std::vector<Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject> CurveCreator_Curve::constructWire() const
std::vector<Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject> aCurveRepresentation;
+#ifndef ONE_SHAPE
std::vector<Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject> aSectionObjects;
for( int iSection = 0 ; iSection < getNbSections() ; iSection++ ){
aSectionObjects = constructSection( iSection );
aCurveRepresentation.push_back( );
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+ CurveCreator_Utils::constructShape( this, aShape );
+ AIS_Shape* anAISShape = new AIS_Shape( aShape );
+ //aShape->SetSelectionMode( AIS_Shape::SelectionMode( (TopAbs_ShapeEnum)TopAbs_VERTEX ) );
+ aCurveRepresentation.push_back( anAISShape );
return aCurveRepresentation;
#include "CurveCreator_TableView.h"
+#include "CurveCreator_UtilsICurve.hxx"
#include <QTableWidget>
#include <QTableWidgetItem>
const double DBL_MINIMUM = -10000000.;
const double DBL_MAXIMUM = 10000000.;
+const double LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE = 0.0001;
CurveCreator_TableItemDelegate::CurveCreator_TableItemDelegate( QObject* theParent )
: QItemDelegate( theParent )
QItemDelegate::setModelData( theEditor, theModel, theIndex );
+CurveCreator_TableView::CurveCreator_TableView( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve, QWidget* theParent )
+: QTableWidget( theParent ), myCurve( theCurve )
+ setItemDelegate( new CurveCreator_TableItemDelegate( this ) );
+ setVisible( false );
+ setColumnCount( 4 );
+ setColumnWidth( 0, SECTION_NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH );
+ setColumnWidth( 1, POINT_INDEX_COLUMN_WIDTH );
+ QStringList aLabels;
+ //aLabels << tr( "SECTION_LABEL" ) << tr( "IDENTIFIER_LABEL" ) << tr( "X_POSITION_LBL" ) << tr( "Y_POSITION_LBL" );
+ aLabels << tr( "Section" ) << "Index" << tr( "X" ) << tr( "Y" );
+ setHorizontalHeaderLabels( aLabels );
+void CurveCreator_TableView::setCurve( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve )
+ myCurve = theCurve;
+void CurveCreator_TableView::addLocalPointToTable( const double theX, const double theY )
+ CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints;
+ CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::findSectionsToPoints( myCurve, theX, theY, aPoints );
+ CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aSkipList;
+ // table could not contain two equal value rows
+ int aRowId = rowCount();
+ double aCurrentX, aCurrentY;
+ int aSectionId, aPointId;
+ CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint aPoint;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < aRowId; i++ ) {
+ aCurrentX = item( i, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toDouble();
+ aCurrentY = item( i, 3 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toDouble();
+ if ( fabs( aCurrentX - theX ) < LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE &&
+ fabs( aCurrentY - theY ) < LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE ) {
+ aPoint = std::make_pair<int, int>( getSectionId( i ), getPointId( i ) );
+ if ( !CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::contains( aSkipList, aPoint ) )
+ aSkipList.push_back( aPoint );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( aSkipList.size() == aPoints.size() )
+ return;
+ QTableWidgetItem* anItem;
+ CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt = aPoints.begin(),
+ aLast = aPoints.end();
+ for ( ; anIt != aLast; anIt++ ) {
+ aPoint = *anIt;
+ if ( CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::contains( aSkipList, aPoint ) )
+ continue;
+ setRowCount( aRowId+1 );
+ aSectionId = aPoint.first;
+ aPointId = aPoint.second;
+ anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( myCurve->getSectionName( aSectionId ).c_str() );
+ anItem->setFlags( anItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
+ anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, aSectionId );
+ setItem( aRowId, 0, anItem );
+ anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( QString::number( aPointId + 1 ) );
+ anItem->setFlags( anItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
+ anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, aPointId );
+ setItem( aRowId, 1, anItem );
+ anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( QString::number( theX ) );
+ anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, theX );
+ setItem( aRowId, 2, anItem );
+ anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( QString::number( theY ) );
+ anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, theY );
+ setItem( aRowId, 3, anItem );
+ }
+int CurveCreator_TableView::getSectionId( const int theRowId ) const
+ return item( theRowId, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toInt();
+ * Returns a point index from the table
+ * \param theRowId a table row
+ */
+int CurveCreator_TableView::getPointId( const int theRowId ) const
+ return item( theRowId, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toInt();
+#include "CurveCreator_ICurve.hxx"
#include <QItemDelegate>
+#include <QTableWidget>
class CurveCreator_TableItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate
const QModelIndex& theIndex ) const;
+class CurveCreator_TableView : public QTableWidget
+ CurveCreator_TableView( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve, QWidget* theParent = 0 );
+ ~CurveCreator_TableView() {};
+ void setCurve( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve );
+ void addLocalPointToTable( const double theX, const double theY );
+ /**
+ * Returns a section index from the table
+ * \param theRowId a table row
+ */
+ int getSectionId( const int theRowId ) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns a point index from the table
+ * \param theRowId a table row
+ */
+ int getPointId( const int theRowId ) const;
+ CurveCreator_ICurve* myCurve;
+void CurveCreator_Utils::constructShape( const CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve,
+ TopoDS_Shape& theShape )
+ BRep_Builder aBuilder;
+ TopoDS_Compound aComp;
+ aBuilder.MakeCompound( aComp );
+ for( int iSection = 0 ; iSection < theCurve->getNbSections() ; iSection++ )
+ {
+ int theISection = iSection;
+ CurveCreator::SectionType aSectType = theCurve->getSectionType( theISection );
+ int aPointSize = theCurve->getNbPoints( theISection );
+ bool aSectIsClosed = theCurve->isClosed( theISection );
+ bool isPolyline = aSectType == CurveCreator::Polyline;
+ int iPoint = 0;
+ gp_Pnt aPrevPoint, aPoint;
+ if ( aPointSize == 1 ) {
+ CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getPoint( theCurve, theISection, iPoint, aPoint );
+ TopoDS_Vertex aVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( aPoint ).Vertex();
+ aBuilder.Add( aComp, aVertex );
+ }
+ else if ( aPointSize > 1 ) {
+ Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) aHCurvePoints = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt (1, aPointSize);
+ int aHIndex = 1;
+ TopoDS_Edge aPointEdge;
+ TopoDS_Vertex aVertex;
+ CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getPoint( theCurve, theISection, iPoint, aPoint );
+ aVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( aPoint ).Vertex();
+ aBuilder.Add( aComp, aVertex );
+ aHCurvePoints->SetValue(aHIndex++, aPoint);
+ aPrevPoint = aPoint;
+ iPoint++;
+ for( ; iPoint < aPointSize; iPoint++ ) {
+ CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getPoint( theCurve, theISection, iPoint, aPoint );
+ aVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( aPoint ).Vertex();
+ aBuilder.Add( aComp, aVertex );
+ aHCurvePoints->SetValue(aHIndex++, aPoint);
+ if ( isPolyline ) {
+ aPointEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge( aPrevPoint, aPoint ).Edge();
+ aBuilder.Add( aComp, aPointEdge );
+ }
+ aPrevPoint = aPoint;
+ }
+ if( aSectIsClosed && ( aPointSize > 2 ) ) {
+ CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getPoint( theCurve, theISection, 0, aPoint );
+ aVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex( aPoint ).Vertex();
+ aBuilder.Add( aComp, aVertex );
+ if ( isPolyline ) {
+ aPointEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge( aPrevPoint, aPoint ).Edge();
+ aBuilder.Add( aComp, aPointEdge );
+ }
+ }
+ if( !isPolyline ) {
+ // compute BSpline
+ Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) aBSplineCurve;
+ GeomAPI_Interpolate aGBC(aHCurvePoints, aSectIsClosed, gp::Resolution());
+ aGBC.Perform();
+ if ( aGBC.IsDone() )
+ aBSplineCurve = aGBC.Curve();
+ TopoDS_Edge anEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge( aBSplineCurve ).Edge();
+ TopoDS_Wire aWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire( anEdge ).Wire();
