\image html image126.gif "Example of a hexahedral 3D mesh"
-\Note that BLSURF and GHS3D are commercial meshers and require a
+\note BLSURF and GHS3D are commercial meshers and require a
license to be used within the Mesh module.
There is also a number of more specific algorithms:
\image html failed_computation.png "Example of the invalid input mesh"
-\Note Mesh Computation Information box does not appear if you set
+\note Mesh Computation Information box does not appear if you set
"Mesh computation/Show a computation result notification" preference
to the "Never" value. This option gives the possibility to control mesh
computation reporting. There are the following possibilities: always
\page editing_groups_page Editing groups
-\n <em>To edit an existing group of elements:</em>
+<em>To edit an existing group of elements:</em>
<li>Select your group in the Object Browser and in the \b Mesh menu click
the <b>Edit Group</b> item or <em>"Edit Group"</em> button in the toolbar.</li>
In this dialog box you can modify the name of your group and add or
remove the elements forming it. For more information see
\ref creating_groups_page "Creating Groups" page.
<li>Click the \b Apply or <b>Apply and Close</b> button to confirm modification of the
-\n <em>To convert an existing group on geometry into standalone group
+<em>To convert an existing group on geometry into standalone group
of elements and modify:</em>
<li>Select your group on geometry in the Object Browser and in the \b Mesh menu click
<center><em>"Edit Group as Standalone" button</em></center>
The group on geometry will be converted into standalone group and can
-be modified as group of elements
+be modified as group of elements.
<li>Click the \b Apply or <b>Apply and Close</b> button to confirm modification of the
-<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of an
-\ref tui_edit_group "Edit Group" operation.
+\sa A sample TUI Script of an \ref tui_edit_group "Edit Group" operation.
\page free_faces_page Free faces
-\n This mesh quality control highlights the faces connected to
+This mesh quality control highlights the faces connected to
less than two mesh volume elements. The free faces are shown with a
color different from the color of shared faces.
\image html free_faces.png
-<center>In this picture some volume mesh elements have been removed, as
+In this picture some volume mesh elements have been removed, as
a result some faces became connected only to one
volume. i.e. became free.
-<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a
-\ref tui_free_faces "Free Faces quality control" operation.
+\sa A sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_free_faces "Free Faces quality control"
\page free_nodes_page Free nodes
-\n This mesh quality control highlights the nodes which are not connected
+This mesh quality control highlights the nodes which are not connected
to any mesh element.
\image html free_nodes.png
-<center>In this picture some nodes are not connected to any mesh
+In this picture some nodes are not connected to any mesh
element after deleting some elements and adding several isolated nodes.
-<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a
-\ref tui_free_nodes "Free Nodes quality control" operation.
+\sa A sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_free_nodes "Free Nodes quality control"
<li> by creating a group of elements of the selected type from all
such elements of the chosen geometrical object - <b>Group on
geometry</b> tab of \ref creating_groups_page "Create group" dialog.</li>
<li> by creating a group including all types of elements from an
existing geometrical object - using \subpage create_groups_from_geometry_page "Create Groups from Geometry" dialog.</li>
<li> by creating several groups of elements (nodes,
edges, faces and volumes) from the chosen submesh - using <b>Mesh -> Construct
Group</b> Menu item. In this case groups of elements are created
<li> by creating groups of entities from existing groups of superior
dimensions - using \subpage group_of_underlying_elements_page "Create Group of Underlying Elements"
<li>\subpage editing_groups_page "Edited"</li>
-<li>\subpage using_operations_on_groups_page "Subjected to Boolean operations", or</li>
+<li>\subpage using_operations_on_groups_page "Subjected to Boolean operations"</li>
<li>\subpage deleting_groups_page "Deleted"</li>
An important tool, providing filters for creation of \b Standalone
-groups is \subpage selection_filter_library_page</li>.
+groups is \subpage selection_filter_library_page.
