+SUBDIRS= salome
@@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
(cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
@@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
(cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
+ @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
+ (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
+ done
--- /dev/null
+# -* Makefile *-
+# Author : Patrick GOLDBRONN (CEA)
+# Date : 30/11/2001
+# $Header$
+# source path
+SUBDIRS= tui gui
+ @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
+ (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ cp -f $(srcdir)/VISU_index.html VISU_index.html
+ @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
+ (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
+ done
+distclean: clean
+ @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
+ (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
+ done
+ $(MAKE) docs
+ (cd tui && $(MAKE) install);
+ (cd gui && $(MAKE) install);
+ cp -f VISU_index.html $(docdir)
+ @@SETX@; for d in $(SUBDIRS); do \
+ (cd $$d && $(MAKE) $@) || exit 1; \
+ done; \
+ rm -fr $(docdir)/VISU_index.html
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE doctype PUBLIC "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
+ content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+ <meta name="GENERATOR"
+ content="Mozilla/4.73 [en] (WinNT; I) [Netscape]">
+ <title>Post-Pro Module Documentation</title>
+ <body bgcolor="#cccccc" text="#000000" link="#0000ee" alink="#0000ee"
+ vlink="#551a8b">
+<div align="center">
+ </center>
+<table width="96%" align="center">
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><a href=""><img
+ src="tui/VISU/sources/logocorp.gif" border="0" height="46" width="122">
+ </a></td>
+ <td>
+ <div align="right"><a href=""><img
+ src="tui/VISU/sources/application.gif" border="0" height="46" width="108">
+ </a></div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<div align="center">
+<hr width="100%" size="2">
+<h1>Post-Pro MODULE Documentation</h1>
+ </center>
+ </div>
+<table width="96%">
+ <tbody>
+ </tbody>
+ </center>
+<div align="center">
+<p> <img src="tui/VISU/sources/Application-About.png"
+ alt="Application-About.png" width="30%" height="20%">
+ </p>
+ </div>
+<table width="96%">
+ <tbody>
+ </tbody>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ </center>
+<address> </address>
+<center><big><a href="gui/VISU/visu.html">GUI Documentation</a></big></center>
+<address> </address>
+ </center>
+<address> </address>
+<center><big><a href="tui/VISU/index.html">TUI Documentation</a></big></center>
+<address> </address>
+ <br>
+ </center>
+ </div>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ <br>
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# File :
+# Author : Vasily Rusyaev (Open Cascade NN)
+# Module : doc
+# $Header:
+ cp -fr $(srcdir)/VISU ./
+ -find $(PWD) -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \;
+ rm -fr `ls | grep -v "Makefile"`
+distclean: clean
+ rm -fr VISU
+ mkdir -p $(docdir)/gui
+ cp -rf VISU $(docdir)/gui
+ -find $(PWD) -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \;
+ rm -rf $(docdir)/gui/VISU
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# File :
+# Author : Alexey Petrov
+# Module : VISU
+# $Header:
+# Libraries targets
+LIB =
+LIB_SERVER_IDL = VISU_Gen.idl SALOME_Component.idl \
+ SALOME_Exception.idl SALOME_GenericObj.idl \
+ SALOME_Session.idl MED.idl
+# Executables targets
+BIN =
+# additionnal information to compil and link file
+CPPFLAGS += -I${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/include/salome
+LDFLAGS += -L${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/lib/salome -lSalomeContainer
+# additional file to be cleaned
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See or email :
+#include "VISU_Engine_i.hh"
+#include "utilities.h"
+#include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(SALOME_ModuleCatalog)
+#include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx"
+#include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+static int MYDEBUG = 1;
+static int MYDEBUG = 0;
+UNEXPECT_CATCH(SalomeException, SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+extern "C" {
+ PortableServer::ObjectId *
+ VISUEngine_factory(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName, const char *interfaceName)
+ {
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("VisuEngine_factory : "<<interfaceName);
+ VISU::VISU_Gen_i * pVISU_Gen = new VISU::VISU_Gen_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName);
+ return pVISU_Gen->getId() ;
+ }
+namespace VISU{
+ //===========================================================================
+ VISU_Gen_i::VISU_Gen_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName) :
+ Engines_Component_i(orb, poa, contId, instanceName, interfaceName)
+ {
+ _thisObj = this ;
+ _id = _poa->activate_object(_thisObj);
+ SALOME_NamingService aNamingService(orb);
+ CORBA::Object_ptr anObject = aNamingService.Resolve("/Kernel/Session");
+ SALOME::Session_var aSession = SALOME::Session::_narrow(anObject);
+ //aSession->GetInterface();
+ Engines::Component_var aComponent = aSession->GetVisuComponent();
+ myVisuGen = VISU::VISU_Gen::_narrow(aComponent);
+ }
+ VISU_Gen_i::~VISU_Gen_i(){
+ if(MYDEBUG) MESSAGE("VISU_Gen_i::~VISU_Gen_i");
+ }
+ VISU::VISUType VISU_Gen_i::GetType() {
+ return myVisuGen->GetType();
+ };
+ //===========================================================================
