meshing hypothesis !!.
--- /dev/null
+# Tetrahedrization of the geometry generated by the Python script\r
+# Hypothesis and algorithms for the mesh generation are global\r
+#%Make geometry (like CEA script (A1)) using Partition algorithm% from OCC\r
+# -- Rayon de la bariere\r
+barier_height = 7.0\r
+barier_radius = 5.6 / 2 # Rayon de la bariere\r
+colis_radius = 1.0 / 2 # Rayon du colis\r
+colis_step = 2.0 # Distance s\89parant deux colis\r
+cc_width = 0.11 # Epaisseur du complement de colisage\r
+# --\r
+cc_radius = colis_radius + cc_width\r
+from math import sqrt\r
+colis_center = sqrt(2.0)*colis_step/2\r
+# --\r
+import geompy\r
+geom = geompy.geom\r
+boolean_common = 1\r
+boolean_cut = 2\r
+boolean_fuse = 3\r
+boolean_section = 4\r
+# --\r
+barier = geompy.MakeCylinder(\r
+ geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,0.),\r
+ geom.MakeDirection(geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,1.)),\r
+ barier_radius,\r
+ barier_height)\r
+# --\r
+colis = geompy.MakeCylinder(\r
+ geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,0.),\r
+ geom.MakeDirection(geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,1.)),\r
+ colis_radius,\r
+ barier_height)\r
+cc = geompy.MakeCylinder(\r
+ geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,0.),\r
+ geom.MakeDirection(geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,1.)),\r
+ cc_radius,\r
+ barier_height)\r
+colis_cc = geompy.MakeCompound(\r
+ [colis._get_Name(), cc._get_Name()])\r
+colis_cc = geompy.MakeTranslation(\r
+ colis_cc, colis_center, 0.0, 0.0)\r
+colis_cc_multi = geompy.MakeMultiRotation1D(\r
+ colis_cc,\r
+ geom.MakeDirection(geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,1.)),\r
+ geom.MakePointStruct(0.,0.,0.),\r
+ 4)\r
+# --\r
+alveole = geompy.Partition(\r
+ [colis_cc_multi._get_Name(), barier._get_Name()])\r
+ShapeTypeShell = 3\r
+ShapeTypeFace = 4\r
+ShapeTypeEdge = 6\r
+print "Analysis of the geometry to mesh (right after the Partition) :"\r
+print "number of Shells in alveole : ",len(subShellList)\r
+print "number of Faces in alveole : ",len(subFaceList)\r
+print "number of Edges in alveole : ",len(subEdgeList)\r
+subshapes = geompy.SubShapeAll( alveole, geompy.ShapeType["SHAPE"] )\r
+## there are 9 subshapes\r
+comp1 = geompy.MakeCompound( [ subshapes[0]._get_Name(), subshapes[1]._get_Name() ] );\r
+comp2 = geompy.MakeCompound( [ subshapes[2]._get_Name(), subshapes[3]._get_Name() ] );\r
+comp3 = geompy.MakeCompound( [ subshapes[4]._get_Name(), subshapes[5]._get_Name() ] );\r
+comp4 = geompy.MakeCompound( [ subshapes[6]._get_Name(), subshapes[7]._get_Name() ] );\r
+compIORs = []\r
+compIORs.append( comp1._get_Name() );\r
+compIORs.append( comp2._get_Name() );\r
+compIORs.append( comp3._get_Name() );\r
+compIORs.append( comp4._get_Name() );\r
+comp = geompy.MakeCompound( compIORs );\r
+alveole = geompy.MakeCompound( [ comp._get_Name(), subshapes[8]._get_Name() ]);\r
+ \r
+idalveole= geompy.addToStudy(alveole, "alveole")\r
+print "Analysis of the geometry to mesh (right after the MakeCompound) :"\r
+print "number of Shells in alveole : ",len(subShellList)\r
+print "number of Faces in alveole : ",len(subFaceList)\r
+print "number of Edges in alveole : ",len(subEdgeList)\r
+print " check status ", status\r
+# ---- launch SMESH\r
+import salome\r
+from salome import sg\r
+import SMESH\r
+import smeshpy\r
+smeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("SMESH")\r
+# ---- create Hypothesis\r
+print "-------------------------- create Hypothesis (In this case global hypothesis are used)"\r
+print "-------------------------- NumberOfSegments"\r
+numberOfSegments = 10\r
+hypNbSegID = hypNbSeg.GetId()\r
+print hypNbSeg.GetName()\r
+print hypNbSegID\r
+print hypNbSeg.GetNumberOfSegments()\r
+idseg = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypNbSeg) )\r
+smeshgui.SetName(idseg, "NumberOfSegments")\r
+print "-------------------------- MaxElementArea"\r
+maxElementArea = 0.1\r
+print hypArea.GetName()\r
+print hypArea.GetId()\r
+print hypArea.GetMaxElementArea()\r
+idarea = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypArea) )\r
+smeshgui.SetName(idarea, "MaxElementArea")\r
+print "-------------------------- MaxElementVolume"\r
+maxElementVolume = 0.5\r
+print hypVolume.GetName()\r
+print hypVolume.GetId()\r
+print hypVolume.GetMaxElementVolume()\r
+idvolume = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypVolume) )\r
+smeshgui.SetName(idvolume, "MaxElementVolume")\r
+# ---- create Algorithms\r
+print "-------------------------- create Algorithms"\r
+print "-------------------------- Regular_1D"\r
+regular1D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Regular_1D)\r
+regularID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(regular1D) )\r
+smeshgui.SetName(regularID, "Wire Discretisation")\r
+print "-------------------------- MEFISTO_2D"\r
+mefisto2D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_MEFISTO_2D)\r
+mefistoID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(mefisto2D) )\r
+smeshgui.SetName(mefistoID, "MEFISTO_2D")\r
+print "-------------------------- NETGEN_3D"\r
+netgen3D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_NETGEN_3D)\r
+netgenID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(netgen3D) )\r
+smeshgui.SetName(netgenID, "NETGEN_3D")\r
+# ---- init a Mesh with the alveole\r
