Introduced getMiddleOfPointsOriented() in the Edge classes.
+void Edge::getMiddleOfPointsOriented(const double *p1, const double *p2, double *mid) const
+ return getMiddleOfPoints(p1, p2, mid);
bool Edge::Intersect(const Edge *f1, const Edge *f2, EdgeIntersector *intersector, const Bounds *whereToFind, MergePoints& commonNode,
ComposedEdge& outValForF1, ComposedEdge& outValForF2)
virtual double getCurveLength() const = 0;
virtual void getBarycenter(double *bary) const = 0;
virtual void getBarycenterOfZone(double *bary) const = 0;
+ //! return the middle of two points
virtual void getMiddleOfPoints(const double *p1, const double *p2, double *mid) const = 0;
+ //! return the middle of two points respecting the orientation defined by this (relevant for arc of circle). By default same as getMiddleOfPoints()
+ virtual void getMiddleOfPointsOriented(const double *p1, const double *p2, double *mid) const;
//! Retrieves a point that is owning to this, well placed for IN/OUT detection of this. Typically midlle of this is returned.
virtual Node *buildRepresentantOfMySelf() const = 0;
//! Given a magnitude specified by sub-type returns if in or not. See getCharactValue method.
+ * Compute the "middle" of two points on the arc of circle.
+ * The order (p1,p2) or (p2,p1) doesn't matter. p1 and p2 have to be localized on the edge defined by this.
+ * \param[out] mid the point located half-way between p1 and p2 on the arc defined by this.
+ * \sa getMiddleOfPointsOriented() a generalisation working also when p1 and p2 are not on the arc.
+ */
void EdgeArcCircle::getMiddleOfPoints(const double *p1, const double *p2, double *mid) const
double dx1((p1[0]-_center[0])/_radius),dy1((p1[1]-_center[1])/_radius),dx2((p2[0]-_center[0])/_radius),dy2((p2[1]-_center[1])/_radius);
+ * Compute the "middle" of two points on the arc of circle.
+ * Walk on the circle from p1 to p2 using the rotation direction indicated by this->_angle (i.e. by the orientation of the arc).
+ * This function is sensitive to the ordering of p1 and p2.
+ * \param[out] mid the point located half-way between p1 and p2
+ * \sa getMiddleOfPoints() to be used when the order of p1 and p2 is not relevant.
+ */
+void EdgeArcCircle::getMiddleOfPointsOriented(const double *p1, const double *p2, double *mid) const
+ double dx1((p1[0]-_center[0])/_radius),dy1((p1[1]-_center[1])/_radius),dx2((p2[0]-_center[0])/_radius),dy2((p2[1]-_center[1])/_radius);
+ double angle1(GetAbsoluteAngleOfNormalizedVect(dx1,dy1)),angle2(GetAbsoluteAngleOfNormalizedVect(dx2,dy2));
+ if (angle1 <= 0.0)
+ angle1 += 2.*M_PI;
+ if (angle2 <= 0.0)
+ angle2 += 2.*M_PI;
+ double avg;
+ if((_angle>0. && angle1 <= angle2) || (_angle<=0. && angle1 >= angle2))
+ avg = (angle1+angle2)/2.;
+ else
+ avg = (angle1+angle2)/2. - M_PI;
+ mid[0]=_center[0]+_radius*cos(avg);
+ mid[1]=_center[1]+_radius*sin(avg);
* Characteristic value used is angle in ]_Pi;Pi[ from axe 0x.