+ bool VISU_Gen_i::Load(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
+ const SALOMEDS::TMPFile & theStream,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->Load(theComponent,theStream,theURL,isMultiFile);
+ }
+ bool VISU_Gen_i::LoadASCII(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
+ const SALOMEDS::TMPFile & theStream,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile)
+ {
+ return Load(theComponent, theStream, theURL, isMultiFile);
+ }
+ char* VISU_Gen_i::LocalPersistentIDToIOR(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
+ const char* aLocalPersistentID,
+ CORBA::Boolean isMultiFile,
+ CORBA::Boolean isASCII)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->LocalPersistentIDToIOR(theSObject, aLocalPersistentID, isMultiFile, isASCII);
+ }
+ //===========================================================================
+ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* VISU_Gen_i::Save(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->Save(theComponent,theURL,isMultiFile);
+ }
+ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* VISU_Gen_i::SaveASCII(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->Save(theComponent,theURL,isMultiFile);
+ }
+ char* VISU_Gen_i::IORToLocalPersistentID(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
+ const char* IORString,
+ CORBA::Boolean isMultiFile,
+ CORBA::Boolean isASCII)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->IORToLocalPersistentID(theSObject, IORString, isMultiFile, isASCII);
+ }
+ char* VISU_Gen_i::GetID(){
+ return myVisuGen->GetID();
+ }
+ void VISU_Gen_i::SetCurrentStudy(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy){
+ myVisuGen->SetCurrentStudy(theStudy);
+ }
+ SALOMEDS::Study_ptr VISU_Gen_i::GetCurrentStudy(){
+ return myVisuGen->GetCurrentStudy();
+ }
+ ViewManager_ptr VISU_Gen_i::GetViewManager(){
+ return myVisuGen->GetViewManager();
+ }
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr VISU_Gen_i::ImportTables(const char* theFileName){
+ return myVisuGen->ImportTables(theFileName);
+ }
+ CORBA::Boolean VISU_Gen_i::ExportTableToFile(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theTable,
+ const char* theFileName)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->ExportTableToFile(theTable, theFileName);
+ }
+ Result_ptr VISU_Gen_i::ImportFile(const char* theFileName){
+ return myVisuGen->ImportFile(theFileName);
+ }
+ Result_ptr VISU_Gen_i::CopyAndImportFile(const char* theFileName){
+ return myVisuGen->CopyAndImportFile(theFileName);
+ }
+ Result_ptr VISU_Gen_i::ImportMed(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theMedSObject){
+ return myVisuGen->ImportMed(theMedSObject);
+ }
+ Result_ptr VISU_Gen_i::ImportMedField(SALOME_MED::FIELD_ptr theField){
+ return myVisuGen->ImportMedField(theField);
+ }
+ Mesh_ptr VISU_Gen_i::MeshOnEntity(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->MeshOnEntity(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity);
+ }
+ Mesh_ptr VISU_Gen_i::FamilyMeshOnEntity(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFamilyName)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->FamilyMeshOnEntity(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFamilyName);
+ }
+ Mesh_ptr VISU_Gen_i::GroupMesh(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ const char* theGroupName)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->GroupMesh(theResult,theMeshName,theGroupName);
+ }
+ ScalarMap_ptr VISU_Gen_i::ScalarMapOnField(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName,
+ CORBA::Double theIteration)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->ScalarMapOnField(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFieldName,theIteration);
+ }
+ DeformedShape_ptr VISU_Gen_i::DeformedShapeOnField(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName,
+ CORBA::Double theIteration)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->DeformedShapeOnField(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFieldName,theIteration);
+ }
+ Vectors_ptr VISU_Gen_i::VectorsOnField(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName,
+ CORBA::Double theIteration)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->VectorsOnField(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFieldName,theIteration);
+ }
+ IsoSurfaces_ptr VISU_Gen_i::IsoSurfacesOnField(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName,
+ CORBA::Double theIteration)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->IsoSurfacesOnField(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFieldName,theIteration);
+ }
+ StreamLines_ptr VISU_Gen_i::StreamLinesOnField(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName,
+ CORBA::Double theIteration)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->StreamLinesOnField(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFieldName,theIteration);
+ }
+ CutPlanes_ptr VISU_Gen_i::CutPlanesOnField(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName,
+ CORBA::Double theIteration)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->CutPlanesOnField(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFieldName,theIteration);
+ }
+ CutLines_ptr VISU_Gen_i::CutLinesOnField(Result_ptr theResult,
+ const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName,
+ CORBA::Double theIteration)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->CutLinesOnField(theResult,theMeshName,theEntity,theFieldName,theIteration);
+ }
+ Table_ptr VISU_Gen_i::CreateTable(const char* theTableEntry){