+ aBuilder.Add( aComp, aWire );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ theShape = aComp;
std::list<float> CurveCreator_Utils::getSelectedPoints( Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) theContext )
std::list<float> aSelectedPoints;
Handle(V3d_View) theView );
- * Generates shape on the curve
+ * Generates shape on the curve with a fixed section index
* \param theCurve a curve object, that contains data
* \param theISection a curve section index
* \param theShape a generated shape
TopoDS_Shape& theShape,
std::vector<Handle_AIS_InteractiveObject>& theAdditional );
+ /**
+ * Generates shape on the curve
+ * \param theCurve a curve object, that contains data
+ * \param theShape a generated shape
+ */
+ CURVECREATOR_EXPORT static void constructShape( const CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve,
+ TopoDS_Shape& theShape );
* Find selected points in the context
* \param theContext the viewer context
thePoint = gp_Pnt( anX, anY, aZ);
- * Returns whethe the container has the value
- * \param theList a container of values
- * \param theValue a value
- */
+std::string CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getUniqSectionName( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve )
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < 1000000 ; i++ ){
+ char aBuffer[255];
+ sprintf( aBuffer, "Section_%d", i+1 );
+ std::string aName(aBuffer);
+ int j;
+ for( j = 0 ; j < theCurve->getNbSections() ; j++ ){
+ if( theCurve->getSectionName(j) == aName )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( j == theCurve->getNbSections() )
+ return aName;
+ }
+ return "";
bool CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::contains( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& theList,
const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint& theValue )
CURVECREATOR_EXPORT static void getPoint( const CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve, const int theISection,
const int theIPoint, gp_Pnt& thePoint );
+ /*!
+ * Returns a unique section name
+ * \param theCurve a curve interface
+ */
+ CURVECREATOR_EXPORT static std::string getUniqSectionName(
+ CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve );
* Returns whethe the container has the value
* \param theList a container of values
#include <QTableWidget>
const double LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE = 0.0001;
-const int SCENE_PIXEL_TOLERANCE = 10;
CurveCreator_Widget::CurveCreator_Widget(QWidget* parent,
CurveCreator_ICurve *theCurve,
connect( mySectionView, SIGNAL(sectionEntered(int)), this, SLOT(onEditSection(int)) );
connect( mySectionView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(onContextMenu(QPoint)) );
- myLocalPointView = new QTableWidget();
- myLocalPointView->setItemDelegate( new CurveCreator_TableItemDelegate( myLocalPointView ) );
- myLocalPointView->setVisible( false );
- myLocalPointView->setColumnCount( 4 );
- myLocalPointView->setColumnWidth( 0, SECTION_NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH );
- myLocalPointView->setColumnWidth( 1, POINT_INDEX_COLUMN_WIDTH );
- QStringList aLabels;
- //aLabels << tr( "SECTION_LABEL" ) << tr( "IDENTIFIER_LABEL" ) << tr( "X_POSITION_LBL" ) << tr( "Y_POSITION_LBL" );
- aLabels << tr( "Section" ) << "Index" << tr( "X" ) << tr( "Y" );
- myLocalPointView->setHorizontalHeaderLabels( aLabels );
+ myLocalPointView = new CurveCreator_TableView( myCurve, this );
connect( myLocalPointView, SIGNAL( cellChanged( int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( onCellChanged( int, int ) ) );
// aLay->addLayout(aNameLayout);
- onSelectionChanged();
+ updateActionsStates();
+ updateUndoRedo();
-// function: getUniqSectionName
-// purpose: return unique section name
-std::string CurveCreator_Widget::getUniqSectionName( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve ) const
- for( int i = 0 ; i < 1000000 ; i++ ){
- char aBuffer[255];
- sprintf( aBuffer, "Section_%d", i+1 );
- std::string aName(aBuffer);
- int j;
- for( j = 0 ; j < theCurve->getNbSections() ; j++ ){
- if( theCurve->getSectionName(j) == aName )
- break;
- }
- if( j == theCurve->getNbSections() )
- return aName;
- }
- return "";
void CurveCreator_Widget::setCurve( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve )
myCurve = theCurve;
- mySectionView->setCurve(myCurve);
- onSelectionChanged();
+ mySectionView->setCurve( myCurve );
