#include "SMESH_Hypothesis.idl"
+#include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
* BLSURFPlugin: interfaces to BLSURF related hypotheses and algorithms
module BLSURFPlugin
+ typedef sequence<string> string_array;
* BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF: interface of BLSURF algorithm
void SetPhySize(in double size);
double GetPhySize();
+ /*!
+ * Sets lower boundary of mesh element size (PhySize)
+ */
+ void SetPhyMin(in double theMinSize);
+ double GetPhyMin();
+ /*!
+ * Sets upper boundary of mesh element size (PhySize)
+ */
+ void SetPhyMax(in double theMaxSize);
+ double GetPhyMax();
* Sets a way to define maximum angular deflection of mesh from CAD model
* 0 - deflection is defined automatically
- * 1 - deflection is set by SetAngleMeshS() method
+ * 1 - deflection is set by SetAngleMeshS() and SetAngleMeshC() methods
void SetGeometricMesh(in long isCustom);
long GetGeometricMesh();
- * Sets angular deflection (in degrees) of mesh from CAD model
+ * Sets angular deflection (in degrees) of a mesh face from CAD surface
void SetAngleMeshS(in double angle);
double GetAngleMeshS();
+ /*!
+ * Sets angular deflection (in degrees) of a mesh edge from CAD curve
+ */
+ void SetAngleMeshC(in double angle);
+ double GetAngleMeshC();
+ /*!
+ * Sets lower boundary of mesh element size computed to respect angular deflection
+ */
+ void SetGeoMin(in double theMinSize);
+ double GetGeoMin();
+ /*!
+ * Sets upper boundary of mesh element size computed to respect angular deflection
+ */
+ void SetGeoMax(in double theMaxSize);
+ double GetGeoMax();
* Sets maximal allowed ratio between the lengths of two adjacent edges
void SetDecimesh(in boolean toIgnoreEdges);
boolean GetDecimesh();
+ /*!
+ * Sets verbosity level in the range 0 to 100.
+ */
+ void SetVerbosity(in short theVal) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ short GetVerbosity();
+ /*!
+ * Sets advanced option value
+ */
+ void SetOptionValue(in string optionName,
+ in string optionValue) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ string GetOptionValue(in string optionName) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ /*!
+ * Unsets advanced option
+ */
+ void UnsetOption(in string optionName);
+ /*!
+ * Return array of strings each of which is option name concatenated
+ * with option value devided by semicolon - "option_name:option_value".
+ * Option value is empty if an option is not set.
+ * Note: the method is mostly for interaction with GUI.
+ */
+ string_array GetOptionValues();
+ /*!
+ * Set option values each in the form "option_name[:option_value]".
+ * Note: the method is mostly for interaction with GUI.
+ */
+ void SetOptionValues(in string_array options);
return o.str();
-void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::SetParameters(const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp, blsurf_session_t *bls) {
+void BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::SetParameters(const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* hyp, blsurf_session_t *bls)
+ int _topology = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultTopology();
+ int _physicalMesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultPhysicalMesh();
+ double _phySize = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultPhySize();
+ int _geometricMesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGeometricMesh();
+ double _angleMeshS = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultAngleMeshS();
+ double _angleMeshC = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultAngleMeshC();
+ double _gradation = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGradation();
+ bool _quadAllowed = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultQuadAllowed();
+ bool _decimesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultDecimesh();
+ int _verb = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultVerbosity();
if (hyp) {
- _topology = (int) hyp->GetTopology();
- _physicalMesh = (int) hyp->GetPhysicalMesh();
- _phySize = hyp->GetPhySize();
+ _topology = (int) hyp->GetTopology();
+ _physicalMesh = (int) hyp->GetPhysicalMesh();
+ _phySize = hyp->GetPhySize();
_geometricMesh = (int) hyp->GetGeometricMesh();
- _angleMeshS = hyp->GetAngleMeshS();
- _gradation = hyp->GetGradation();
- _quadAllowed = hyp->GetQuadAllowed();
- _decimesh = hyp->GetDecimesh();
+ _angleMeshS = hyp->GetAngleMeshS();
+ _angleMeshC = hyp->GetAngleMeshC();
+ _gradation = hyp->GetGradation();
+ _quadAllowed = hyp->GetQuadAllowed();
+ _decimesh = hyp->GetDecimesh();
+ _verb = hyp->GetVerbosity();
+ if ( hyp->GetPhyMin() != ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::undefinedDouble() )
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "hphymin", to_string(hyp->GetPhyMin()).c_str());
