To make the use of « Bloc Fissure » easier, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed.\r
Inputs are similar to those of :ref:`script mode <script>`. GUI is accessible in the SMESH extension *Add a crack in a mesh*\r
-.. figure:: images/BF_GUI_capture.png\r
- :width: 700\r
+.. image:: images/BF_GUI_capture.png\r
+ :scale: 100\r
:align: center\r
+ :alt: Window of the graphical interface\r
- Windows of the graphical interface\r
+Window of the graphical interface\r
| GUI parameters |\r
-| **maillageSain** | *[string]* | Relative address of the input structure 3D mesh |\r
+| **Maillage sain** | *[string]* | Relative address of the input structure 3D mesh |\r
| | ex: mesh/ | in MED format (base is repertoire de travail) |\r
-| **FaceFissure** | *[string]* | Relative address of the input crack geometry |\r
-| | ex: mesh/fissure.brep | in BREP format (base is repertoire de travail) |\r
+| **Face fissure** | *[string]* | Relative address of the input crack geometry in |\r
+| | ex: mesh/fissure.xao | BREP or XAO format (base is repertoire de travail) |\r
-| **index edges fond | *[list of integers]* | List of edges number which define the crack front |\r
-| fissure** | ex: [1,2] | |\r
+| **Arêtes fond | *[list of strings]* | Definition of the crack front: |\r
+| fissure** | ex: ["F_1", "F_2"] | If XAO: list of the names of the edge group(s) |\r
+| | *[list of integers]* | If BREP (or XAO): list of edges number in GEOM |\r
+| | ex: [1,2] | |\r
+| **Distance | *[float]* | Length of influence - distance that defines the |\r
+| d'influence** | ex: 20.0000 | size of the extracted Box around the crack |\r
| **min** | *[float]* | Float defining the minimum size of elements |\r
| | ex: 1.00000 | to mesh the crack |\r
| **max** | *[float]* | Float defining the maximum size of elements |\r
| | ex: 10.0000 | to mesh the crack |\r
-| **distance | *[float]* | Length of influence - distance that defines the |\r
-| influence** | ex: 20.0000 | size of the extracted Box around the crack |\r
-| **rayon pipe** | *[float]* | Radius of the tore around the front |\r
+| **Rayon pipe** | *[float]* | Radius of the tore around the front |\r
| | ex: 5.00000 | |\r
-| **longueur mailles** | *[float]* | Length of the segments of the tore along crack front |\r
+| **Longueur mailles** | *[float]* | Length of the segments of the tore along crack front |\r
| | ex: 5.00000 | |\r
-| **couronnes** | *[integer]* | Number of radial segment of the tore |\r
+| **Couronnes** | *[integer]* | Number of radial segment of the tore |\r
| | ex: 5 | |\r
-| **secteurs** | *[integer]* | Number of sectors of the tore |\r
+| **Secteurs** | *[integer]* | Number of sectors of the tore |\r
| | ex: 16 | |\r
-| **arete face | *[float]* | Mesh size of elements for the Box remeshing |\r
+| **Triangles face | *[float]* | Mesh size of elements for the Box remeshing |\r
| fissure** | ex: 5.0000 | |\r
-| **repertoire de | *[string]* | Absolute address of the directory where files are |\r
+| **Répertoire de | *[string]* | Absolute address of the directory where files are |\r
| travail** | ex: /home/A123456 | saved |\r
-| **nom résultat** | *[string]* | Name of the resulting mesh |\r
+| **Nom du résultat** | *[string]* | Name of the resulting mesh |\r
| | ex: maillage_fissure | |\r
-| **mode** | *[choice]* | Verbose mode for Salome messages |\r
+| **Mode** | *[choice]* | Verbose mode for Salome messages |\r
| | ex: verbose | |\r
-.. figure:: images/parametres_GUI.png\r
+.. image:: images/parametres_GUI.png\r
:width: 350\r
:align: center\r
+ :alt: Tore parameters\r
+Tore parameters\r
- Tore parameters\r
+- **Exemple**: fills the panels with a test-case\r
- **Reset**: clears all the parameters\r
- **Sauver**: save a .dic file with the active parameters\r
-- **Cancel**: exit GUI\r
+- **Fermer**: exit GUI\r
-- **Sauver**: Launch calculation\r
+- **OK**: Launch calculation\r
| **maillageSain** | *[string]* | Absolute address of the input structure 3D mesh |\r
| | | in MED format |\r
-| **BrepFaceFissure** | *[string]* | Absolute address of the input crack geometry |\r
-| | | in BREP format |\r
+| **CAOFaceFissure** | *[string]* | Absolute address of the input crack geometry |\r
+| | | in XAO or BREP format |\r
-| **edgeFissIds** | *[list of integers]* | List of edges number which define the crack front |\r
+| **edgeFiss** | *[list of strings]* | List of edges group which define the crack front |\r
+| | *[list of integers]* | List of edges number which define the crack front |\r
| **meshBrep** | *[list of 2 floats]* | List of two floats defining respectively minimum and |\r
| | | maximum size of elements of the crack mesh |\r
.. image:: images/parametres.png\r
:width: 350\r
:align: center\r
+ :alt: Geometrical parameters of the tore\r
Different levels of verbose are available. Use one of this 4 optional functions to set verbose type:\r
dicoParams = dict(nomCas = 'cubeFiss',\r
maillageSain = "/home/A123456/BF/",\r
- brepFaceFissure = "/home/A123456/BF/fiss.brep",\r
- edgeFissIds = [4],\r
+ CAOFaceFissure = "/home/A123456/BF/fiss.xao",\r
+ edgeFiss = ["Fond"],\r
lgInfluence = 20.,\r
meshBrep = (5.,10.),\r
rayonPipe = 5.,\r
| :width: 400 | :width: 400 |\r
| :align: center | :align: center |\r
+| tube |\r
.. _pipeTC:\r
And change from 0 to 1 of the index of the test you want to launch::\r
- torun = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]\r
+ torun = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]\r
then launch the test cases::\r
| cubeMilieu | ellipse_2 | fissureCoude_1 | fissureCoude_6 | vis_1 |\r
-| cubeTransverse | eprouvetteCourbe | fissureCoude_10 | fissureCoude_7 | |\r
+| cubeTransverse | eprouvetteCourbe | fissureCoude_10 | fissureCoude_7 | tube |\r
| cylindre | eprouvetteDroite | fissureCoude_2 | fissureCoude_8 | |\r