Wrong scenario: create Extrusion(Sketch with two circle that have common area), create Group, Select Face mode, Select common part, Apply, Extrusion->Delete. Warning does not appear about dependency of Group to this Extrusion
// check the feature: it must have no depended objects on it
// the dependencies can be in the feature results
- std::list<ResultPtr>::const_iterator aResIter = theFeature->results().cbegin();
- for (; aResIter != theFeature->results().cend(); aResIter++) {
+ std::list<ResultPtr> aResults;
+ ModelAPI_Tools::allResults(theFeature, aResults);
+ std::list<ResultPtr>::const_iterator aResIter = aResults.cbegin();
+ for (; aResIter != aResults.cend(); aResIter++) {
ResultPtr aResult = (*aResIter);
std::shared_ptr<Model_Data> aData =