+ if ( hyp->GetPhyMax() != ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::undefinedDouble() )
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "hphymax", to_string(hyp->GetPhyMax()).c_str());
+ if ( hyp->GetGeoMin() != ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::undefinedDouble() )
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "hgeomin", to_string(hyp->GetGeoMin()).c_str());
+ if ( hyp->GetGeoMax() != ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::undefinedDouble() )
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "hgeomax", to_string(hyp->GetGeoMax()).c_str());
+ const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TOptionValues & opts = hyp->GetOptionValues();
+ BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TOptionValues::const_iterator opIt;
+ for ( opIt = opts.begin(); opIt != opts.end(); ++opIt )
+ if ( !opIt->second.empty() )
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, opIt->first.c_str(), opIt->second.c_str());
} else {
MESSAGE("BLSURFPlugin_BLSURF::SetParameters using defaults");
- _topology = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultTopology();
- _physicalMesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultPhysicalMesh();
- _phySize = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultPhySize();
- _geometricMesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGeometricMesh();
- _angleMeshS = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultAngleMeshS();
- _gradation = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGradation();
- _quadAllowed = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultQuadAllowed();
- _decimesh = BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultDecimesh();
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "topo_points", _topology > 0 ? "1" : "0");
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "topo_curves", _topology > 0 ? "1" : "0");
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "topo_project", _topology > 0 ? "1" : "0");
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "clean_boundary", _topology > 1 ? "1" : "0");
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "close_boundary", _topology > 1 ? "1" : "0");
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "hphy_flag", to_string(_physicalMesh).c_str());
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "hphydef", to_string(_phySize).c_str());
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "hgeo_flag", to_string(_geometricMesh).c_str());
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "angle_meshs", to_string(_angleMeshS).c_str());
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "angle_meshc", to_string(_angleMeshS).c_str());
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "gradation", to_string(_gradation).c_str());
- // blsurf_set_param(bls, "patch_independent", to_string(_decimesh).c_str());
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "topo_points", _topology > 0 ? "1" : "0");
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "topo_curves", _topology > 0 ? "1" : "0");
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "topo_project", _topology > 0 ? "1" : "0");
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "clean_boundary", _topology > 1 ? "1" : "0");
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "close_boundary", _topology > 1 ? "1" : "0");
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "hphy_flag", to_string(_physicalMesh).c_str());
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "hphydef", to_string(_phySize).c_str());
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "hgeo_flag", to_string(_geometricMesh).c_str());
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "angle_meshs", to_string(_angleMeshS).c_str());
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "angle_meshc", to_string(_angleMeshC).c_str());
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "gradation", to_string(_gradation).c_str());
blsurf_set_param(bls, "patch_independent", _decimesh ? "1" : "0");
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "element", _quadAllowed ? "q1.0" : "p1");
- blsurf_set_param(bls, "verb", "10");
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "element", _quadAllowed ? "q1.0" : "p1");
+ blsurf_set_param(bls, "verb", to_string(_verb).c_str());
status_t curv_fun(real t, real *uv, real *dt, real *dtt, void *user_data);
const BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* _hypothesis;
- private:
- int _topology;
- int _physicalMesh;
- double _phySize;
- int _geometricMesh;
- double _angleMeshS;
- double _gradation;
- bool _quadAllowed;
- bool _decimesh;
+// private:
+// int _topology;
+// int _physicalMesh;
+// double _phySize;
+// int _geometricMesh;
+// double _angleMeshS;
+// double _gradation;
+// bool _quadAllowed;
+// bool _decimesh;
#include <BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis.hxx>
