if (op_val->second != optionValue)
std::string lowerOptionValue = toLowerStr(optionValue);
const char* ptr = lowerOptionValue.c_str();
// strip white spaces
throw std::invalid_argument(msg);
std::string value( ptr, i );
+// std::cout << "==> value: " << value << std::endl;
if ( _defaultOptionValues[ optionName ] == value ) value.clear();
// std::cout << "==> value: " << value << std::endl;
op_val->second = value;
int MgAdapt::compute(std::string& errStr)
std::string cmd = getCommandToRun();
+// std::cout << cmd << std::endl;
int err = 0;
execCmd( cmd.c_str(), err ); // run
//~// constant value TODO
- std::string adapOp = "adaptation";
- std::string adpOpVal = getOptionValue(adapOp);
- // Check coherence between mesh dimension and option
-// checkDimensionOption(adpOpVal);
- /* sizemap file is not adapted in case of only surface adaptation see MeshGems docs */
- std::string surfaceAdapt = "surface";
- if(surfaceAdapt != adpOpVal )
+ // Check coherence between mesh dimension and option fo adaptation
+ checkDimensionOptionAdaptation();
+// sizemap file is written only if level is higher than 3
+ if ( verbosityLevel > 3)
std::string solFileOut = getFileName()+".sol";
cmd+= " --write_sizemap "+ solFileOut;
value = getOptionValue( option, &isDefault );
if ( isDefault )
- continue;
+ continue;
if ( value.empty() )//value == NoValue() )
if ( _defaultOptionValues.count( option ))
- continue; // non-custom option with no value
+ continue; // non-custom option with no value
if ( strncmp( "no", option.c_str(), 2 ) == 0 ) // options w/o values: --no_*
if ( !value.empty() && toBool( value ) == false )
- continue;
+ continue;
if ( option[0] != '-' )
cmd += " --";
cmd += " ";
+// std::cout << "--- option: '" << option << ", value: '" << value <<"'"<< std::endl;
cmd += option + " " + value;
#ifdef WIN32
cmd += " < NUL";
+// std::cout << "--- cmd :"<< std::endl;
+// std::cout << cmd << std::endl;
return cmd;
return listFieldsNames ;
-void MgAdapt::checkDimensionOption(std::string adpOpVal)
+void MgAdapt::checkDimensionOptionAdaptation()
- // Pas correct.
+ // Quand le maillage est 3D, tout est possible
+ // Quand le maillage est 2D, il faut 'surface' sauf si carte de fonds 3D
MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfd = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(medFileIn);
int meshdim = mfd->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0)->getMeshDimension() ;
+// std::cout << "meshdim = " << meshdim << std::endl;
- if ( ( meshdim == 2 ) & ( adpOpVal != "surface" ) )
+ if ( meshdim == 2 )
- SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
- es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
- std::string text = "Mesh dimension is 2; the option should be 'surface' instead of '" + adpOpVal + "'." ;
- es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
- throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ std::string optionName = "adaptation";
+ std::string optionValue = getOptionValue(optionName);
+// std::cout << "optionValue = '" << optionValue <<"'"<< std::endl;
+ bool a_tester = false ;
+ // carte locale ou constante : impératif d'avoir "surface"
+ if ( useLocalMap || useConstantValue) a_tester = true ;
+ // carte de fond : impératif d'avoir "surface" si le fonds est aussi 2D
+ else
+ {
+ MEDCoupling::MCAuto<MEDCoupling::MEDFileData> mfdbg = MEDCoupling::MEDFileData::New(sizeMapFile);
+ int meshdimbg = mfdbg->getMeshes()->getMeshAtPos(0)->getMeshDimension() ;
+// std::cout << "meshdimbg = " << meshdimbg << std::endl;
+ if ( meshdimbg == 2 ) a_tester = true ;
+ }
+ if ( a_tester )
+ {
+ if ( optionValue == "" ) setOptionValue (optionName, "surface");
+ else
+ {
+ if ( optionValue != "surface" )
+ {
+ SALOME::ExceptionStruct es;
+ es.type = SALOME::BAD_PARAM;
+ std::string text = "Mesh dimension is 2; the option should be 'surface' instead of '" + optionValue + "'." ;
+ es.text = CORBA::string_dup(text.c_str());
+ throw SALOME::SALOME_Exception(es);
+ }
+ }
+ }