+ myLocalPointView->setCurve( myCurve );
+ updateActionsStates();
void CurveCreator_Widget::onSelectionChanged()
+ updateActionsStates();
+ updateUndoRedo();
+ emit selectionChanged();
+void CurveCreator_Widget::updateActionsStates()
QList<ActionId> anEnabledAct;
if( myCurve ){
- updateUndoRedo();
- emit selectionChanged();
void CurveCreator_Widget::onAdditionMode(bool checked)
- onSelectionChanged();
+ updateActionsStates();
+ updateUndoRedo();
setLocalPointContext( aMode == ModificationMode, true );
int aSection = aSections[0];
myCurve->addPoints(theCoords, aSection); // add to the end of section
mySectionView->pointsAdded( aSection, myCurve->getNbPoints( aSection ) );
- onSelectionChanged();
+ updateActionsStates();
- QString aSectName = QString( getUniqSectionName(myCurve).c_str() );
+ QString aSectName = QString( CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getUniqSectionName( myCurve ).c_str() );
myNewSectionEditor->setSectionParameters(aSectName, true, CurveCreator::Polyline );
emit subOperationStarted( myNewSectionEditor );
if( !myCurve )
- myCurve->addSection( myNewSectionEditor->getName().toStdString(), myNewSectionEditor->getSectionType(),
- myNewSectionEditor->isClosed() );
+ myCurve->addSection( myNewSectionEditor->getName().toStdString(),
+ myNewSectionEditor->getSectionType(),
+ myNewSectionEditor->isClosed() );
mySectionView->sectionAdded( -1 ); // add a new section to the end of list
- QString aNewName = QString(getUniqSectionName(myCurve).c_str());
+ QString aNewName = QString( CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getUniqSectionName( myCurve ).c_str() );
- onSelectionChanged();
+ updateActionsStates();
- onSelectionChanged();
+ updateActionsStates();
- onSelectionChanged();
+ updateActionsStates();
void CurveCreator_Widget::onCellChanged( int theRow, int theColumn )
- int aCurrSect = getSectionId( theRow );
- int aPntIndex = getPointId( theRow );
+ int aCurrSect = myLocalPointView->getSectionId( theRow );
+ int aPntIndex = myLocalPointView->getPointId( theRow );
if ( aPntIndex < 0 )
float anY = *anIt;
float aZ = *anIt;
- addLocalPointToTable( aX, anY );
+ myLocalPointView->addLocalPointToTable( aX, anY );
-void CurveCreator_Widget::addLocalPointToTable( const double theX, const double theY )
- CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints;
- findSectionsToPoints( theX, theY, aPoints );
- CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aSkipList;
- // table could not contain two equal value rows
- int aRowId = myLocalPointView->rowCount();
- double aCurrentX, aCurrentY;
- int aSectionId, aPointId;
- CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint aPoint;
- for ( int i = 0; i < aRowId; i++ ) {
- aCurrentX = myLocalPointView->item( i, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toDouble();
- aCurrentY = myLocalPointView->item( i, 3 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toDouble();
- if ( fabs( aCurrentX - theX ) < LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE &&
- fabs( aCurrentY - theY ) < LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE ) {
- aPoint = std::make_pair<int, int>( getSectionId( i ), getPointId( i ) );
- if ( !contains( aSkipList, aPoint ) )
- aSkipList.push_back( aPoint );
- }
- }
- if ( aSkipList.size() == aPoints.size() )
- return;
- QTableWidgetItem* anItem;
- CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt = aPoints.begin(),
- aLast = aPoints.end();
- for ( ; anIt != aLast; anIt++ ) {
- aPoint = *anIt;
- if ( contains( aSkipList, aPoint ) )
- continue;
- myLocalPointView->setRowCount( aRowId+1 );
- aSectionId = aPoint.first;
- aPointId = aPoint.second;
- anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( myCurve->getSectionName( aSectionId ).c_str() );
- anItem->setFlags( anItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, aSectionId );
- myLocalPointView->setItem( aRowId, 0, anItem );
- anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( QString::number( aPointId + 1 ) );
- anItem->setFlags( anItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, aPointId );
- myLocalPointView->setItem( aRowId, 1, anItem );
- anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( QString::number( theX ) );
- anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, theX );
- myLocalPointView->setItem( aRowId, 2, anItem );
