
+ delta = RIdemi * ( Ynpu - Hfm )
mT = numpy.linalg.inv( numpy.eye(__m) + mS.T @ mS )
vw = mT @ mS.transpose() @ delta
Tdemi = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(mT))
mU = numpy.eye(__m)
- Xn = Xfm.reshape((__n,-1)) + EaX @ ( vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * Tdemi @ mU )
+ EaX = EaX / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)
+ Xn = Xfm + EaX @ ( vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * Tdemi @ mU )
elif VariantM == "Variational":
- HXfm = H((Xfm, Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
+ HXfm = H((Xfm[:,None], Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
def CostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_Jo = 0.5 * _A.T * RI * _A
_Jb = 0.5 * (__m-1) * w.T @ w
_J = _Jo + _Jb
return float(_J)
def GradientOfCostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_GardJo = - EaHX.T * RI * _A
_GradJb = (__m-1) * w.reshape((__m,1))
_GradJ = _GardJo + _GradJb
Pta = numpy.linalg.inv( Hta )
EWa = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm((__m-1)*Pta)) # Partie imaginaire ~= 10^-18
- Xn = Xfm.reshape((__n,-1)) + EaX @ (vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + EWa)
+ Xn = Xfm + EaX @ (vw[:,None] + EWa)
elif VariantM == "FiniteSize11": # Jauge Boc2011
- HXfm = H((Xfm, Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
+ HXfm = H((Xfm[:,None], Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
def CostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_Jo = 0.5 * _A.T * RI * _A
_Jb = 0.5 * __m * math.log(1 + 1/__m + w.T @ w)
_J = _Jo + _Jb
return float(_J)
def GradientOfCostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_GardJo = - EaHX.T * RI * _A
_GradJb = __m * w.reshape((__m,1)) / (1 + 1/__m + w.T @ w)
_GradJ = _GardJo + _GradJb
Pta = numpy.linalg.inv( Hta )
EWa = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm((__m-1)*Pta)) # Partie imaginaire ~= 10^-18
- Xn = Xfm.reshape((__n,-1)) + EaX @ (vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + EWa)
+ Xn = Xfm + EaX @ (vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + EWa)
elif VariantM == "FiniteSize15": # Jauge Boc2015
- HXfm = H((Xfm, Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
+ HXfm = H((Xfm[:,None], Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
def CostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_Jo = 0.5 * _A.T * RI * _A
_Jb = 0.5 * (__m+1) * math.log(1 + 1/__m + w.T @ w)
_J = _Jo + _Jb
return float(_J)
def GradientOfCostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_GardJo = - EaHX.T * RI * _A
_GradJb = (__m+1) * w.reshape((__m,1)) / (1 + 1/__m + w.T @ w)
_GradJ = _GardJo + _GradJb
Pta = numpy.linalg.inv( Hta )
EWa = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm((__m-1)*Pta)) # Partie imaginaire ~= 10^-18
- Xn = Xfm.reshape((__n,-1)) + EaX @ (vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + EWa)
+ Xn = Xfm + EaX @ (vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + EWa)
elif VariantM == "FiniteSize16": # Jauge Boc2016
- HXfm = H((Xfm, Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
+ HXfm = H((Xfm[:,None], Un)) # Eventuellement Hfm
def CostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_Jo = 0.5 * _A.T * RI * _A
_Jb = 0.5 * (__m+1) * math.log(1 + 1/__m + w.T @ w / (__m-1))
_J = _Jo + _Jb
return float(_J)
def GradientOfCostFunction(w):
- _A = Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
+ _A = Ynpu - HXfm.reshape((__p,-1)) - (EaHX @ w).reshape((__p,-1))
_GardJo = - EaHX.T * RI * _A
_GradJb = ((__m+1) / (__m-1)) * w.reshape((__m,1)) / (1 + 1/__m + w.T @ w / (__m-1))
_GradJ = _GardJo + _GradJb
Pta = numpy.linalg.inv( Hta )
EWa = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm((__m-1)*Pta)) # Partie imaginaire ~= 10^-18
- Xn = Xfm.reshape((__n,-1)) + EaX @ (vw.reshape((__m,-1)) + EWa)
+ Xn = Xfm + EaX @ (vw[:,None] + EWa)
raise ValueError("VariantM has to be chosen in the authorized methods list.")