+ return myVisuGen->CreateTable(theTableEntry);
+ }
+ Curve_ptr VISU_Gen_i::CreateCurve(Table_ptr theTable,
+ CORBA::Long theHRow,
+ CORBA::Long theVRow)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->CreateCurve(theTable,theHRow,theVRow);
+ }
+ Container_ptr VISU_Gen_i::CreateContainer(){
+ return myVisuGen->CreateContainer();
+ }
+ Animation_ptr VISU_Gen_i::CreateAnimation(View3D_ptr theView3D){
+ return myVisuGen->CreateAnimation(theView3D);
+ }
+ void VISU_Gen_i::Close(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent){
+ myVisuGen->Close(theComponent);
+ }
+ char* VISU_Gen_i::ComponentDataType(){
+ return CORBA::string_dup("VISU");
+ }
+ CORBA::Boolean VISU_Gen_i::CanPublishInStudy(CORBA::Object_ptr theIOR) {
+ return myVisuGen->CanPublishInStudy(theIOR);
+ }
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr VISU_Gen_i::PublishInStudy(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
+ CORBA::Object_ptr theObject,
+ const char* theName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->PublishInStudy(theStudy, theSObject, theObject, theName);
+ }
+ CORBA::Boolean VISU_Gen_i::CanCopy(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theObject) {
+ return myVisuGen->CanCopy(theObject);
+ }
+ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* VISU_Gen_i::CopyFrom(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theObject, CORBA::Long& theObjectID) {
+ return myVisuGen->CopyFrom(theObject, theObjectID);
+ }
+ CORBA::Boolean VISU_Gen_i::CanPaste(const char* theComponentName, CORBA::Long theObjectID) {
+ return myVisuGen->CanPaste(theComponentName, theObjectID);
+ }
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr VISU_Gen_i::PasteInto(const SALOMEDS::TMPFile& theStream,
+ CORBA::Long theObjectID,
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theObject)
+ {
+ return myVisuGen->PasteInto(theStream,theObjectID,theObject);
+ }
+ /*! SAN & VSR : Test QT_EVENT
+ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ */
+ void VISU_Gen_i::CreateTestView() {
+ myVisuGen->CreateTestView();
+ }
+ void VISU_Gen_i::ShowTestObject() {
+ myVisuGen->ShowTestObject();
+ }
+ /*! SAN & VSR : Test QT_EVENT
+ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ */
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See or email :
+#ifndef __VISU_ENGINE_I_H__
+#define __VISU_ENGINE_I_H__
+// IDL headers
+#include "SALOMEconfig.h"
+#include "SALOME_Component_i.hxx"
+namespace VISU{
+ class VISU_Gen_i : public virtual POA_VISU::VISU_Gen,
+ public virtual ::Engines_Component_i
+ {
+ VISU_Gen_var myVisuGen;
+ VISU_Gen_i();
+ VISU_Gen_i(const VISU::VISU_Gen_i &);
+ public:
+ VISU_Gen_i(CORBA::ORB_ptr orb,
+ PortableServer::POA_ptr poa,
+ PortableServer::ObjectId * contId,
+ const char *instanceName,
+ const char *interfaceName);
+ virtual ~VISU_Gen_i();
+ virtual char* GetID();
+ virtual VISU::VISUType GetType();
+ virtual void SetCurrentStudy(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy);
+ virtual SALOMEDS::Study_ptr GetCurrentStudy();
+ virtual ViewManager_ptr GetViewManager();
+ virtual SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr ImportTables(const char* theFileName);
+ virtual CORBA::Boolean ExportTableToFile(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theTable, const char* theFileName );
+ //Create Result
+ virtual Result_ptr ImportFile(const char* theFileName);
+ virtual Result_ptr CopyAndImportFile(const char* theFileName);
+ virtual Result_ptr ImportMed(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theMedSObject);
+ virtual Result_ptr ImportMedField(SALOME_MED::FIELD_ptr theField);
+ //Create Presentation Of Submeshes
+ virtual Mesh_ptr MeshOnEntity(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity);
+ virtual Mesh_ptr FamilyMeshOnEntity(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName,
+ VISU::Entity theEntity, const char* theFamilyName);
+ virtual Mesh_ptr GroupMesh(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, const char* theGroupName);
+ virtual ScalarMap_ptr ScalarMapOnField(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName, CORBA::Double theIteration);
+ virtual DeformedShape_ptr DeformedShapeOnField(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName, CORBA::Double theIteration);
+ virtual Vectors_ptr VectorsOnField(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName, CORBA::Double theIteration);
+ virtual IsoSurfaces_ptr IsoSurfacesOnField(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName, CORBA::Double theIteration);
+ virtual CutPlanes_ptr CutPlanesOnField(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName, CORBA::Double theIteration);
+ virtual CutLines_ptr CutLinesOnField(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName, CORBA::Double theIteration);
+ virtual StreamLines_ptr StreamLinesOnField(Result_ptr theResult, const char* theMeshName, VISU::Entity theEntity,
+ const char* theFieldName, CORBA::Double theIteration);
+ //Create Digital Presentation
+ virtual Table_ptr CreateTable(const char* theTableEntry);
+ virtual Curve_ptr CreateCurve(Table_ptr theTable, CORBA::Long theHRow, CORBA::Long theVRow);
+ virtual Container_ptr CreateContainer();
+ virtual Animation_ptr CreateAnimation(View3D_ptr theView3d);
+ // inherited methods from SALOMEDS::Driver
+ virtual SALOMEDS::TMPFile* Save(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile);
+ virtual SALOMEDS::TMPFile* SaveASCII(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr theComponent,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile);
