# configuration options related to warning and progress messages
MEDCoupling1GTUMesh.* \
MEDCouplingPointSet.* \
MEDCouplingCMesh.* \
- MEDCouplingIMesh.* \
+ MEDCouplingIMesh.* \
MEDCouplingStructuredMesh.* \
MEDCouplingCurveLinearMesh.* \
MEDCouplingExtrudedMesh.* \
MEDCouplingFieldTemplate.* \
MEDCouplingFieldDiscretization.* \
MEDCouplingTimeDiscretization.* \
- MEDCouplingAMRAttribute.* \
- MEDCouplingCartesianAMRMesh.* \
+ MEDCouplingAMRAttribute.* \
+ MEDCouplingCartesianAMRMesh.* \
MEDCouplingTimeLabel.* \
MEDCouplingRefCountObject.* \
MEDCouplingMemArray.* \
} NormalizedCellType;
- /// Type describing the different ways in which the hexahedron can be split into tetrahedra.
- /// The PLANAR_* policies persume that each face is to be considered planar, while the general
- /// policies make no such hypothesis. The integer at the end gives the number of tetrahedra
- /// that result from the split.
+ /*! Type describing the different ways in which the hexahedron can be split into tetrahedra.
+ * The PLANAR_* policies persume that each face is to be considered planar, while the general
+ * policies make no such hypothesis. The integer at the end gives the number of tetrahedra
+ * that result from the split.
+ *
+ * The images below illustrates the policies in their respective order.
+ *
+ * \image html tetra_simplexize_5_6.jpg
+ * \image html tetra_simplexize_24_48.jpg
+ */
typedef enum { PLANAR_FACE_5 = 5, PLANAR_FACE_6 = 6, GENERAL_24 = 24, GENERAL_48 = 48 } SplittingPolicy;
* The semantic of \a policy is:
* - 0 - to split QUAD4 by cutting it along 0-2 diagonal (for 2D mesh only).
* - 1 - to split QUAD4 by cutting it along 1-3 diagonal (for 2D mesh only).
- * - INTERP_KERNEL::PLANAR_FACE_5 - to split HEXA8 into 5 TETRA4 (for 3D mesh only).
- * - INTERP_KERNEL::PLANAR_FACE_6 - to split HEXA8 into 6 TETRA4 (for 3D mesh only).
+ * - INTERP_KERNEL::PLANAR_FACE_5 - to split HEXA8 into 5 TETRA4 (for 3D mesh only - see INTERP_KERNEL::SplittingPolicy for an image).
+ * - INTERP_KERNEL::PLANAR_FACE_6 - to split HEXA8 into 6 TETRA4 (for 3D mesh only - see INTERP_KERNEL::SplittingPolicy for an image).
+ *
+ *
* \return DataArrayInt * - a new instance of DataArrayInt holding, for each new cell,
* an id of old cell producing it. The caller is to delete this array using
- * decrRef() as it is no more needed.
+ * decrRef() as it is no more needed.
+ *
* \throw If \a policy is 0 or 1 and \a this->getMeshDimension() != 2.
* and \a this->getMeshDimension() != 3.
* more tuples (nodes) than in \a this. Anyway, all the nodes in \a this (with the same order) will be in the returned mesh.
* \param [in] policy - the policy of splitting that must be in (PLANAR_FACE_5, PLANAR_FACE_6, GENERAL_24, GENERAL_48). The policy will be used only for INTERP_KERNEL::NORM_HEXA8 cells.
- * For all other cells, the splitting policy will be ignored.
+ * For all other cells, the splitting policy will be ignored. See INTERP_KERNEL::SplittingPolicy for the images.
* \param [out] nbOfAdditionalPoints - number of nodes added to \c this->_coords. If > 0 a new coordinates object will be constructed result of the aggregation of the old one and the new points added.
* \param [out] n2oCells - A new instance of DataArrayInt holding, for each new cell,
* an id of old cell producing it. The caller is to delete this array using