from daCore import BasicObjects, PlatformInfo
from daCore.NumericObjects import ApplyBounds, ForceNumericBounds
from daCore.PlatformInfo import vfloat
+lpi = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo()
# ==============================================================================
class ElementaryAlgorithm(BasicObjects.Algorithm):
def run(self, Xb=None, Y=None, U=None, HO=None, EM=None, CM=None, R=None, B=None, Q=None, Parameters=None):
self._pre_run(Parameters, Xb, Y, U, HO, EM, CM, R, B, Q)
- if not PlatformInfo.has_nlopt and not self._parameters["Minimizer"] in ["COBYLA", "POWELL", "SIMPLEX"]:
+ if not lpi.has_nlopt and not self._parameters["Minimizer"] in ["COBYLA", "POWELL", "SIMPLEX"]:
"%s Minimization by SIMPLEX is forced because %s "%(self._name, self._parameters["Minimizer"]) + \
"is unavailable (COBYLA, POWELL are also available)")
full_output = True,
disp = self._parameters["optdisp"],
- elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "COBYLA" and not PlatformInfo.has_nlopt:
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "COBYLA" and not lpi.has_nlopt:
def make_constraints(bounds):
constraints = []
for (i, (a, b)) in enumerate(bounds):
catol = 2. * self._parameters["StateVariationTolerance"],
disp = self._parameters["optdisp"],
- elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "COBYLA" and PlatformInfo.has_nlopt:
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "COBYLA" and lpi.has_nlopt:
import nlopt
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_COBYLA, Xini.size)
print("%s: optimal state: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), Minimum))
print("%s: minimum of J: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimum_value()))
print("%s: return code: %i"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimize_result()))
- elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "SIMPLEX" and not PlatformInfo.has_nlopt:
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "SIMPLEX" and not lpi.has_nlopt:
Minimum, J_optimal, niter, nfeval, rc = scipy.optimize.fmin(
func = CostFunction,
x0 = Xini,
full_output = True,
disp = self._parameters["optdisp"],
- elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "SIMPLEX" and PlatformInfo.has_nlopt:
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "SIMPLEX" and lpi.has_nlopt:
import nlopt
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_NELDERMEAD, Xini.size)
print("%s: optimal state: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), Minimum))
print("%s: minimum of J: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimum_value()))
print("%s: return code: %i"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimize_result()))
- elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "BOBYQA" and PlatformInfo.has_nlopt:
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "BOBYQA" and lpi.has_nlopt:
import nlopt
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_BOBYQA, Xini.size)
print("%s: optimal state: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), Minimum))
print("%s: minimum of J: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimum_value()))
print("%s: return code: %i"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimize_result()))
- elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "NEWUOA" and PlatformInfo.has_nlopt:
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "NEWUOA" and lpi.has_nlopt:
import nlopt
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_NEWUOA, Xini.size)
print("%s: optimal state: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), Minimum))
print("%s: minimum of J: %s"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimum_value()))
print("%s: return code: %i"%(opt.get_algorithm_name(), opt.last_optimize_result()))
- elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "SUBPLEX" and PlatformInfo.has_nlopt:
+ elif self._parameters["Minimizer"] == "SUBPLEX" and lpi.has_nlopt:
import nlopt
opt = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_SBPLX, Xini.size)
from daCore import BasicObjects, PlatformInfo
from daCore.NumericObjects import FindIndexesFromNames, SingularValuesEstimation
from daAlgorithms.Atoms import eosg
-mpr = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo().MachinePrecision()
-mfp = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo().MaximumPrecision()
+lpi = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo()
+mpr = lpi.MachinePrecision()