void getBarycenter(double *bary) const;
void getBarycenterOfZone(double *bary) const;
void getMiddleOfPoints(const double *p1, const double *p2, double *mid) const;
+ void getMiddleOfPointsOriented(const double *p1, const double *p2, double *mid) const;
bool isIn(double characterVal) const;
Node *buildRepresentantOfMySelf() const;
bool isLower(double val1, double val2) const;
CPPUNIT_TEST( checkMakePartitionAbs1 );
CPPUNIT_TEST( checkIsInOrOut );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( checkGetMiddleOfPoints );
+ CPPUNIT_TEST( checkGetMiddleOfPointsOriented );
void setUp();
void checkMakePartitionAbs1();
// From Adrien:
void checkIsInOrOut();
+ void checkGetMiddleOfPoints();
+ void checkGetMiddleOfPointsOriented();
INTERP_KERNEL::QuadraticPolygon *buildQuadraticPolygonCoarseInfo(const double *coords, const int *conn, int lgth);
delete pol1;
+void QuadraticPlanarInterpTest::checkGetMiddleOfPoints()
+ { // from testIntersect2DMeshWith1DLine6()
+ double p1[] = {0.51641754716735844, 2.0};
+ double p2[] = {0.0, 1.0};
+ double e_center[] = {-0.71, 2.0};
+ double mid[] = {0.0,0.0}; // out
+ double mide[] = {0.0,0.0}; // expected
+ Node * start = new Node(0.,0.); Node * end = new Node(0.,0.); // unused
+ // start, end, center_x, center_y, radius, angle0, angle
+ EdgeArcCircle e(start, end, e_center, 1.2264175471673588, -0.9533904350433241, 0.95339043504332388);
+ e.getMiddleOfPoints(p1, p2, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-1.7996918047064556, mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(2.5627359689548808, mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ e.getMiddleOfPoints(p2, p1, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-1.7996918047064556, mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(2.5627359689548808, mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ start->decrRef(); end->decrRef();
+ }
+ { // from testSwig2Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine11()
+ double p1[] = {-1., 0.23453685964236054};
+ double p2[] = {-0.23453685964235979, 1.0};
+ double e_center[] = {-4.85, 4.85};
+ double mid[] = {0.0,0.0}; // out
+ Node * start = new Node(0.,0.); Node * end = new Node(0.,0.); // unused
+ // start, end, center_x, center_y, radius, angle0, angle
+ EdgeArcCircle e(start, end, e_center, 6.0104076400856474, -0.69522150912422953, -0.18035330854643861);
+ e.getMiddleOfPoints(p1, p2, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-0.6, mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.6, mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ e.getMiddleOfPoints(p2, p1, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-0.6, mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.6, mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ start->decrRef(); end->decrRef();
+ }
+ { // from testSwig2Intersect2DMeshWith1DLine11()
+ double p1[] = {-0.1303327636866019, -1.0};
+ double p2[] = {-1.0, -0.1303327636866019};
+ double e_center[] = {-1.9833333333333298, -1.9833333333333298};
+ double mid[] = {0.0,0.0}; // out
+ Node * start = new Node(0.,0.); Node * end = new Node(0.,0.); // unused
+ // start, end, center_x, center_y, radius, angle0, angle
+ EdgeArcCircle e(start, end, e_center, 2.0977501175200861, 1.0829141821052615, -0.59503203741562627);
+ e.getMiddleOfPoints(p1, p2, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-0.5, mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-0.5, mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ e.getMiddleOfPoints(p2, p1, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-0.5, mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-0.5, mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ start->decrRef(); end->decrRef();
+ }
+void QuadraticPlanarInterpTest::checkGetMiddleOfPointsOriented()
+ { // from testSwig2Colinearize2D3()
+ double p1[] = {-0.70710678118654746, 0.70710678118654757};
+ double p2[] = {-0.70710678118654768, -0.70710678118654746};
+ double e_center[] = {0., 0.};
+ double mid[] = {0.0,0.0}; // out
+ Node * start = new Node(0.,0.); Node * end = new Node(0.,0.); // unused
+ // start, end, center_x, center_y, radius, angle0, angle
+ EdgeArcCircle e(start, end, e_center, 1.0, -0.7853981633974485, -1.5707963267948966);
+ e.getMiddleOfPointsOriented(p1, p2, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1., mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0., mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ e.getMiddleOfPoints(p1, p2, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-1., mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0., mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ e.getMiddleOfPointsOriented(p2, p1, mid);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-1., mid[0], 1.e-7);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0., mid[1], 1.e-7);
