\ \ \ \ \ \ \
xsd_files = $(
driver_files= $(
xmllint --path $(confdir) --schema XMLSchema11_local.xsd --noout $^
#Les Tools eficas ont besoins d'un chemin absolu
-# old
-# $(tooldir)/ -c $(realpath $(< $<
-# new
-# $(tooldir)/ -c $(realpath $(*).py) $<
-#define test_driver_rule =
-# $(tooldir)/ -c $$(realpath $$(*).py) $$<
-#ok mais a séparer en deux règles :
-#define test_driver_rule =
-#_test_driver_$1.comm_test_driver_$1.xml: $$(confdir)/
-# @echo -e "\n\n------ Generate xml test file $$(@) ------\n"
-# $(tooldir)/ -c $$(realpath $$(*).py) $$<
-# @echo -e "\n\n------ Generate xml test driver $$( ------\n"
-# sed -e "s,@module@,$$(*)_driver,g" -e "s,@file@,$$(@),g" $$(confdir)/ > $$(< && \
-# chmod +x $$(<;
+#ATTENTION : La .sufix rule n'autorise pas les dépendances après le : (sinon la ligne entière est un nom de fichier bizzare)
+# il faut les définir à part
define test_xml_rule =
+%_test_driver_$1.xml : %_test_driver_$1.comm $$(realpath $$(*).py)
@echo -e "\n\n------ Generate xml test file $$(@) ------\n"
+ @[[ -f $$(*).py ]] || (echo "Le fichier catalogue $$(*).py est introuvable" && false)
$(tooldir)/ -c $$(realpath $$(*).py) $$<
-#ATTENTION : De mémoire la .sufix rule n'utilise pas les dépendances après le :
-# il faut les définir à part
+#ATTENTION : La .sufix rule n'autorise pas les dépendances après le : (sinon la ligne entière est un nom de fichier bizzare)
+# il faut les définir à part
define test_driver_rule =
-_test_driver_$1.comm_test_driver_$ $$(confdir)/
+%_test_driver_$ : %_test_driver_$1.comm
@echo -e "\n\n------ Generate xml test driver $$(@) ------\n"
sed -e "s,@module@,$$(*)_driver,g" -e "s,@file@,$$(<:%.comm=%.xml),g" $$(confdir)/ > $$(@) && \
chmod +x $$(<;
################# REGLES DE TESTS ########################
-#Génération d'un .py de test par .xml de référence
-#TODO : Améliorer la génération pour ne pas regénérer inutilement les drivers, utiliser plus les règles Makefiles...
-#TODO : Gestion ds un build séparé du srcdir
-testGen: $(confdir)/
- for i in `ls *_test_driver_?.comm`; \
- do \
- echo -e "\n\n------ Generate test $${i/comm/py} ------\n" \
- $(tooldir)/ -c $$PWD/$${i/_test_driver_?.comm/.py} $${i} && \
- sed -e "s,@module@,$${i/_test_driver_?.comm/}_driver,g" -e "s,@file@,$${i/.comm/.xml},g" $(confdir)/ > $${i/comm/py} && \
- chmod +x $${i/comm/py};\
- done
-#Lancement de chaque test ds l'environement minimal
-#testAll: testGen driverAll
-# for i in `ls *_test_driver*.py` ; do echo -e "\n\n------ Launching $$i ------" && ./ python $$i || break ; done
-testAll: driverAll $(test_driver_xml) $(test_driver_py)
+testAll: driverAll $(test_driver_py) $(test_driver_xml)
echo $(test_driver_xml)
echo $(test_driver_py)
for i in `ls *_test_driver*.py` ; do echo -e "\n\n------ Launching $$i ------" && ./ python $$i ; done
# for i in `ls *_test_driver*.py` ; do echo -e "\n\n------ Launching $$i ------" && ./ python $$i || break ; done
-#multiple target avec règle non possible.
