# -x script.gdb
# -nx to skip .gdbinit
-from pathlib import Path
+def defaultGDBExecutionStrRepresentation(returncode, stdout, stderr):
+ return f"""returnCode = {returncode}
+stdout = {stdout.decode()}
+stderr = {stderr.decode()}
+def dealWithBacktraceAllThreads(remoteGlbs, pid, outFileStoringBt):
+ idiotPattern = "@@@@"
+ # voluntarary do not decrement len by one just to be sure to not forget one thread
+ gdbFileForNbThreads = f"""i threads
+python print("{idiotPattern}"+str( len(gdb.execute("i threads", to_string=True).splitlines())) )
+ gdbFileForBtOfThread = """thread {}
+ def RetrieveNbThreadsFromOutput( output ):
+ import re
+ pat = re.compile( "^{}([\d]+)$".format(idiotPattern) )
+ f = [elt for elt in output.split("\n") if pat.match(elt)]
+ if len(f) != 1:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Fail to detect nb Threads in process with PID = {pid}")
+ nbThreads = int( pat.match(f[0]).group(1) )
+ return nbThreads
+ def RetrieveTraceOfThread(remoteGlbs, pid, threadIdInGdbNumberingFrmt, outFileStoringBt):
+ print(f"storing bt of thread {threadIdInGdbNumberingFrmt} into file {outFileStoringBt}")
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=f"thread_{threadIdInGdbNumberingFrmt}_",suffix=".gdb",mode="w") as f:
+ f.write( gdbFileForBtOfThread.format(threadIdInGdbNumberingFrmt) )
+ f.flush()
+ returncode, stdout, stderr = remoteGlbs.execute(["gdb","-batch","-x",f"{f.name}","attach",str(pid)])
+ with open(outFileStoringBt,"a") as f:
+ f.write( "{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(100*"#",f"Backtrace of thread #{threadIdInGdbNumberingFrmt}",100*"#") )
+ f.write( defaultGDBExecutionStrRepresentation(returncode, stdout, stderr) )
+ import tempfile
+ with open(outFileStoringBt,"w") as f:
+ f.write( "{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(100*"#",f"Detection of number of threads in process PID = {pid}",100*"#") )
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="nb_threads_",suffix=".gdb",mode="w") as f:
+ f.write( gdbFileForNbThreads )
+ f.flush()
+ returncode, stdout, stderr = remoteGlbs.execute(["gdb","-batch","-x",f"{f.name}","attach",str(pid)])
+ with open(outFileStoringBt,"a") as f:
+ f.write( defaultGDBExecutionStrRepresentation(returncode, stdout, stderr) )
+ nbThreads = RetrieveNbThreadsFromOutput( stdout.decode() )
+ print(f"Nb threads detected in process with PID {pid} : {nbThreads}")
+ with open(outFileStoringBt,"a") as f:
+ f.write( "{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(100*"#",f"Number of threads detected = {nbThreads}",100*"#") )
+ for threadId in range(1,nbThreads+1):
+ RetrieveTraceOfThread(remoteGlbs, pid, threadId, outFileStoringBt)
+ pass
+def dealStandard(remoteGlbs, pid, gdbfile):
+ gdbfile = gdbfile.absolute()
+ if not gdbfile.exists():
+ raise RuntimeError(f"GDB commands file {gdbfile} does not exist !")
+ print(f"PID tracked : {pid}")
+ print(f"GDB file : {gdbfile}")
+ returncode, stdout, stderr = remoteGlbs.execute(["gdb","-batch","-x",f"{gdbfile}","attach",str(pid)])
+ st = defaultGDBExecutionStrRepresentation(returncode, stdout, stderr)
+ print(st)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description = "To be used in association of a process launched nested inside a salome_process_launcher session.")
parser.add_argument("rendez_vous_file", type=Path, help="Rendez vous file specified in corresponding salome_process_launcher.")
- parser.add_argument("gdb_cmds_file", type=Path, help="GDB commands to be executed remotely.")
+ parser.add_argument("-gcf","--gdb-cmds-file", dest="gdb_cmds_file", type=Path, default=None, help="GDB commands to be executed remotely.")
parser.add_argument("--pid", dest="pid_to_track", type=int, default=DFT_PID_VALUE, help="PID of process, the debugger will be attached on ( typically a son or a little son process of process whose PID is registred inside salome_process_launcher process)")
+ parser.add_argument("-abt","--backtrace-all-threads", dest ="backtrace_all_threads", default=None, help = "Specify backtrace log file to be written that will contain backtrace of all threads of target process. If activated gdb_cmds_file is ignored.", type=Path) # action='store_true'
args = parser.parse_args()
rdv, gdbfile = args.rendez_vous_file, args.gdb_cmds_file
if not rdv.exists():
raise RuntimeError(f"Rendez-vous file {rdv} does not exist !")
- gdbfile = gdbfile.absolute()
- if not gdbfile.exists():
- raise RuntimeError(f"GDB commands file {gdbfile} does not exist !")
- gdbfile = gdbfile.absolute()
+ if args.backtrace_all_threads and args.gdb_cmds_file:
+ parser.error("Argument gdb_cmds_file is not required when --backtrace-all-threads is set.")
+ if not args.backtrace_all_threads and not args.gdb_cmds_file:
+ parser.error("Argument -gcf is required when -abt is not set.")
remoteNS = salome.naming_service.LoadIORInFile(f"{rdv}")
remoteGlbs = salome.orb.string_to_object( remoteNS.Resolve("PID_TO_TRACK").decode() )
import pickle
pidToTrack = pickle.loads( remoteGlbs.getAttr("CTX0") )["pid"]
if args.pid_to_track != DFT_PID_VALUE:
pidToTrack = args.pid_to_track
- print(f"PID tracked : {pidToTrack}")
- returncode, stdout, stderr = remoteGlbs.execute(["gdb","-batch","-x",f"{gdbfile}","attach",str(pidToTrack)])
- st = f"""returnCode = {returncode}
- stdout = {stdout.decode()}
- stderr = {stderr.decode()}
- """
- print(st)
+ if args.backtrace_all_threads:
+ dealWithBacktraceAllThreads(remoteGlbs,pidToTrack,args.backtrace_all_threads)
+ else:
+ dealStandard(remoteGlbs,pidToTrack,gdbfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":