+ start->decrRef(); end->decrRef();
+ }
oss << " nodes whereas in connectivity there is " << nbOfNodesInCell << " nodes ! Looks very bad !";
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ if(cm.isQuadratic() && cm.isDynamic() && meshDim == 2)
+ if (nbOfNodesInCell % 2 || nbOfNodesInCell < 4)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "MEDCouplingUMesh::checkCoherency1 : cell #" << i << " with quadratic type '" << cm.getRepr() << "' has " << nbOfNodesInCell;
+ oss << " nodes. This should be even, and greater or equal than 4!! Looks very bad!";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ }
for(const int *w=ptr+ptrI[i]+1;w!=ptr+ptrI[i+1];w++)
int nodeId=*w;
- std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Cell #" << i << " is consituted of node #" << nodeId << " whereas there are only " << nbOfNodes << " nodes !";
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Cell #" << i << " is built with node #" << nodeId << " whereas there are only " << nbOfNodes << " nodes in the mesh !";
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
else if(nodeId<-1)
- std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Cell #" << i << " is consituted of node #" << nodeId << " in connectivity ! sounds bad !";
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Cell #" << i << " is built with node #" << nodeId << " in connectivity ! sounds bad !";
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
- std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Cell #" << i << " is consituted of node #-1 in connectivity ! sounds bad !";
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Cell #" << i << " is built with node #-1 in connectivity ! sounds bad !";
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+int InternalAddPointOriented(const INTERP_KERNEL::Edge *e, int id, const double *coo, int startId, int endId, DataArrayDouble& addCoo, int& nodesCnter)
+ if(id!=-1)
+ return id;
+ else
+ {
+ int ret(nodesCnter++);
+ double newPt[2];
+ e->getMiddleOfPointsOriented(coo+2*startId,coo+2*endId,newPt);
+ addCoo.insertAtTheEnd(newPt,newPt+2);
+ return ret;
+ }
/// @cond INTERNAL
void EnterTheResultOf2DCellFirst(const INTERP_KERNEL::Edge *e, int start, int stp, int nbOfEdges, bool linOrArc, const double *coords, const int *connBg, int offset, DataArrayInt *newConnOfCell, DataArrayDouble *appendedCoords, std::vector<int>& middles)
int tmp2(0),tmp3(appendedCoords->getNumberOfTuples()/2);
- InternalAddPoint(e,-1,coords,tmp[1],tmp[2],*appendedCoords,tmp2);
+ InternalAddPointOriented(e,-1,coords,tmp[1],tmp[2],*appendedCoords,tmp2);
int tmp2(0),tmp3(appendedCoords->getNumberOfTuples()/2);
- InternalAddPoint(e,-1,coords,tmpSrt,tmpEnd,*appendedCoords,tmp2);
+ InternalAddPointOriented(e,-1,coords,tmpSrt,tmpEnd,*appendedCoords,tmp2);
void EnterTheResultOf2DCellEnd(const INTERP_KERNEL::Edge *e, int start, int stp, int nbOfEdges, bool linOrArc, const double *coords, const int *connBg, int offset, DataArrayInt *newConnOfCell, DataArrayDouble *appendedCoords, std::vector<int>& middles)
+ // only the quadratic point to deal with:
int tmpSrt(connBg[start]),tmpEnd(connBg[stp]);
int tmp2(0),tmp3(appendedCoords->getNumberOfTuples()/2);
- InternalAddPoint(e,-1,coords,tmpSrt,tmpEnd,*appendedCoords,tmp2);
+ InternalAddPointOriented(e,-1,coords,tmpSrt,tmpEnd,*appendedCoords,tmp2);
INTERP_KERNEL::AutoPtr<int> tmpConn(new int[sz]);
const INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel& cm(INTERP_KERNEL::CellModel::GetCellModel((INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType)connBg[0]));
- unsigned nbs(cm.getNumberOfSons2(connBg+1,sz)),nbOfHit(0);
+ unsigned nbs(cm.getNumberOfSons2(connBg+1,sz));
+ unsigned nbOfHit(0); // number of fusions operated
int posBaseElt(0),posEndElt(0),nbOfTurn(0);
+ const unsigned int maxNbOfHit = cm.isQuadratic() ? nbs-2 : nbs-3; // a quad cell is authorized to end up with only two edges, a linear one has to keep 3 at least
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType typeOfSon;
std::vector<int> middles;
bool ret(false);
- for(;nbOfHit<nbs;nbOfTurn++)
+ for(;(nbOfTurn+nbOfHit)<nbs;nbOfTurn++)
std::map<MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<INTERP_KERNEL::Node>,int> m;
INTERP_KERNEL::Edge *e(MEDCouplingUMeshBuildQPFromEdge2(typeOfSon,tmpConn,coords,m));
- posEndElt++;
- nbOfHit++;
- unsigned endI(nbs-nbOfHit);
- for(unsigned i=0;i<endI;i++)
+ posEndElt = posBaseElt+1;
+ // Look backward first: are the final edges of the cells colinear with the first ones?
+ // This initializes posBaseElt.