+idmesh = smeshgui.AddNewMesh( salome.orb.object_to_string(mesh) )\r
+smeshgui.SetName(idmesh, "MeshAlveole")\r
+smeshgui.SetShape(idalveole, idmesh)\r
+# ---- add hypothesis to alveole\r
+print "-------------------------- add hypothesis to alveole"\r
+print ret\r
+print ret\r
+print ret\r
+print ret\r
+print ret\r
+print ret\r
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, regularID)\r
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idseg )\r
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, mefistoID )\r
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idarea )\r
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, netgenID )\r
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idvolume )\r
+print "-------------------------- compute the mesh of alveole "\r
+print ret\r
+if ret != 0:\r
+ log=mesh.GetLog(0) # no erase trace\r
+ for linelog in log:\r
+ print linelog\r
+ print "problem when computing the mesh"\r
--- /dev/null
+# Hexahedrization of the geometry generated by the Python script
+# Hypothesis and algorithms for the mesh generation are global
+import SMESH_fixation
+import SMESH
+import smeshpy
+compshell = SMESH_fixation.compshell
+idcomp = SMESH_fixation.idcomp
+geompy = SMESH_fixation.geompy
+salome = SMESH_fixation.salome
+sg =
+ShapeTypeShell = 3
+ShapeTypeFace = 4
+ShapeTypeEdge = 6
+print "Analysis of the geometry to be meshed :"
+print "number of Shells in compshell : ",len(subShellList)
+print "number of Faces in compshell : ",len(subFaceList)
+print "number of Edges in compshell : ",len(subEdgeList)
+print " check status ", status
+### ---- launch SMESH
+smeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("SMESH")
+### ---- create Hypothesis
+print "-------------------------- create Hypothesis"
+print "-------------------------- NumberOfSegments"
+numberOfSegments = 5
+hypNbSegID = hypNbSeg.GetId()
+print hypNbSeg.GetName()
+print hypNbSegID
+print hypNbSeg.GetNumberOfSegments()
+idseg = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypNbSeg) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idseg, "NumberOfSegments")
+# ---- create Algorithms
+print "-------------------------- create Algorithms"
+print "-------------------------- Regular_1D"
+regular1D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Regular_1D)
+regularID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(regular1D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(regularID, "Wire Discretisation")
+print "-------------------------- Quadrangle_2D"
+quad2D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Quadrangle_2D)
+quadID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(quad2D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(quadID, "Quadrangle_2D")
+print "-------------------------- Hexa_3D"
+hexa3D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Hexa_3D)
+hexaID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(hexa3D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(hexaID, "Hexa_3D")
+# ---- init a Mesh with the compshell
+idmesh = smeshgui.AddNewMesh( salome.orb.object_to_string(mesh) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idmesh, "MeshcompShel")
+smeshgui.SetShape(idcomp, idmesh)
+# ---- add hypothesis to compshell
+print "-------------------------- add hypothesis to compshell"
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, regularID)
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idseg )
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, quadID )
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, hexaID )
+print "-------------------------- compute compshell"
+print ret
+if ret != 0:
+ log=mesh.GetLog(0) # no erase trace
+ for linelog in log:
+ print linelog
+ print "problem when Computing the mesh"
--- /dev/null
+# Tetrahedrization of the geometry generated by the Python script
+# Hypothesis and algorithms for the mesh generation are global
+import SMESH_fixation
+import SMESH
+import smeshpy
+compshell = SMESH_fixation.compshell
+idcomp = SMESH_fixation.idcomp
+geompy = SMESH_fixation.geompy
+salome = SMESH_fixation.salome
+sg =
+ShapeTypeShell = 3
+ShapeTypeFace = 4
+ShapeTypeEdge = 6
+print "Analysis of the geometry to be meshed :"
+print "number of Shells in compshell : ",len(subShellList)
+print "number of Faces in compshell : ",len(subFaceList)
+print "number of Edges in compshell : ",len(subEdgeList)
+print " check status ", status
+### ---- launch SMESH
+smeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("SMESH")
+### ---- create Hypothesis
+print "-------------------------- create Hypothesis"
+print "-------------------------- NumberOfSegments"
+numberOfSegments = 5
+hypNbSegID = hypNbSeg.GetId()
+print hypNbSeg.GetName()
+print hypNbSegID
+print hypNbSeg.GetNumberOfSegments()
+idseg = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypNbSeg) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idseg, "NumberOfSegments")
+print "-------------------------- MaxElementArea"
+maxElementArea = 80
+print hypArea.GetName()
+print hypArea.GetId()
+print hypArea.GetMaxElementArea()
+idarea = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypArea) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idarea, "MaxElementArea")
+print "-------------------------- MaxElementVolume"
+maxElementVolume = 150
+print hypVolume.GetName()
