-import os,shutil,string,glob,socket
-import re
-import platform
- from string import Template
- from compat import Template,set
-class Invalid(Exception):pass
-corbaTypes={"double":"CORBA::Double","long":"CORBA::Long","string":"const char*",
- "dblevec":"const %s::dblevec&","stringvec":"const %s::stringvec&","intvec":"const %s::intvec&"}
- "dblevec":"%s::dblevec_out","stringvec":"%s::stringvec_out","intvec":"%s::intvec_out"}
-def corba_in_type(typ,module):
- if typ in ("dblevec","intvec","stringvec"):
- return corbaTypes[typ] % module
- else:
- return corbaTypes[typ]
-def corba_out_type(typ,module):
- if typ in ("dblevec","intvec","stringvec"):
- return corbaOutTypes[typ] % module
- else:
- return corbaOutTypes[typ]
-if archi == "64bit":
- f77Types={"double":"double *","long":"int *","string":"const char *"}
- f77Types={"double":"double *","long":"long *","string":"const char *"}
- "CALCIUM_string":"CALCIUM_string","CALCIUM_complex":"CALCIUM_complex","CALCIUM_logical":"CALCIUM_logical",
- }
-def makedirs(namedir):
- if os.path.exists(namedir):
- dirbak=namedir+".bak"
- if os.path.exists(dirbak):
- shutil.rmtree(dirbak)
- os.rename(namedir,dirbak)
- os.listdir(dirbak) #sert seulement a mettre a jour le systeme de fichier sur certaines machines
- os.makedirs(namedir)
-class Module(object):
- def __init__(self,name,components=None,prefix=""):
- self.name=name
- self.components=components or []
- self.prefix=prefix or "%s_INSTALL" % name
- self.validate()
- def validate(self):
- l=set()
- for c in self.components:
- if c.name in l:
- raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a component of the module" % c.name)
- l.add(c.name)
-class Component(object):
- def __init__(self,name,services=None,impl="PY",libs="",rlibs="",includes="",kind="lib"):
- self.name=name
- self.impl=impl
- self.kind=kind
- self.services=services or []
- self.libs=libs
- self.rlibs=rlibs
- self.includes=includes
- self.validate()
- def validate(self):
- if self.impl not in ValidImpl:
- raise Invalid("%s is not a valid implementation. It should be one of %s" % (self.impl,ValidImpl))
- l=set()
- for s in self.services:
- s.impl=self.impl
- if s.name in l:
- raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a component of the module" % s.name)
- l.add(s.name)
- s.validate()
- def getImpl(self):
- return "SO",""
-class CPPComponent(Component):
- def __init__(self,name,services=None,libs="",rlibs="",includes="",kind="lib",exe_path=None):
- self.exe_path=exe_path
- Component.__init__(self,name,services,impl="CPP",libs=libs,rlibs=rlibs,includes=includes,kind=kind)
- def validate(self):
- Component.validate(self)
- kinds=("lib","exe")
- if self.kind not in kinds:
- raise Invalid("kind must be one of %s" % kinds)
- if self.kind == "exe" :
- if not self.exe_path:
- raise Invalid("exe_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- def makeCompo(self,gen):
- cxxFile="%s.cxx" % self.name
- hxxFile="%s.hxx" % self.name
- if self.kind=="lib":
- return {"Makefile.am":compoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name,
- libs=self.libs,rlibs=self.rlibs,
- includes=self.includes),
- cxxFile:gen.makeCXX(self),hxxFile:gen.makeHXX(self)}
- if self.kind=="exe":
- return {"Makefile.am":compoEXEMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name,
- libs=self.libs,rlibs=self.rlibs,
- includes=self.includes),
- self.name+".exe":exeCPP.substitute(compoexe=self.exe_path),
- cxxFile:gen.makeCXX(self,1),hxxFile:gen.makeHXX(self)}
-class PYComponent(Component):
- def __init__(self,name,services=None,python_path=None,kind="lib"):
- self.python_path=python_path or []
- Component.__init__(self,name,services,impl="PY",kind=kind)
- def validate(self):
- Component.validate(self)
- kinds=("lib","exe")
- if self.kind not in kinds:
- raise Invalid("kind must be one of %s" % kinds)
- def makeCompo(self,gen):
- pyFile="%s.py" % self.name
- if self.kind=="lib":
- return {"Makefile.am":pycompoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name),
- pyFile:gen.makePY(self)}
- if self.kind=="exe":
- return {"Makefile.am":pycompoEXEMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name),
- self.name+".exe":self.makePYEXE(gen),
- }
- def makePYEXE(self,gen):
- services=[]
- inits=[]
- defs=[]
- for s in self.services:
- defs.append(s.defs)
- params=[]
- pyparams=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ=="pyobj":
- pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.loads(%s)" %(name,name))
- inparams=",".join(params)
- convertinparams='\n'.join(pyparams)
- params=[]
- pyparams=[]
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ=="pyobj":
- pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.dumps(%s,-1)" %(name,name))
- outparams=",".join(params)
- convertoutparams='\n'.join(pyparams)
- service=pyService.substitute(component=self.name,service=s.name,inparams=inparams,
- outparams=outparams,body=s.body,convertinparams=convertinparams,
- convertoutparams=convertoutparams,
- )
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.instream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- instream="\n".join(streams)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.outstream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- outstream="\n".join(streams)
- init=pyinitService.substitute(component=self.name,service=s.name,
- instream=instream,outstream=outstream)
- services.append(service)
- inits.append(init)
- python_path=",".join([repr(p) for p in self.python_path])
- return pyCompoEXE.substitute(component=self.name,module=gen.module.name,
- servicesdef="\n".join(defs),servicesimpl="\n".join(services),initservice='\n'.join(inits),
- python_path=python_path)
-make_etude="""P actions make_etude
-P version NEW9
-P nomjob salome
-P ncpus 1
-A memjeveux 4.000000
-P mem_aster 100
-A tpmax 60
-P memjob 32768
-P mpi_nbcpu 1
-P mpi_nbnoeud 1
-P tpsjob 1
-P mode batch
-P soumbtc oui
-P consbtc oui
-F conf ${config} D 0
-F comm ${comm} D 1
-make_etude_exe="""P actions make_etude
-P version NEW9
-P nomjob salome
-P ncpus 1
-A memjeveux 4.000000
-P mem_aster 100
-A tpmax 60
-P memjob 32768
-P mpi_nbcpu 1
-P mpi_nbnoeud 1
-P tpsjob 1
-P mode batch
-P soumbtc oui
-P consbtc oui
-F comm ${comm} D 1
-cp ${export} temp.export
-cat >> temp.export << END
-F mess $$PWD/messages R 6
-F resu $$PWD/resu R 8
-F erre $$PWD/erre R 9
-${asrun} temp.export
-cp ${export} temp.export
-cat >> temp.export << END
-F mess $$PWD/messages R 6
-F resu $$PWD/resu R 8
-F erre $$PWD/erre R 9
-${asrun} temp.export
-container="""import sys,os
-from omniORB import CORBA
-from SALOME_ContainerPy import SALOME_ContainerPy_i
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print sys.argv
- orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
- poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
- print "ORB and POA initialized"
- containerName=os.getenv("SALOME_CONTAINERNAME")
- cpy_i = SALOME_ContainerPy_i(orb, poa, containerName)
- print "SALOME_ContainerPy_i instance created ",cpy_i
- cpy_o = cpy_i._this()
- print "SALOME_ContainerPy_i instance activated ",cpy_o
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- #activate the POA
- poaManager = poa._get_the_POAManager()
- poaManager.activate()
- #Block for ever
- orb.run()
- print "fin container aster"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
-component="""import sys,os
-from omniORB import CORBA
-from ${component}_module import ${component}
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print sys.argv
- orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
- poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
- print "ORB and POA initialized",orb,poa
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- container=orb.string_to_object(os.getenv("SALOME_CONTAINER"))
- containerName=os.getenv("SALOME_CONTAINERNAME")
- instanceName=os.getenv("SALOME_INSTANCE")
- compo=${component}(orb,poa,container,containerName, instanceName, "${component}")
- comp_o = compo._this()
- comp_iors = orb.object_to_string(comp_o)
- print "ior aster",comp_iors
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- #activate the POA
- poaManager = poa._get_the_POAManager()
- poaManager.activate()
- orb.run()
- print "fin du composant aster standalone"
-class ASTERComponent(Component):
- def __init__(self,name,services=None,libs="",rlibs="",aster_dir="",python_path=None,argv=None,kind="lib",
- exe_path=None,asrun=None):
- self.aster_dir=aster_dir
- self.python_path=python_path or []
- self.argv=argv or []
- self.exe_path=exe_path
- self.asrun=asrun
- Component.__init__(self,name,services,impl="ASTER",libs=libs,rlibs=rlibs,kind=kind)
- def validate(self):
- Component.validate(self)
- if not self.aster_dir:
- raise Invalid("aster_dir must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- kinds=("lib","cexe","exe")
- if self.kind not in kinds:
- raise Invalid("kind must be one of %s" % kinds)
- if self.kind == "lib" and not self.python_path:
- raise Invalid("python_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- if self.kind == "cexe" :
- if not self.exe_path:
- raise Invalid("exe_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- if not self.asrun:
- raise Invalid("asrun must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- if not os.path.exists(self.asrun):
- raise Invalid("asrun does not exist for component %s" % self.name)
- if self.kind == "exe" :
- if not self.exe_path:
- raise Invalid("exe_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- if not self.asrun:
- raise Invalid("asrun must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- if not os.path.exists(self.asrun):
- raise Invalid("asrun does not exist for component %s" % self.name)
- for s in self.services:
- #on ajoute un inport string de nom jdc en premier dans la liste des ports de chaque service
- s.inport.insert(0,("jdc","string"))
- def makeCompo(self,gen):
- File="%s.py" % self.name
- #on suppose que les composants ASTER sont homogenes (utilisent meme install)
- gen.aster=self.aster_dir
- if self.kind=="lib":
- return {"Makefile.am":astercompoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name),
- File:gen.makeASTER(self)}
- elif self.kind == "cexe":
- #creation de l'installation aster dans exe_path
- self.makeCEXEPATH(gen)
- return {"Makefile.am":astercexeMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name),
- File:self.makeCEXEASTER(gen)}
- elif self.kind == "exe":
- #creation de l'installation aster dans exe_path
- self.makeEXEPATH(gen)
- return {"Makefile.am":asterexeMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name),
- self.name+".exe":exeaster.substitute(export=os.path.join(self.exe_path,"make_etude.export"),asrun=self.asrun),
- self.name+"_module.py":self.makeEXEASTER(gen)}
- def makeEXEPATH(self,gen):
- makedirs(self.exe_path)
- #patch to E_SUPERV.py
- f=open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir,"bibpyt","Execution","E_SUPERV.py"))
- esuperv=f.read()
- esuperv=re.sub("j=self.JdC","self.jdc=j=self.JdC",esuperv)
- f.close()
- #utilisation d'un programme principal python different
- f=open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir,"config.txt"))
- config=f.read()
- config=re.sub("Execution\/E_SUPERV.py",os.path.join(self.exe_path,"aster_component.py"),config)
- f.close()
- gen.makeFiles({
- "aster_component.py":component.substitute(component=self.name),
- "make_etude.export":make_etude.substitute(config=os.path.join(self.exe_path,"config.txt"),
- comm=os.path.join(self.exe_path,self.name+".comm")),
- self.name+".comm":comm,
- "config.txt":config,
- "profile.sh":os.path.join(self.aster_dir,"profile.sh"),
- "E_SUPERV.py":esuperv,
- }, self.exe_path)
- def makeCEXEPATH(self,gen):
- makedirs(self.exe_path)
- #patch to E_SUPERV.py
- f=open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir,"bibpyt","Execution","E_SUPERV.py"))
- esuperv=f.read()
- esuperv=re.sub("j=self.JdC","self.jdc=j=self.JdC",esuperv)
- f.close()
- #utilisation d'un programme principal python different
- f=open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir,"config.txt"))
- config=f.read()
- config=re.sub("Execution\/E_SUPERV.py",os.path.join(self.exe_path,"aster_container.py"),config)
- f.close()
- gen.makeFiles({self.name+".exe":cexe.substitute(export=os.path.join(self.exe_path,"make_etude.export"),
- asrun=self.asrun),
- "aster_container.py":container,
- "make_etude.export":make_etude.substitute(config=os.path.join(self.exe_path,"config.txt"),
- comm=os.path.join(self.exe_path,self.name+".comm")),
- self.name+".comm":comm,
- "config.txt":config,
- "profile.sh":os.path.join(self.aster_dir,"profile.sh"),
- "E_SUPERV.py":esuperv,
- }, self.exe_path)
- #make exe executable
- os.chmod(os.path.join(self.exe_path,self.name+".exe"),0777)
- def makeEXEASTER(self,gen):
- services=[]
- inits=[]
- defs=[]
- for s in self.services:
- defs.append(s.defs)
- params=[]
- datas=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ == "pyobj":
- datas.append('"%s":cPickle.loads(%s)' % (name,name))
- else:
- datas.append('"%s":%s' % (name,name))
- #ajout de l'adresse du composant
- datas.append('"component":self.proxy.ptr()')
- dvars="{"+','.join(datas)+"}"
- inparams=",".join(params)
- params=[]
- datas=[]
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ == "pyobj":
- datas.append('cPickle.dumps(j.g_context["%s"],-1)'%name)
- else:
- datas.append('j.g_context["%s"]'%name)
- outparams=",".join(params)
- rvars=",".join(datas)
- service=asterEXEService.substitute(component=self.name,service=s.name,inparams=inparams,
- outparams=outparams,body=s.body,dvars=dvars,rvars=rvars)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.instream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- instream="\n".join(streams)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.outstream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- outstream="\n".join(streams)
- init=pyinitEXEService.substitute(component=self.name,service=s.name,
- instream=instream,outstream=outstream)
- services.append(service)
- inits.append(init)
- return asterEXECompo.substitute(component=self.name,module=gen.module.name,
- servicesdef="\n".join(defs),servicesimpl="\n".join(services),initservice='\n'.join(inits),
- aster_dir=self.aster_dir)
- def makeCEXEASTER(self,gen):
- services=[]
- inits=[]
- defs=[]
- for s in self.services:
- defs.append(s.defs)
- params=[]
- datas=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ == "pyobj":
- datas.append('"%s":cPickle.loads(%s)' % (name,name))
- else:
- datas.append('"%s":%s' % (name,name))
- #ajout de l'adresse du composant
- datas.append('"component":self.proxy.ptr()')
- dvars="{"+','.join(datas)+"}"
- inparams=",".join(params)
- params=[]
- datas=[]
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ == "pyobj":
- datas.append('cPickle.dumps(j.g_context["%s"],-1)'%name)
- else:
- datas.append('j.g_context["%s"]'%name)
- outparams=",".join(params)
- rvars=",".join(datas)
- service=asterCEXEService.substitute(component=self.name,service=s.name,inparams=inparams,
- outparams=outparams,body=s.body,dvars=dvars,rvars=rvars)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.instream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- instream="\n".join(streams)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.outstream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- outstream="\n".join(streams)
- init=pyinitCEXEService.substitute(component=self.name,service=s.name,
- instream=instream,outstream=outstream)
- services.append(service)
- inits.append(init)
- return asterCEXECompo.substitute(component=self.name,module=gen.module.name,
- servicesdef="\n".join(defs),servicesimpl="\n".join(services),initservice='\n'.join(inits),
- aster_dir=self.aster_dir)
- def getImpl(self):
- if self.kind=="cexe":
- return "CEXE",os.path.join(self.exe_path,self.name+".exe")
- else:
- return "SO",""
-class F77Component(Component):
- def __init__(self,name,services=None,libs="",rlibs="",kind="lib",exe_path=None):
- self.exe_path=exe_path
- Component.__init__(self,name,services,impl="F77",libs=libs,rlibs=rlibs,kind=kind)
- def validate(self):
- Component.validate(self)
- kinds=("lib","exe")
- if self.kind not in kinds:
- raise Invalid("kind must be one of %s" % kinds)
- if self.kind == "exe" :
- if not self.exe_path:
- raise Invalid("exe_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
- for s in self.services:
- #defs generation
- params=["void *compo"]
- strparams=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- if typ == "string":
- params.append("const STR_PSTR(%s)"%name)
- strparams.append("STR_PLEN(%s)"%name)
- else:
- params.append("%s %s" % (f77Types[typ],name))
