create sketch, create a line, select a line, click 'Horizontal' constraint, the result is constraint is visualized but the line is not redisplayed. The reason is the mouse cursor is out of the viewer.
if (isVisibleObject) { // redisplay visible object
- displayObject(aObj); // In order to update presentation
+ //displayObject(aObj); // In order to update presentation
+ // in order to avoid the check whether the object can be redisplayed, the exact method
+ // of redisplay is called. This modification is made in order to have the line is updated
+ // by creation of a horizontal constraint on the line by preselection
+ myDisplayer->redisplay(aObj, false);
if (myOperationMgr->hasOperation()) {
ModuleBase_Operation* aOperation = myOperationMgr->currentOperation();
if (!aOperation->isEditOperation() &&