#include <utilities.h>
- *
- */
BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis (int hypId, int studyId,
SMESH_Gen * gen)
+ _phyMax(GetDefaultMaxSize()),
+ _phyMin(GetDefaultMinSize()),
+ _hgeoMax(GetDefaultMaxSize()),
+ _hgeoMin(GetDefaultMinSize()),
+ _angleMeshC(GetDefaultAngleMeshC()),
- _decimesh(GetDefaultDecimesh())
+ _decimesh(GetDefaultDecimesh()),
+ _verb( GetDefaultVerbosity() )
_name = "BLSURF_Parameters";
_param_algo_dim = 2;
+ // to desable writing boundaries
+ //_phyMin = _phyMax = _hgeoMin = _hgeoMax = undefinedDouble();
+ const char* optionNames[] = {
+ "addsurf_ivertex",
+ "background",
+ "CheckAdjacentEdges",
+ "CheckCloseEdges",
+ "CheckWellDefined",
+ "coiter",
+ "communication",
+ "decim",
+ "export_flag",
+ "file_h",
+ "frontal",
+ "gridnu",
+ "gridnv",
+ "hinterpol_flag",
+ "hmean_flag",
+ "intermedfile",
+ "memory",
+ "normals",
+ "optim",
+ "pardom_flag",
+ "pinch",
+ "refs",
+ "rigid",
+ "surforient",
+ "tconf",
+ "topo_collapse",
+ "addsurf_angle",
+ "addsurf_R",
+ "addsurf_H",
+ "addsurf_FG",
+ "addsurf_r",
+ "addsurf_PA",
+ "angle_compcurv",
+ "angle_ridge",
+ "CoefRectangle",
+ "eps_collapse",
+ "eps_ends",
+ "eps_pardom",
+ "LSS",
+ "topo_eps1",
+ "topo_eps2",
+ "export_format",
+ "export_option",
+ "import_option",
+ "prefix",
+ "" // mark of end
+ };
+ int i = 0;
+ while ( optionNames[i][0] )
+ _option2value[ optionNames[i++] ].clear();
- *
- */
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetTopology(Topology theTopology)
- *
- */
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetPhysicalMesh(PhysicalMesh thePhysicalMesh)
- *
- */
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetPhySize(double theVal)
- *
- */
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetPhyMin(double theMinSize)
+ if (theMinSize != _phyMin) {
+ _phyMin = theMinSize;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetPhyMax(double theMaxSize)
+ if (theMaxSize != _phyMax) {
+ _phyMax = theMaxSize;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetGeoMin(double theMinSize)
+ if (theMinSize != _hgeoMin) {
+ _hgeoMin = theMinSize;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetGeoMax(double theMaxSize)
+ if (theMaxSize != _hgeoMax) {
+ _hgeoMax = theMaxSize;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetGeometricMesh(GeometricMesh theGeometricMesh)
- *
- */
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetAngleMeshS(double theVal)
- *
- */
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetAngleMeshC(double theVal)
+ if (theVal != _angleMeshC) {
+ _angleMeshC = theVal;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetGradation(double theVal)
- *
- */
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetQuadAllowed(bool theVal)
- *
- */
void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetDecimesh(bool theVal)
- *
- */
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetVerbosity(int theVal)
+ if (theVal != _verb) {
+ _verb = theVal;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetOptionValue(const string& optionName,
+ const string& optionValue) throw (SALOME_Exception)
+ TOptionValues::iterator op_val = _option2value.find( optionName );
+ if ( op_val == _option2value.end() ) {
+ string msg = "Unknown BLSURF option: <";
+ msg += optionName + ">";
+ throw SALOME_Exception(msg.c_str());
+ }
+ if ( op_val->second != optionValue ) {
+ op_val->second = optionValue;
+ NotifySubMeshesHypothesisModification();
+ }
+string BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetOptionValue(const string& optionName)
+ throw (SALOME_Exception)
+ TOptionValues::iterator op_val = _option2value.find( optionName );
+ if ( op_val == _option2value.end() ) {
+ string msg = "Unknown BLSURF option: <";
+ msg += optionName + ">";
+ throw SALOME_Exception(msg.c_str());
+ }
+ return op_val->second;
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::ClearOption(const string& optionName)
+ TOptionValues::iterator op_val = _option2value.find( optionName );
+ if ( op_val != _option2value.end() )
+ op_val->second.clear();
ostream & BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SaveTo(ostream & save)
<< " " << _gradation
<< " " << (int)_quadAllowed
<< " " << (int)_decimesh;
+ save << " " << _phyMin
+ << " " << _phyMax
+ << " " << _angleMeshC
+ << " " << _hgeoMin
+ << " " << _hgeoMax
+ << " " << _verb;
+ TOptionValues::iterator op_val = _option2value.begin();
+ for ( ; op_val != _option2value.end(); ++op_val ) {
+ if ( !op_val->second.empty() )
+ save << " " << op_val->first
+ << " " << op_val->second << "%#"; // "%#" is a mark of value end
+ }
return save;
- *
- */
istream & BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::LoadFrom(istream & load)
load.clear(ios::badbit | load.rdstate());
+ isOK = (load >> val);
+ if (isOK)
+ _phyMin = val;
+ else