+ virtual bool Load(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr,
+ const SALOMEDS::TMPFile &,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile);
+ virtual bool LoadASCII(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr,
+ const SALOMEDS::TMPFile &,
+ const char* theURL,
+ bool isMultiFile);
+ virtual void Close(SALOMEDS::SComponent_ptr IORSComponent);
+ virtual char* ComponentDataType();
+ virtual char* IORToLocalPersistentID(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
+ const char* IORString,
+ CORBA::Boolean isMultiFile,
+ CORBA::Boolean isASCII);
+ virtual char* LocalPersistentIDToIOR(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
+ const char* aLocalPersistentID,
+ CORBA::Boolean isMultiFile,
+ CORBA::Boolean isASCII);
+ virtual bool CanPublishInStudy(CORBA::Object_ptr theIOR);
+ virtual SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr PublishInStudy(SALOMEDS::Study_ptr theStudy,
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSObject,
+ CORBA::Object_ptr theObject,
+ const char* theName) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ CORBA::Boolean CanCopy(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theObject);
+ SALOMEDS::TMPFile* CopyFrom(SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theObject, CORBA::Long& theObjectID);
+ CORBA::Boolean CanPaste(const char* theComponentName, CORBA::Long theObjectID);
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr PasteInto(const SALOMEDS::TMPFile& theStream,
+ CORBA::Long theObjectID,
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theObject);
+ /*! SAN & VSR : Test QT_EVENT
+ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+ */
+ virtual void CreateTestView();
+ virtual void ShowTestObject();
+ /*! SAN & VSR : Test QT_EVENT
+ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ */
+ };
--- /dev/null
+# File :
+# Description : Test postEvent() functionality for VISU module
+import batchmode_visu
+for i in range ( 10 ):
+ batchmode_visu.myVisu.CreateTestView()
+ for j in range ( 10 ):
+ batchmode_visu.myVisu.ShowTestObject();
import VISU
import math
+modulecatalog = naming_service.Resolve("/Kernel/ModulCatalog")
# >>> Getting study builder ==================================================
myBuilder = myStudy.NewBuilder()
if not myComponent:
myComponent = myBuilder.NewComponent("VISU")
aName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributeName")
- aName.SetValue("Visu")
+ #aName.SetValue("Visu")
+ Comp = modulecatalog.GetComponent( "VISU" )
+ aName.SetValue( Comp._get_componentusername() )
+ A2 = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributePixMap");
+ aPixmap = A2._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap);
+ aPixmap.SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_Visu" );
# >>> Creating object with Table of real[ 200 * 20 ] ========================
--- /dev/null
+# VISU VISU_SWIG : binding of C++ implementation and Python
+# Copyright (C) 2003 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
+# File :
+# Author : Alexey Petrov
+# Module : VISU
+# $Header:
+from VISU import *
+from batchmode_visu_table import *
+myViewMan = myVisu.GetViewManager()
+myTable = myViewMan.CreateTableView(myVisuTableReal)
+myTitle = myTable.GetTitle()
+myTable.SetTitle('Changed Title')
+myPlot = myViewMan.CreateXYPlot()
+myTitle = myPlot.GetTitle()
+myPlot.SetTitle('Change the title from python')
+mySubTitle = myPlot.GetSubTitle()
+myXTitle = myPlot.GetXTitle()
+myYTitle = myPlot.GetYTitle()
# Module : VISU
import os
-import batchmode_visu
+import time
+import math
import VISU
+from batchmode_visu import *
+aDelay = 0
#mySession = batchmode_visu.mySession
-myVisu = batchmode_visu.myVisu
-medFile = ""
-myFieldName = "VITESSE";
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
-#medFile = "minimail.dat"
-#myFieldName = "Pressures";
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The window will be soon destroyed!")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
-#medFile = "brideResultats.dat"
-#myFieldName = "VM_Elem.";
+print "myView.Maximize()"
-medFile = os.getenv('SALOME_ROOT_DIR') + '/data/' + medFile
-myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+print "myView.Restore()"
+print "myView.Minimize()"
+print "myViewManager.Destroy(myView)"
+medFile = ""
+myFieldName = "VITESSE";
aMeshName ="LE VOLUME"
anEntity = VISU.NODE
-aMesh = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity)
aTimeStampId = 1
-aScalarMap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
-if aScalarMap is not None:
- aScalarMap.SetScaling(VISU.LOGARITHMIC)
- print "Null scalar map is created"
+medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
-if aCutPlanes is not None:
- aCutPlanes.SetScaling(VISU.LOGARITHMIC)
-else: print "Null aCutPlanes is created"
-aIsoSurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
-if aIsoSurfaces is not None:
- aIsoSurfaces.SetScaling(VISU.LINEAR)
-else: print "Null aIsoSurfaces is created"
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
-#myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-myView = myViewManager.GetCurrentView();
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.3,1.0)
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer will display ScalarMap")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+aScalarMap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.Display(aScalarMap)"
+print "myView.SetFocalPoint(...)"