+ if(nbOfTurn==0)
+ {
+ for(unsigned i=1;i<nbs && nbOfHit<maxNbOfHit;i++) // 2nd condition is to avoid ending with a cell wih one single edge
+ {
+ cm.fillSonCellNodalConnectivity2(nbs-i,connBg+1,sz,tmpConn,typeOfSon);
+ INTERP_KERNEL::Edge *eCand(MEDCouplingUMeshBuildQPFromEdge2(typeOfSon,tmpConn,coords,m));
+ INTERP_KERNEL::EdgeIntersector *eint(INTERP_KERNEL::Edge::BuildIntersectorWith(e,eCand));
+ bool isColinear=eint->areColinears();
+ if(isColinear)
+ {
+ nbOfHit++;
+ posBaseElt--;
+ ret=true;
+ }
+ delete eint;
+ eCand->decrRef();
+ if(!isColinear)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now move forward:
+ const unsigned fwdStart = (nbOfTurn == 0 ? 0 : posBaseElt); // the first element to be inspected going forward
+ const unsigned endJ(nbs-nbOfHit); // put in a constant because modified in the loop
+ for(unsigned j=1;j<endJ && nbOfHit<maxNbOfHit;j++) // 2nd condition is to avoid ending with a cell wih one single edge
- cm.fillSonCellNodalConnectivity2(posBaseElt+(int)i+1,connBg+1,sz,tmpConn,typeOfSon);
+ cm.fillSonCellNodalConnectivity2(fwdStart+(int)j,connBg+1,sz,tmpConn,typeOfSon); // get edge #(posBaseElt+i)'s connectivity
INTERP_KERNEL::Edge *eCand(MEDCouplingUMeshBuildQPFromEdge2(typeOfSon,tmpConn,coords,m));
INTERP_KERNEL::EdgeIntersector *eint(INTERP_KERNEL::Edge::BuildIntersectorWith(e,eCand));
bool isColinear(eint->areColinears());
delete eint;
- {
- if(nbOfTurn==0)
- {//look if the first edge of cell is not colinear with last edges in this case the start of nodal connectivity is shifted back
- unsigned endII(nbs-nbOfHit-1);//warning nbOfHit can be modified, so put end condition in a variable.
- for(unsigned ii=0;ii<endII;ii++)
- {
- cm.fillSonCellNodalConnectivity2(nbs-ii-1,connBg+1,sz,tmpConn,typeOfSon);
- eCand=MEDCouplingUMeshBuildQPFromEdge2(typeOfSon,tmpConn,coords,m);
- eint=INTERP_KERNEL::Edge::BuildIntersectorWith(e,eCand);
- isColinear=eint->areColinears();
- if(isColinear)
- {
- nbOfHit++;
- posBaseElt--;
- ret=true;
- }
- delete eint;
- eCand->decrRef();
- if(!isColinear)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
//push [posBaseElt,posEndElt) in newConnOfCell using e
+ // The if clauses below are (volontary) not mutually exclusive: on a quad cell with 2 edges, the end of the connectivity is also its begining!
+ // at the begining of the connectivity (insert type)
- else if(nbOfHit!=nbs)
+ else if((nbOfHit+nbOfTurn) != (nbs-1))
+ // in the middle
- else
+ if ((nbOfHit+nbOfTurn) == (nbs-1))
+ // at the end (only quad points to deal with)
coo2=DataArrayDouble([(-5,0),(-1,0),(7.,6.),(7,0),(1,6),(1,0),(-3,0),(8.2426406871192839,3),(5,0),(3,0), (2,0),(4,0),(6,0),(7.9196888946291288,1.3764116995614091),(7.9196888946291288,4.6235883004385911),(4,7.2426406871192848),(-2,3),(-4,0),(-2,0),(0,0)])
m=MEDCouplingUMesh("mesh",2) ; m.setCoords(coo2) ; m.allocateCells()
+ mm = m.deepCpy()
+ mm.tessellate2D(0.1)
+ mm.writeVTK("/tmp/colin_1_a.vtu")
+ mm = m.deepCpy()
+ mm.tessellate2D(0.1)
+ mm.writeVTK("/tmp/colin_1_b.vtu")
self.assertNotEqual(refPtr,m.getCoords().getHiddenCppPointer())#not same coordinates here
+ def testSwig2Colinearize2D3(self):
+ """ colinearize was too agressive, potentially producing cells with one edge """
+ # Flat polygon with 3 edges - nothing should happen (min number of edges for a linear polyg)
+ coo = DataArrayDouble([0.0,0.0, 2.0,0.0, 1.5,0.0, 1.0,0.0, 0.5,0.0], 5,2)
+ m = MEDCouplingUMesh("m", 2)
+ c, cI = [DataArrayInt(l) for l in [[NORM_POLYGON, 0,1,2], [0,4]] ]
+ m.setCoords(coo); m.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ m.colinearize2D(1e-10)
+ m.checkCoherency2()
+ self.assertEqual(c.getValues(), m.getNodalConnectivity().getValues())
+ self.assertEqual(cI.getValues(), m.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues())
+ # Flat quad polygon, 2 edges - nothing should happen (min number of edges for a quad polyg)
+ m = MEDCouplingUMesh("m", 2)
+ c, cI = [DataArrayInt(l) for l in [[NORM_QPOLYG, 0,1, 2,3], [0,5]] ]
+ m.setCoords(coo); m.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ m.colinearize2D(1e-10)
+ m.checkCoherency2()