\page netgen_2d_3d_hypo_page Netgen 2D and 3D hypotheses
-\n <b>Netgen 2D</b> and <b>Netgen 3D</b> hypotheses work only with <b>Netgen 1D-2D</b> and
+<b>Netgen 2D</b> and <b>Netgen 3D</b> hypotheses work only with <b>Netgen 1D-2D</b> and
<b>Netgen 1D-2D-3D</b> algorithms. These algorithms do not require
definition of lower-level hypotheses and algorithms (2D and 1D for
meshing 3D objects and 1D for meshing 2D objects). They prove to be
\image html netgen2d.png
-<li><b>Name</b> - allows to define the name for the algorithm (Netgen
-2D (or 3D) Parameters by default).</li>
-<li><b>Max Size</b> - maximum linear dimensions for mesh cells.</li>
-<li><b>Second Order</b> - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will
+- <b>Name</b> - allows to define the name for the algorithm (Netgen
+2D (or 3D) Parameters by default).
+- <b>Max Size</b> - maximum linear dimensions for mesh cells.
+- <b>Second Order</b> - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will
create second order nodes on the mesh, which actually will become
-\ref adding_quadratic_elements_page "Quadratic".</li>
-<li><b>Fineness</b> - ranging from Very Coarse to Very Fine allows to set the
+\ref adding_quadratic_elements_page "Quadratic".
+- <b>Fineness</b> - ranging from Very Coarse to Very Fine allows to set the
level of meshing detalization using the three parameters below. You
-can select Custom to define them manually.</li>
-<li><b>Growth rate</b> - allows to define how much the linear dimensions of
-two adjacent cells can differ (i.e. 0.3 means 30%).</li>
-<li><b>Nb. Segs per Edge</b> and <b>Nb Segs per Radius</b> - allows to define the
+can select Custom to define them manually.
+- <b>Growth rate</b> - allows to define how much the linear dimensions of
+two adjacent cells can differ (i.e. 0.3 means 30%).
+- <b>Nb. Segs per Edge</b> and <b>Nb Segs per Radius</b> - allows to define the
minimum number of mesh segments in which edges and radiuses will be
-<li><b>Allow Quadrangles</b> - allows to use quadrangle elements in a
+- <b>Allow Quadrangles</b> - allows to use quadrangle elements in a
triangle 2D mesh. This checkbox is not present in Netgen 3D parameters
because currently building a tetrahedral mesh with quadrangle faces is
-not possible.</li>
-<li><b>Optimize</b> - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will try to
-create regular (possessing even sides) elements.</li>
+not possible.
+- <b>Optimize</b> - if this box is checked in, the algorithm will try to
+create regular (possessing even sides) elements.
\image html netgen3d_simple.png
-<b>Netgen 2D simple parameters</b> and <b>Netgen 3D simple parameters</b> allow defining the size of elements for each dimension. <br>
+<b>Netgen 2D simple parameters</b> and <b>Netgen 3D simple
+parameters</b> allow defining the size of elements for each
\b 1D group allows defining the size of 1D elements in either of two ways:
-<li><b>Number of Segments</b> has the same sense as \ref
+- <b>Number of Segments</b> has the same sense as \ref
number_of_segments_anchor "Number of segments" hypothesis with
-equidistant distribution.</li>
-<li><b>Average Length</b> has the same sense as \ref
-average_length_anchor "Average Length" hypothesis.</li>
+equidistant distribution.
+- <b>Average Length</b> has the same sense as \ref
+average_length_anchor "Average Length" hypothesis.
\b 2D group allows defining the size of 2D elements
-<li><b>Length from edges</b> if checked in, acts like \ref
-length_from_edges_anchor "Length from Edges" hypothesis, else </li>
-<li><b>Max. Element Area</b> defines the maximum element area like \ref
-max_element_area_anchor "Max Element Area" hypothesis. </li>
+- <b>Length from edges</b> if checked in, acts like \ref
+length_from_edges_anchor "Length from Edges" hypothesis, else
+- <b>Max. Element Area</b> defines the maximum element area like \ref
+max_element_area_anchor "Max Element Area" hypothesis.
\b 3D groups allows defining the size of 3D elements.
