const std::list<EntityWrapperPtr> aSubs = theEntity->subEntities();
std::list<EntityWrapperPtr>::const_iterator aSIt = aSubs.begin();
- for (; aSIt != aSubs.end(); ++aSIt)
- getParametersToMove(*aSIt, theParamList);
+ if (theEntity->type() == ENTITY_ARC) {
+ // workaround for the arc processing, because the arc is fixed by a set of constraints,
+ // which will conflict with all parameters fixed:
+ // 1. take center
+ getParametersToMove(*aSIt++, theParamList);
+ // 2. take start point
+ getParametersToMove(*aSIt++, theParamList);
+ // 3. skip end point, radius and start angle, but take end angle parameter
+ getParametersToMove(*(++aSIt), theParamList);
+ } else {
+ for (; aSIt != aSubs.end(); ++aSIt)
+ getParametersToMove(*aSIt, theParamList);
+ }
void PlaneGCSSolver_Storage::toggleEntity(