- This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
- available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
- calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
- calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
- list: ["APosterioriCovariance", "BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation",
- "SigmaObs2", "MahalanobisConsistency"].
+ This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
+ available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
+ calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
+ calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
+ list: ["APosterioriCovariance", "BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation",
+ "SigmaObs2", "MahalanobisConsistency"].
- This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
- available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
- calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
- calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
- list: ["BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation"].
+ This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
+ available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
+ calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
+ calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
+ list: ["BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation"].
"EvolutionModel", "EvolutionError"*
+ EstimationType
+ This key allows to choose the type of estimation to be performed. It can be
+ either state-estimation, named "State", or parameter-estimation, named
+ "Parameters". The default choice is "Parameters".
- This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
- available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
- calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
- calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
- list: ["APosterioriCovariance", "Innovation"].
+ This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
+ available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
+ calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
+ calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
+ list: ["APosterioriCovariance", "CostFunctionJ", "Innovation"].
"EvolutionModel", "EvolutionError",
+ EstimationType
+ This key allows to choose the type of estimation to be performed. It can be
+ either state-estimation, named "State", or parameter-estimation, named
+ "Parameters". The default choice is "Parameters".
- This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
- available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
- calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
- calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
- list: ["APosterioriCovariance", "Innovation"].
+ This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
+ available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
+ calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
+ calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
+ list: ["APosterioriCovariance", "CostFunctionJ", "Innovation"].
- This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
- available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
- calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
- calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
- list: ["BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation"].
+ This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
+ available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
+ calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
+ calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
+ list: ["BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation"].
- This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
- available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
- calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
- calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
- list: ["BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation"].
+ This list indicates the names of the supplementary variables that can be
+ available at the end of the algorithm. It involves potentially costly
+ calculations. The default is a void list, none of these variables being
+ calculated and stored by default. The possible names are in the following
+ list: ["BMA", "OMA", "OMB", "Innovation"].
Requirements for functions describing an operator