-<li><b>Length from faces</b> if checked in, the area of sides of
-volumic elements will be equal to an average area of 2D elements, else </li>
-<li><b>Max. Element Volume</b> defines the maximum element volume like
+- <b>Length from faces</b> if checked in, the area of sides of
+volumic elements will be equal to an average area of 2D elements, else
+- <b>Max. Element Volume</b> defines the maximum element volume like
\ref max_element_volume_hypo_page "Max Element Volume"
-\n Note that Netgen algorithm does not strictly follow the input
-parameters. The actual mesh can be more or less dense than required. There are several factors in it:
-<li> NETGEN does not actually use "NbOfSegments" parameter for discretization of
-edge. This parameter is used only to define the local element size (size at the given point), so local sizes of adjacent edges influence each other. </li>
-<li> NETGEN additionally restricts the element size according to edge curvature.</li>
-<li> The local size of edges influences the size of close triangles.</li>
-<li> The order of elements and their size in the 1D mesh generated by
+\note Netgen algorithm does not strictly follow the input
+parameters. The actual mesh can be more or less dense than
+required. There are several factors in it:
+- NETGEN does not actually use "NbOfSegments" parameter for discretization of
+edge. This parameter is used only to define the local element size
+(size at the given point), so local sizes of adjacent edges influence
+each other.
+- NETGEN additionally restricts the element size according to edge curvature.
+- The local size of edges influences the size of close triangles.
+- The order of elements and their size in the 1D mesh generated by
NETGEN differ from those in the 1D mesh generated by Regular_1D
-algorithm, resulting in different 2D and 3D meshes.</li>
\ No newline at end of file
+algorithm, resulting in different 2D and 3D meshes.
\image html mesh_radquad_02.png "Radial Quadrangle 2D mesh on a part of circle"
+\sa A sample \ref tui_radial_quadrangle "TUI Script".
\page smeshpy_interface_page Python interface
-\n Python package smesh defines several classes, destined for easy and
+Python package smesh defines several classes, destined for easy and
clear mesh creation and edition.
-\n Documentation for smesh package is available in two forms:
-\n The <a href="smeshpy_doc/modules.html"> structured
- documentation for smesh package</a>, where all methods and
- classes are grouped by their functionality, like it is done in the GUI documentation
-\n and the \ref smeshDC "linear documentation for smesh package"
- grouped only by classes, declared in the smesh.py file.
-\n The main page of the \ref smeshDC "linear documentation for smesh package"
- contains a list of data structures and a list of
- functions, provided by the package smesh.py. The first item in
- the list of data structures (\ref smeshDC::smeshDC "class smesh")
- also represents documentation for the methods of the package smesh.py itself.
-\n The package smesh.py provides an interface to create and handle
- meshes. Use it to create an empty mesh or to import it from the data file.
-\n Once a mesh has been created, it is possible to manage it via its own
- methods, described at \ref smeshDC::Mesh "class Mesh" documentation
- (it is also accessible by the second item "class Mesh" in the list of data structures).
-\n Class Mesh allows assigning algorithms to a mesh.
-\n Please note, that some algorithms,
- included in the standard Salome installation are always available:
- - REGULAR(1D), COMPOSITE(1D), MEFISTO(2D), Quadrangle(2D), Hexa(3D), etc.
-\n There are also some algorithms, which can be installed optionally,
-\n some of them are based on open-source meshers:
- - NETGEN(1D-2D,2D,1D-2D-3D,3D),
-\n others are based on commercial meshers:
- - GHS3D(3D), BLSURF(2D).
-\n To add hypotheses, use the interfaces, provided by the assigned
+Documentation for smesh package is available in two forms:
+The <a href="smeshpy_doc/modules.html"> structured
+documentation for smesh package</a>, where all methods and
+classes are grouped by their functionality, like it is done in the GUI documentation
+and the \ref smeshDC "linear documentation for smesh package"
+grouped only by classes, declared in the smesh.py file.
+The main page of the \ref smeshDC "linear documentation for smesh package"
+contains a list of data structures and a list of
+functions, provided by the package smesh.py. The first item in
+the list of data structures (\ref smeshDC::smeshDC "class smesh")
+also represents documentation for the methods of the package smesh.py itself.
+The package smesh.py provides an interface to create and handle
+meshes. Use it to create an empty mesh or to import it from the data file.
+Once a mesh has been created, it is possible to manage it via its own
+methods, described at \ref smeshDC::Mesh "class Mesh" documentation
+(it is also accessible by the second item "class Mesh" in the list of data structures).
+Class \b Mesh allows assigning algorithms to a mesh.
+Please note, that some algorithms, included in the standard SALOME
+distribution are always available:
+- Quadrangle (2D)
+- Hexa(3D)
+- etc...