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- if typ == "string":
- params.append("const STR_PSTR(%s)"%name)
- strparams.append("STR_PLEN(%s)"%name)
- else:
- params.append("%s %s" % (f77Types[typ],name))
- args=','.join(params)+" " + " ".join(strparams)
- s.defs=s.defs+'\nextern "C" void F_FUNC(%s,%s)(%s);' % (s.name.lower(),s.name.upper(),args)
- #body generation
- params=["&component"]
- strparams=[]
- strallocs=[]
- #length allocated for out string
- lstr=20
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- if typ == "string":
- params.append("STR_CPTR(%s)" % name)
- strparams.append("STR_CLEN(%s)"%name)
- else:
- params.append("&%s" % name)
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- if typ == "string":
- params.append("STR_CPTR(%s.ptr())" % name)
- strparams.append("STR_CLEN(%s.ptr())"%name)
- strallocs.append('%s=CORBA::string_dup("%s");' %(name," "*lstr))
- else:
- params.append("&%s" % name)
- s.body='\n'.join(strallocs)+'\n'+s.body
- args=','.join(params)+" " + " ".join(strparams)
- s.body=s.body+"\n F_CALL(%s,%s)(%s);" % (s.name.lower(),s.name.upper(),args)
- def makeCompo(self,gen):
- cxxFile="%s.cxx" % self.name
- hxxFile="%s.hxx" % self.name
- if self.kind=="lib":
- return {"Makefile.am":compoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name,
- libs=self.libs,rlibs=self.rlibs,
- includes=self.includes),
- cxxFile:gen.makeCXX(self),hxxFile:gen.makeHXX(self)}
- if self.kind=="exe":
- return {"Makefile.am":compoEXEMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,component=self.name,
- libs=self.libs,rlibs=self.rlibs,
- includes=self.includes),
- self.name+".exe":exeCPP.substitute(compoexe=self.exe_path),
- cxxFile:gen.makeCXX(self,1),hxxFile:gen.makeHXX(self)}
-class Service(object):
- def __init__(self,name,inport=None,outport=None,instream=None,outstream=None,body="",defs=""):
- self.name=name
- self.inport=inport or []
- self.outport=outport or []
- self.instream=instream or []
- self.outstream=outstream or []
- self.defs=defs
- self.body=body
- def validate(self):
- l=set()
- for p in self.inport:
- name,typ=self.validatePort(p)
- if name in l:
- raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a service parameter" % name)
- l.add(name)
- for p in self.outport:
- name,typ=self.validatePort(p)
- if name in l:
- raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a service parameter" % name)
- l.add(name)
- l=set()
- for p in self.instream:
- name,typ,dep=self.validateStream(p)
- if name in l:
- raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a stream port" % name)
- l.add(name)
- for p in self.outstream:
- name,typ,dep=self.validateStream(p)
- if name in l:
- raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a stream port" % name)
- l.add(name)
- def validatePort(self,p):
- try:
- name,typ=p
- except:
- raise Invalid("%s is not a valid definition of an data port (name,type)" % (p,))
- if self.impl in ("PY","ASTER"):
- validtypes=PyValidTypes
- else:
- validtypes=ValidTypes
- if typ not in validtypes:
- raise Invalid("%s is not a valid type. It should be one of %s" % (typ,validtypes))
- return name,typ
- def validateStream(self,p):
- try:
- name,typ,dep=p
- except:
- raise Invalid("%s is not a valid definition of a stream port (name,type,dependency)" % (p,))
- if typ not in ValidStreamTypes:
- raise Invalid("%s is not a valid type. It should be one of %s" % (typ,ValidStreamTypes))
- if dep not in ValidDependencies:
- raise Invalid("%s is not a valid dependency. It should be one of %s" % (dep,ValidDependencies))
- return name,typ,dep
-class Generator(object):
- def __init__(self,module,context=None):
- self.module=module
- self.context=context or {}
- self.kernel=self.context["kernel"]
- self.aster=""
- def generate(self):
- module=self.module
- namedir=module.name+"_SRC"
- force=self.context.get("force")
- update=self.context.get("update")
- if os.path.exists(namedir):
- if force:
- shutil.rmtree(namedir)
- elif not update:
- raise Invalid("The directory %s already exists" % namedir)
- if update:
- makedirs(namedir)
- else:
- os.makedirs(namedir)
- srcs={}
- makefile="SUBDIRS="
- makefiles=[]
- for c in module.components:
- makefile=makefile+" "+c.name
- srcs[c.name]=c.makeCompo(self)
- makefiles.append(" src/"+c.name+"/Makefile")
- srcs["Makefile.am"]=makefile+'\n'
- idlFile="%s.idl" % module.name
- catalogFile="%sCatalog.xml" % module.name
- self.makeFiles({"autogen.sh":autogen,
- "Makefile.am":mainMakefile,
- "README":"","NEWS":"","AUTHORS":"","ChangeLog":"",
- "configure.ac":configure.substitute(module=module.name.lower(),makefiles='\n'.join(makefiles)),
- "idl":{"Makefile.am":idlMakefile.substitute(module=module.name),idlFile:self.makeIdl()},
- "src":srcs,
- "resources":{"Makefile.am":resMakefile.substitute(module=module.name),catalogFile:self.makeCatalog()},
- "adm_local":{"make_common_starter.am":makecommon,"check_aster.m4":check_aster},
- }, namedir)
- os.chmod(os.path.join(namedir,"autogen.sh"),0777)
- for m4file in ("check_Kernel.m4","check_omniorb.m4","ac_linker_options.m4","ac_cxx_option.m4",
- "python.m4","enable_pthreads.m4","check_f77.m4","acx_pthread.m4","check_boost.m4"):
- shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.kernel,"salome_adm","unix","config_files",m4file),os.path.join(namedir,"adm_local",m4file))
- return
- def makePY(self,component):
- services=[]
- inits=[]
- defs=[]
- for s in component.services:
- defs.append(s.defs)
- params=[]
- pyparams=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ=="pyobj":
- pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.loads(%s)" %(name,name))
- inparams=",".join(params)
- convertinparams='\n'.join(pyparams)
- params=[]
- pyparams=[]
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ=="pyobj":
- pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.dumps(%s,-1)" %(name,name))
- outparams=",".join(params)
- convertoutparams='\n'.join(pyparams)
- service=pyService.substitute(component=component.name,service=s.name,inparams=inparams,
- outparams=outparams,body=s.body,convertinparams=convertinparams,
- convertoutparams=convertoutparams)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.instream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- instream="\n".join(streams)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.outstream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- outstream="\n".join(streams)
- init=pyinitService.substitute(component=component.name,service=s.name,
- instream=instream,outstream=outstream)
- services.append(service)
- inits.append(init)
- python_path=",".join([repr(p) for p in component.python_path])
- return pyCompo.substitute(component=component.name,module=self.module.name,
- servicesdef="\n".join(defs),servicesimpl="\n".join(services),initservice='\n'.join(inits),
- python_path=python_path)
- def makeASTER(self,component):
- services=[]
- inits=[]
- defs=[]
- for s in component.services:
- defs.append(s.defs)
- params=[]
- datas=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ == "pyobj":
- datas.append('"%s":cPickle.loads(%s)' % (name,name))
- else:
- datas.append('"%s":%s' % (name,name))
- #ajout de l'adresse du composant
- datas.append('"component":self.proxy.ptr()')
- dvars="{"+','.join(datas)+"}"
- inparams=",".join(params)
- params=[]
- datas=[]
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- params.append(name)
- if typ == "pyobj":
- datas.append('cPickle.dumps(j.g_context["%s"],-1)'%name)
- else:
- datas.append('j.g_context["%s"]'%name)
- outparams=",".join(params)
- rvars=",".join(datas)
- service=asterService.substitute(component=component.name,service=s.name,inparams=inparams,
- outparams=outparams,body=s.body,dvars=dvars,rvars=rvars)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.instream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- instream="\n".join(streams)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.outstream:
- streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name,typ,dep))
- outstream="\n".join(streams)
- init=pyinitService.substitute(component=component.name,service=s.name,
- instream=instream,outstream=outstream)
- services.append(service)
- inits.append(init)
- python_path=",".join([repr(p) for p in component.python_path])
- argv=",".join([repr(p) for p in component.argv])
- return asterCompo.substitute(component=component.name,module=self.module.name,
- servicesdef="\n".join(defs),servicesimpl="\n".join(services),initservice='\n'.join(inits),
- aster_dir=component.aster_dir,python_path=python_path,argv=argv)
- def makeArgs(self,service):
- params=[]
- for name,typ in service.inport:
- params.append("%s %s" % (corba_in_type(typ,self.module.name),name))
- for name,typ in service.outport:
- params.append("%s %s" % (corba_out_type(typ,self.module.name),name))
- return ",".join(params)
- def makeHXX(self,component):
- services=[]
- for s in component.services:
- service=" void %s(" % s.name
- service=service+self.makeArgs(s)+");"
- services.append(service)
- servicesdef="\n".join(services)
- return hxxCompo.substitute(component=component.name,module=self.module.name,servicesdef=servicesdef)
- def makeCXX(self,component,exe=0):
- services=[]
- inits=[]
- defs=[]
- for s in component.services:
- defs.append(s.defs)
- service=cxxService.substitute(component=component.name,service=s.name,parameters=self.makeArgs(s),
- body=s.body,exe=exe)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.instream:
- streams.append(' create_calcium_port(this,"%s","%s","IN","%s");'% (name,typ,dep))
- instream="\n".join(streams)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.outstream:
- streams.append(' create_calcium_port(this,"%s","%s","OUT","%s");'% (name,typ,dep))
- outstream="\n".join(streams)
- init=initService.substitute(component=component.name,service=s.name,
- instream=instream,outstream=outstream)
- services.append(service)
- inits.append(init)
- return cxxCompo.substitute(component=component.name,module=self.module.name,exe=exe,exe_path=component.exe_path,
- servicesdef="\n".join(defs),servicesimpl="\n".join(services),initservice='\n'.join(inits))
- def makeCatalog(self):
- components=[]
- for c in self.module.components:
- services=[]
- for s in c.services:
- params=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- params.append(cataInparam.substitute(name=name,type=typ))
- inparams="\n".join(params)
- params=[]
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- params.append(cataOutparam.substitute(name=name,type=typ))
- outparams="\n".join(params)
- streams=[]
- for name,typ,dep in s.instream:
- streams.append(cataInStream.substitute(name=name,type=calciumTypes[typ],dep=dep))
- for name,typ,dep in s.outstream:
- streams.append(cataOutStream.substitute(name=name,type=calciumTypes[typ],dep=dep))
- datastreams="\n".join(streams)
- services.append(cataService.substitute(service=s.name,author="EDF-RD",
- inparams=inparams,outparams=outparams,datastreams=datastreams))
- impltype,implname=c.getImpl()
- components.append(cataCompo.substitute(component=c.name,author="EDF-RD",impltype=impltype,implname=implname,
- services='\n'.join(services)))
- return catalog.substitute(components='\n'.join(components))
- def makeIdl(self):
- interfaces=[]
- for c in self.module.components:
- services=[]
- for s in c.services:
- params=[]
- for name,typ in s.inport:
- if c.impl in ("PY","ASTER") and typ=="pyobj":
- typ="Engines::fileBlock"
- params.append("in %s %s" % (typ,name))
- for name,typ in s.outport:
- if c.impl in ("PY","ASTER") and typ=="pyobj":
- typ="Engines::fileBlock"
- params.append("out %s %s" % (typ,name))
- service=" void %s(" % s.name
- service=service+",".join(params)+") raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);"
- services.append(service)
- interfaces.append(interface.substitute(component=c.name,services="\n".join(services)))
- return idl.substitute(module=self.module.name,interfaces='\n'.join(interfaces))
- def makeFiles(self,d,basedir):
- for name,content in d.items():
- file=os.path.join(basedir,name)
- if isinstance(content,str):
- f= open(file, 'w')
- f.write(content)
- f.close()
- else:
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- os.makedirs(file)
- self.makeFiles(content,file)
- def bootstrap(self):
- ier=os.system("cd %s_SRC;sh autogen.sh" % self.module.name)
- if ier != 0:
- raise Invalid("bootstrap has ended in error")
- def configure(self):
- prefix=self.module.prefix
- if prefix:
- prefix=os.path.abspath(prefix)
- cmd="cd %s_SRC;./configure --with-kernel=%s --with-aster=%s --prefix=%s"
- ier=os.system(cmd % (self.module.name,self.kernel,self.aster,prefix))
- else:
- cmd="cd %s_SRC;./configure --with-kernel=%s --with-aster=%s"
- ier=os.system(cmd % (self.module.name,self.kernel,self.aster))
- if ier != 0:
- raise Invalid("configure has ended in error")
- def make(self):
- ier=os.system("cd %s_SRC;make" % self.module.name)
- if ier != 0:
- raise Invalid("make has ended in error")
- def install(self):
- ier=os.system("cd %s_SRC;make install" % self.module.name)
- if ier != 0:
- raise Invalid("install has ended in error")
- def make_appli(self,appliname,restrict=None,altmodules=None):
- makedirs(appliname)
- d,f=os.path.split(self.kernel)
- #collect modules besides KERNEL module with the same suffix if any
- modules_dict={}
- if f[:6] == "KERNEL":
- suffix=f[6:]
- for dd in os.listdir(d):
- if dd[-len(suffix):] == suffix:
- module=dd[:-len(suffix)]
- path=os.path.join(d,dd)
- #try to find catalog files
- l=glob.glob(os.path.join(path,"share","salome","resources","*","*Catalog.xml"))
- if not l:
- #catalogs have not been found : try the upper level
- l=glob.glob(os.path.join(path,"share","salome","resources","*Catalog.xml"))
- if l:
- #catalogs have been found : add the corresponding entries in the application
- for e in l:
- b,c=os.path.split(e)
- name=c[:-11]
- modules_dict[name]=' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (name,path)
- else:
- modules_dict[module]=' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (module,path)
- modules_dict["KERNEL"]=' <module name="KERNEL" path="%s"/>' % self.kernel
- #keep only the modules which names are in restrict if given
- modules=[]
- if restrict:
- for m in restrict:
- if modules_dict.has_key(m):
- modules.append(modules_dict[m])
- else:
- modules=modules_dict.values()
- #add the alternate modules if given
- if altmodules:
- for module,path in altmodules.items():
- modules.append(' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (module,path))
- #add the generated module
- modules.append(' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (self.module.name,os.path.abspath(self.module.prefix)))
- #try to find a prerequisites file
- prerequisites=self.context.get("prerequisites")
- if not prerequisites:
- #try to find one in d
- prerequisites=os.path.join(d,"profile%s.sh" % suffix)
- if not os.path.exists(prerequisites):
- raise Invalid("Can not create an application : prerequisites file not defined or does not exist")
- #create config_appli.xml file
- appli=application.substitute(prerequisites=prerequisites,modules="\n".join(modules))
- fil=open(os.path.join(appliname,"config_appli.xml"),'w')
- fil.write(appli)
- fil.close()
- #execute appli_gen.py script
- appligen=os.path.join(self.kernel,"bin","salome","appli_gen.py")
- ier=os.system("cd %s;%s" % (appliname,appligen))
- if ier != 0:
- raise Invalid("make_appli has ended in error")
- #add CatalogResources.xml if not created by appli_gen.py
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(appliname,"CatalogResources.xml")):
- #CatalogResources.xml does not exist create a minimal one
- f =open(os.path.join(appliname,'CatalogResources.xml'),'w')
- command="""<!DOCTYPE ResourcesCatalog>
- <machine hostname="%s" protocol="ssh" mode="interactive" />
- host=socket.gethostname().split('.')[0]
- f.write(command % host)
- f.close()
-<prerequisites path="${prerequisites}"/>
-rm -rf autom4te.cache
-rm -f aclocal.m4 adm_local/ltmain.sh
-echo "Running aclocal..." ;
-aclocal --force -I adm_local || exit 1
-echo "Running autoheader..." ; autoheader --force -I adm_local || exit 1
-echo "Running autoconf..." ; autoconf --force || exit 1
-echo "Running libtoolize..." ; libtoolize --copy --force || exit 1
-echo "Running automake..." ; automake --add-missing --copy || exit 1
-mainMakefile="""include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-SUBDIRS = idl resources src
-ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I adm_local
-dnl Check Salome Install
-if test "x$$Kernel_ok" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([You must define a correct KERNEL_ROOT_DIR or use the --with-kernel= configure option !])