-#Ecrire une génération avec un define
-# $(wildcard *_test_driver_?.xml) :
-# do sed -e "s,@module@,${@:%_test_driver=%_driver},g" -e 's,@file@,$@,g' > ${}; done
################# REGLES DE NETTOYAGE ########################
rm -f *.pyc *~
rm -rf raw __pycache__
rm -f $(xsd_files) $(driver_files) *test_driver_?.py *test_driver_?.xml
+++ /dev/null
- FileFormat='med',
- FileName='/home/eric/VIMMP/vimmptraining/app/fluide+particule/datafiles/',
- GroupIdentifier=(inlet,outlet,wall,symetry,SD_11,),),
- _F(Mesh_Name=half_pipe2,
- FileFormat='med',
- FileName='/home/eric/VIMMP/vimmptraining/app/fluide+particule/datafiles/',
- GroupIdentifier=(inlet1,),),),);
-FluidComponent=Component(SystemType='Continuum system',
- PhysicalDescription=_F(FluidComplexe=False,
- FlowNature='Turbulent',
- TurbulenceForFlowDynamics=_F(TurbulenceModellingType='One-point moment',
- RANSModel='Turbulent-Viscosity Model(TVM)',
- TVMChoice='k-epsilon',),
- Thermal=_F(ThermalEffects='Non thermal',
- DensityEquationOfState='Constant density',),),
- NumericalModel=_F(Identifier=CS_num_FV,
- ModelType='Fields',
- Mesh_Identifiers=None,
- NumericalMethod='FV',
- Solver='Code_Saturne',),);
-PartComponent=Component(SystemType='Classical particle system',
- PhysicalDescription=_F(Particle=_F(ParticleNature='Discrete Particle',
- DiscreteParticleName=P1,
- TypeOfDiscreteParticle='Solid',
- TypeOfSolid='Primary Particle',
- Properties=_F(Geometry='Sphere',
- ParticleRadius=99.0,
- Weight=_F(Mass=99.0,
- Density=99.0,),
- Mechanical='Rigid',),
- List_Of_Interactions=_F(Bonded_Interactions=_F(
- Type_Of_Bonded_Interaction='No',),
- Unbonded_Interactions=_F(
- Type_Of_Unbonded_Interaction='No',),
- External_Field_Interaction=_F(
- Type_Of_Interaction_With_An_External_Field='No',),),),),
- NumericalModel=_F(Identifier=CS_num_CFD_Discrete_Particles,
- ModelType='Particles',
- NumericalMethod='CFD_Discrete_Particles',
- Solver='Code_Saturne',),);
- destination=CS_num_CFD_Discrete_Particles,
- termeLE='Fluid_Velocity_Field',),);
-sansnom=Component(SystemType='Continuum system',
- PhysicalDescription=_F(FluidComplexe=False,
- FlowNature=None,
- Thermal=_F(ThermalEffects='Non thermal',
- DensityEquationOfState='Constant density',),),
- NumericalModel=_F(Identifier=None,
- ModelType='Fields',
- Mesh_Identifiers=(half_pipe,),
- NumericalMethod='FV',
- Solver=None,),);
-#CHECKSUM:cfeb01a69d022d11f6ec99fd0baf183e -:FIN CHECKSUM
\ No newline at end of file
def monBlocInteractionTypeChamp ():
return BLOC (condition = '1 == 1' , # a distinguer selon les cas
fieldNameInOrigine = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o'),
- fieldNameInDetgination = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o'),
+ fieldNameInDestination = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o'),
Interactions = PROC(nom='Interactions',
--- /dev/null
+ FileFormat='med',
+ FileName='/home/eric/VIMMP/vimmptraining/app/fluide+particule/datafiles/',
+ GroupIdentifier=(inlet,outlet,wall,symetry,SD_11,),),
+ _F(Mesh_Name=half_pipe2,
+ FileFormat='med',
+ FileName='/home/eric/VIMMP/vimmptraining/app/fluide+particule/datafiles/',
+ GroupIdentifier=(inlet1,),),),);
+FluidComponent=Component(SystemType='Continuum system',
+ PhysicalDescription=_F(FluidComplexe=False,
+ FlowNature='Turbulent',
+ TurbulenceForFlowDynamics=_F(TurbulenceModellingType='One-point moment',
+ RANSModel='Turbulent-Viscosity Model(TVM)',
+ TVMChoice='k-epsilon',),
+ Thermal=_F(ThermalEffects='Non thermal',
+ DensityEquationOfState='Constant density',),),
+ NumericalModel=_F(Identifier=CS_num_FV,
+ ModelType='Fields',
+ Mesh_Identifiers=None,
+ NumericalMethod='FV',
+ Solver='Code_Saturne',),);
+PartComponent=Component(SystemType='Classical particle system',
+ PhysicalDescription=_F(Particle=_F(ParticleNature='Discrete Particle',
+ DiscreteParticleName=P1,
+ TypeOfDiscreteParticle='Solid',
+ TypeOfSolid='Primary Particle',
+ Properties=_F(Geometry='Sphere',
+ ParticleRadius=99.0,
+ Weight=_F(Mass=99.0,
+ Density=99.0,),
+ Mechanical='Rigid',),
+ List_Of_Interactions=_F(Bonded_Interactions=_F(
+ Type_Of_Bonded_Interaction='No',),
+ Unbonded_Interactions=_F(
+ Type_Of_Unbonded_Interaction='No',),
+ External_Field_Interaction=_F(
+ Type_Of_Interaction_With_An_External_Field='No',),),),),
+ NumericalModel=_F(Identifier=CS_num_CFD_Discrete_Particles,
+ ModelType='Particles',
+ NumericalMethod='CFD_Discrete_Particles',
+ Solver='Code_Saturne',),);
+ destination=CS_num_CFD_Discrete_Particles,
+ termeLE='Fluid_Velocity_Field',),);
+sansnom=Component(SystemType='Continuum system',
+ PhysicalDescription=_F(FluidComplexe=False,
+ FlowNature=None,
+ Thermal=_F(ThermalEffects='Non thermal',
+ DensityEquationOfState='Constant density',),),
+ NumericalModel=_F(Identifier=None,
+ ModelType='Fields',
+ Mesh_Identifiers=(half_pipe,),
+ NumericalMethod='FV',
+ Solver=None,),);
+#CHECKSUM:cfeb01a69d022d11f6ec99fd0baf183e -:FIN CHECKSUM
\ No newline at end of file