typedef string IdType;
enum Entity{ NODE, EDGE, FACE, CELL};
- //enum Entity{ CELL, FACE, EDGE, NODE};
This enumeration contains a set of elements defining the type of the module.
Imports data from a %MED object field.
- Result ImportMed(in SALOMEDS::SObject theMedSObject);
+ Result ImportMed(in SALOME_MED::FIELD theField);
const string ImportMed__doc__ = "Imports data from a MED object field.";
+Imports data from a %MED object mesh.
+ Result ImportMedMesh(in SALOME_MED::MESH theMesh);
+ const string ImportMedMesh__doc__ = "Imports data from a MED object mesh.";
+Imports data from a %MED object SUPPORT.
+ Result ImportMedSupport(in SALOME_MED::SUPPORT theSupport);
+ const string ImportMedSupport__doc__ = "Imports data from a MED support.";
Creates a %Mesh on the basis of the data generated in other sources (MED object or file).