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Configuration Options Summary:"
-echo "Mandatory products:"
-echo " Threads ................ : $$threads_ok"
-echo " OmniOrb (CORBA) ........ : $$omniORB_ok"
-echo " OmniOrbpy (CORBA) ...... : $$omniORBpy_ok"
-echo " Python ................. : $$python_ok"
-echo " Boost ................. : $$boost_ok"
-echo " SALOME KERNEL .......... : $$Kernel_ok"
-echo " Code Aster ............. : $$Aster_ok"
-echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-if test "x$$threads_ok" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Thread is required],1)
-if test "x$$python_ok" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is required],1)
-if test "x$$omniORB_ok" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([OmniOrb is required],1)
-if test "x$$omniORBpy_ok" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([OmniOrbpy is required],1)
-if test "x$$Kernel_ok" = "xno"; then
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Expat is required],1)
- Makefile
- idl/Makefile
- resources/Makefile
- src/Makefile
- ])
-# Standard directory for installation
-salomeincludedir = $(includedir)/salome
-libdir = $(prefix)/lib/salome
-bindir = $(prefix)/bin/salome
-salomescriptdir = $(bindir)
-salomepythondir = $(prefix)/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages/salome
-# Directory for installing idl files
-salomeidldir = $(prefix)/idl/salome
-# Directory for installing resource files
-salomeresdir = $(prefix)/share/salome/resources/${MODULE_NAME}
-# Directories for installing admin files
-admlocaldir = $(prefix)/adm_local
-admlocalunixdir = $(admlocaldir)/unix
-admlocalm4dir = $(admlocaldir)/unix/config_files
-# Shared modules installation directory
-sharedpkgpythondir =$(pkgpythondir)/shared_modules
-# Documentation directory
-docdir = $(datadir)/doc/salome
-KERNEL_LIBS= -L$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome -lSalomeContainer -lOpUtil -lSalomeDSCContainer -lSalomeDSCSuperv -lSalomeDatastream -lSalomeDSCSupervBasic -lCalciumC
-include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-BUILT_SOURCES = ${module}SK.cc
-lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib${module}.la
-salomeidl_DATA = $$(IDL_FILES)
-salomepython_DATA = ${module}_idl.py
-lib${module}_la_SOURCES =
-nodist_lib${module}_la_SOURCES = ${module}SK.cc
-nodist_salomeinclude_HEADERS= ${module}.hh
-lib${module}_la_CXXFLAGS = -I. $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES)
-lib${module}_la_LIBADD = $$(KERNEL_LIBS)
-%SK.cc %.hh : %.idl
-%_idl.py : %.idl
-\t$$(OMNIORB_IDL) -bpython $$(IDL_INCLUDES) $$<
-CLEANFILES = *.hh *SK.cc *.py
-\trm -rf ${module} ${module}__POA
-\t$${mkinstalldirs} $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)
-\tcp -R ${module} ${module}__POA $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)
-\trm -rf $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)/${module}
-\trm -rf $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)/${module}__POA
-include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-DATA_INST = ${module}Catalog.xml
-salomeres_DATA = $${DATA_INST}
-include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib${component}Engine.la
-lib${component}Engine_la_SOURCES = ${component}.cxx
-nodist_lib${component}Engine_la_SOURCES =
-lib${component}Engine_la_CXXFLAGS = -I$$(top_builddir)/idl $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) ${includes}
-lib${component}Engine_la_FFLAGS = $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) -fexceptions ${includes}
-lib${component}Engine_la_LIBADD = -L$$(top_builddir)/idl -l${module} $$(FLIBS) ${libs}
-lib${component}Engine_la_LDFLAGS = ${rlibs}
-salomeinclude_HEADERS = ${component}.hxx
-include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib${component}Exelib.la
-lib${component}Exelib_la_SOURCES = ${component}.cxx
-nodist_lib${component}Exelib_la_SOURCES =
-lib${component}Exelib_la_CXXFLAGS = -I$$(top_builddir)/idl $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) ${includes}
-lib${component}Exelib_la_FFLAGS = $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) -fexceptions ${includes}
-lib${component}Exelib_la_LIBADD = -L$$(top_builddir)/idl -l${module} $$(FLIBS) ${libs}
-lib${component}Exelib_la_LDFLAGS = ${rlibs}
-salomeinclude_HEADERS = ${component}.hxx
-# These files are executable scripts
-dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS= ${component}.exe
-pycompoMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-salomepython_PYTHON = ${component}.py
-pycompoEXEMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS= ${component}.exe
-#ifndef _${module}_IDL_
-#define _${module}_IDL_
-#include "DSC_Engines.idl"
-#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
-module ${module}
-typedef sequence<string> stringvec;
-typedef sequence<double> dblevec;
-typedef sequence<long> intvec;
- interface ${component}:Engines::Superv_Component
- {
- };
-catalog="""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii' ?>
-<!-- XML component catalog -->
-<!-- Path prefix information -->
-<!-- Commonly used types -->
- <objref name="pyobj" id="python:obj:1.0"/>
-<!-- Component list -->
-#include "${component}.hxx"
-#include <string>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <Calcium.hxx>
-#include <calcium.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <SALOME_NamingService.hxx>
-#include <Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx>
-typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
-sighandler_t setsig(int sig, sighandler_t handler)
- struct sigaction context, ocontext;
- context.sa_handler = handler;
- sigemptyset(&context.sa_mask);
- context.sa_flags = 0;
- if (sigaction(sig, &context, &ocontext) == -1)
- return SIG_ERR;
- return ocontext.sa_handler;
-static void AttachDebugger()
- if(getenv ("DEBUGGER"))
- {
- std::stringstream exec;
-#if ${exe}
- exec << "$$DEBUGGER " << "${exe_path} " << getpid() << "&";
- exec << "$$DEBUGGER SALOME_Container " << getpid() << "&";
- std::cerr << exec.str() << std::endl;
- system(exec.str().c_str());
- while(1);
- }
-static void THandler(int theSigId)
- std::cerr << "SIGSEGV: " << std::endl;
- AttachDebugger();
- //to exit or not to exit
- _exit(1);
-static void terminateHandler(void)
- std::cerr << "Terminate: not managed exception !" << std::endl;
- AttachDebugger();
- throw SALOME_Exception("Terminate: not managed exception !");
-static void unexpectedHandler(void)
- std::cerr << "Unexpected: unexpected exception !" << std::endl;
- AttachDebugger();
- throw SALOME_Exception("Unexpected: unexpected exception !");
-#define _(A,B) A##B
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define F_FUNC(lname,uname) __stdcall uname
-#define F_CALL(lname,uname) uname
-#define STR_PSTR(str) char *str, int _(Len,str)
-#define STR_PLEN(str)
-#define STR_PTR(str) str
-#define STR_LEN(str) _(Len,str)
-#define STR_CPTR(str) str,strlen(str)
-#define STR_CLEN(str)
-#define F_FUNC(lname,uname) _(lname,_) /* Fortran function name */
-#define F_CALL(lname,uname) _(lname,_) /* Fortran function call */
-#define STR_PSTR(str) char *str /* fortran string arg pointer */
-#define STR_PLEN(str) , int _(Len,str) /* fortran string arg length */
-#define STR_PTR(str) str /* fortran string pointer */
-#define STR_LEN(str) _(Len,str) /* fortran string length */
-#define STR_CPTR(str) str /* fortran string calling arg pointer */
-#define STR_CLEN(str) , strlen(str) /* fortran string calling arg length */
-extern "C" void cp_exit(int err);
-extern "C" void F_FUNC(cpexit,CPEXIT)(int err)
- if(err==-1)
- _exit(-1);
- else
- cp_exit(err);
-using namespace std;
-//! Constructor for component "${component}" instance
- *
- */
-${component}_i::${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
- const char *instanceName,
- const char *interfaceName)
- : Superv_Component_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName)
- std::cerr << "create component" << std::endl;
-#if ${exe}
- setsig(SIGSEGV,&THandler);
- set_terminate(&terminateHandler);
- set_unexpected(&unexpectedHandler);
- _thisObj = this ;
- _id = _poa->activate_object(_thisObj);
-${component}_i::${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- Engines::Container_ptr container,
- const char *instanceName,
- const char *interfaceName)
- : Superv_Component_i(orb, poa, container, instanceName, interfaceName)
-#if ${exe}
- setsig(SIGSEGV,&THandler);
- set_terminate(&terminateHandler);
- set_unexpected(&unexpectedHandler);
- _thisObj = this ;
- _id = _poa->activate_object(_thisObj);
-//! Destructor for component "${component}" instance
-void ${component}_i::destroy()
- Engines_Component_i::destroy();
-#if ${exe}
- if(!CORBA::is_nil(_orb))
- _orb->shutdown(0);
-//! Register datastream ports for a component service given its name
- * \param service_name : service name
- * \\return true if port registering succeeded, false if not
- */
-${component}_i::init_service(const char * service_name) {
- CORBA::Boolean rtn = false;
- string s_name(service_name);
- return rtn;
-extern "C"
- PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
- const char *instanceName,
- const char *interfaceName)
- {
- MESSAGE("PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory()");
- ${component}_i * myEngine = new ${component}_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName);
- return myEngine->getId() ;
- }
- void yacsinit()
- {
- int argc=0;
- char *argv=0;
- CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init( argc , &argv ) ;
- PortableServer::POAManager_var pman;
- CORBA::Object_var obj;
- try
- {
- SALOME_NamingService * salomens = new SALOME_NamingService(orb);
- obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
- PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
- PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = poa->the_POAManager();
- std::string containerName(getenv("SALOME_CONTAINERNAME"));
- std::string instanceName(getenv("SALOME_INSTANCE"));
- obj=orb->string_to_object(getenv("SALOME_CONTAINER"));
- Engines::Container_var container = Engines::Container::_narrow(obj);
- ${component}_i * myEngine = new ${component}_i(orb, poa, container, instanceName.c_str(), "${component}");
- pman->activate();
- obj=myEngine->_this();
- Engines::Component_var component = Engines::Component::_narrow(obj);
- string component_registerName = containerName + "/" + instanceName;
- salomens->Register(component,component_registerName.c_str());
- orb->run();
- orb->destroy();
- }
- catch(CORBA::Exception&)
- {
- std::cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception."<< std::endl;
- }
- catch(std::exception& exc)
- {
- std::cerr << "Caught std::exception - "<<exc.what() << std::endl;
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- std::cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << std::endl;
- }
- }
- void F_FUNC(yacsinit,YACSINIT)()
- {
- yacsinit();
- }
-#ifndef _${component}_HXX_
-#define _${component}_HXX_
-#include "Superv_Component_i.hxx"
-#include "${module}.hh"
-class ${component}_i:
- public virtual POA_${module}::${component},
- public virtual Superv_Component_i
- public:
- ${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
- const char *instanceName, const char *interfaceName);
- ${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- Engines::Container_ptr container,
- const char *instanceName, const char *interfaceName);
- virtual ~${component}_i();
- void destroy();
- CORBA::Boolean init_service(const char * service_name);
-extern "C"
- PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
- PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
- PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
- const char *instanceName,
- const char *interfaceName);
- void yacsinit();
-void ${component}_i::${service}(${parameters})
- std::cerr << "${component}_i::${service}" << std::endl;
- beginService("${component}_i::${service}");
- Superv_Component_i * component = dynamic_cast<Superv_Component_i*>(this);
- char nom_instance[INSTANCE_LEN];
- int info = cp_cd(component,nom_instance);
- try
- {
- cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
- }
- catch ( const CalciumException & ex)
- {
- std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
- cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
- SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
- es.text=CORBA::string_dup(ex.what());
- throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
- }
- catch ( const SALOME_Exception & ex)
- {
- cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
- SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
- es.text=CORBA::string_dup(ex.what());
- throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
- }
- catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & ex)
- {
- cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
- throw;
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- std::cerr << "unknown exception" << std::endl;
-#if ${exe}
- _exit(-1);
- cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
- SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
- es.text=CORBA::string_dup(" unknown exception");
- throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
- }
- endService("${component}_i::${service}");
- std::cerr << "end of ${component}_i::${service}" << std::endl;
- if (s_name == "${service}")
- {
- try
- {
- //initialization CALCIUM ports IN
- //initialization CALCIUM ports OUT
- }
- catch(const PortAlreadyDefined& ex)
- {
- std::cerr << "${component}: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
- //Ports already created : we use them
- }
- catch ( ... )
- {
- std::cerr << "${component}: unknown exception" << std::endl;
- }
- rtn = true;
- }
-import sys,traceback,os
-import ${module}__POA
-import calcium
-import dsccalcium
-import SALOME
-import cPickle
- import numpy
- numpy=None
-class ${component}(${module}__POA.${component},dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent):
- '''
- To be identified as a SALOME component this Python class
- must have the same name as the component, inherit omniorb
- class ${module}__POA.${component} and DSC class dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent
- that implements DSC API.