+There are also some algorithms, which can be installed optionally,
+some of them are based on open-source meshers:
+- NETGEN (1D-2D, 2D, 1D-2D-3D, 3D)
+... and others are based on commercial meshers:
+- GHS3D (3D)
+- BLSURF (2D)
+To add hypotheses, use the interfaces, provided by the assigned
-\n Below you can see an example of usage of the package smesh for 3d mesh generation.
+Below you can see an example of usage of the package smesh for 3d mesh generation.
+\anchor example_3d_mesh
<h2>Example of 3d mesh generation with NETGEN:</h2>
-\n from geompy import *
-\n import smesh
+from geompy import *
+import smesh
-<b># Geometry</b>
-\n <b># an assembly of a box, a cylinder and a truncated cone meshed with tetrahedral</b>.
+# Geometry: an assembly of a box, a cylinder and a truncated cone
+# meshed with tetrahedral
-<b># Define values</b>
-\n name = "ex21_lamp"
-\n cote = 60
-\n section = 20
-\n size = 200
-\n radius_1 = 80
-\n radius_2 = 40
-\n height = 100
+# Define values
+name = "ex21_lamp"
+cote = 60
+section = 20
+size = 200
+radius_1 = 80
+radius_2 = 40
+height = 100
-<b># Build a box</b>
-\n box = MakeBox(-cote, -cote, -cote, +cote, +cote, +cote)
+# Build a box
+box = MakeBox(-cote, -cote, -cote, +cote, +cote, +cote)
-<b># Build a cylinder</b>
-\n pt1 = MakeVertex(0, 0, cote/3)
-\n di1 = MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
-\n cyl = MakeCylinder(pt1, di1, section, size)
+# Build a cylinder
+pt1 = MakeVertex(0, 0, cote/3)
+di1 = MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
+cyl = MakeCylinder(pt1, di1, section, size)
-<b># Build a truncated cone</b>
-\n pt2 = MakeVertex(0, 0, size)
-\n cone = MakeCone(pt2, di1, radius_1, radius_2, height)
+# Build a truncated cone
+pt2 = MakeVertex(0, 0, size)
+cone = MakeCone(pt2, di1, radius_1, radius_2, height)
-<b># Fuse </b>
-\n box_cyl = MakeFuse(box, cyl)
-\n piece = MakeFuse(box_cyl, cone)
+# Fuse
+box_cyl = MakeFuse(box, cyl)
+piece = MakeFuse(box_cyl, cone)
-<b># Add in study</b>
-\n addToStudy(piece, name)
+# Add to the study
+addToStudy(piece, name)
-<b># Create a group of faces</b>
-\n group = CreateGroup(piece, ShapeType["FACE"])
-\n group_name = name + "_grp"
-\n addToStudy(group, group_name)
-\n group.SetName(group_name)
+# Create a group of faces
+group = CreateGroup(piece, ShapeType["FACE"])
+group_name = name + "_grp"
+addToStudy(group, group_name)
-<b># Add faces in the group</b>
-\n faces = SubShapeAllIDs(piece, ShapeType["FACE"])
-\n UnionIDs(group, faces)
+# Add faces to the group
+faces = SubShapeAllIDs(piece, ShapeType["FACE"])
+UnionIDs(group, faces)
-<b># Create a mesh</b>
+# Create a mesh
-<b># Define a mesh on a geometry</b>
-\n tetra = smesh.Mesh(piece, name)
+# Define a mesh on a geometry
+tetra = smesh.Mesh(piece, name)
-<b># Define 1D hypothesis</b>
-\n algo1d = tetra.Segment()
-\n algo1d.LocalLength(10)
+# Define 1D hypothesis
+algo1d = tetra.Segment()
-<b># Define 2D hypothesis</b>
-\n algo2d = tetra.Triangle()
-\n algo2d.LengthFromEdges()
+# Define 2D hypothesis
+algo2d = tetra.Triangle()
-<b># Define 3D hypothesis</b>
-\n algo3d = tetra.Tetrahedron(smesh.NETGEN)
-\n algo3d.MaxElementVolume(100)
+# Define 3D hypothesis
+algo3d = tetra.Tetrahedron(smesh.NETGEN)
-<b># Compute the mesh</b>
-\n tetra.Compute()
+# Compute the mesh
-<b># Create a groupe of faces</b>
-\n tetra.Group(group)
+# Create a groupe of faces
-\n Examples of Python scripts for all Mesh operations are available by
-the following links:
-<li>\subpage tui_creating_meshes_page</li>
-<li>\subpage tui_viewing_meshes_page</li>
-<li>\subpage tui_defining_hypotheses_page</li>
-<li>\subpage tui_quality_controls_page</li>
