// read a result, GHS3DPRL_Out is the name of master file (previous xml format)
FILE * aResultFile = fopen( GHS3DPRL_Outxml.ToCString(), "r" );
if (aResultFile){
- Ok = false; //but it is not a problem but if true my message is overwritten
+ Ok = true;
cout<<"GHS3DPRL OK output master file "<<casenamemed<<".xml exist !\n\n";
pluginerror = pluginerror + "MG-tetra_hpc mesh(es) not loaded in memory, are stored in files "+ casenamemed + "_*.med";
- error(COMPERR_NO_MESH_ON_SHAPE, pluginerror.ToCString());
+ error(COMPERR_WARNING, pluginerror.ToCString() );
if (!_KeepFiles) system( run_nokeep_files.ToCString() );