- '''
- def __init__ ( self, orb, poa, contID, containerName, instanceName, interfaceName ):
- print "${component}.__init__: ", containerName, ';', instanceName,interfaceName
- dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.__init__(self, orb, poa,contID,containerName,instanceName,interfaceName)
- def init_service(self,service):
- return False
-pyCompoEXE="""#!/usr/bin/env python
- def destroy(self):
- dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.destroy(self)
- self._orb.shutdown(0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from omniORB import CORBA
- print sys.argv
- orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
- poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
- print "ORB and POA initialized",orb,poa
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- container=orb.string_to_object(sys.argv[1])
- containerName=sys.argv[2]
- instanceName=sys.argv[3]
- compo=${component}(orb,poa,container,containerName, instanceName, "${component}")
- comp_o = compo._this()
- comp_iors = orb.object_to_string(comp_o)
- print "ior ${component}",comp_iors
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- #activate the POA
- poaManager = poa._get_the_POAManager()
- poaManager.activate()
- orb.run()
- print "fin du composant ${component} standalone"
- def ${service}(self,${inparams}):
- print "${component}.${service}"
- self.beginService("${component}.${service}")
- component=self.proxy
- returns=None
- try:
- print "End of ${component}.${service}"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- self.endService("${component}.${service}")
- return ${outparams}
- except:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
- l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0)) """
-pyinitService=""" if service == "${service}":
- #initialization CALCIUM ports IN
- #initialization CALCIUM ports OUT
- return True """
- <component>
- <!-- Component identification -->
- <component-name>${component}</component-name>
- <component-username>${component}</component-username>
- <component-type>Data</component-type>
- <component-author>${author}</component-author>
- <component-version>1.0</component-version>
- <component-comment></component-comment>
- <component-multistudy>0</component-multistudy>
- <component-impltype>${impltype}</component-impltype>
- <component-implname>${implname}</component-implname>
- <component-interface-list>
- <component-interface-name>${component}</component-interface-name>
- <component-interface-comment></component-interface-comment>
- <component-service-list>
- </component-service-list>
- </component-interface-list>
- </component>"""
-cataService=""" <component-service>
- <!-- service-identification -->
- <service-name>${service}</service-name>
- <service-author>${author}</service-author>
- <service-version>1.0</service-version>
- <service-comment></service-comment>
- <service-by-default>0</service-by-default>
- <!-- service-connexion -->
- <inParameter-list>
- </inParameter-list>
- <outParameter-list>
- </outParameter-list>
- <DataStream-list>
- </DataStream-list>
- </component-service>"""
-cataInparam=""" <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>${name}</inParameter-name>
- <inParameter-type>${type}</inParameter-type>
- </inParameter>"""
-cataOutparam=""" <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>${name}</outParameter-name>
- <outParameter-type>${type}</outParameter-type>
- </outParameter>"""
-cataInStream=""" <inParameter>
- <inParameter-name>${name}</inParameter-name>
- <inParameter-type>${type}</inParameter-type>
- <inParameter-dependency>${dep}</inParameter-dependency>
- </inParameter>"""
-cataOutStream=""" <outParameter>
- <outParameter-name>${name}</outParameter-name>
- <outParameter-type>${type}</outParameter-type>
- <outParameter-dependency>${dep}</outParameter-dependency>
- </outParameter>"""
-astercompoMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-salomepython_PYTHON = ${component}.py
-asterexeMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
-salomepython_PYTHON = ${component}_module.py
-# These files are executable scripts
-dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS= ${component}.exe
-import sys,traceback,os
-import ${module}__POA
-import calcium
-import dsccalcium
-import SALOME
-import linecache
-import shutil
-import aster
-import Accas
-import Cata.cata
-from Execution.E_SUPERV import SUPERV
- import numpy
- numpy=None
-class ${component}(${module}__POA.${component},dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent,SUPERV):
- '''
- To be identified as a SALOME component this Python class
- must have the same name as the component, inherit omniorb
- class ${module}__POA.${component} and DSC class dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent
- that implements DSC API.
- '''
- def __init__ ( self, orb, poa, contID, containerName, instanceName, interfaceName ):
- print "${component}.__init__: ", containerName, ';', instanceName,interfaceName
- dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.__init__(self, orb, poa,contID,containerName,instanceName,interfaceName)
- self.argv=[${argv}]
- #modif pour aster 9.0
- if hasattr(self,"init_timer"):
- self.init_timer()
- #fin modif pour aster 9.0
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(aster_dir,"elements")):
- shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(aster_dir,"elements"),"elem.1")
- else:
- shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(aster_dir,"catobj","elements"),"elem.1")
- def init_service(self,service):
- return False
-import sys,traceback,os
-import string
-import ${module}__POA
-import calcium
-import dsccalcium
-import SALOME
-import linecache
-from E_SUPERV import SUPERV
- import numpy
- numpy=None
-class ${component}(${module}__POA.${component},dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent,SUPERV):
- '''
- To be identified as a SALOME component this Python class
- must have the same name as the component, inherit omniorb
- class ${module}__POA.${component} and DSC class dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent
- that implements DSC API.
- '''
- def __init__ ( self, orb, poa, contID, containerName, instanceName, interfaceName ):
- print "${component}.__init__: ", containerName, ';', instanceName,interfaceName
- self.init=0
- dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.__init__(self, orb, poa,contID,containerName,instanceName,interfaceName)
- def init_service(self,service):
- return False
- def destroy(self):
- dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.destroy(self)
- self._orb.shutdown(0)
- def ${service}(self,${inparams}):
- print "${component}.${service}"
- self.beginService("${component}.${service}")
- self.jdc=Cata.cata.JdC(procedure=jdc,cata=Cata.cata,nom="Salome",context_ini=${dvars})
- j=self.jdc
- #modif pour aster 9.0
- if hasattr(self,"init_timer"):
- j.timer = self.timer
- #fin modif pour aster 9.0
- # On compile le texte Python
- j.compile()
- #modif pour aster 9.0
- # On initialise les tops de mesure globale de temps d'execution du jdc
- if hasattr(self,"init_timer"):
- j.cpu_user=os.times()[0]
- j.cpu_syst=os.times()[1]
- #fin modif pour aster 9.0
- if not j.cr.estvide():
- self.MESSAGE(msg)
- print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
- print j.cr
- print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
- j.supprime()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(j.cr),"${component}.py",0))
- #surcharge des arguments de la ligne de commande (defaut stocke dans le composant) par un eventuel port de nom argv
- try:
- self.argv=self.argv+argv.split()
- except:
- pass
- #initialisation des arguments de la ligne de commande (remplace la methode initexec de B_JDC.py)
- aster.argv(self.argv)
- aster.init(CONTEXT.debug)
- j.setmode(1)
- j.ini=1
- try:
- j.exec_compile()
- except:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
- l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0))
- ier=0
- if not j.cr.estvide():
- self.MESSAGE(msg)
- ier=1
- print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
- print j.cr
- print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(j.cr), "${component}.py",0))
- if j.par_lot == 'NON':
- err=calcium.cp_fin(self.proxy,calcium.CP_ARRET)
- #retour sans erreur (il faut pousser les variables de sortie)
- print "End of ${component}.${service}"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- self.endService("${component}.${service}")
- return ${rvars}
- # Verification de la validite du jeu de commande
- cr=j.report()
- if not cr.estvide():
- self.MESSAGE(msg)
- print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
- print cr
- print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(cr),"${component}.py",0))
- j.set_par_lot("NON")
- try:
- j.BuildExec()
- ier=0
- if not j.cr.estvide():
- self.MESSAGE(msg)
- ier=1
- print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
- print j.cr
- print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(j.cr),"${component}.py",0))
- else:
- #retour sans erreur (il faut pousser les variables de sortie)
- err=calcium.cp_fin(self.proxy,calcium.CP_ARRET)
- print "End of ${component}.${service}"
- sys.stdout.flush()
- self.endService("${component}.${service}")
- return ${rvars}
- except :
- sys.stdout.flush()
- exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
- l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0))
- def ${service}(self,${inparams}):
- print "${component}.${service}"
- self.beginService("${component}.${service}")
- if not self.init:
- self.init=1
- ier=self.main()
- j=self.jdc
- self.jdc.g_context.update(${dvars})
- try:
- CONTEXT.set_current_step(self.jdc)
- linecache.cache['<string>']=0,0,string.split(jdc,'\\n'),'<string>'
- exec jdc in self.jdc.g_context
- CONTEXT.unset_current_step()
- self.endService("${component}.${service}")
- except EOFError:
- self.endService("${component}.${service}")
- except:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
- l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
- self.endService("${component}.${service}")
- CONTEXT.unset_current_step()
- raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0))
- return ${rvars}
-# Check availability of Aster binary distribution
-AC_CHECKING(for Aster)
- [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-aster=DIR],[root directory path of Aster installation])],
- [ASTER_DIR="$withval"],[ASTER_DIR=""])
-if test -f ${ASTER_DIR}/asteru ; then
- Aster_ok=yes
- AC_MSG_RESULT(Using Aster distribution in ${ASTER_DIR})
- AC_MSG_WARN("Cannot find Aster distribution")
-AC_MSG_RESULT(for Aster: $Aster_ok)
+ Pacakge to generate SALOME modules with components
+ implemented in C++, Fortran or Python
+ that can use datastream ports
+from gener import Module, Service, Generator
+from fcompo import F77Component
+from cppcompo import CPPComponent
+from pycompo import PYComponent
+from astcompo import ASTERComponent
--- /dev/null
+import re, os
+from gener import Component, Invalid, makedirs
+from pyth_tmpl import pyinitEXEService, pyinitCEXEService, pyinitService
+from aster_tmpl import asterCEXEService, asterEXEService
+from aster_tmpl import asterService, asterEXECompo, asterCEXECompo, asterCompo
+from aster_tmpl import asterexeMakefile, astercexeMakefile, astercompoMakefile
+from aster_tmpl import comm, make_etude, cexe, exeaster
+from aster_tmpl import container, component
+class ASTERComponent(Component):
+ def __init__(self, name, services=None, libs="", rlibs="", aster_dir="",
+ python_path=None, argv=None, kind="lib", exe_path=None,
+ asrun=None, export_extras=""):
+ self.aster_dir = aster_dir
+ self.python_path = python_path or []
+ self.argv = argv or []
+ self.exe_path = exe_path
+ self.asrun = asrun
+ self.export_extras = export_extras
+ Component.__init__(self, name, services, impl="ASTER", libs=libs,
+ rlibs=rlibs, kind=kind)
+ def validate(self):
+ Component.validate(self)
+ if not self.aster_dir:
+ raise Invalid("aster_dir must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
+ kinds = ("lib", "cexe", "exe")
+ if self.kind not in kinds:
+ raise Invalid("kind must be one of %s" % kinds)
+ if self.kind == "lib" and not self.python_path:
+ raise Invalid("python_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
+ if self.kind == "cexe" :
+ if not self.exe_path:
+ raise Invalid("exe_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
+ if not self.asrun:
+ raise Invalid("asrun must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.asrun):
+ raise Invalid("asrun does not exist for component %s" % self.name)
+ if self.kind == "exe" :
+ if not self.exe_path:
+ raise Invalid("exe_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
+ if not self.asrun:
+ raise Invalid("asrun must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.asrun):
+ raise Invalid("asrun does not exist for component %s" % self.name)
+ for serv in self.services:
+ #on ajoute un inport string de nom jdc en premier dans la liste des ports de chaque service
+ serv.inport.insert(0, ("jdc", "string"))
+ def makeCompo(self, gen):
+ filename = "%s.py" % self.name
+ #on suppose que les composants ASTER sont homogenes (utilisent meme install)
+ gen.aster = self.aster_dir
+ if self.kind == "lib":
+ return {"Makefile.am":astercompoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name),
+ filename:self.makeaster(gen)}
+ elif self.kind == "cexe":
+ #creation de l'installation aster dans exe_path
+ self.makecexepath(gen)
+ return {"Makefile.am":astercexeMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name),
+ filename:self.makecexeaster(gen)}
+ elif self.kind == "exe":
+ #creation de l'installation aster dans exe_path
+ self.makeexepath(gen)
+ return {"Makefile.am":asterexeMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name),
+ self.name+".exe":exeaster.substitute(export=os.path.join(self.exe_path, "make_etude.export"), asrun=self.asrun),
+ self.name+"_module.py":self.makeexeaster(gen)}
+ def makeexepath(self, gen):
+ makedirs(self.exe_path)
+ #patch to E_SUPERV.py
+ fil = open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir, "bibpyt", "Execution", "E_SUPERV.py"))
+ esuperv = fil.read()
+ esuperv = re.sub("j=self.JdC", "self.jdc=j=self.JdC", esuperv)
+ fil.close()
+ #utilisation d'un programme principal python different
+ fil = open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir, "config.txt"))