+ load.clear(ios::badbit | load.rdstate());
+ isOK = (load >> val);
+ if (isOK)
+ _phyMax = val;
+ else
+ load.clear(ios::badbit | load.rdstate());
+ isOK = (load >> val);
+ if (isOK)
+ _angleMeshC = val;
+ else
+ load.clear(ios::badbit | load.rdstate());
+ isOK = (load >> val);
+ if (isOK)
+ _hgeoMin = val;
+ else
+ load.clear(ios::badbit | load.rdstate());
+ isOK = (load >> val);
+ if (isOK)
+ _hgeoMax = val;
+ else
+ load.clear(ios::badbit | load.rdstate());
+ isOK = (load >> i);
+ if (isOK)
+ _verb = i;
+ else
+ load.clear(ios::badbit | load.rdstate());
+ string optName, optValue;
+ while (isOK) {
+ isOK = (load >> optName);
+ if (isOK)
+ isOK = (load >> optValue);
+ if (isOK) {
+ string & value = _option2value[ optName ];
+ value = optValue;
+ int len = value.size();
+ // continue reading until "%#" encountered
+ while ( value[len-1] != '#' || value[len-2] != '%' )
+ {
+ isOK = (load >> optValue);
+ if (isOK) {
+ value += " ";
+ value += optValue;
+ len = value.size();
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ value[ len-2 ] = '\0'; //cut off "%#"
+ }
+ }
return load;
- *
- */
ostream & operator <<(ostream & save, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis & hyp)
return hyp.SaveTo( save );
- *
- */
istream & operator >>(istream & load, BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis & hyp)
return hyp.LoadFrom( load );
* \brief Does nothing
- * \param theMesh - the built mesh
- * \param theShape - the geometry of interest
- * \retval bool - always false
bool BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::SetParametersByMesh(const SMESH_Mesh* theMesh,
const TopoDS_Shape& theShape)
return 10;
+double BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMaxSize()
+ return 1e+4;
+double BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultMinSize()
+ return 1e-4;
BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GeometricMesh BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::GetDefaultGeometricMesh()
return DefaultGeom;
#include "SMESH_Hypothesis.hxx"
#include "Utils_SALOME_Exception.hxx"
+#include <map>
// Parameters for work of BLSURF
void SetPhySize(double thePhySize);
double GetPhySize() const { return _phySize; }
+ void SetPhyMin(double theMinSize);
+ double GetPhyMin() const { return _phyMin; }
+ void SetPhyMax(double theMaxSize);
+ double GetPhyMax() const { return _phyMax; }
void SetGeometricMesh(GeometricMesh theGeometricMesh);
GeometricMesh GetGeometricMesh() const { return _geometricMesh; }
void SetAngleMeshS(double theAngle);
double GetAngleMeshS() const { return _angleMeshS; }
+ void SetAngleMeshC(double theAngle);
+ double GetAngleMeshC() const { return _angleMeshC; }
+ void SetGeoMin(double theMinSize);
+ double GetGeoMin() const { return _hgeoMin; }
+ void SetGeoMax(double theMaxSize);
+ double GetGeoMax() const { return _hgeoMax; }
void SetGradation(double theGradation);
double GetGradation() const { return _gradation; }
void SetDecimesh(bool theVal);
bool GetDecimesh() const { return _decimesh; }
- static Topology GetDefaultTopology();
- static PhysicalMesh GetDefaultPhysicalMesh();
- static double GetDefaultPhySize();
+ void SetVerbosity(int theVal);
+ int GetVerbosity() const { return _verb; }
+ static Topology GetDefaultTopology();
+ static PhysicalMesh GetDefaultPhysicalMesh();
+ static double GetDefaultPhySize();
+ static double GetDefaultMaxSize();
+ static double GetDefaultMinSize();
static GeometricMesh GetDefaultGeometricMesh();
- static double GetDefaultAngleMeshS();
- static double GetDefaultGradation();
- static bool GetDefaultQuadAllowed();
- static bool GetDefaultDecimesh();
+ static double GetDefaultAngleMeshS();
+ static double GetDefaultAngleMeshC() { return GetDefaultAngleMeshS(); }
+ static double GetDefaultGradation();
+ static bool GetDefaultQuadAllowed();
+ static bool GetDefaultDecimesh();
+ static int GetDefaultVerbosity() { return 10; }
+ static double undefinedDouble() { return -1.0; }
+ typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > TOptionValues;
+ void SetOptionValue(const std::string& optionName,
+ const std::string& optionValue) throw (SALOME_Exception);
+ string GetOptionValue(const std::string& optionName) throw (SALOME_Exception);
+ void ClearOption(const std::string& optionName);
+ const TOptionValues& GetOptionValues() const { return _option2value; }
// Persistence
virtual ostream & SaveTo(ostream & save);
Topology _topology;
PhysicalMesh _physicalMesh;
- double _phySize;
+ double _phySize, _phyMin, _phyMax;
GeometricMesh _geometricMesh;
- double _angleMeshS;
+ double _angleMeshS, _angleMeshC, _hgeoMin, _hgeoMax;
double _gradation;
bool _quadAllowed;
bool _decimesh;
+ int _verb;
+ TOptionValues _option2value;
return this->GetImpl()->GetPhySize();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetPhyMin(CORBA::Double theMinSize)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ this->GetImpl()->SetPhyMin(theMinSize);