-<li>\subpage tui_grouping_elements_page</li>
-<li>\subpage tui_modifying_meshes_page</li>
-<li>\subpage tui_transforming_meshes_page</li>
-<li>\subpage tui_notebook_smesh_page</li>
+Examples of Python scripts for all Mesh operations are available by
+the following links:
+- \subpage tui_creating_meshes_page
+- \subpage tui_viewing_meshes_page
+- \subpage tui_defining_hypotheses_page
+- \subpage tui_quality_controls_page
+- \subpage tui_grouping_elements_page
+- \subpage tui_modifying_meshes_page
+- \subpage tui_transforming_meshes_page
+- \subpage tui_notebook_smesh_page
-<li>Click \b Apply or <b> Apply and Close</b> button to confirm the
+<li>Click \b Apply or <b> Apply and Close</b> button to confirm the operation.</li>
-<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a
-\ref tui_translation "Translation" operation.
+<br><b>See Also</b> a sample TUI Script of a \ref tui_translation "Translation" operation.
\page tui_creating_meshes_page Creating Meshes
-\n First of all see \ref introduction_to_mesh_python_page "Example of 3d mesh generation",
+\n First of all see \ref example_3d_mesh "Example of 3d mesh generation",
which is an example of good python script style for Mesh module.
+ /*!
\page tui_grouping_elements_page Grouping Elements
\image html dimgroup_tui1.png
-<center>Source groups of faces<\center>
+<center>Source groups of faces</center>
\image html dimgroup_tui2.png
-<center>Result groups of edges and nodes<\center>
+<center>Result groups of edges and nodes</center>
\ No newline at end of file
<li>\subpage transparency_page "Transparency" - allows to change the
transparency of mesh elements.</li>
<li>\subpage clipping_page "Clipping" - allows to create cross-sections of the selected objects.</li>
-<li>\ref about_quality_controls_page "Controls" - graphically
+<li>\ref quality_page "Controls" - graphically
presents various information about meshes.</li>
<li><b>Hide</b> - allows to hide the selected mesh from the viewer.</li>
<li><b>Show Only</b> -allows to display only the selected mesh, hiding all other from the viewer.</li>
print "Error: given parameter is not numerucal functor type."
## Creates hypothesis
- # @param
- # @param
+ # @param theHType mesh hypothesis type (string)
+ # @param theLibName mesh plug-in library name
# @return created hypothesis instance
def CreateHypothesis(self, theHType, theLibName="libStdMeshersEngine.so"):
return SMESH._objref_SMESH_Gen.CreateHypothesis(self, theHType, theLibName )
# Exports the mesh in a file in MED format and chooses the \a version of MED format
# @param f the file name
# @param version values are SMESH.MED_V2_1, SMESH.MED_V2_2
+ # @param opt boolean parameter for creating/not creating
+ # the groups Group_On_All_Nodes, Group_On_All_Faces, ...
# @ingroup l2_impexp
def ExportToMED(self, f, version, opt=0):
self.mesh.ExportToMED(f, opt, version)
# @param x the X coordinate of a point
# @param y the Y coordinate of a point
# @param z the Z coordinate of a point
+ # @param NodeID if specified (>0), the node with this ID is moved,
+ # otherwise, the node closest to point (@a x,@a y,@a z) is moved
# @return the ID of a node
# @ingroup l2_modif_throughp
def MoveClosestNodeToPoint(self, x, y, z, NodeID):
class MaxElementVolume(StdMeshers._objref_StdMeshers_MaxElementVolume):
## Set Max Element Volume parameter value
- # @param area numerical value or name of variable from notebook
+ # @param volume numerical value or name of variable from notebook
def SetMaxElementVolume(self, volume):
volume ,parameters = ParseParameters(StdMeshers._objref_StdMeshers_MaxElementVolume.GetLastParameters(self),1,1,volume)