+ config = fil.read()
+ config = re.sub("Execution\/E_SUPERV.py", os.path.join(self.exe_path, "aster_component.py"), config)
+ fil.close()
+ gen.makeFiles({
+ "aster_component.py":component.substitute(component=self.name),
+ "make_etude.export":make_etude.substitute(config=os.path.join(self.exe_path, "config.txt"),
+ comm=os.path.join(self.exe_path, self.name+".comm"),
+ extras=self.export_extras),
+ self.name+".comm":comm,
+ "config.txt":config,
+ "profile.sh":os.path.join(self.aster_dir, "profile.sh"),
+ "E_SUPERV.py":esuperv,
+ }, self.exe_path)
+ def makecexepath(self, gen):
+ makedirs(self.exe_path)
+ #patch to E_SUPERV.py
+ fil = open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir, "bibpyt", "Execution", "E_SUPERV.py"))
+ esuperv = fil.read()
+ esuperv = re.sub("j=self.JdC", "self.jdc=j=self.JdC", esuperv)
+ fil.close()
+ #utilisation d'un programme principal python different
+ fil = open(os.path.join(self.aster_dir, "config.txt"))
+ config = fil.read()
+ config = re.sub("Execution\/E_SUPERV.py", os.path.join(self.exe_path, "aster_container.py"), config)
+ fil.close()
+ gen.makeFiles({self.name+".exe":cexe.substitute(export=os.path.join(self.exe_path, "make_etude.export"),
+ asrun=self.asrun),
+ "aster_container.py":container,
+ "make_etude.export":make_etude.substitute(config=os.path.join(self.exe_path, "config.txt"),
+ comm=os.path.join(self.exe_path, self.name+".comm"),
+ extras=self.export_extras),
+ self.name+".comm":comm,
+ "config.txt":config,
+ "profile.sh":os.path.join(self.aster_dir, "profile.sh"),
+ "E_SUPERV.py":esuperv,
+ }, self.exe_path)
+ #make exe executable
+ os.chmod(os.path.join(self.exe_path, self.name+".exe"), 0777)
+ def makeexeaster(self, gen):
+ services = []
+ inits = []
+ defs = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ defs.append(serv.defs)
+ params = []
+ datas = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ datas.append('"%s":cPickle.loads(%s)' % (name, name))
+ else:
+ datas.append('"%s":%s' % (name, name))
+ #ajout de l'adresse du composant
+ datas.append('"component":self.proxy.ptr()')
+ dvars = "{"+','.join(datas)+"}"
+ inparams = ",".join(params)
+ params = []
+ datas = []
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ datas.append('cPickle.dumps(j.g_context["%s"],-1)'%name)
+ else:
+ datas.append('j.g_context["%s"]'%name)
+ outparams = ",".join(params)
+ rvars = ",".join(datas)
+ service = asterEXEService.substitute(component=self.name,
+ service=serv.name,
+ inparams=inparams,
+ outparams=outparams,
+ body=serv.body,
+ dvars=dvars, rvars=rvars)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ instream = "\n".join(streams)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.outstream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ outstream = "\n".join(streams)
+ init = pyinitEXEService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ instream=instream, outstream=outstream)
+ services.append(service)
+ inits.append(init)
+ return asterEXECompo.substitute(component=self.name, module=gen.module.name,
+ servicesdef="\n".join(defs),
+ servicesimpl="\n".join(services),
+ initservice='\n'.join(inits),
+ aster_dir=self.aster_dir)
+ def makecexeaster(self, gen):
+ services = []
+ inits = []
+ defs = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ defs.append(serv.defs)
+ params = []
+ datas = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ datas.append('"%s":cPickle.loads(%s)' % (name, name))
+ else:
+ datas.append('"%s":%s' % (name, name))
+ #ajout de l'adresse du composant
+ datas.append('"component":self.proxy.ptr()')
+ dvars = "{"+','.join(datas)+"}"
+ inparams = ",".join(params)
+ params = []
+ datas = []
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ datas.append('cPickle.dumps(j.g_context["%s"],-1)'%name)
+ else:
+ datas.append('j.g_context["%s"]'%name)
+ outparams = ",".join(params)
+ rvars = ",".join(datas)
+ service = asterCEXEService.substitute(component=self.name,
+ service=serv.name,
+ inparams=inparams,
+ outparams=outparams,
+ body=serv.body,
+ dvars=dvars, rvars=rvars)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ instream = "\n".join(streams)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.outstream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ outstream = "\n".join(streams)
+ init = pyinitCEXEService.substitute(component=self.name,
+ service=serv.name,
+ instream=instream,
+ outstream=outstream)
+ services.append(service)
+ inits.append(init)
+ return asterCEXECompo.substitute(component=self.name,
+ module=gen.module.name,
+ servicesdef="\n".join(defs),
+ servicesimpl="\n".join(services),
+ initservice='\n'.join(inits),
+ aster_dir=self.aster_dir)
+ def getImpl(self):
+ if self.kind == "cexe":
+ return "CEXE", os.path.join(self.exe_path, self.name+".exe")
+ else:
+ return "SO", ""
+ def makeaster(self, gen):
+ services = []
+ inits = []
+ defs = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ defs.append(serv.defs)
+ params = []
+ datas = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ datas.append('"%s":cPickle.loads(%s)' % (name, name))
+ else:
+ datas.append('"%s":%s' % (name, name))
+ #ajout de l'adresse du composant
+ datas.append('"component":self.proxy.ptr()')
+ dvars = "{"+','.join(datas)+"}"
+ inparams = ",".join(params)
+ params = []
+ datas = []
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ datas.append('cPickle.dumps(j.g_context["%s"],-1)'%name)
+ else:
+ datas.append('j.g_context["%s"]'%name)
+ outparams = ",".join(params)
+ rvars = ",".join(datas)
+ service = asterService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ inparams=inparams, outparams=outparams,
+ body=serv.body,
+ dvars=dvars, rvars=rvars)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ instream = "\n".join(streams)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.outstream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ outstream = "\n".join(streams)
+ init = pyinitService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ instream=instream, outstream=outstream)
+ services.append(service)
+ inits.append(init)
+ python_path = ",".join([repr(p) for p in self.python_path])
+ argv = ",".join([repr(p) for p in self.argv])
+ return asterCompo.substitute(component=self.name, module=gen.module.name,
+ servicesdef="\n".join(defs),
+ servicesimpl="\n".join(services),
+ initservice='\n'.join(inits),
+ aster_dir=self.aster_dir,
+ python_path=python_path, argv=argv)
--- /dev/null
+ from string import Template
+ from compat import Template,set
+astercompoMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+salomepython_PYTHON = ${component}.py
+asterexeMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+salomepython_PYTHON = ${component}_module.py
+# These files are executable scripts
+dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS= ${component}.exe
+import sys,traceback,os
+import ${module}__POA
+import calcium
+import dsccalcium
+import SALOME
+import linecache
+import shutil
+import aster
+import Accas
+import Cata.cata
+from Execution.E_SUPERV import SUPERV
+ import numpy
+ numpy=None
+class ${component}(${module}__POA.${component},dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent,SUPERV):
+ '''
+ To be identified as a SALOME component this Python class
+ must have the same name as the component, inherit omniorb
+ class ${module}__POA.${component} and DSC class dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent
+ that implements DSC API.
+ '''
+ def __init__ ( self, orb, poa, contID, containerName, instanceName, interfaceName ):
+ print "${component}.__init__: ", containerName, ';', instanceName,interfaceName
+ dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.__init__(self, orb, poa,contID,containerName,instanceName,interfaceName)
+ self.argv=[${argv}]
+ #modif pour aster 9.0
+ if hasattr(self,"init_timer"):
+ self.init_timer()
+ #fin modif pour aster 9.0
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(aster_dir,"elements")):
+ shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(aster_dir,"elements"),"elem.1")
+ else:
+ shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(aster_dir,"catobj","elements"),"elem.1")
+ def init_service(self,service):
+ return False
+import sys,traceback,os
+import string
+import ${module}__POA
+import calcium
+import dsccalcium
+import SALOME
+import linecache
+from E_SUPERV import SUPERV
+ import numpy
+ numpy=None
+class ${component}(${module}__POA.${component},dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent,SUPERV):
+ '''
+ To be identified as a SALOME component this Python class
+ must have the same name as the component, inherit omniorb
+ class ${module}__POA.${component} and DSC class dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent
+ that implements DSC API.
+ '''
+ def __init__ ( self, orb, poa, contID, containerName, instanceName, interfaceName ):
+ print "${component}.__init__: ", containerName, ';', instanceName,interfaceName
+ self.init=0
+ dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.__init__(self, orb, poa,contID,containerName,instanceName,interfaceName)
+ def init_service(self,service):
+ return False
+ def destroy(self):
+ dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.destroy(self)
+ self._orb.shutdown(0)
+ def ${service}(self,${inparams}):
+ print "${component}.${service}"
+ self.beginService("${component}.${service}")
+ self.jdc=Cata.cata.JdC(procedure=jdc,cata=Cata.cata,nom="Salome",context_ini=${dvars})
+ j=self.jdc
+ #modif pour aster 9.0
+ if hasattr(self,"init_timer"):
+ j.timer = self.timer
+ #fin modif pour aster 9.0
+ # On compile le texte Python
+ j.compile()
+ #modif pour aster 9.0
+ # On initialise les tops de mesure globale de temps d'execution du jdc
+ if hasattr(self,"init_timer"):
+ j.cpu_user=os.times()[0]
+ j.cpu_syst=os.times()[1]
+ #fin modif pour aster 9.0
+ if not j.cr.estvide():
+ self.MESSAGE(msg)
+ print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
+ print j.cr
+ print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
+ j.supprime()
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(j.cr),"${component}.py",0))
+ #surcharge des arguments de la ligne de commande (defaut stocke dans le composant) par un eventuel port de nom argv
+ try:
+ self.argv=self.argv+argv.split()
+ except:
+ pass
+ #initialisation des arguments de la ligne de commande (remplace la methode initexec de B_JDC.py)
+ aster.argv(self.argv)
+ aster.init(CONTEXT.debug)
+ j.setmode(1)
+ j.ini=1
+ try:
+ j.exec_compile()
+ except:
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
+ l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0))
+ ier=0
+ if not j.cr.estvide():
+ self.MESSAGE(msg)
+ ier=1
+ print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
+ print j.cr
+ print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(j.cr), "${component}.py",0))
+ if j.par_lot == 'NON':
+ err=calcium.cp_fin(self.proxy,calcium.CP_ARRET)
+ #retour sans erreur (il faut pousser les variables de sortie)
+ print "End of ${component}.${service}"
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.endService("${component}.${service}")
+ return ${rvars}
+ # Verification de la validite du jeu de commande
+ cr=j.report()
+ if not cr.estvide():
+ self.MESSAGE(msg)
+ print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
+ print cr
+ print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(cr),"${component}.py",0))
+ j.set_par_lot("NON")
+ try:
+ j.BuildExec()
+ ier=0
+ if not j.cr.estvide():
+ self.MESSAGE(msg)
+ ier=1
+ print ">> JDC.py : DEBUT RAPPORT"
+ print j.cr
+ print ">> JDC.py : FIN RAPPORT"
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,msg+'\\n'+str(j.cr),"${component}.py",0))
+ else:
+ #retour sans erreur (il faut pousser les variables de sortie)
+ err=calcium.cp_fin(self.proxy,calcium.CP_ARRET)
+ print "End of ${component}.${service}"
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.endService("${component}.${service}")
+ return ${rvars}
+ except :
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
+ l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0))
+ def ${service}(self,${inparams}):
+ print "${component}.${service}"
+ self.beginService("${component}.${service}")
+ if not self.init:
+ self.init=1
+ ier=self.main()
+ j=self.jdc
+ self.jdc.g_context.update(${dvars})
+ try:
+ CONTEXT.set_current_step(self.jdc)
+ linecache.cache['<string>']=0,0,string.split(jdc,'\\n'),'<string>'
+ exec jdc in self.jdc.g_context
+ CONTEXT.unset_current_step()
+ self.endService("${component}.${service}")
+ except EOFError:
+ self.endService("${component}.${service}")
+ except:
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
+ l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
+ self.endService("${component}.${service}")
+ CONTEXT.unset_current_step()
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0))
+ return ${rvars}
+# Check availability of Aster binary distribution
+AC_CHECKING(for Aster)
+ [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-aster=DIR],[root directory path of Aster installation])],
+ [ASTER_DIR="$withval"],[ASTER_DIR=""])
+if test -f ${ASTER_DIR}/asteru ; then
+ Aster_ok=yes
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(Using Aster distribution in ${ASTER_DIR})
+ AC_MSG_WARN("Cannot find Aster distribution")
+AC_MSG_RESULT(for Aster: $Aster_ok)
+make_etude="""P actions make_etude
+P version NEW9
+P nomjob salome
+P ncpus 1
+A memjeveux 4.000000
+P mem_aster 100
+A tpmax 60
+P memjob 32768
+P mpi_nbcpu 1
+P mpi_nbnoeud 1
+P tpsjob 1
+P mode batch
+P soumbtc oui
+P consbtc oui
+F conf ${config} D 0
+F comm ${comm} D 1
+make_etude_exe="""P actions make_etude
+P version NEW9
+P nomjob salome
+P ncpus 1
+A memjeveux 4.000000
+P mem_aster 100
+A tpmax 60
+P memjob 32768
+P mpi_nbcpu 1
+P mpi_nbnoeud 1
+P tpsjob 1
+P mode batch
+P soumbtc oui
+P consbtc oui
+F comm ${comm} D 1
+cp ${export} temp.export
+cat >> temp.export << END
+F mess $$PWD/messages R 6
+F resu $$PWD/resu R 8
+F erre $$PWD/erre R 9
+${asrun} temp.export
+cp ${export} temp.export
+cat >> temp.export << END
+F mess $$PWD/messages R 6
+F resu $$PWD/resu R 8
+F erre $$PWD/erre R 9
+${asrun} temp.export
+container="""import sys,os
+from omniORB import CORBA
+from SALOME_ContainerPy import SALOME_ContainerPy_i
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print sys.argv
+ orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
+ poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+ print "ORB and POA initialized"
+ containerName=os.getenv("SALOME_CONTAINERNAME")
+ cpy_i = SALOME_ContainerPy_i(orb, poa, containerName)
+ print "SALOME_ContainerPy_i instance created ",cpy_i
+ cpy_o = cpy_i._this()
+ print "SALOME_ContainerPy_i instance activated ",cpy_o
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ #activate the POA
+ poaManager = poa._get_the_POAManager()
+ poaManager.activate()
+ #Block for ever
+ orb.run()
+ print "fin container aster"
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+component="""import sys,os
+from omniORB import CORBA
+from ${component}_module import ${component}
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print sys.argv
+ orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
+ poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+ print "ORB and POA initialized",orb,poa
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ container=orb.string_to_object(os.getenv("SALOME_CONTAINER"))
+ containerName=os.getenv("SALOME_CONTAINERNAME")
+ instanceName=os.getenv("SALOME_INSTANCE")
+ compo=${component}(orb,poa,container,containerName, instanceName, "${component}")
+ comp_o = compo._this()
+ comp_iors = orb.object_to_string(comp_o)
+ print "ior aster",comp_iors
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ #activate the POA
+ poaManager = poa._get_the_POAManager()
+ poaManager.activate()
+ orb.run()
+ print "fin du composant aster standalone"
--- /dev/null
+ from string import Template
+ from compat import Template,set
+# CORBA idl
+#ifndef _${module}_IDL_
+#define _${module}_IDL_
+#include "DSC_Engines.idl"
+#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
+module ${module}
+typedef sequence<string> stringvec;
+typedef sequence<double> dblevec;
+typedef sequence<long> intvec;
+ interface ${component}:Engines::Superv_Component
+ {
+ };
+include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+BUILT_SOURCES = ${module}SK.cc
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib${module}.la
+salomeidl_DATA = $$(IDL_FILES)
+salomepython_DATA = ${module}_idl.py
+lib${module}_la_SOURCES =
+nodist_lib${module}_la_SOURCES = ${module}SK.cc
+nodist_salomeinclude_HEADERS= ${module}.hh
+lib${module}_la_CXXFLAGS = -I. $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES)
+lib${module}_la_LIBADD = $$(KERNEL_LIBS)
+%SK.cc %.hh : %.idl
+%_idl.py : %.idl
+\t$$(OMNIORB_IDL) -bpython $$(IDL_INCLUDES) $$<
+CLEANFILES = *.hh *SK.cc *.py
+\trm -rf ${module} ${module}__POA
+\t$${mkinstalldirs} $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)
+\tcp -R ${module} ${module}__POA $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)
+\trm -rf $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)/${module}
+\trm -rf $$(DESTDIR)$$(salomepythondir)/${module}__POA
+#SALOME catalog
+catalog="""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii' ?>
+<!-- XML component catalog -->
+<!-- Path prefix information -->
+<!-- Commonly used types -->
+ <objref name="pyobj" id="python:obj:1.0"/>
+<!-- Component list -->
+ <component>
+ <!-- Component identification -->
+ <component-name>${component}</component-name>
+ <component-username>${component}</component-username>
+ <component-type>Data</component-type>
+ <component-author>${author}</component-author>
+ <component-version>1.0</component-version>
+ <component-comment></component-comment>
+ <component-multistudy>0</component-multistudy>
+ <component-impltype>${impltype}</component-impltype>
+ <component-implname>${implname}</component-implname>
+ <component-interface-list>
+ <component-interface-name>${component}</component-interface-name>
+ <component-interface-comment></component-interface-comment>
+ <component-service-list>
+ </component-service-list>
+ </component-interface-list>
+ </component>"""
+cataService=""" <component-service>
+ <!-- service-identification -->
+ <service-name>${service}</service-name>
+ <service-author>${author}</service-author>
+ <service-version>1.0</service-version>
+ <service-comment></service-comment>
+ <service-by-default>0</service-by-default>
+ <!-- service-connexion -->
+ <inParameter-list>
+ </inParameter-list>
+ <outParameter-list>
+ </outParameter-list>
+ <DataStream-list>
+ </DataStream-list>
+ </component-service>"""
+cataInparam=""" <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>${name}</inParameter-name>
+ <inParameter-type>${type}</inParameter-type>
+ </inParameter>"""
+cataOutparam=""" <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>${name}</outParameter-name>
+ <outParameter-type>${type}</outParameter-type>
+ </outParameter>"""
+cataInStream=""" <inParameter>
+ <inParameter-name>${name}</inParameter-name>
+ <inParameter-type>${type}</inParameter-type>
+ <inParameter-dependency>${dep}</inParameter-dependency>
+ </inParameter>"""
+cataOutStream=""" <outParameter>
+ <outParameter-name>${name}</outParameter-name>
+ <outParameter-type>${type}</outParameter-type>
+ <outParameter-dependency>${dep}</outParameter-dependency>
+ </outParameter>"""
--- /dev/null
+ from string import Template
+ from compat import Template,set
+#include "${component}.hxx"
+#include <string>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <Calcium.hxx>
+#include <calcium.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <SALOME_NamingService.hxx>
+#include <Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx>
+typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);
+sighandler_t setsig(int sig, sighandler_t handler)
+ struct sigaction context, ocontext;
+ context.sa_handler = handler;
+ sigemptyset(&context.sa_mask);
+ context.sa_flags = 0;
+ if (sigaction(sig, &context, &ocontext) == -1)
+ return SIG_ERR;
+ return ocontext.sa_handler;
+static void AttachDebugger()
+ if(getenv ("DEBUGGER"))
+ {
+ std::stringstream exec;
+#if ${exe}
+ exec << "$$DEBUGGER " << "${exe_path} " << getpid() << "&";
+ exec << "$$DEBUGGER SALOME_Container " << getpid() << "&";
+ std::cerr << exec.str() << std::endl;
+ system(exec.str().c_str());
+ while(1);
+ }
+static void THandler(int theSigId)
+ std::cerr << "SIGSEGV: " << std::endl;
+ AttachDebugger();
+ //to exit or not to exit
+ _exit(1);
+static void terminateHandler(void)
+ std::cerr << "Terminate: not managed exception !" << std::endl;
+ AttachDebugger();
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Terminate: not managed exception !");
+static void unexpectedHandler(void)
+ std::cerr << "Unexpected: unexpected exception !" << std::endl;
+ AttachDebugger();
+ throw SALOME_Exception("Unexpected: unexpected exception !");
+#define _(A,B) A##B
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define F_FUNC(lname,uname) __stdcall uname
+#define F_CALL(lname,uname) uname
+#define STR_PSTR(str) char *str, int _(Len,str)
+#define STR_PLEN(str)
+#define STR_PTR(str) str
+#define STR_LEN(str) _(Len,str)
+#define STR_CPTR(str) str,strlen(str)
+#define STR_CLEN(str)
+#define F_FUNC(lname,uname) _(lname,_) /* Fortran function name */
+#define F_CALL(lname,uname) _(lname,_) /* Fortran function call */
+#define STR_PSTR(str) char *str /* fortran string arg pointer */
+#define STR_PLEN(str) , int _(Len,str) /* fortran string arg length */
+#define STR_PTR(str) str /* fortran string pointer */
+#define STR_LEN(str) _(Len,str) /* fortran string length */
+#define STR_CPTR(str) str /* fortran string calling arg pointer */
+#define STR_CLEN(str) , strlen(str) /* fortran string calling arg length */
+extern "C" void cp_exit(int err);
+extern "C" void F_FUNC(cpexit,CPEXIT)(int err)
+ if(err==-1)
+ _exit(-1);
+ else
+ cp_exit(err);
+using namespace std;
+//! Constructor for component "${component}" instance
+ *
+ */
+${component}_i::${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName)
+ : Superv_Component_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName)
+ std::cerr << "create component" << std::endl;
+#if ${exe}
+ setsig(SIGSEGV,&THandler);
+ set_terminate(&terminateHandler);
+ set_unexpected(&unexpectedHandler);
+ _thisObj = this ;
+ _id = _poa->activate_object(_thisObj);
+${component}_i::${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ Engines::Container_ptr container,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName)
+ : Superv_Component_i(orb, poa, container, instanceName, interfaceName)
+#if ${exe}
+ setsig(SIGSEGV,&THandler);
+ set_terminate(&terminateHandler);
+ set_unexpected(&unexpectedHandler);
+ _thisObj = this ;
+ _id = _poa->activate_object(_thisObj);
+//! Destructor for component "${component}" instance
+void ${component}_i::destroy()
+ Engines_Component_i::destroy();
+#if ${exe}
+ if(!CORBA::is_nil(_orb))
+ _orb->shutdown(0);
+//! Register datastream ports for a component service given its name
+ * \param service_name : service name
+ * \\return true if port registering succeeded, false if not
+ */
+${component}_i::init_service(const char * service_name) {
+ CORBA::Boolean rtn = false;
+ string s_name(service_name);
+ return rtn;
+extern "C"
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName)
+ {
+ MESSAGE("PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory()");
+ ${component}_i * myEngine = new ${component}_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName);
+ return myEngine->getId() ;
+ }
+ void yacsinit()
+ {
+ int argc=0;
+ char *argv=0;
+ CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init( argc , &argv ) ;
+ PortableServer::POAManager_var pman;
+ CORBA::Object_var obj;
+ try
+ {
+ SALOME_NamingService * salomens = new SALOME_NamingService(orb);
+ obj = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA");
+ PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
+ PortableServer::POAManager_var pman = poa->the_POAManager();
+ std::string containerName(getenv("SALOME_CONTAINERNAME"));
+ std::string instanceName(getenv("SALOME_INSTANCE"));
+ obj=orb->string_to_object(getenv("SALOME_CONTAINER"));
+ Engines::Container_var container = Engines::Container::_narrow(obj);
+ ${component}_i * myEngine = new ${component}_i(orb, poa, container, instanceName.c_str(), "${component}");
+ pman->activate();
+ obj=myEngine->_this();
+ Engines::Component_var component = Engines::Component::_narrow(obj);
+ string component_registerName = containerName + "/" + instanceName;
+ salomens->Register(component,component_registerName.c_str());
+ orb->run();
+ orb->destroy();
+ }
+ catch(CORBA::Exception&)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Caught CORBA::Exception."<< std::endl;
+ }
+ catch(std::exception& exc)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Caught std::exception - "<<exc.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Caught unknown exception." << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ void F_FUNC(yacsinit,YACSINIT)()
+ {
+ yacsinit();
+ }
+#ifndef _${component}_HXX_
+#define _${component}_HXX_
+#include "Superv_Component_i.hxx"
+#include "${module}.hh"
+class ${component}_i:
+ public virtual POA_${module}::${component},
+ public virtual Superv_Component_i
+ public:
+ ${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName, const char *interfaceName);
+ ${component}_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ Engines::Container_ptr container,
+ const char *instanceName, const char *interfaceName);
+ virtual ~${component}_i();
+ void destroy();
+ CORBA::Boolean init_service(const char * service_name);
+extern "C"
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * ${component}Engine_factory( CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName);
+ void yacsinit();
+void ${component}_i::${service}(${parameters})
+ std::cerr << "${component}_i::${service}" << std::endl;
+ beginService("${component}_i::${service}");
+ Superv_Component_i * component = dynamic_cast<Superv_Component_i*>(this);
+ char nom_instance[INSTANCE_LEN];
+ int info = cp_cd(component,nom_instance);
+ try
+ {
+ cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
+ }
+ catch ( const CalciumException & ex)
+ {
+ std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
+ cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.text=CORBA::string_dup(ex.what());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+ catch ( const SALOME_Exception & ex)
+ {
+ cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.text=CORBA::string_dup(ex.what());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+ catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception & ex)
+ {
+ cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "unknown exception" << std::endl;
+#if ${exe}
+ _exit(-1);
+ cp_fin(component,CP_ARRET);
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.text=CORBA::string_dup(" unknown exception");
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+ endService("${component}_i::${service}");
+ std::cerr << "end of ${component}_i::${service}" << std::endl;
+ if (s_name == "${service}")
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //initialization CALCIUM ports IN
+ //initialization CALCIUM ports OUT
+ }
+ catch(const PortAlreadyDefined& ex)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "${component}: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
+ //Ports already created : we use them
+ }
+ catch ( ... )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "${component}: unknown exception" << std::endl;
+ }
+ rtn = true;
+ }
+# Makefile
+include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib${component}Engine.la
+lib${component}Engine_la_SOURCES = ${component}.cxx
+nodist_lib${component}Engine_la_SOURCES =
+lib${component}Engine_la_CXXFLAGS = -I$$(top_builddir)/idl $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) ${includes}
+lib${component}Engine_la_FFLAGS = $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) -fexceptions ${includes}
+lib${component}Engine_la_LIBADD = -L$$(top_builddir)/idl -l${module} $$(FLIBS) ${libs}
+lib${component}Engine_la_LDFLAGS = ${rlibs}
+salomeinclude_HEADERS = ${component}.hxx
+include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib${component}Exelib.la
+lib${component}Exelib_la_SOURCES = ${component}.cxx
+nodist_lib${component}Exelib_la_SOURCES =
+lib${component}Exelib_la_CXXFLAGS = -I$$(top_builddir)/idl $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) ${includes}