+mfp = lpi.MaximumPrecision()
# ==============================================================================
class ElementaryAlgorithm(BasicObjects.Algorithm):
if cut1pi > 0:
msgs += __marge + "Representing more than 99.99%s of variance requires at least %i mode(s).\n"%("%", cut1pi)
- if PlatformInfo.has_matplotlib and self._parameters["PlotAndSave"]:
+ if lpi.has_matplotlib and self._parameters["PlotAndSave"]:
# Evite les message debug de matplotlib
dL = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
# Initialise l'affichage de logging
# ---------------------------------
- p = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo()
+ lpi = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo()
# "--------------------------------------------------" )
- p.getName() + " version " + p.getVersion() )
+ lpi.getName() + " version " + lpi.getVersion() ) "--------------------------------------------------" ) "Library availability:" ) "- Python.......: True" )
- "- Numpy........: " + str(PlatformInfo.has_numpy) )
- "- Scipy........: " + str(PlatformInfo.has_scipy) )
- "- Matplotlib...: " + str(PlatformInfo.has_matplotlib) )
- "- Gnuplot......: " + str(PlatformInfo.has_gnuplot) )
- "- Sphinx.......: " + str(PlatformInfo.has_sphinx) )
- "- Nlopt........: " + str(PlatformInfo.has_nlopt) )
+ "- Numpy........: " + str(lpi.has_numpy) )
+ "- Scipy........: " + str(lpi.has_scipy) )
+ "- Matplotlib...: " + str(lpi.has_matplotlib) )
+ "- Gnuplot......: " + str(lpi.has_gnuplot) )
+ "- Sphinx.......: " + str(lpi.has_sphinx) )
+ "- Nlopt........: " + str(lpi.has_nlopt) ) "Library versions:" )
- "- Python.......: " + p.getPythonVersion() )
- "- Numpy........: " + p.getNumpyVersion() )
- "- Scipy........: " + p.getScipyVersion() )
- "- Matplotlib...: " + p.getMatplotlibVersion() )
- "- Gnuplot......: " + p.getGnuplotVersion() )
- "- Sphinx.......: " + p.getSphinxVersion() )
- "- Nlopt........: " + p.getNloptVersion() )
+ "- Python.......: " + lpi.getPythonVersion() )
+ "- Numpy........: " + lpi.getNumpyVersion() )
+ "- Scipy........: " + lpi.getScipyVersion() )
+ "- Matplotlib...: " + lpi.getMatplotlibVersion() )
+ "- Gnuplot......: " + lpi.getGnuplotVersion() )
+ "- Sphinx.......: " + lpi.getSphinxVersion() )
+ "- Nlopt........: " + lpi.getNloptVersion() ) "" )
def setLogfile(self, filename=LOGFILE, filemode="w", level=logging.NOTSET):
from daCore import Templates
from daCore import Reporting
from daCore import version
+lpi = PlatformInfo.PlatformInfo()
# ==============================================================================
class GenericCaseViewer(object):
if os.path.isfile(__file) or os.path.islink(__file):
# -----
- if not PlatformInfo.has_salome or \
- not PlatformInfo.has_adao:
+ if not lpi.has_salome or not lpi.has_adao:
raise ImportError(
- "Unable to get SALOME (%s) or ADAO (%s) environnement for YACS conversion.\n"%(PlatformInfo.has_salome, PlatformInfo.has_adao) + \
+ "Unable to get SALOME (%s) or ADAO (%s) environnement for YACS conversion.\n"%(lpi.has_salome, lpi.has_adao) + \
"Please load the right SALOME environnement before trying to use it.")
from import create_schema_from_content
self.__supportedformats["text/tab-separated-values"] = True
self.__supportedformats["application/numpy.npy"] = True
self.__supportedformats["application/numpy.npz"] = True
- self.__supportedformats["application/dymola.sdf"] = PlatformInfo.has_sdf
+ self.__supportedformats["application/dymola.sdf"] = lpi.has_sdf
return self.__supportedformats
def getvalue(self, ColNames=None, ColIndex=None ):
if __usecols is None: # Si une variable demandée n'existe pas
self._colnames = None
- elif self._format == "application/dymola.sdf" and PlatformInfo.has_sdf:
+ elif self._format == "application/dymola.sdf" and lpi.has_sdf:
import sdf
__content = sdf.load(self._filename)
__columns = None
import gzip, bz2, pickle
from daCore.PlatformInfo import PathManagement ; PathManagement() # noqa: E702,E203
-from daCore.PlatformInfo import has_gnuplot, PlatformInfo
-mfp = PlatformInfo().MaximumPrecision()
-if has_gnuplot:
+from daCore.PlatformInfo import PlatformInfo
+lpi = PlatformInfo()
+mfp = lpi.MaximumPrecision()
+if lpi.has_gnuplot:
import Gnuplot
# ==============================================================================
"Préparation des plots"
# Vérification de la disponibilité du module Gnuplot
- if not has_gnuplot:
+ if not lpi.has_gnuplot:
raise ImportError("The Gnuplot module is required to plot the object.")