+print "myView.SetParallelScale(...)"
+aMax = aScalarMap.GetMax()
+aMin = aScalarMap.GetMin()
+aDelta = (aMax - aMin)/2.0
+aNbColors = aScalarMap.GetNbColors()
+aNbColors = 64
+for i in range(2,aNbColors) :
+ aScalarMap.SetNbColors(i)
+ aX = aMin + aDelta*i/aNbColors
+ aY = aMax - aDelta*i/aNbColors
+ aScalarMap.SetRange(aX,aY)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("Here we will display CutPlanes")
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.7,0.0)
+aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
+print "myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(...)"
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
aPoint = myView.GetPointOfView();
aPoint[0] = aPoint[0] + 10;
+print "myView.SetPointOfView(...)"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.3,1.0)
+print "myView.ScaleView(...)"
+aNbPlanes = aCutPlanes.GetNbPlanes()
+aNbPlanes = 30
+aXAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateX()
+aYAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateY()
+anOrientation = aCutPlanes.GetOrientationType()
+for i in range(aNbPlanes,1,-1) :
+ aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
+ aX = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
+ aY = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
+ aCutPlanes.SetOrientation(anOrientation,aX,aY)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+aNbPlanes = 10
+for i in range(1,aNbPlanes) :
+ aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.SaveViewParams('AAA')"
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+myView.SetTitle("IsoSurface's viewer")
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(1.0,0.7,0.0)
+aIsoSurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
+aNbSurfaces = aIsoSurfaces.GetNbSurfaces()
+aNbSurfaces = 32
+for i in range(2,aNbSurfaces) :
+ aIsoSurfaces.SetNbSurfaces(i)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(1.0,1.0,1.0)
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for CutLines")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.7,0.7,0.7)
+aCutLines = myVisu.CutLinesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutLines)"
+aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(aCutLines.GetID())
+aTable = myVisu.CreateTable( aSObj.GetID() )
+print "myVisu.CreateTable(...)"
+aTableView = myViewManager.CreateTableView(aTable)
+aTableView.SetTitle('Changed Title')
+aContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
+print "myVisu.CreateContainer(...)"
+aNbCurve = aTable.GetNbRows() - 1
+for i in range(2,aNbCurve):
+ aCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve( aTable, 1, i )
+ print i, aCurve
+ aContainer.AddCurve(aCurve)
+myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from CutLines")
+print "myViewManager.CreateXYPlot()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Animation")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+medFile = ""
+myFieldName = "vitesse";
+medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+anAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);
+aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(myResult.GetID())
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(1)[1]
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
+print "Generate presentations"
+print "Generate frames"
+print "Start Animation"
+while 1:
+ time.sleep(1+aDelay)
+ if not anAnim.isRunning():
+ anAnim.stopAnimation()
+ break
--- /dev/null
+# File :
+# Description : Test postEvent() functionality for VISU module
+# This script can be run from GUI Python console only!
+from visu_gui import *
+for i in range ( 10 ):
+ myVisu.CreateTestView()
+ for j in range ( 10 ):
+ myVisu.ShowTestObject();
myLocalVisu = None
myDelay = None
mySession = None
+def changeBlankToUnderScore(stringWithBlank):
+ blank = ' '
+ underscore = '_'
+ decompString = split(stringWithBlank,blank)
+ length = len(decompString)
+ stringWithUnderScore = decompString[0]
+ for i in range(1,length):
+ stringWithUnderScore += underscore
+ stringWithUnderScore += decompString[i]
+ return stringWithUnderScore
def Initialize(theORB, theNamingService, theLifeCycleCORBA, theStudyManager, theStudy, theDelay) :
global myORB, myNamingService, myLifeCycleCORBA, myLocalStudyManager, myLocalStudy
global mySession, myLocalVisu, myDelay
return [aStudy, myViewManager, myView]
raise RuntimeError, "Error: There is no shuch file."
