InitialDensity = SIMP(typ='R', statut='o',),
), # fin bloc_DensityNonThermal
bloc_DensityAndThermalActive = BLOC(condition = ' ThermalEffects == "Active on flow dynamics"',
- DensityEquationOfState = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =['variable density', 'compressible'], ),
+ OriginOfThermalEffects = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Given', ], typ ='TXM', defaut ='Given'),
+ BlocGiven =creeBlocPourLesFichiers (' OriginOfThermalEffects == "Given"', None, ('Med', 'cgns' ), FieldName=1),
), # fin DensityInitialisation
ActiveOnFlowEffect = FACT(statut = 'o', max='**',
RelationType = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Equation Of State', 'Force Field Relation'], typ ='TXM'),
bloc_EOS=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Equation Of State"',
- TypeOfEquationOfState = SIMP( statut='o', into =['variable', 'compressible'], typ ='TXM'),
+ TypeOfEquationOfState = SIMP( statut='o', into =['variable density', 'compressible'], typ ='TXM'),
bloc_NonEOSAndSimple=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force Field Relation" and ComplexFluid == False',
TypeOfEquationOfState = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Newtonian', 'Fick Law', 'Fourier Law'], intoXML=['Newtonian', 'Fick Law', 'Fourier Law','Shear-stress closure', 'Scalar flux'], typ ='TXM'),