- Xa = Xn.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float')
+ Xa = Xn.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float').reshape((__n,-1))
if selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or selfA._toStore("CurrentState"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
if selfA._toStore("ForecastState"):
- selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( Xn_predicted )
+ selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( EMX )
if selfA._toStore("BMA"):
- selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xn_predicted - Xa )
+ selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( EMX - Xa.reshape((__n,1)) )
if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
- selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( - HX_predicted + Ynpu )
+ selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( - HX_predicted + Ynpu.reshape((__p,1)) )
if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
or selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( HX_predicted )
if selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )
if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- Eai = (1/numpy.sqrt(__m-1)) * (Xn - Xa.reshape((__n,-1))) # Anomalies
+ Eai = EnsembleOfAnomalies( Xn ) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1) # Anomalies
Pn = Eai @ Eai.T
Pn = 0.5 * (Pn + Pn.T)
selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
else: Rn = R
if hasattr(Q,"asfullmatrix"): Qn = Q.asfullmatrix(__n)
else: Qn = Q
- Xn = BackgroundEnsembleGeneration( Xb, None, __m )
+ Xn = EnsembleOfBackgroundPerturbations( Xb, None, __m )
if len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"])==0 or not selfA._parameters["nextStep"]:
selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) )
previousJMinimum = numpy.finfo(float).max
- Xn_predicted = numpy.zeros((__n,__m))
for step in range(duration-1):
if hasattr(Y,"store"):
- Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y[step+1] )[:,None]
+ Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y[step+1] ).reshape((__p,-1))
- Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y )[:,None]
+ Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y ).reshape((__p,-1))
if U is not None:
if hasattr(U,"store") and len(U)>1:
if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "State": # Forecast + Q and observation of forecast
- EMX = M( [(Xn[:,i,numpy.newaxis], Un) for i in range(__m)], argsAsSerie = True )
- for i in range(__m):
- qi = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(numpy.zeros(__n), Qn)
- Xn_predicted[:,i] = numpy.ravel( EMX[i] ) + qi
+ EMX = M( [(Xn[:,i], Un) for i in range(__m)],
+ argsAsSerie = True,
+ returnSerieAsArrayMatrix = True )
+ qi = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(numpy.zeros(__n), Qn, size=__m).T
+ Xn_predicted = EMX + qi
if Cm is not None and Un is not None: # Attention : si Cm est aussi dans M, doublon !
Cm = Cm.reshape(__n,Un.size) # ADAO & check shape
Xn_predicted = Xn_predicted + Cm * Un
if VariantM == "MLEF13":
- Xfm = numpy.asarray(Xn_predicted.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float'))
- EaX = numpy.asarray((Xn_predicted - Xfm.reshape((__n,-1))) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1))
+ Xfm = numpy.ravel(Xn_predicted.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float'))
+ EaX = EnsembleOfAnomalies( Xn_predicted ) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)
Ua = numpy.eye(__m)
__j = 0
Deltaw = 1
Ta = numpy.eye(__m)
vw = numpy.zeros(__m)
while numpy.linalg.norm(Deltaw) >= _e and __j <= _jmax:
- vx1 = numpy.ravel(Xfm) + EaX @ vw
+ vx1 = (Xfm + EaX @ vw).reshape((__n,-1))
if BnotT:
- E1 = vx1.reshape((__n,-1)) + _epsilon * EaX
+ E1 = vx1 + _epsilon * EaX
- E1 = vx1.reshape((__n,-1)) + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * EaX @ Ta
+ E1 = vx1 + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * EaX @ Ta
HE2 = H( [(E1[:,i,numpy.newaxis], Un) for i in range(__m)],
argsAsSerie = True,
if BnotT:
Ta = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(numpy.linalg.inv( mH )))
- Xn = vx1.reshape((__n,-1)) + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * EaX @ Ta @ Ua
+ Xn = vx1 + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * EaX @ Ta @ Ua
raise ValueError("VariantM has to be chosen in the authorized methods list.")