-def getMedObjectFromStudy(theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+##def getMedObjectFromStudy(theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+## if theStudy is None:
+## theStudy = myLocalStudy
+## mySO = theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
+## anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+## obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+## myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.MED)
+## return myObj
+def getMedObjectFromStudy(file, theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+ objNameInStudy = "MED_OBJECT_FROM_FILE_"+file
+ compNameInStudy= "MED"
if theStudy is None:
theStudy = myLocalStudy
- mySO = theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
- anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
- obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
- myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.MED)
- return myObj
-def getMedSObject(theStudy = myLocalStudy ):
- return theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
+ listOfSO = theStudy.FindObjectByName(objNameInStudy,compNameInStudy)
+ listLength = len(listOfSO)
+ if (listLength == 0) :
+ print "PROBLEME ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
+ return None
+ elif (listLength > 1) :
+ print "PROBLEME there are more than one instance of ",objNameInStudy," in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
+ return None
+ mySO = listOfSO[0]
+ if (mySO == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study"
+ return mySO
+ else:
+ anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+ obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+ myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.MED)
+ if (myObj == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," has been found in the Study but with the wrong type"
+ return myObj
+##def getMedSObject(theStudy = myLocalStudy ):
+## return theStudy.FindObject("Objet MED")
+def getMedSObject(file, theStudy = myLocalStudy ):
+ objNameInStudy = "MED_OBJECT_FROM_FILE_"+file
+ compNameInStudy= "MED"
-def getFieldObjectFromStudy(number, subnumber, theStudy = myLocalStudy):
if theStudy is None:
theStudy = myLocalStudy
- mySO = theStudy.FindObject("MEDFIELD")
- if mySO is None:
- raise Runtime, "getFieldObjectFromStudy mySO is None"
- mysub = mySO.FindSubObject(number)[1]
- if mysub:
- mysubsub = mysub.FindSubObject(subnumber)[1]
- if mysubsub:
- Builder = theStudy.NewBuilder()
- anAttr = Builder.FindOrCreateAttribute(mysubsub, "AttributeIOR")
- obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
- myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDINT)
- if (myObj == None):
- myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDDOUBLE)
- return myObj
- else:
- print "ERROR: No Field Object stored in this Study"
+ listOfSO = theStudy.FindObjectByName(objNameInStudy,compNameInStudy)
+ listLength = len(listOfSO)
+ if (listLength == 0) :
+ print "PROBLEME ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
+ return None
+ elif (listLength > 1) :
+ print "PROBLEME there are more than one instance of ",objNameInStudy," in the Study under the component ",compNameInStudy
return None
+ mySO = listOfSO[0]
+ return mySO
+##def getFieldObjectFromStudy(number, subnumber, theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+## if theStudy is None:
+## theStudy = myLocalStudy
+## mySO = theStudy.FindObject("MEDFIELD")
+## if mySO is None:
+## raise Runtime, "getFieldObjectFromStudy mySO is None"
+## mysub = mySO.FindSubObject(number)[1]
+## if mysub:
+## mysubsub = mysub.FindSubObject(subnumber)[1]
+## if mysubsub:
+## Builder = theStudy.NewBuilder()
+## anAttr = Builder.FindOrCreateAttribute(mysubsub, "AttributeIOR")
+## obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+## myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDINT)
+## if (myObj == None):
+## myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDDOUBLE)
+## return myObj
+## else:
+## print "ERROR: No Field Object stored in this Study"
+## return None
+def getFieldObjectFromStudy(dt, it, fieldName, supportName, meshName,
+ theStudy = myLocalStudy):
+ meshNameStudy = changeBlankToUnderScore(meshName)
+ if theStudy is None:
+ theStudy = myLocalStudy
+ objNameInStudy = "/Med/MEDFIELD/"+fieldName+"/("+str(dt)+","+str(it)+")_ON_"+supportName+"_OF_"+meshNameStudy
+ mySO = theStudy.FindObjectByPath(objNameInStudy)
+ if (mySO == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," cannot be found in the Study"
+ return mySO
+ else:
+ anAttr = mySO.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+ obj = myORB.string_to_object(anAttr.Value())
+ myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDINT)
+ if (myObj == None):
+ myObj = obj._narrow(SALOME_MED.FIELDDOUBLE)
+ if (myObj == None) :
+ print "PROBLEM ",objNameInStudy," has been found in the Study but with the wrong type"
+ return myObj
def SObjectToObject(theSObject) :
# global myORB
print "aMedComp.readStructFileWithFieldType...",
- aMedSObj = getMedSObject(myLocalStudy)
+ print "reading the med file is OK ..."