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetPhyMin( " << theMinSize << " )";
+CORBA::Double BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetPhyMin()
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetPhyMin();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetPhyMax(CORBA::Double theMaxSize)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ this->GetImpl()->SetPhyMax(theMaxSize);
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetPhyMax( " << theMaxSize << " )";
+CORBA::Double BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetPhyMax()
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetPhyMax();
* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetGeometricMesh
return this->GetImpl()->GetAngleMeshS();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetAngleMeshC(CORBA::Double angle)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ this->GetImpl()->SetAngleMeshC(angle);
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetAngleMeshC( " << angle << " )";
+CORBA::Double BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetAngleMeshC()
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetAngleMeshC();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetGeoMin(CORBA::Double theMinSize)
+ this->GetImpl()->SetGeoMin(theMinSize);
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetGeoMin( " << theMinSize << " )";
+CORBA::Double BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetGeoMin()
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetGeoMin();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetGeoMax(CORBA::Double theMaxSize)
+ this->GetImpl()->SetGeoMax(theMaxSize);
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetGeoMax( " << theMaxSize << " )";
+CORBA::Double BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetGeoMax()
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return this->GetImpl()->GetGeoMax();
* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetGradation
return this->GetImpl()->GetDecimesh();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetVerbosity(CORBA::Short theVal)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ if ( theVal < 0 || theVal > 100 )
+ this->GetImpl()->SetVerbosity(theVal);
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetVerbosity( " << theVal << " )";
+CORBA::Short BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetVerbosity()
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ return (CORBA::Short) this->GetImpl()->GetVerbosity();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetOptionValue(const char* optionName,
+ const char* optionValue)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ bool valueChanged = false;
+ try {
+ valueChanged = ( this->GetImpl()->GetOptionValue(optionName) != optionValue );
+ if ( valueChanged )
+ this->GetImpl()->SetOptionValue(optionName, optionValue);
+ }
+ catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
+ }
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".SetOptionValue( '"
+ << optionName << "', '" << optionValue << "' )";
+char* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetOptionValue(const char* optionName)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ try {
+ return CORBA::string_dup( this->GetImpl()->GetOptionValue(optionName).c_str() );
+ }
+ catch (SALOME_Exception& ex) {
+ }
+ return 0;
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::UnsetOption(const char* optionName)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ this->GetImpl()->ClearOption(optionName);
+ SMESH::TPythonDump() << _this() << ".UnsetOption( '" << optionName << "' )";
+BLSURFPlugin::string_array* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetOptionValues()
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ BLSURFPlugin::string_array_var result = new BLSURFPlugin::string_array();
+ const ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TOptionValues & opts = this->GetImpl()->GetOptionValues();
+ result->length( opts.size() );
+ ::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis::TOptionValues::const_iterator opIt = opts.begin();
+ for ( int i = 0 ; opIt != opts.end(); ++opIt, ++i ) {
+ string name_value = opIt->first;
+ if ( !opIt->second.empty() ) {
+ name_value += ":";
+ name_value += opIt->second;
+ }
+ result[i] = CORBA::string_dup(name_value.c_str());
+ }
+ return result._retn();
+void BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::SetOptionValues(const BLSURFPlugin::string_array& options)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ ASSERT(myBaseImpl);
+ for (int i = 0; i < options.length(); ++i)
+ {
+ string name_value = options[i].in();
+ int colonPos = name_value.find( ':' );
+ string name, value;
+ if ( colonPos == string::npos ) // ':' not found
