If the environment variable SALOME_TMP_DIR is defined and is a directory the
log files are created in this directory and not in /tmp.
This modification has only be done for Linux and only for the container logs.
Other temporary files go in /tmp as before.
string logFilename=getenv("TEMP");
logFilename += "\\";
- string logFilename="/tmp/";
+ string logFilename="/tmp";
+ char* val = getenv("SALOME_TMP_DIR");
+ if(val)
+ {
+ struct stat file_info;
+ stat(val, &file_info);
+ bool is_dir = S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode);
+ if (is_dir)logFilename=val;
+ else std::cerr << "SALOME_TMP_DIR environment variable is not a directory use /tmp instead" << std::endl;
+ }
+ logFilename += "/";
logFilename += _NS->ContainerName(params)+"_"+ theMachine +"_"+getenv( "USER" )+".log" ;
command += " > " + logFilename + " 2>&1";