+ # taking the absolute name of theFileName (without the path to it)
+ decompFileName = split(theFileName,"/")
+ lenDecomp = len(decompFileName)
+ absFileName = decompFileName[lenDecomp-1]
+ aMedSObj = getMedSObject(absFileName,myLocalStudy)
if aMedSObj is None : raise RuntimeError, "Error"
else : print "OK"
else : print "OK"
aVISUObjList.extend(CreatePrsForResult(theVisu, aResult, myView, thePrsTypeList, thePictureDir, thePictureExt))
aFolderIter = myLocalStudy.NewChildIterator(aMedSObj.GetFather());
while aFolderIter.More() :
aFolderSObj = aFolderIter.Value()
if not myComponent:
myComponent = myBuilder.NewComponent("VISU")
aName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributeName")
- aName.SetValue("Visu")
+ #aName.SetValue("Visu")
+ aName.SetValue("VISU") )
+ A2 = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributePixMap");
+ aPixmap = A2._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap);
+ aPixmap.SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_Visu" );
# >>> Creating object with Table of real[ 200 * 20 ] ========================
med_comp = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent("FactoryServer", "MED")
-medDir = os.getenv('SALOME_ROOT_DIR') + '/data/'
+medDir = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/'
def importMedFrom(medDir,medFile):
medFile = medDir + medFile
myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
medFile = ""
-medFile = os.getenv('SALOME_ROOT_DIR') + '/data/' + medFile
+absMedFile = medFile
+medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
print medFile
studyCurrent = salome.myStudyName
if os.access(medFile, os.R_OK) :
- if os.access(medFile, os.W_OK) :
- med_comp.readStructFileWithFieldType(medFile,studyCurrent)
- med_obj = visu_gui.visu.getMedObjectFromStudy()
- print "med_obj - ", med_obj
- myField = visu_gui.visu.getFieldObjectFromStudy(2,1)
- anEntity = VISU.NODE
- aTimeStampId = 0
+ print "Reading the .med file ",medFile," and pushing corba objects in the SALOME study"
+ med_comp.readStructFileWithFieldType(medFile,studyCurrent)
+ med_obj = visu_gui.visu.getMedObjectFromStudy(absMedFile)
+ print "med_obj - ", med_obj
+ nbOfMeshes = med_obj.getNumberOfMeshes()
+ print "in this med file there is(are) ",nbOfMeshes," mesh(es),"
+ meshNames = med_obj.getMeshNames()
+ meshName = meshNames[0]
+ supportName = "SupportOnAll_MED_NOEUD"
+ nbOfFields = med_obj.getNumberOfFields()
+ print "and ",nbOfFields," field(s)."
+ fieldNames = med_obj.getFieldNames()
+ fieldName = fieldNames[1]
+ nbOfIt = med_obj.getFieldNumberOfIteration(fieldName)
+ print "the field ",fieldName," has ",nbOfIt," iteration(s)"
+ dtitsfield = med_obj.getFieldIterations(fieldName)
+ dtitfield = dtitsfield[0:2]
+ dt = dtitfield[0]
+ it = dtitfield[1]
+## myField = visu_gui.visu.getFieldObjectFromStudy(2,1)
+ # the first iteration of the second field
+ myField = visu_gui.visu.getFieldObjectFromStudy(dt, it, fieldName,
+ supportName,
+ meshName)
+ anEntity = VISU.NODE
+ aTimeStampId = 0
- myResult1 = myVisu.ImportMedField(myField)
- aMesh1 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity);
+ myResult1 = myVisu.ImportMedField(myField)
+ aMesh1 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity);
- aScalarMap1= myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
- aVectors = myVisu.VectorsOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ aScalarMap1= myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
+ aVectors = myVisu.VectorsOnField(myResult1, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- myResult2 = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
- aMeshName = "maa1"
- anEntity = VISU.NODE
- aMesh2 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity)
+ myResult2 = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+ aMeshName = "maa1"
+ anEntity = VISU.NODE
+ aMesh2 = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity)
- aScalarMap2 = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
- aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ aScalarMap2 = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
+ if(myField.getNumberOfComponents() > 1) :
+ aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult2, aMeshName, anEntity, myField.getName(), aTimeStampId)
- sg.updateObjBrowser(0)
- else : print "We have no permission to rewrite medFile, so readStructFileWithFieldType can't open this file";
+ sg.updateObjBrowser(0)
else : print "We have no permission to read medFile, it will not be opened";
if sys.exc_type == SALOME.SALOME_Exception :
from libVISU_Swig import *
-medFile = os.getenv('SALOME_ROOT_DIR') + '/data/'
+medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/'
myPrs=ScalarMap(myCon,"LE VOLUME",0,"VITESSE",1)
if not myComponent:
myComponent = myBuilder.NewComponent("VISU")
aName = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributeName")
- aName.SetValue("Visu")
+ #aName.SetValue("Visu")
+ aName.SetValue("VISU") )
+ A2 = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(myComponent, "AttributePixMap");
+ aPixmap = A2._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributePixMap);
+ aPixmap.SetPixMap( "ICON_OBJBROWSER_Visu" );
# >>> Creating object with Table of integer ==================================
-# File :
+# File :
# Module : VISU
-import visu_gui
import os
+import time
+import math
import VISU
+from visu_gui import *
+aDelay = 0
+#mySession = batchmode_visu.mySession
+myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The window will be soon destroyed!")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+print "myView.Maximize()"
+print "myView.Restore()"
+print "myView.Minimize()"
+print "myViewManager.Destroy(myView)"
-from libSALOME_Swig import *
-sg = SALOMEGUI_Swig()
-myVisu = visu_gui.myVisu
medFile = ""
myFieldName = "VITESSE";
-medFile = os.getenv('SALOME_ROOT_DIR') + '/data/' + medFile
-myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
aMeshName ="LE VOLUME"
anEntity = VISU.NODE
-aMesh = myVisu.MeshOnEntity(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity)
aTimeStampId = 1
-aScalarMap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
-if aScalarMap is not None:
- aScalarMap.SetScaling(VISU.LOGARITHMIC)
- print "Null scalar map is created"
+medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
-aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
-if aCutPlanes is not None:
- aCutPlanes.SetScaling(VISU.LOGARITHMIC)
-else: print "Null aCutPlanes is created"
-aIsoSurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
-if aIsoSurfaces is not None:
- aIsoSurfaces.SetScaling(VISU.LINEAR)
-else: print "Null aIsoSurfaces is created"
-myViewManager = myVisu.GetViewManager();
-#myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
-myView = myViewManager.GetCurrentView();
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.3,1.0)
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer will display ScalarMap")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+aScalarMap = myVisu.ScalarMapOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.Display(aScalarMap)"
+print "myView.SetFocalPoint(...)"