+ self.assertEqual(c.getValues(), m.getNodalConnectivity().getValues())
+ self.assertEqual(cI.getValues(), m.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues())
+ # Flat polygon, 4 edges - one reduction should happen
+ m = MEDCouplingUMesh("m", 2)
+ c, cI = [DataArrayInt(l) for l in [[NORM_POLYGON, 0,1,2,3], [0,5]] ]
+ m.setCoords(coo); m.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ m.colinearize2D(1e-10)
+ m.checkCoherency2()
+ self.assertEqual([NORM_POLYGON, 3,1,2], m.getNodalConnectivity().getValues())
+ self.assertEqual([0,4], m.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues())
+ # Flat quad polygon, 3 edges - one reduction expected
+ m = MEDCouplingUMesh("m", 2)
+ c, cI = [DataArrayInt(l) for l in [[NORM_QPOLYG, 0,1,3, 3,2,4], [0,7]] ]
+ m.setCoords(coo); m.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ m.colinearize2D(1e-10)
+ m.checkCoherency2()
+ self.assertEqual([NORM_QPOLYG, 3,1, 5,2], m.getNodalConnectivity().getValues())
+ self.assertTrue( m.getCoords()[5].isEqual( DataArrayDouble([(1.5,0.0)]), 1.0e-12 ) )
+ self.assertEqual([0,5], m.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues())
+ # Now an actual (neutronic) case: circle made of 4 SEG3. Should be reduced to 2 SEG3
+ m = MEDCouplingDataForTest.buildCircle2(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ c, cI = [DataArrayInt(l) for l in [[NORM_QPOLYG, 7,5,3,1, 6,4,2,0], [0,9]] ]
+ m.colinearize2D(1e-10)
+ m.checkCoherency2()
+ self.assertEqual([NORM_QPOLYG, 3,5, 8,4], m.getNodalConnectivity().getValues())
+ self.assertTrue( m.getCoords()[8].isEqual( DataArrayDouble([(1.0,0.0)]), 1.0e-12 ) )
+ self.assertEqual([0,5], m.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues())
def testSwig2CheckAndPreparePermutation2(self):
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Dimension request is invalid (>1) !");
int tracucedRk=-meshDimRelToMaxExt;
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! To low !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! Too low !");
if((const MEDFileUMeshSplitL1 *)_ms[tracucedRk]==0)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("On specified lev (or entity) no cells exists !");
return _ms[tracucedRk];
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Dimension request is invalid (>1) !");
int tracucedRk=-meshDimRelToMaxExt;
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! To low !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! Too low !");
if((const MEDFileUMeshSplitL1 *)_ms[tracucedRk]==0)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("On specified lev (or entity) no cells exists !");
return _ms[tracucedRk];
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileUMesh::setFamilyFieldArr : Dimension request is invalid (>1) !");
int traducedRk=-meshDimRelToMaxExt;
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! To low !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! Too low !");
if((MEDFileUMeshSplitL1 *)_ms[traducedRk]==0)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("On specified lev (or entity) no cells exists !");
return _ms[traducedRk]->setFamilyArr(famArr);
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileUMesh::setRenumArr : Dimension request is invalid (>1) !");
int traducedRk=-meshDimRelToMaxExt;
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! To low !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! Too low !");
if((MEDFileUMeshSplitL1 *)_ms[traducedRk]==0)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("On specified lev (or entity) no cells exists !");
return _ms[traducedRk]->setRenumArr(renumArr);
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDFileUMesh::setNameFieldAtLevel : Dimension request is invalid (>1) !");
int traducedRk=-meshDimRelToMaxExt;
- throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! To low !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Invalid mesh dim relative to max given ! Too low !");
if((MEDFileUMeshSplitL1 *)_ms[traducedRk]==0)
throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("On specified lev (or entity) no cells exists !");
return _ms[traducedRk]->setNameArr(nameArr);