or selfA._toStore("CurrentState"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
if selfA._toStore("ForecastState"):
- selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( Xn_predicted )
+ selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( EMX )
if selfA._toStore("BMA"):
- selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xn_predicted - Xa )
- #~ if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
- #~ selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( - HX_predicted + Ynpu )
- #~ if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
- #~ or selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
- #~ selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( HX_predicted )
+ selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( EMX - Xa.reshape((__n,1)) )
+ if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
+ selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( - HE2 + Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) )
+ if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
+ or selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( HE2 )
# ---> autres
if selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
if selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )
if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- Eai = numpy.asarray((Xn - Xa.reshape((__n,-1))) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)) # Anomalies
+ Eai = EnsembleOfAnomalies( Xn ) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1) # Anomalies
Pn = Eai @ Eai.T
Pn = 0.5 * (Pn + Pn.T)
selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )
else: Rn = R
if hasattr(Q,"asfullmatrix"): Qn = Q.asfullmatrix(__n)
else: Qn = Q
- Xn = BackgroundEnsembleGeneration( Xb, Pn, __m )
+ Xn = EnsembleOfBackgroundPerturbations( Xb, Pn, __m )
if len(selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"])==0 or not selfA._parameters["nextStep"]:
selfA.StoredVariables["Analysis"].store( numpy.ravel(Xb) )
for step in range(duration-1):
if hasattr(Y,"store"):
- Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y[step+1] )[:,None]
+ Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y[step+1] ).reshape((__p,-1))
- Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y )[:,None]
+ Ynpu = numpy.ravel( Y ).reshape((__p,-1))
if U is not None:
if hasattr(U,"store") and len(U)>1:
if VariantM == "IEnKF12":
- Xfm = numpy.asarray(Xn.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float'))
- EaX = numpy.asarray((Xn - Xfm.reshape((__n,-1))) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1))
- # EaX = EnsembleCenteredAnomalies( Xn ) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)
+ Xfm = numpy.ravel(Xn.mean(axis=1, dtype=mfp).astype('float'))
+ EaX = EnsembleOfAnomalies( Xn ) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)
__j = 0
Deltaw = 1
if not BnotT:
Ta = numpy.eye(__m)
vw = numpy.zeros(__m)
while numpy.linalg.norm(Deltaw) >= _e and __j <= _jmax:
- vx1 = numpy.ravel(Xfm) + EaX @ vw
+ vx1 = (Xfm + EaX @ vw).reshape((__n,-1))
if BnotT:
- E1 = vx1.reshape((__n,-1)) + _epsilon * EaX
+ E1 = vx1 + _epsilon * EaX
- E1 = vx1.reshape((__n,-1)) + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * EaX @ Ta
+ E1 = vx1 + numpy.sqrt(__m-1) * EaX @ Ta
if selfA._parameters["EstimationOf"] == "State": # Forecast + Q
E2 = M( [(E1[:,i,numpy.newaxis], Un) for i in range(__m)],
__j = __j + 1
- A2 = EnsembleCenteredAnomalies( E2 )
+ A2 = EnsembleOfAnomalies( E2 )
if BnotT:
Ta = numpy.real(scipy.linalg.sqrtm(numpy.linalg.inv( mH )))
if selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or selfA._toStore("CurrentState"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CurrentState"].store( Xn )
- #~ if selfA._toStore("ForecastState"):
- #~ selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( Xn_predicted )
- #~ if selfA._toStore("BMA"):
- #~ selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( Xn_predicted - Xa )
- #~ if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
- #~ selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( - HX_predicted + Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) )
- #~ if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
- #~ or selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
- #~ selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( HX_predicted )
+ if selfA._toStore("ForecastState"):
+ selfA.StoredVariables["ForecastState"].store( E2 )
+ if selfA._toStore("BMA"):
+ selfA.StoredVariables["BMA"].store( E2 - Xa )
+ if selfA._toStore("InnovationAtCurrentState"):
+ selfA.StoredVariables["InnovationAtCurrentState"].store( - HE2 + Ynpu.reshape((__p,-1)) )
+ if selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState") \
+ or selfA._toStore("SimulatedObservationAtCurrentOptimum"):
+ selfA.StoredVariables["SimulatedObservationAtCurrentState"].store( HE2 )
# ---> autres
if selfA._parameters["StoreInternalVariables"] \
or selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJ") \
if selfA._toStore("CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum"):
selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJAtCurrentOptimum" ].store( selfA.StoredVariables["CostFunctionJ" ][IndexMin] )
if selfA._toStore("APosterioriCovariance"):
- Eai = numpy.asarray((Xn - Xa.reshape((__n,-1))) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1)) # Anomalies
+ Eai = EnsembleOfAnomalies( Xn ) / numpy.sqrt(__m-1) # Anomalies
Pn = Eai @ Eai.T
Pn = 0.5 * (Pn + Pn.T)
selfA.StoredVariables["APosterioriCovariance"].store( Pn )