+ name = name_value;
+ else {
+ name = name_value.substr( 0, colonPos);
+ if ( colonPos < name_value.size()-1 && name_value[colonPos] != ' ')
+ value = name_value.substr( colonPos );
+ }
+ SetOptionValue( name.c_str(), value.c_str() );
+ }
* BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis_i::GetImpl
void SetPhySize(CORBA::Double theValue);
CORBA::Double GetPhySize();
+ void SetPhyMin(CORBA::Double theMinSize);
+ CORBA::Double GetPhyMin();
+ void SetPhyMax(CORBA::Double theMaxSize);
+ CORBA::Double GetPhyMax();
void SetGeometricMesh(CORBA::Long theValue);
CORBA::Long GetGeometricMesh();
void SetAngleMeshS(CORBA::Double theValue);
CORBA::Double GetAngleMeshS();
+ void SetAngleMeshC(CORBA::Double angle);
+ CORBA::Double GetAngleMeshC();
+ void SetGeoMin(CORBA::Double theMinSize);
+ CORBA::Double GetGeoMin();
+ void SetGeoMax(CORBA::Double theMaxSize);
+ CORBA::Double GetGeoMax();
void SetGradation(CORBA::Double theValue);
CORBA::Double GetGradation();
void SetDecimesh(CORBA::Boolean theValue);
CORBA::Boolean GetDecimesh();
+ void SetVerbosity(CORBA::Short theVal) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ CORBA::Short GetVerbosity();
+ void SetOptionValue(const char* optionName,
+ const char* optionValue) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ char* GetOptionValue(const char* optionName) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void UnsetOption(const char* optionName);
+ BLSURFPlugin::string_array* GetOptionValues();
+ void SetOptionValues(const BLSURFPlugin::string_array& options) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// Get implementation
::BLSURFPlugin_Hypothesis* GetImpl();
#include <SMESHGUI_Utils.h>
#include <SMESHGUI_HypothesesUtils.h>
-#include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(BLSURFPlugin_Algorithm)
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Tools.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
+#include <qtabbar.h>
+#include <qspinbox.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qcursor.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qtable.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <set>
enum Topology {
+enum {
+ STD_TAB = 0,
BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator( const QString& theHypType )
: SMESHGUI_GenericHypothesisCreator( theHypType )
+ myPopup = 0;
+ if ( myPopup )
+ delete myPopup;
bool BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::checkParams() const
- BlsurfHypothesisData data_old, data_new;
- readParamsFromHypo( data_old );
- readParamsFromWidgets( data_new );
- bool res = storeParamsToHypo( data_new );
- return res;
+// BlsurfHypothesisData data_old, data_new;
+// readParamsFromHypo( data_old );
+// readParamsFromWidgets( data_new );
+// bool res = storeParamsToHypo( data_new );
+// return res;
+ return true;
QFrame* BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::buildFrame()
QFrame* fr = new QFrame( 0, "myframe" );
QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( fr, 5, 0 );
- QGroupBox* GroupC1 = new QGroupBox( 2, Qt::Horizontal, fr, "GroupC1" );
- lay->addWidget( GroupC1 );
- GroupC1->setTitle( tr( "SMESH_ARGUMENTS" ) );
- GroupC1->layout()->setSpacing( 6 );
- GroupC1->layout()->setMargin( 11 );
+ // tab
+ QTabBar* tab = new QTabBar( fr, "QTabBar");
+ tab->setShape( QTabBar::RoundedAbove );
+ tab->insertTab( new QTab( tr( "SMESH_ARGUMENTS")), STD_TAB);
+ tab->insertTab( new QTab( tr( "GHS3D_ADV_ARGS")), ADV_TAB);
+ lay->addWidget( tab );
+ // basic parameters
+ myStdGroup = new QGroupBox( 2, Qt::Horizontal, fr, "myStdGroup" );
+ myStdGroup->layout()->setSpacing( 6 );
+ myStdGroup->layout()->setMargin( 11 );
+ lay->addWidget( myStdGroup );
myName = 0;
if( isCreation() ) {
- new QLabel( tr( "SMESH_NAME" ), GroupC1 );
- myName = new QLineEdit( GroupC1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "SMESH_NAME" ), myStdGroup );
+ myName = new QLineEdit( myStdGroup );
- new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY" ), GroupC1 );
- myTopology = new QtxComboBox( GroupC1 );
- QStringList topologyTypes;
- topologyTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY_CAD" ) );
- topologyTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY_PROCESS" ) );
- topologyTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY_PROCESS2" ) );
- myTopology->insertStringList( topologyTypes );
- new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_PHY_MESH" ), GroupC1 );
- myPhysicalMesh = new QtxComboBox( GroupC1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_PHY_MESH" ), myStdGroup );
+ myPhysicalMesh = new QtxComboBox( myStdGroup );
QStringList physicalTypes;
physicalTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_DEFAULT_USER" ) );
physicalTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_CUSTOM_USER" ) );
myPhysicalMesh->insertStringList( physicalTypes );
