#include <set>
#include <utility>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
// Constructors
myOutputGroup->RadioButton1->setText(tr( "GEOM_SPLINE"));
+ myOutputGroup->hide(); //caché pour la demo
// NOTE what follows is mostly unuseful but is kept until end of development as code examples
myCoordGrp1 = new QGroupBox(tr("GEOM_SCALING"), centralWidget());
QGridLayout* myCoordGrpLayout = new QGridLayout(myCoordGrp1);
GEOM::ListOfGO_var geomContours = new GEOM::ListOfGO();
int contourCount = 0;
+ bool insert;
MESSAGE("hierarchy.size() =" << hierarchy.size())
for( ; idx >= 0; idx = hierarchy[idx][0] )
contour = contours[idx];
std::vector< cv::Point >::iterator it;
+ std::vector< cv::Point >::iterator it_previous;
+ std::vector< cv::Point >::iterator it_next;
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomContourPnt;
GEOM::ListOfGO_var geomContourPnts = new GEOM::ListOfGO();
geomContourPnts->length( contour.size() );
// double z = aContourPnt.Z();
// When using the new way with textures on shapes we just have to do the following
- int pnt_array[] = {it->x,it->y};
+ int pnt_array[] = {it->x,it->y};
std::vector<int> pnt (pnt_array, pnt_array + sizeof(pnt_array) / sizeof(int) );
if (pnt_it.second == true) // To avoid double points in the contours
- double x = -0.5 *width + it->x;
- double y = 0.5 *height - it->y;
- double z = 0;
- aGeomContourPnt = aBasicOperations->MakePointXYZ( x,y,z );
- geomContourPnts->length( j+1 );
- geomContourPnts[j] = aGeomContourPnt;
- j++;
+ insert = true;
+ if (it!=contour.begin()) // From the second point on perform some checking to avoid loops in the contours we build
+ {
+ it_previous = boost::prior(it);
+ it_next = boost::next(it);
+ double u_v_scalar_product = (it->x - it_previous->x) * (it_next->x - it->x) +
+ (it->y - it_previous->y) * (it_next->y - it->y);
+ if (u_v_scalar_product < 0)
+ {
+ double u_v_cross_product = (it->x - it_previous->x) * (it_next->y - it->y) -
+ (it->y - it_previous->y) * (it_next->x - it->x);
+ double norme_u = sqrt ( (it->x - it_previous->x)*(it->x - it_previous->x) +
+ (it->y - it_previous->y)*(it->y - it_previous->y) );
+ double norme_v = sqrt ( (it->x - it_next->x)*(it->x - it_next->x) +
+ (it->y - it_next->y)*(it->y - it_next->y) );
+ double u_v_sinus = u_v_cross_product / (norme_u * norme_v);
+ if (u_v_sinus < Precision::Confusion())
+ {
+ insert =false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (insert)
+ {
+ double x = -0.5 *width + it->x;
+ double y = 0.5 *height - it->y;
+ double z = 0;
+ aGeomContourPnt = aBasicOperations->MakePointXYZ( x,y,z );
+ geomContourPnts->length( j+1 );
+ geomContourPnts[j] = aGeomContourPnt;
+ j++;
+ }