# Vérification et compléments sur les paramètres d'entrée
# Vérification de la disponibilité du module Gnuplot
- if not has_gnuplot:
+ if not lpi.has_gnuplot:
raise ImportError("The Gnuplot module is required to plot the object.")
# Vérification et compléments sur les paramètres d'entrée
import locale
import logging
import re
+import numpy
+# ==============================================================================
+def uniq( __sequence ):
+ """
+ Fonction pour rendre unique chaque élément d'une liste, en préservant l'ordre
+ """
+ __seen = set()
+ return [x for x in __sequence if x not in __seen and not __seen.add(x)]
+class PathManagement(object):
+ """
+ Mise à jour du path système pour les répertoires d'outils
+ """
+ __slots__ = ("__paths")
+ def __init__(self):
+ "Déclaration des répertoires statiques"
+ parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
+ self.__paths = {}
+ self.__paths["daNumerics"] = os.path.join(parent, "daNumerics")
+ #
+ for v in self.__paths.values():
+ if os.path.isdir(v):
+ sys.path.insert(0, v )
+ #
+ # Conserve en unique exemplaire chaque chemin
+ sys.path = uniq( sys.path )
+ del parent
+ def getpaths(self):
+ """
+ Renvoie le dictionnaire des chemins ajoutés
+ """
+ return self.__paths
# ==============================================================================
class PlatformInfo(object):
Rassemblement des informations sur le code et la plateforme
- __slots__ = ()
+ __slots__ = ("has_salome", "has_yacs", "has_adao", "has_eficas")
def __init__(self):
"Sans effet"
- pass
+ self.has_salome = bool( "SALOME_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
+ self.has_yacs = bool( "YACS_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
+ self.has_adao = bool( "ADAO_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
+ self.has_eficas = bool( "EFICAS_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
+ PathManagement()
def getName(self):
"Retourne le nom de l'application"
"Retourne la version de python disponible"
return ".".join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[0:3]]) # map(str,sys.version_info[0:3]))
+ # Tests des modules système
+ def _has_numpy(self):
+ try:
+ import numpy # noqa: F401
+ has_numpy = True
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("Numpy is not available, despites the fact it is mandatory.")
+ return has_numpy
+ has_numpy = property(fget = _has_numpy)
+ def _has_scipy(self):
+ try:
+ import scipy
+ import scipy.version
+ import scipy.optimize # noqa: F401
+ has_scipy = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_scipy = False
+ return has_scipy
+ has_scipy = property(fget = _has_scipy)
+ def _has_matplotlib(self):
+ try:
+ import matplotlib # noqa: F401
+ has_matplotlib = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_matplotlib = False
+ return has_matplotlib
+ has_matplotlib = property(fget = _has_matplotlib)
+ def _has_sphinx(self):
+ try:
+ import sphinx # noqa: F401
+ has_sphinx = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_sphinx = False
+ return has_sphinx
+ has_sphinx = property(fget = _has_sphinx)
+ def _has_nlopt(self):
+ try:
+ import nlopt # noqa: F401
+ has_nlopt = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_nlopt = False
+ return has_nlopt
+ has_nlopt = property(fget = _has_nlopt)
+ def _has_sdf(self):
+ try:
+ import sdf # noqa: F401
+ has_sdf = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_sdf = False
+ return has_sdf
+ has_sdf = property(fget = _has_sdf)
+ def _has_fmpy(self):
+ try:
+ import fmpy # noqa: F401
+ has_fmpy = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_fmpy = False
+ return has_fmpy
+ has_fmpy = property(fget = _has_fmpy)
+ def _has_buildingspy(self):
+ try:
+ import buildingspy # noqa: F401
+ has_buildingspy = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_buildingspy = False
+ return has_buildingspy
+ has_buildingspy = property(fget = _has_buildingspy)
+ def _has_control(self):
+ try:
+ import control # noqa: F401
+ has_control = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_control = False
+ return has_control
+ has_control = property(fget = _has_control)
+ def _has_modelicares(self):
+ try:
+ import modelicares # noqa: F401
+ has_modelicares = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_modelicares = False
+ return has_modelicares
+ has_modelicares = property(fget = _has_modelicares)
+ # Tests des modules locaux
+ def _has_gnuplot(self):
+ try:
+ import Gnuplot # noqa: F401
+ has_gnuplot = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_gnuplot = False
+ return has_gnuplot