- new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_HPHYDEF" ), GroupC1 );
- myPhySize = new QtxDblSpinBox( GroupC1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_HPHYDEF" ), myStdGroup );
+ myPhySize = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
myPhySize->setMinValue( 1e-02 );
myPhySize->setMaxValue( 1e+02 );
myPhySize->setLineStep( 1 );
- new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_GEOM_MESH" ), GroupC1 );
- myGeometricMesh = new QtxComboBox( GroupC1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_HPHYMIN" ), myStdGroup );
+ myPhyMin = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
+ myPhyMin->setMinValue( 1e-06 );
+ myPhyMin->setMaxValue( 1e+04 );
+ myPhyMin->setLineStep( 1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_HPHYMAX" ), myStdGroup );
+ myPhyMax = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
+ myPhyMax->setMinValue( 1e-04 );
+ myPhyMax->setMaxValue( 1e+06 );
+ myPhyMax->setLineStep( 1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_GEOM_MESH" ), myStdGroup );
+ myGeometricMesh = new QtxComboBox( myStdGroup );
QStringList types;
types.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_DEFAULT_GEOM" ) );
types.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_CUSTOM_GEOM" ) );
myGeometricMesh->insertStringList( types );
-// new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_GROWTH_RATE" ), GroupC1 );
-// myGrowthRate = new QtxDblSpinBox( GroupC1 );
-// myGrowthRate->setMinValue( 0.1 );
-// myGrowthRate->setMaxValue( 10 );
-// myGrowthRate->setLineStep( 0.1 );
- new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_ANGLE_MESH_S" ), GroupC1 );
- myAngleMeshS = new QtxDblSpinBox( GroupC1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_ANGLE_MESH_S" ), myStdGroup );
+ myAngleMeshS = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
myAngleMeshS->setMinValue( 0 );
myAngleMeshS->setMaxValue( 16 );
myAngleMeshS->setLineStep( 0.5 );
- new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_GRADATION" ), GroupC1 );
- myGradation = new QtxDblSpinBox( GroupC1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_ANGLE_MESH_C" ), myStdGroup );
+ myAngleMeshC = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
+ myAngleMeshC->setMinValue( 0 );
+ myAngleMeshC->setMaxValue( 16 );
+ myAngleMeshC->setLineStep( 0.5 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_HGEOMIN" ), myStdGroup );
+ myGeoMin = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
+ myGeoMin->setMinValue( 1e-06 );
+ myGeoMin->setMaxValue( 1e+04 );
+ myGeoMin->setLineStep( 1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_HGEOMAX" ), myStdGroup );
+ myGeoMax = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
+ myGeoMax->setMinValue( 1e-04 );
+ myGeoMax->setMaxValue( 1e+06 );
+ myGeoMax->setLineStep( 1 );
+ new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_GRADATION" ), myStdGroup );
+ myGradation = new QtxDblSpinBox( myStdGroup );
myGradation->setMinValue( 1.1 );
myGradation->setMaxValue( 2.5 );
myGradation->setLineStep( 0.1 );
-// new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_SEG_PER_RADIUS" ), GroupC1 );
-// myNbSegPerRadius = new QtxDblSpinBox( GroupC1 );
-// myNbSegPerRadius->setMinValue( 0.2 );
-// myNbSegPerRadius->setMaxValue( 5.0 );
+ myAllowQuadrangles = new QCheckBox( tr( "BLSURF_ALLOW_QUADRANGLES" ), myStdGroup );
+ myStdGroup->addSpace(0);
+ myDecimesh = new QCheckBox( tr( "BLSURF_DECIMESH" ), myStdGroup );
+ myStdGroup->addSpace(0);
- myAllowQuadrangles = new QCheckBox( tr( "BLSURF_ALLOW_QUADRANGLES" ), GroupC1 );
- GroupC1->addSpace(0);
-// myIs2D = true;
- myDecimesh = new QCheckBox( tr( "BLSURF_DECIMESH" ), GroupC1 );
- GroupC1->addSpace(0);
- connect( myGeometricMesh, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onGeometricMeshChanged() ) );
- connect( myPhysicalMesh, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onPhysicalMeshChanged() ) );
+ // advanced parameters
+ myAdvGroup = new QGroupBox( 3, Qt::Horizontal, fr, "myAdvGroup" );
+ lay->addWidget( myAdvGroup );
+ QFrame* anAdvFrame = new QFrame(myAdvGroup, "anAdvFrame");
+ QGridLayout* anAdvLayout = new QGridLayout(anAdvFrame, 5, 3);
+ anAdvLayout->setSpacing(6);
+ anAdvLayout->setAutoAdd(false);
+ QLabel* aTopologyLabel = new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY" ), anAdvFrame );
+ myTopology = new QtxComboBox( anAdvFrame );
+ QStringList topologyTypes;
+ topologyTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY_CAD" ) );
+ topologyTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY_PROCESS" ) );
+ topologyTypes.append( QObject::tr( "BLSURF_TOPOLOGY_PROCESS2" ) );
+ myTopology->insertStringList( topologyTypes );
+ QLabel* aVarbosityLabel = new QLabel( tr( "BLSURF_VERBOSITY" ), anAdvFrame );
+ myVerbosity = new QSpinBox( anAdvFrame );