+print "myView.SetParallelScale(...)"
+aMax = aScalarMap.GetMax()
+aMin = aScalarMap.GetMin()
+aDelta = (aMax - aMin)/2.0
+aNbColors = aScalarMap.GetNbColors()
+aNbColors = 64
+for i in range(2,aNbColors) :
+ aScalarMap.SetNbColors(i)
+ aX = aMin + aDelta*i/aNbColors
+ aY = aMax - aDelta*i/aNbColors
+ aScalarMap.SetRange(aX,aY)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("Here we will display CutPlanes")
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.7,0.0)
+aCutPlanes = myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(myResult,aMeshName,anEntity,myFieldName,aTimeStampId)
+print "myVisu.CutPlanesOnField(...)"
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
aPoint = myView.GetPointOfView();
aPoint[0] = aPoint[0] + 10;
+print "myView.SetPointOfView(...)"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.3,1.0)
+print "myView.ScaleView(...)"
+aNbPlanes = aCutPlanes.GetNbPlanes()
+aNbPlanes = 30
+aXAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateX()
+aYAngle = aCutPlanes.GetRotateY()
+anOrientation = aCutPlanes.GetOrientationType()
+for i in range(aNbPlanes,1,-1) :
+ aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
+ aX = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
+ aY = math.pi/2.0*(aNbPlanes-i)/aNbPlanes
+ aCutPlanes.SetOrientation(anOrientation,aX,aY)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+aNbPlanes = 10
+for i in range(1,aNbPlanes) :
+ aCutPlanes.SetNbPlanes(i)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.SaveViewParams('AAA')"
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.0,0.0,0.0)
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+myView.SetTitle("IsoSurface's viewer")
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(1.0,0.7,0.0)
+aIsoSurfaces = myVisu.IsoSurfacesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutPlanes)"
-aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(1.0,1.0,1.0)
+aNbSurfaces = aIsoSurfaces.GetNbSurfaces()
+aNbSurfaces = 32
+for i in range(2,aNbSurfaces) :
+ aIsoSurfaces.SetNbSurfaces(i)
+ myView.Update();
+ time.sleep(aDelay)
+print "myView.Update()"
+print "myView.FitAll()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for CutLines")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+print "myView.SetBackground(...)"
+aColor = SALOMEDS.Color(0.7,0.7,0.7)
+aCutLines = myVisu.CutLinesOnField(myResult, aMeshName, anEntity, myFieldName, aTimeStampId)
+print "myView.DisplayOnly(aCutLines)"
+aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(aCutLines.GetID())
+aTable = myVisu.CreateTable( aSObj.GetID() )
+print "myVisu.CreateTable(...)"
+aTableView = myViewManager.CreateTableView(aTable)
+aTableView.SetTitle('Changed Title')
+aContainer = myVisu.CreateContainer()
+print "myVisu.CreateContainer(...)"
+aNbCurve = aTable.GetNbRows() - 1
+for i in range(2,aNbCurve):
+ aCurve = myVisu.CreateCurve( aTable, 1, i )
+ print i, aCurve
+ aContainer.AddCurve(aCurve)
+myView = myViewManager.CreateXYPlot();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Curves from CutLines")
+print "myViewManager.CreateXYPlot()"
+myView = myViewManager.Create3DView();
+myView.SetTitle("The viewer for Animation")
+print "myViewManager.Create3DView()"
+medFile = ""
+myFieldName = "vitesse";
+medFile = os.getenv('KERNEL_ROOT_DIR') + '/examples/' + medFile
+myResult = myVisu.ImportFile(medFile)
+anAnim = myVisu.CreateAnimation(myView);
+aSObj = myStudy.FindObjectIOR(myResult.GetID())
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(1)[1]
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
+aSObj = aSObj.FindSubObject(2)[1]
+print "Generate presentations"
+print "Generate frames"
+print "Start Animation"
+while 1:
+ time.sleep(1+aDelay)
+ if not anAnim.isRunning():
+ anAnim.stopAnimation()
+ break