+ has_gnuplot = property(fget = _has_gnuplot)
+ def _has_models(self):
+ try:
+ import Models # noqa: F401
+ has_models = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_models = False
+ return has_models
+ has_models = property(fget = _has_models)
+ def _has_linkmod(self):
+ try:
+ import LinkMod # noqa: F401
+ has_linkmod = True
+ except ImportError:
+ has_linkmod = False
+ return has_linkmod
+ has_linkmod = property(fget = _has_linkmod)
+ # Versions
def getNumpyVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de numpy disponible"
import numpy.version
def getScipyVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de scipy disponible"
- if has_scipy:
+ if self.has_scipy:
+ import scipy
__version = scipy.version.version
__version = "0.0.0"
def getMatplotlibVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de matplotlib disponible"
- if has_matplotlib:
+ if self.has_matplotlib:
+ import matplotlib
__version = matplotlib.__version__
__version = "0.0.0"
def getGnuplotVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de gnuplotpy disponible"
- if has_gnuplot:
+ if self.has_gnuplot:
+ import Gnuplot
__version = Gnuplot.__version__
__version = "0.0"
def getSphinxVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de sphinx disponible"
- if has_sphinx:
+ if self.has_sphinx:
+ import sphinx
__version = sphinx.__version__
__version = "0.0.0"
def getNloptVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de nlopt disponible"
- if has_nlopt:
+ if self.has_nlopt:
+ import nlopt
__version = "%s.%s.%s"%(
def getSdfVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de sdf disponible"
- if has_sdf:
+ if self.has_sdf:
+ import sdf
__version = sdf.__version__
__version = "0.0.0"
def getFmpyVersion(self):
"Retourne la version de fmpy disponible"
- if has_fmpy:
+ if self.has_fmpy:
+ import fmpy
__version = fmpy.__version__
__version = "0.0.0"
return "%s %s (%s)"%(, dav.version,
# ==============================================================================
-# Tests d'importation de modules système
- import numpy
- has_numpy = True
-except ImportError:
- raise ImportError("Numpy is not available, despites the fact it is mandatory.")
- import scipy
- import scipy.version
- import scipy.optimize
- has_scipy = True
-except ImportError:
- has_scipy = False
- import matplotlib
- has_matplotlib = True
-except ImportError:
- has_matplotlib = False
- import sphinx
- has_sphinx = True
-except ImportError:
- has_sphinx = False
- import nlopt
- has_nlopt = True
-except ImportError:
- has_nlopt = False
- import sdf
- has_sdf = True
-except ImportError:
- has_sdf = False
- import fmpy
- has_fmpy = True
-except ImportError:
- has_fmpy = False
-has_salome = bool( "SALOME_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
-has_yacs = bool( "YACS_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
-has_adao = bool( "ADAO_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
-has_eficas = bool( "EFICAS_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ )
-# ==============================================================================
-def uniq( __sequence ):
- """
- Fonction pour rendre unique chaque élément d'une liste, en préservant l'ordre
- """
- __seen = set()
- return [x for x in __sequence if x not in __seen and not __seen.add(x)]
def vt( __version ):
"Version transformée pour comparaison robuste, obtenue comme un tuple"
serie = []
return __conform
-# ==============================================================================
-class PathManagement(object):
- """
- Mise à jour du path système pour les répertoires d'outils
- """
- __slots__ = ("__paths")
- def __init__(self):
- "Déclaration des répertoires statiques"
- parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
- self.__paths = {}
- self.__paths["daNumerics"] = os.path.join(parent, "daNumerics")
- #
- for v in self.__paths.values():
- if os.path.isdir(v):
- sys.path.insert(0, v )
- #
- # Conserve en unique exemplaire chaque chemin
- sys.path = uniq( sys.path )
- del parent
- def getpaths(self):
- """
- Renvoie le dictionnaire des chemins ajoutés
- """
- return self.__paths
# ==============================================================================
class SystemUsage(object):
"Renvoie la mémoire totale maximale mesurée"
return self._VmB('VmPeak:', unit)
-# ==============================================================================
-# Tests d'importation de modules locaux
- import Gnuplot
- has_gnuplot = True
-except ImportError:
- has_gnuplot = False
# ==============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("\n AUTODIAGNOSTIC\n")