+lib${component}Exelib_la_FFLAGS = $$(KERNEL_INCLUDES) -fexceptions ${includes}
+lib${component}Exelib_la_LIBADD = -L$$(top_builddir)/idl -l${module} $$(FLIBS) ${libs}
+lib${component}Exelib_la_LDFLAGS = ${rlibs}
+salomeinclude_HEADERS = ${component}.hxx
+# These files are executable scripts
+dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS= ${component}.exe
--- /dev/null
+ Module that defines CPPComponent for SALOME components implemented in C++
+from gener import Component, Invalid
+from cpp_tmpl import initService, cxxService, hxxCompo, cxxCompo
+from cpp_tmpl import compoEXEMakefile, compoMakefile, exeCPP
+class CPPComponent(Component):
+ def __init__(self, name, services=None, libs="", rlibs="", includes="",
+ kind="lib", exe_path=None):
+ self.exe_path = exe_path
+ Component.__init__(self, name, services, impl="CPP", libs=libs,
+ rlibs=rlibs, includes=includes, kind=kind)
+ def validate(self):
+ """ validate component definition parameters"""
+ Component.validate(self)
+ kinds = ("lib", "exe")
+ if self.kind not in kinds:
+ raise Invalid("kind must be one of %s" % kinds)
+ if self.kind == "exe" :
+ if not self.exe_path:
+ raise Invalid("exe_path must be defined for component %s" % self.name)
+ def makeCompo(self, gen):
+ """generate files for C++ component
+ return a dict where key is the file name and value is the content of the file
+ """
+ cxxfile = "%s.cxx" % self.name
+ hxxfile = "%s.hxx" % self.name
+ if self.kind == "lib":
+ return {"Makefile.am":compoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name,
+ libs=self.libs,
+ rlibs=self.rlibs,
+ includes=self.includes),
+ cxxfile:self.makecxx(gen), hxxfile:self.makehxx(gen)}
+ if self.kind == "exe":
+ return {"Makefile.am":compoEXEMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name,
+ libs=self.libs,
+ rlibs=self.rlibs,
+ includes=self.includes),
+ self.name+".exe":exeCPP.substitute(compoexe=self.exe_path),
+ cxxfile:self.makecxx(gen, 1), hxxfile:self.makehxx(gen)}
+ def makehxx(self, gen):
+ """return a string that is the content of .hxx file
+ """
+ services = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ service = " void %s(" % serv.name
+ service = service+gen.makeArgs(serv)+");"
+ services.append(service)
+ servicesdef = "\n".join(services)
+ return hxxCompo.substitute(component=self.name, module=gen.module.name,
+ servicesdef=servicesdef)
+ def makecxx(self, gen, exe=0):
+ """return a string that is the content of .cxx file
+ """
+ services = []
+ inits = []
+ defs = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ defs.append(serv.defs)
+ service = cxxService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ parameters=gen.makeArgs(serv),
+ body=serv.body, exe=exe)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
+ streams.append(' create_calcium_port(this,"%s","%s","IN","%s");'% (name, typ, dep))
+ instream = "\n".join(streams)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.outstream:
+ streams.append(' create_calcium_port(this,"%s","%s","OUT","%s");'% (name, typ, dep))
+ outstream = "\n".join(streams)
+ init = initService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ instream=instream, outstream=outstream)
+ services.append(service)
+ inits.append(init)
+ return cxxCompo.substitute(component=self.name, module=gen.module.name,
+ exe=exe, exe_path=self.exe_path,
+ servicesdef="\n".join(defs),
+ servicesimpl="\n".join(services),
+ initservice='\n'.join(inits))
--- /dev/null
+from gener import Component
+from cppcompo import CPPComponent
+import platform
+archi = platform.architecture()[0]
+if archi == "64bit":
+ f77Types = {"double":"double *", "long":"int *", "string":"const char *"}
+ f77Types = {"double":"double *", "long":"long *", "string":"const char *"}
+class F77Component(CPPComponent):
+ def __init__(self, name, services=None, libs="", rlibs="",
+ kind="lib", exe_path=None):
+ self.exe_path = exe_path
+ Component.__init__(self, name, services, impl="F77",
+ libs=libs, rlibs=rlibs, kind=kind)
+ def makebody(self):
+ for serv in self.services:
+ #defs generation
+ params = ["void *compo"]
+ strparams = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ if typ == "string":
+ params.append("const STR_PSTR(%s)"%name)
+ strparams.append("STR_PLEN(%s)"%name)
+ else:
+ params.append("%s %s" % (f77Types[typ], name))
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ if typ == "string":
+ params.append("const STR_PSTR(%s)"%name)
+ strparams.append("STR_PLEN(%s)"%name)
+ else:
+ params.append("%s %s" % (f77Types[typ], name))
+ args = ','.join(params)+" " + " ".join(strparams)
+ serv.defs = serv.defs+'\nextern "C" void F_FUNC(%s,%s)(%s);' % (serv.name.lower(), serv.name.upper(), args)
+ #body generation
+ params = ["&component"]
+ strparams = []
+ strallocs = []
+ #length allocated for out string
+ lstr = 20
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ if typ == "string":
+ params.append("STR_CPTR(%s)" % name)
+ strparams.append("STR_CLEN(%s)"%name)
+ else:
+ params.append("&%s" % name)
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ if typ == "string":
+ params.append("STR_CPTR(%s.ptr())" % name)
+ strparams.append("STR_CLEN(%s.ptr())"%name)
+ strallocs.append('%s=CORBA::string_dup("%s");' %(name, " "*lstr))
+ else:
+ params.append("&%s" % name)
+ serv.body = '\n'.join(strallocs)+'\n'+serv.body
+ args = ','.join(params)+" " + " ".join(strparams)
+ serv.body = serv.body+"\n F_CALL(%s,%s)(%s);" % (serv.name.lower(), serv.name.upper(), args)
+ def makeCompo(self, gen):
+ self.makebody()
+ return CPPComponent.makeCompo(self, gen)
--- /dev/null
+import os, shutil, glob, socket
+ from string import Template
+ from compat import Template, set
+class Invalid(Exception):
+ pass
+from mod_tmpl import resMakefile, makecommon, configure
+from mod_tmpl import mainMakefile, autogen, application
+from cata_tmpl import catalog, interface, idl, idlMakefile
+from cata_tmpl import cataOutStream, cataInStream, cataOutparam, cataInparam
+from cata_tmpl import cataService, cataCompo
+from aster_tmpl import check_aster
+corbaTypes = {"double":"CORBA::Double", "long":"CORBA::Long",
+ "string":"const char*", "dblevec":"const %s::dblevec&",
+ "stringvec":"const %s::stringvec&", "intvec":"const %s::intvec&"}
+corbaOutTypes = {"double":"CORBA::Double&", "long":"CORBA::Long&",
+ "string":"CORBA::String_out", "dblevec":"%s::dblevec_out",
+ "stringvec":"%s::stringvec_out", "intvec":"%s::intvec_out"}
+def corba_in_type(typ, module):
+ if typ in ("dblevec", "intvec", "stringvec"):
+ return corbaTypes[typ] % module
+ else:
+ return corbaTypes[typ]
+def corba_out_type(typ, module):
+ if typ in ("dblevec", "intvec", "stringvec"):
+ return corbaOutTypes[typ] % module
+ else:
+ return corbaOutTypes[typ]
+calciumTypes = {"CALCIUM_double":"CALCIUM_double",
+ "CALCIUM_integer":"CALCIUM_integer",
+ "CALCIUM_real":"CALCIUM_real",
+ "CALCIUM_string":"CALCIUM_string",
+ "CALCIUM_complex":"CALCIUM_complex",
+ "CALCIUM_logical":"CALCIUM_logical",
+ }
+ValidImpl = ("CPP", "PY", "F77", "ASTER")
+ValidTypes = corbaTypes.keys()
+ValidStreamTypes = calciumTypes.keys()
+ValidDependencies = ("I", "T")
+PyValidTypes = ValidTypes+["pyobj"]
+def makedirs(namedir):
+ if os.path.exists(namedir):
+ dirbak = namedir+".bak"
+ if os.path.exists(dirbak):
+ shutil.rmtree(dirbak)
+ os.rename(namedir, dirbak)
+ os.listdir(dirbak) #sert seulement a mettre a jour le systeme de fichier sur certaines machines
+ os.makedirs(namedir)
+class Module(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, components=None, prefix=""):
+ self.name = name
+ self.components = components or []
+ self.prefix = prefix or "%s_INSTALL" % name
+ self.validate()
+ def validate(self):
+ lcompo = set()
+ for compo in self.components:
+ if compo.name in lcompo:
+ raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a component of the module" % compo.name)
+ lcompo.add(compo.name)
+class Component(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, services=None, impl="PY", libs="", rlibs="",
+ includes="", kind="lib"):
+ self.name = name
+ self.impl = impl
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.services = services or []
+ self.libs = libs
+ self.rlibs = rlibs
+ self.includes = includes
+ self.validate()
+ def validate(self):
+ if self.impl not in ValidImpl:
+ raise Invalid("%s is not a valid implementation. It should be one of %s" % (self.impl, ValidImpl))
+ lnames = set()
+ for serv in self.services:
+ serv.impl = self.impl
+ if serv.name in lnames:
+ raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a service of the module" % serv.name)
+ lnames.add(serv.name)
+ serv.validate()
+ def getImpl(self):
+ return "SO", ""
+class Service(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, inport=None, outport=None, instream=None,
+ outstream=None, body="", defs=""):
+ self.name = name
+ self.inport = inport or []
+ self.outport = outport or []
+ self.instream = instream or []
+ self.outstream = outstream or []
+ self.defs = defs
+ self.body = body
+ self.impl = ""
+ def validate(self):
+ lports = set()
+ for port in self.inport:
+ name, typ = self.validatePort(port)
+ if name in lports:
+ raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a service parameter" % name)
+ lports.add(name)
+ for port in self.outport:
+ name, typ = self.validatePort(port)
+ if name in lports:
+ raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a service parameter" % name)
+ lports.add(name)
+ lports = set()
+ for port in self.instream:
+ name, typ, dep = self.validateStream(port)
+ if name in lports:
+ raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a stream port" % name)
+ lports.add(name)
+ for port in self.outstream:
+ name, typ, dep = self.validateStream(port)
+ if name in lports:
+ raise Invalid("%s is already defined as a stream port" % name)
+ lports.add(name)
+ def validatePort(self, port):
+ try:
+ name, typ = port
+ except:
+ raise Invalid("%s is not a valid definition of an data port (name,type)" % (port,))
+ if self.impl in ("PY", "ASTER"):
+ validtypes = PyValidTypes
+ else:
+ validtypes = ValidTypes
+ if typ not in validtypes:
+ raise Invalid("%s is not a valid type. It should be one of %s" % (typ, validtypes))
+ return name, typ
+ def validateStream(self, port):
+ try:
+ name, typ, dep = port
+ except:
+ raise Invalid("%s is not a valid definition of a stream port (name,type,dependency)" % (port,))
+ if typ not in ValidStreamTypes:
+ raise Invalid("%s is not a valid type. It should be one of %s" % (typ, ValidStreamTypes))
+ if dep not in ValidDependencies:
+ raise Invalid("%s is not a valid dependency. It should be one of %s" % (dep, ValidDependencies))
+ return name, typ, dep
+class Generator(object):
+ def __init__(self, module, context=None):
+ self.module = module
+ self.context = context or {}
+ self.kernel = self.context["kernel"]
+ self.aster = ""
+ def generate(self):
+ module = self.module
+ namedir = module.name+"_SRC"
+ force = self.context.get("force")
+ update = self.context.get("update")
+ if os.path.exists(namedir):
+ if force:
+ shutil.rmtree(namedir)
+ elif not update:
+ raise Invalid("The directory %s already exists" % namedir)
+ if update:
+ makedirs(namedir)
+ else:
+ os.makedirs(namedir)
+ srcs = {}
+ makefile = "SUBDIRS="
+ makefiles = []
+ for compo in module.components:
+ makefile = makefile+" "+compo.name
+ srcs[compo.name] = compo.makeCompo(self)
+ makefiles.append(" src/"+compo.name+"/Makefile")
+ srcs["Makefile.am"] = makefile+'\n'
+ idlfile = "%s.idl" % module.name
+ catalogfile = "%sCatalog.xml" % module.name
+ self.makeFiles({"autogen.sh":autogen,
+ "Makefile.am":mainMakefile,
+ "README":"", "NEWS":"", "AUTHORS":"", "ChangeLog":"",
+ "configure.ac":configure.substitute(module=module.name.lower(), makefiles='\n'.join(makefiles)),
+ "idl":{"Makefile.am":idlMakefile.substitute(module=module.name), idlfile:self.makeidl()},
+ "src":srcs,
+ "resources":{"Makefile.am":resMakefile.substitute(module=module.name), catalogfile:self.makeCatalog()},
+ "adm_local":{"make_common_starter.am":makecommon, "check_aster.m4":check_aster},
+ }, namedir)
+ os.chmod(os.path.join(namedir, "autogen.sh"), 0777)
+ for m4file in ("check_Kernel.m4", "check_omniorb.m4",
+ "ac_linker_options.m4", "ac_cxx_option.m4",
+ "python.m4", "enable_pthreads.m4", "check_f77.m4",
+ "acx_pthread.m4", "check_boost.m4"):
+ shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.kernel, "salome_adm", "unix", "config_files", m4file),
+ os.path.join(namedir, "adm_local", m4file))
+ return
+ def makeArgs(self, service):
+ params = []
+ for name, typ in service.inport:
+ params.append("%s %s" % (corba_in_type(typ, self.module.name), name))
+ for name, typ in service.outport:
+ params.append("%s %s" % (corba_out_type(typ, self.module.name), name))
+ return ",".join(params)
+ def makeCatalog(self):
+ components = []
+ for compo in self.module.components:
+ services = []
+ for serv in compo.services:
+ params = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ params.append(cataInparam.substitute(name=name, type=typ))
+ inparams = "\n".join(params)
+ params = []
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ params.append(cataOutparam.substitute(name=name, type=typ))
+ outparams = "\n".join(params)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
+ streams.append(cataInStream.substitute(name=name, type=calciumTypes[typ], dep=dep))
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.outstream:
+ streams.append(cataOutStream.substitute(name=name, type=calciumTypes[typ], dep=dep))
+ datastreams = "\n".join(streams)
+ services.append(cataService.substitute(service=serv.name, author="EDF-RD",
+ inparams=inparams, outparams=outparams, datastreams=datastreams))
+ impltype, implname = compo.getImpl()
+ components.append(cataCompo.substitute(component=compo.name, author="EDF-RD", impltype=impltype, implname=implname,
+ services='\n'.join(services)))
+ return catalog.substitute(components='\n'.join(components))
+ def makeidl(self):
+ interfaces = []
+ for compo in self.module.components:
+ services = []
+ for serv in compo.services:
+ params = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ if compo.impl in ("PY", "ASTER") and typ == "pyobj":
+ typ = "Engines::fileBlock"
+ params.append("in %s %s" % (typ, name))
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ if compo.impl in ("PY", "ASTER") and typ == "pyobj":
+ typ = "Engines::fileBlock"
