return __commands
+class _COMViewer(GenericCaseViewer):
+ """
+ Etablissement des commandes d'un cas COMM (Eficas Native Format/Cas<-COM)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, __name="", __objname="case", __content=None, __object=None):
+ "Initialisation et enregistrement de l'entete"
+ GenericCaseViewer.__init__(self, __name, __objname, __content, __object)
+ self._observerIndex = 0
+ self._addLine("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-")
+ self._addLine("#\n# Python script using ADAO COMM\n#")
+ self._addLine("from numpy import array, matrix")
+ self._addLine("#")
+ self._addLine("%s = {}"%__objname)
+ if self._content is not None:
+ for command in self._content:
+ self._append(*command)
+ def _extract(self, __multilines=None, __object=None):
+ "Transformation un enregistrement en une commande individuelle"
+ if __multilines is not None:
+ __multilines = __multilines.replace("ASSIMILATION_STUDY","dict")
+ __multilines = __multilines.replace("CHECKING_STUDY", "dict")
+ __multilines = __multilines.replace("_F(", "dict(")
+ __multilines = __multilines.replace(",),);", ",),)")
+ self._objname = "case"
+ self._objdata = None
+ exec("self._objdata = "+__multilines)
+ #
+ if self._objdata is None or not(type(self._objdata) is dict) or not('AlgorithmParameters' in self._objdata):
+ raise ValueError("Impossible to load given content as an ADAO COMM one (no dictionnary or no 'AlgorithmParameters' key found).")
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ logging.debug("COMM Extracting commands of '%s' object..."%(self._objname,))
+ __commands = []
+ __UserPostAnalysis = ""
+ for k,r in self._objdata.items():
+ __command = k
+ logging.debug("COMM Extracted command: %s:%s"%(k, r))
+ if __command == "StudyName" and len(str(r))>0:
+ __commands.append( "set( Concept='Name', String='%s')"%(str(r),) )
+ elif __command == "StudyRepertory":
+ __commands.append( "set( Concept='Directory', String='%s')"%(str(r),) )
+ #
+ elif __command == "UserPostAnalysis" and type(r) is dict:
+ if 'STRING' in r:
+ __UserPostAnalysis = r['STRING']
+ elif 'SCRIPT_FILE' in r and os.path.exists(r['SCRIPT_FILE']):
+ __UserPostAnalysis = open(r['SCRIPT_FILE'],'r').read()
+ elif 'Template' in r and 'ValueTemplate' in r:
+ # AnalysisPrinter...
+ __UserPostAnalysis = r['ValueTemplate']
+ else:
+ __UserPostAnalysis = ""
+ __UserPostAnalysis = __UserPostAnalysis.replace("ADD",self._objname)
+ #
+ elif __command == "AlgorithmParameters" and type(r) is dict and 'Algorithm' in r:
+ if 'Parameters' in r and r['Parameters'] == 'Defaults':
+ __Dict = copy.deepcopy(r)
+ __Dict.pop('Algorithm')
+ if 'SetSeed' in __Dict:__Dict['SetSeed'] = int(__Dict['SetSeed'])
+ if 'BoxBounds' in __Dict and type(__Dict['BoxBounds']) is str:
+ __Dict['BoxBounds'] = eval(__Dict['BoxBounds'])
+ __parameters = ', Parameters=%s'%(repr(__Dict),)
+ elif 'data' in r and r['Parameters'] == 'Dict':
+ __from = r['data']
+ if 'STRING' in __from:
+ __parameters = ", Parameters=%s"%(repr(eval(__from['STRING'])),)
+ elif 'SCRIPT_FILE' in __from and os.path.exists(__from['SCRIPT_FILE']):
+ __parameters = ", Script='%s'"%(__from['SCRIPT_FILE'],)
+ else:
+ __parameters = ""
+ __commands.append( "set( Concept='AlgorithmParameters', Algorithm='%s'%s )"%(r['Algorithm'],__parameters) )
+ #
+ elif __command == "Observers" and type(r) is dict and 'SELECTION' in r:
+ if type(r['SELECTION']) is str:
+ __selection = (r['SELECTION'],)
+ else:
+ __selection = tuple(r['SELECTION'])
+ for sk in __selection:
+ __idata = r['%s_data'%sk]
+ if __idata['NodeType'] == 'Template' and 'Template' in __idata:
+ __template = __idata['Template']
+ if 'Info' in __idata:
+ __info = ", Info='%s'"%(__idata['Info'],)
+ else:
+ __info = ""
+ __commands.append( "set( Concept='Observer', Variable='%s', Template='%s'%s )"%(sk,__template,__info) )
+ if __idata['NodeType'] == 'String' and 'Value' in __idata:
+ __value =__idata['Value']
+ __commands.append( "set( Concept='Observer', Variable='%s', String='%s' )"%(sk,__value) )
+ #
+ # Background, ObservationError, ObservationOperator...
+ elif type(r) is dict:
+ __argumentsList = []
+ if 'Stored' in r and bool(r['Stored']):
+ __argumentsList.append(['Stored',True])
+ if 'INPUT_TYPE' in r and 'data' in r:
+ # Vector, Matrix, ScalarSparseMatrix, DiagonalSparseMatrix, Function
+ __itype = r['INPUT_TYPE']
+ __idata = r['data']
+ if 'FROM' in __idata:
+ # String, Script, Template, ScriptWithOneFunction, ScriptWithFunctions
+ __ifrom = __idata['FROM']
+ if __ifrom == 'String' or __ifrom == 'Template':
+ __argumentsList.append([__itype,__idata['STRING']])
+ if __ifrom == 'Script':
+ __argumentsList.append([__itype,True])
+ __argumentsList.append(['Script',__idata['SCRIPT_FILE']])
+ if __ifrom == 'ScriptWithOneFunction':
+ __argumentsList.append(['OneFunction',True])
+ __argumentsList.append(['Script',__idata.pop('SCRIPTWITHONEFUNCTION_FILE')])
+ if len(__idata)>0:
+ __argumentsList.append(['Parameters',__idata])
+ if __ifrom == 'ScriptWithFunctions':
+ __argumentsList.append(['ThreeFunctions',True])
+ __argumentsList.append(['Script',__idata.pop('SCRIPTWITHFUNCTIONS_FILE')])
+ if len(__idata)>0:
+ __argumentsList.append(['Parameters',__idata])
+ __arguments = ["%s = %s"%(k,repr(v)) for k,v in __argumentsList]
+ __commands.append( "set( Concept='%s', %s )"%(__command, ", ".join(__arguments)))
+ #
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ __commands.sort() # Pour commencer par 'AlgorithmParameters'
+ __commands.append(__UserPostAnalysis)
+ return __commands
class _DCTViewer(GenericCaseViewer):
Etablissement des commandes d'un cas DCT (Cas<->DCT)