+print hypVolume.GetId()
+print hypVolume.GetMaxElementVolume()
+idvolume = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypVolume) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idvolume, "MaxElementVolume")
+# ---- create Algorithms
+print "-------------------------- create Algorithms"
+print "-------------------------- Regular_1D"
+regular1D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Regular_1D)
+regularID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(regular1D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(regularID, "Wire Discretisation")
+print "-------------------------- MEFISTO_2D"
+mefisto2D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_MEFISTO_2D)
+mefistoID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(mefisto2D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(mefistoID, "MEFISTO_2D")
+print "-------------------------- NETGEN_3D"
+netgen3D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_NETGEN_3D)
+netgenID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(netgen3D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(netgenID, "NETGEN_3D")
+# ---- init a Mesh with the compshell
+idmesh = smeshgui.AddNewMesh( salome.orb.object_to_string(mesh) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idmesh, "MeshcompShell")
+smeshgui.SetShape(idcomp, idmesh)
+# ---- add hypothesis to compshell
+print "-------------------------- add hypothesis to compshell"
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, regularID)
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idseg )
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, mefistoID )
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idarea )
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, netgenID )
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idvolume )
+print "-------------------------- compute compshell"
+print ret
+if ret != 0:
+ log=mesh.GetLog(0) # no erase trace
+ for linelog in log:
+ print linelog
+ print "problem when computing the mesh"
--- /dev/null
+# Triangulation of the skin of the geometry from a Brep representing a plane
+# This geometry is from EADS
+# Hypothesis and algorithms for the mesh generation are global
+import salome
+from salome import sg
+import geompy
+import SMESH
+import smeshpy
+geom = geompy.geom
+myBuilder = geompy.myBuilder
+ShapeTypeShell = 3
+ShapeTypeFace = 4
+ShapeTypeEdge = 6
+import os
+# import a BRep
+#before running this script, please be sure about
+#the path the file fileName
+filename = "flight_solid.brep"
+filename = filePath + filename
+shape = geompy.ImportBREP(filename)
+idShape = geompy.addToStudy(shape,"flight")
+print "Analysis of the geometry flight :"
+print "number of Shells in flight : ",len(subShellList)
+print "number of Faces in flight : ",len(subFaceList)
+print "number of Edges in flight : ",len(subEdgeList)
+# ---- launch SMESH
+smeshgui = salome.ImportComponentGUI("SMESH")
+# ---- create Hypothesis
+print "-------------------------- create Hypothesis"
+print "-------------------------- LocalLength"
+lengthOfSegments = 0.3
+hypLengthID = hypLength.GetId()
+print hypLength.GetName()
+print hypLengthID
+print hypLength.GetLength()
+idlen = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypLength) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idlen, "LocalLength")
+print "-------------------------- LengthFromEdges"
+hypLengthFromEdgeID = hypLengthFromEdge.GetId()
+print hypLengthFromEdge.GetName()
+print hypLengthFromEdgeID
+idlenfromedge = smeshgui.AddNewHypothesis( salome.orb.object_to_string(hypLengthFromEdge) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idlenfromedge, "LengthFromEdge")
+# ---- create Algorithms
+print "-------------------------- create Algorithms"
+print "-------------------------- Regular_1D"
+regular1D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Regular_1D)
+regularID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(regular1D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(regularID, "Wire Discretisation")
+print "-------------------------- MEFISTO_2D"
+mefisto2D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_MEFISTO_2D)
+mefistoID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(mefisto2D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(mefistoID, "MEFISTO_2D")
+print "-------------------------- NETGEN_3D"
+netgen3D = hypothesis._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_NETGEN_3D)
+netgenID = smeshgui.AddNewAlgorithms( salome.orb.object_to_string(netgen3D) )
+smeshgui.SetName(netgenID, "NETGEN_3D")
+# ---- init a Mesh with the shell
+idmesh = smeshgui.AddNewMesh( salome.orb.object_to_string(mesh) )
+smeshgui.SetName(idmesh, "MeshFlight")
+smeshgui.SetShape(idShape, idmesh)
+# ---- add hypothesis to flight
+print "-------------------------- add hypothesis to flight"
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+print ret
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, regularID)
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idlen )
+smeshgui.SetAlgorithms( idmesh, mefistoID )
+smeshgui.SetHypothesis( idmesh, idlenfromedge)
+print "-------------------------- compute the skin flight"
+print ret
+if ret != 0:
+ log=mesh.GetLog(0) # no erase trace
+ for linelog in log:
+ print linelog
+ print "probleme when computing the mesh"