- anItem = new QTableWidgetItem( QString::number( theY ) );
- anItem->setData( Qt::UserRole, theY );
- myLocalPointView->setItem( aRowId, 3, anItem );
- }
* Set drag operation started. Save the position and a list of dragged points
* \param theState the drag operation state: started/finished
for ( int i = 0, aNb = myLocalPointView->rowCount(); i < aNb; i++ )
- thePoints.push_back( std::make_pair( getSectionId( i ), getPointId( i ) ) );
+ thePoints.push_back( std::make_pair( myLocalPointView->getSectionId( i ),
+ myLocalPointView->getPointId( i ) ) );
const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint& theSToPoint )
bool isIntersect = false;
if ( theVertex.IsNull() )
return isIntersect;
- gp_Pnt aPnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt( theVertex );
- CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints;
- findSectionsToPoints( aPnt.X(), aPnt.Y(), aPoints );
- CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt = aPoints.begin(),
- aLast = aPoints.end();
- CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint aPoint;
- for ( ; anIt != aLast && !isIntersect; anIt++ ) {
- aPoint = *anIt;
- isIntersect = aPoint.first == theSToPoint.first && aPoint.second == theSToPoint.second;
- }
+ gp_Pnt aSPoint;
+ CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getPoint( myCurve, theSToPoint.first, theSToPoint.second,
+ aSPoint );
+ gp_Pnt aVertexPoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt( theVertex );
+ isIntersect = fabs( aVertexPoint.X() - aSPoint.X() ) < LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE &&
+ fabs( aVertexPoint.Y() - aSPoint.Y() ) < LOCAL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE;
return isIntersect;
bool isSelectedVertex = false;
for( ; anIt != aLast; anIt++ ) {
aSToPoint = *anIt;
for ( AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive it( aDisplayedList ); it.More(); it.Next() )
Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anAIS = it.Value();
return CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::convert( thePoints, theConvPoints );
- * Returns a section index from the table
- * \param theRowId a table row
- */
-int CurveCreator_Widget::getSectionId( const int theRowId ) const
- return myLocalPointView->item( theRowId, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toInt();
- * Returns a point index from the table
- * \param theRowId a table row
- */
-int CurveCreator_Widget::getPointId( const int theRowId ) const
- return myLocalPointView->item( theRowId, 1 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toInt();
* Returns whethe the container has the value
* \param theList a container of values
class QAction;
class QPixmap;
-class QTableWidget;
+class CurveCreator_TableView;
class CurveCreator_TreeView;
class CurveCreator_NewPointDlg;
class CurveCreator_NewSectionDlg;
void setObjectsSelected(const AIS_ListOfInteractive& theList);
void reset();
- //! Return unique section name
- std::string getUniqSectionName(CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve) const;
void setCurve( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve );
QList<int> getSelectedSections();
QAction* getAction(ActionId theId);
ActionMode getActionMode() const;
- void updateUndoRedo();
+ void updateActionsStates();
+ void updateUndoRedo();
void removeSection();
void removePoint();
void moveSelectedPoints( const int theXPosition, const int theYPosition );
void updateLocalPointView();
void setLocalPointContext( const bool theOpen, const bool isUpdateTable = false );
- void addLocalPointToTable( const double theX, const double theY );
void setDragStarted( const bool theState, const QPoint& thePoint = QPoint() );
void convert( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& thePoints,
QMap<int, QList<int> >& theConvPoints );
- // local point view table methods
- int getSectionId( const int theRowId ) const;
- int getPointId( const int theRowId ) const;
bool contains( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& theList,
const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint& theValue ) const;
QMap<ActionId, QAction*> myActionMap;
- CurveCreator_ICurve* myCurve;
+ CurveCreator_ICurve* myCurve;
CurveCreator_TreeView* mySectionView;
- QTableWidget* myLocalPointView;
+ CurveCreator_TableView* myLocalPointView;
CurveCreator_NewSectionDlg* myNewSectionEditor;
OCCViewer_Viewer* myOCCViewer;
int mySection;