+ params.append("out %s %s" % (typ, name))
+ service = " void %s(" % serv.name
+ service = service+",".join(params)+") raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);"
+ services.append(service)
+ interfaces.append(interface.substitute(component=compo.name, services="\n".join(services)))
+ return idl.substitute(module=self.module.name, interfaces='\n'.join(interfaces))
+ def makeFiles(self, dic, basedir):
+ for name, content in dic.items():
+ filename = os.path.join(basedir, name)
+ if isinstance(content, str):
+ fil = open(filename, 'w')
+ fil.write(content)
+ fil.close()
+ else:
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ os.makedirs(filename)
+ self.makeFiles(content, filename)
+ def bootstrap(self):
+ ier = os.system("cd %s_SRC;sh autogen.sh" % self.module.name)
+ if ier != 0:
+ raise Invalid("bootstrap has ended in error")
+ def configure(self):
+ prefix = self.module.prefix
+ if prefix:
+ prefix = os.path.abspath(prefix)
+ cmd = "cd %s_SRC;./configure --with-kernel=%s --with-aster=%s --prefix=%s"
+ ier = os.system(cmd % (self.module.name, self.kernel, self.aster, prefix))
+ else:
+ cmd = "cd %s_SRC;./configure --with-kernel=%s --with-aster=%s"
+ ier = os.system(cmd % (self.module.name, self.kernel, self.aster))
+ if ier != 0:
+ raise Invalid("configure has ended in error")
+ def make(self):
+ ier = os.system("cd %s_SRC;make" % self.module.name)
+ if ier != 0:
+ raise Invalid("make has ended in error")
+ def install(self):
+ ier = os.system("cd %s_SRC;make install" % self.module.name)
+ if ier != 0:
+ raise Invalid("install has ended in error")
+ def make_appli(self, appliname, restrict=None, altmodules=None):
+ makedirs(appliname)
+ rootdir, kerdir = os.path.split(self.kernel)
+ #collect modules besides KERNEL module with the same suffix if any
+ modules_dict = {}
+ if kerdir[:6] == "KERNEL":
+ suffix = kerdir[6:]
+ for mod in os.listdir(rootdir):
+ if mod[-len(suffix):] == suffix:
+ module = mod[:-len(suffix)]
+ path = os.path.join(rootdir, mod)
+ #try to find catalog files
+ lcata = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "share", "salome", "resources", "*", "*Catalog.xml"))
+ if not lcata:
+ #catalogs have not been found : try the upper level
+ lcata = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "share", "salome", "resources", "*Catalog.xml"))
+ if lcata:
+ #catalogs have been found : add the corresponding entries in the application
+ for cata in lcata:
+ catadir, catafile = os.path.split(cata)
+ name = catafile[:-11]
+ modules_dict[name] = ' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (name, path)
+ else:
+ modules_dict[module] = ' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (module, path)
+ modules_dict["KERNEL"] = ' <module name="KERNEL" path="%s"/>' % self.kernel
+ #keep only the modules which names are in restrict if given
+ modules = []
+ if restrict:
+ for mod in restrict:
+ if modules_dict.has_key(mod):
+ modules.append(modules_dict[mod])
+ else:
+ modules = modules_dict.values()
+ #add the alternate modules if given
+ if altmodules:
+ for module, path in altmodules.items():
+ modules.append(' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (module, path))
+ #add the generated module
+ modules.append(' <module name="%s" path="%s"/>' % (self.module.name, os.path.abspath(self.module.prefix)))
+ #try to find a prerequisites file
+ prerequisites = self.context.get("prerequisites")
+ if not prerequisites:
+ #try to find one in rootdir
+ prerequisites = os.path.join(rootdir, "profile%s.sh" % suffix)
+ if not os.path.exists(prerequisites):
+ raise Invalid("Can not create an application : prerequisites file not defined or does not exist")
+ #create config_appli.xml file
+ appli = application.substitute(prerequisites=prerequisites, modules="\n".join(modules))
+ fil = open(os.path.join(appliname, "config_appli.xml"), 'w')
+ fil.write(appli)
+ fil.close()
+ #execute appli_gen.py script
+ appligen = os.path.join(self.kernel, "bin", "salome", "appli_gen.py")
+ ier = os.system("cd %s;%s" % (appliname, appligen))
+ if ier != 0:
+ raise Invalid("make_appli has ended in error")
+ #add CatalogResources.xml if not created by appli_gen.py
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(appliname, "CatalogResources.xml")):
+ #CatalogResources.xml does not exist create a minimal one
+ fil = open(os.path.join(appliname, 'CatalogResources.xml'), 'w')
+ command = """<!DOCTYPE ResourcesCatalog>
+ <machine hostname="%s" protocol="ssh" mode="interactive" />
+ host = socket.gethostname().split('.')[0]
+ fil.write(command % host)
+ fil.close()
--- /dev/null
+ from string import Template
+ from compat import Template,set
+<prerequisites path="${prerequisites}"/>
+rm -rf autom4te.cache
+rm -f aclocal.m4 adm_local/ltmain.sh
+echo "Running aclocal..." ;
+aclocal --force -I adm_local || exit 1
+echo "Running autoheader..." ; autoheader --force -I adm_local || exit 1
+echo "Running autoconf..." ; autoconf --force || exit 1
+echo "Running libtoolize..." ; libtoolize --copy --force || exit 1
+echo "Running automake..." ; automake --add-missing --copy || exit 1
+mainMakefile="""include $(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+SUBDIRS = idl resources src
+ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I adm_local
+dnl Check Salome Install
+if test "x$$Kernel_ok" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([You must define a correct KERNEL_ROOT_DIR or use the --with-kernel= configure option !])
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Configuration Options Summary:"
+echo "Mandatory products:"
+echo " Threads ................ : $$threads_ok"
+echo " OmniOrb (CORBA) ........ : $$omniORB_ok"
+echo " OmniOrbpy (CORBA) ...... : $$omniORBpy_ok"
+echo " Python ................. : $$python_ok"
+echo " Boost ................. : $$boost_ok"
+echo " SALOME KERNEL .......... : $$Kernel_ok"
+echo " Code Aster ............. : $$Aster_ok"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+if test "x$$threads_ok" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Thread is required],1)
+if test "x$$python_ok" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Python is required],1)
+if test "x$$omniORB_ok" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([OmniOrb is required],1)
+if test "x$$omniORBpy_ok" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([OmniOrbpy is required],1)
+if test "x$$Kernel_ok" = "xno"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Expat is required],1)
+ Makefile
+ idl/Makefile
+ resources/Makefile
+ src/Makefile
+ ])
+# Standard directory for installation
+salomeincludedir = $(includedir)/salome
+libdir = $(prefix)/lib/salome
+bindir = $(prefix)/bin/salome
+salomescriptdir = $(bindir)
+salomepythondir = $(prefix)/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages/salome
+# Directory for installing idl files
+salomeidldir = $(prefix)/idl/salome
+# Directory for installing resource files
+salomeresdir = $(prefix)/share/salome/resources/${MODULE_NAME}
+# Directories for installing admin files
+admlocaldir = $(prefix)/adm_local
+admlocalunixdir = $(admlocaldir)/unix
+admlocalm4dir = $(admlocaldir)/unix/config_files
+# Shared modules installation directory
+sharedpkgpythondir =$(pkgpythondir)/shared_modules
+# Documentation directory
+docdir = $(datadir)/doc/salome
+KERNEL_LIBS= -L$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome -lSalomeContainer -lOpUtil -lSalomeDSCContainer -lSalomeDSCSuperv -lSalomeDatastream -lSalomeDSCSupervBasic -lCalciumC
+include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+DATA_INST = ${module}Catalog.xml
+salomeres_DATA = $${DATA_INST}
--- /dev/null
+ Module that defines PYComponent for SALOME components implemented in Python
+from gener import Component, Invalid
+from pyth_tmpl import pyinitService, pyService, pyCompoEXE, pyCompo
+from pyth_tmpl import pycompoEXEMakefile, pycompoMakefile
+class PYComponent(Component):
+ def __init__(self, name, services=None, python_path=None, kind="lib"):
+ self.python_path = python_path or []
+ Component.__init__(self, name, services, impl="PY", kind=kind)
+ def validate(self):
+ Component.validate(self)
+ kinds = ("lib","exe")
+ if self.kind not in kinds:
+ raise Invalid("kind must be one of %s" % kinds)
+ def makeCompo(self, gen):
+ pyfile = "%s.py" % self.name
+ if self.kind == "lib":
+ return {"Makefile.am":pycompoMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name), pyfile:self.makepy(gen)}
+ if self.kind == "exe":
+ return {"Makefile.am":pycompoEXEMakefile.substitute(module=gen.module.name,
+ component=self.name), self.name+".exe":self.makepyexe(gen),
+ }
+ def makepy(self, gen):
+ services = []
+ inits = []
+ defs = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ defs.append(serv.defs)
+ params = []
+ pyparams = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.loads(%s)" %(name, name))
+ inparams = ",".join(params)
+ convertinparams = '\n'.join(pyparams)
+ params = []
+ pyparams = []
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.dumps(%s,-1)" %(name, name))
+ outparams = ",".join(params)
+ convertoutparams = '\n'.join(pyparams)
+ service = pyService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name, inparams=inparams,
+ outparams=outparams, body=serv.body,
+ convertinparams=convertinparams,
+ convertoutparams=convertoutparams)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ instream = "\n".join(streams)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.outstream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ outstream = "\n".join(streams)
+ init = pyinitService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ instream=instream, outstream=outstream)
+ services.append(service)
+ inits.append(init)
+ python_path = ",".join([repr(p) for p in self.python_path])
+ return pyCompo.substitute(component=self.name, module=gen.module.name,
+ servicesdef="\n".join(defs), servicesimpl="\n".join(services),
+ initservice='\n'.join(inits),
+ python_path=python_path)
+ def makepyexe(self, gen):
+ services = []
+ inits = []
+ defs = []
+ for serv in self.services:
+ defs.append(serv.defs)
+ params = []
+ pyparams = []
+ for name, typ in serv.inport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.loads(%s)" %(name, name))
+ inparams = ",".join(params)
+ convertinparams = '\n'.join(pyparams)
+ params = []
+ pyparams = []
+ for name, typ in serv.outport:
+ params.append(name)
+ if typ == "pyobj":
+ pyparams.append(" %s=cPickle.dumps(%s,-1)" %(name, name))
+ outparams = ",".join(params)
+ convertoutparams = '\n'.join(pyparams)
+ service = pyService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ inparams=inparams, outparams=outparams,
+ body=serv.body,
+ convertinparams=convertinparams,
+ convertoutparams=convertoutparams,
+ )
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.instream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","IN","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ instream = "\n".join(streams)
+ streams = []
+ for name, typ, dep in serv.outstream:
+ streams.append(' calcium.create_calcium_port(self.proxy,"%s","%s","OUT","%s")'% (name, typ, dep))
+ outstream = "\n".join(streams)
+ init = pyinitService.substitute(component=self.name, service=serv.name,
+ instream=instream, outstream=outstream)
+ services.append(service)
+ inits.append(init)
+ python_path = ",".join([repr(p) for p in self.python_path])
+ return pyCompoEXE.substitute(component=self.name, module=gen.module.name,
+ servicesdef="\n".join(defs),
+ servicesimpl="\n".join(services),
+ initservice='\n'.join(inits),
+ python_path=python_path)
--- /dev/null
+ from string import Template
+ from compat import Template,set
+import sys,traceback,os
+import ${module}__POA
+import calcium
+import dsccalcium
+import SALOME
+import cPickle
+ import numpy
+ numpy=None
+class ${component}(${module}__POA.${component},dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent):
+ '''
+ To be identified as a SALOME component this Python class
+ must have the same name as the component, inherit omniorb
+ class ${module}__POA.${component} and DSC class dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent
+ that implements DSC API.
+ '''
+ def __init__ ( self, orb, poa, contID, containerName, instanceName, interfaceName ):
+ print "${component}.__init__: ", containerName, ';', instanceName,interfaceName
+ dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.__init__(self, orb, poa,contID,containerName,instanceName,interfaceName)
+ def init_service(self,service):
+ return False
+pyCompoEXE="""#!/usr/bin/env python
+ def destroy(self):
+ dsccalcium.PyDSCComponent.destroy(self)
+ self._orb.shutdown(0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from omniORB import CORBA
+ print sys.argv
+ orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)
+ poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA")
+ print "ORB and POA initialized",orb,poa
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ container=orb.string_to_object(sys.argv[1])
+ containerName=sys.argv[2]
+ instanceName=sys.argv[3]
+ compo=${component}(orb,poa,container,containerName, instanceName, "${component}")
+ comp_o = compo._this()
+ comp_iors = orb.object_to_string(comp_o)
+ print "ior ${component}",comp_iors
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ #activate the POA
+ poaManager = poa._get_the_POAManager()
+ poaManager.activate()
+ orb.run()
+ print "fin du composant ${component} standalone"
+ def ${service}(self,${inparams}):
+ print "${component}.${service}"
+ self.beginService("${component}.${service}")
+ component=self.proxy
+ returns=None
+ try:
+ print "End of ${component}.${service}"
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.endService("${component}.${service}")
+ return ${outparams}
+ except:
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr=sys.exc_info()
+ l=traceback.format_exception(exc_typ,exc_val,exc_fr)
+ raise SALOME.SALOME_Exception(SALOME.ExceptionStruct(SALOME.BAD_PARAM,"".join(l),"${component}.py",0)) """
+pyinitService=""" if service == "${service}":
+ #initialization CALCIUM ports IN
+ #initialization CALCIUM ports OUT
+ return True """
+pycompoMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+salomepython_PYTHON = ${component}.py
+pycompoEXEMakefile="""include $$(top_srcdir)/adm_local/make_common_starter.am
+dist_salomescript_SCRIPTS= ${component}.exe