+ myVerbosity->setMinValue( 0 );
+ myVerbosity->setMaxValue( 100 );
+ myVerbosity->setLineStep( 5 );
+ QButton* addBtn = new QPushButton(tr("ADD_OPTION"), anAdvFrame, "addBtn");
+ QButton* rmBtn = new QPushButton(tr("REMOVE_OPTION"), anAdvFrame, "rmBtn");
+ myOptionTable = new QTable( 0, NB_COLUMNS, anAdvFrame, "myOptionTable");
+ myOptionTable->hideColumn( OPTION_ID_COLUMN );
+ myOptionTable->horizontalHeader()->setLabel( OPTION_NAME_COLUMN, tr("OPTION_NAME_COLUMN"));
+ myOptionTable->horizontalHeader()->setLabel( OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN, tr("OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN"));
+ myOptionTable->setColumnReadOnly( OPTION_NAME_COLUMN, TRUE );
+ myOptionTable->setColumnReadOnly( OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN, FALSE );
+ myOptionTable->setLeftMargin( 0 );
+ anAdvLayout->addWidget(aTopologyLabel, 0, 0);
+ anAdvLayout->addWidget(myTopology, 0, 1);
+ anAdvLayout->addWidget(aVarbosityLabel, 1, 0);
+ anAdvLayout->addWidget(myVerbosity, 1, 1);
+ anAdvLayout->addMultiCellWidget( myOptionTable, 2,4, 0,1 );
+ anAdvLayout->addWidget( addBtn, 2, 2);
+ anAdvLayout->addWidget( rmBtn, 3, 2);
+ anAdvLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 1 );
+ anAdvLayout->setColStretch( 9, 1 );
+ onTabSelected( STD_TAB );
+ connect( tab, SIGNAL( selected ( int ) ), this, SLOT( onTabSelected(int) ));
+ connect( myGeometricMesh, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onGeometricMeshChanged() ));
+ connect( myPhysicalMesh, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( onPhysicalMeshChanged() ));
+ connect( addBtn, SIGNAL( clicked()), this, SLOT( onAddOption() ));
+ connect( rmBtn, SIGNAL( clicked()), this, SLOT( onDeleteOption() ));
return fr;
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::retrieveParams() const
+ BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
BlsurfHypothesisData data;
- readParamsFromHypo( data );
+ that->readParamsFromHypo( data );
if( myName ) {
myName->setText( data.myName );
QFontMetrics metrics( myName->font() );
myName->setMinimumWidth( metrics.width( data.myName )+5 );
- myTopology->setCurrentItem( data.myTopology );
- myPhysicalMesh->setCurrentItem( data.myPhysicalMesh );
- myPhySize->setValue( data.myPhySize );
- myGeometricMesh->setCurrentItem( data.myGeometricMesh );
- myAngleMeshS->setValue( data.myAngleMeshS);
- myGradation->setValue( data.myGradation);
- myAllowQuadrangles->setChecked( data.myAllowQuadrangles );
- myDecimesh->setChecked( data.myDecimesh );
+ myTopology ->setCurrentItem( data.myTopology );
+ myPhysicalMesh ->setCurrentItem( data.myPhysicalMesh );
+ myPhySize ->setValue ( data.myPhySize );
+ myPhyMin ->setValue ( data.myPhyMin );
+ myPhyMax ->setValue ( data.myPhyMax );
+ myGeoMin ->setValue ( data.myGeoMin );
+ myGeoMax ->setValue ( data.myGeoMax );
+ myGeometricMesh ->setCurrentItem( data.myGeometricMesh );
+ myAngleMeshS ->setValue ( data.myAngleMeshS);
+ myAngleMeshC ->setValue ( data.myAngleMeshC);
+ myGradation ->setValue ( data.myGradation);
+ myAllowQuadrangles->setChecked ( data.myAllowQuadrangles );
+ myDecimesh ->setChecked ( data.myDecimesh );
+ myVerbosity ->setValue ( data.myVerbosity);
+ if ( myOptions.operator->() ) {
+ BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = const_cast<BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*>(this);
+ for ( int i = 0, nb = myOptions->length(); i < nb; ++i ) {
+ QString option = that->myOptions[i].in();
+ QStringList name_value = QStringList::split( ":", option );
+ if ( name_value.size() > 1 ) {
+ QString idStr = QString("%1").arg( i );
+ int row = myOptionTable->numRows();
+ myOptionTable->insertRows( row );
+ myOptionTable->setText( row, OPTION_ID_COLUMN, idStr);
+ myOptionTable->setText( row, OPTION_NAME_COLUMN, name_value[0]);
+ myOptionTable->setText( row, OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN, name_value[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ myOptionTable->adjustColumn( OPTION_NAME_COLUMN );
// update widgets
bool isPhysicalCustom = (myPhysicalMesh->currentItem() == PhysicalUserDefined);
bool isCustom = (myGeometricMesh->currentItem() == UserDefined);
+ myAngleMeshC->setEnabled(isCustom);
QString BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::storeParams() const
- BlsurfHypothesisData data;
- readParamsFromWidgets( data );
- storeParamsToHypo( data );
+ BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
- QString guiHyp;
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_TOPOLOGY") + " = " + QString::number( data.myTopology ) + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PHY_MESH") + " = " + QString::number( data.myPhysicalMesh ) + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_HPHYDEF") + " = " + QString::number( data.myPhySize ) + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_GEOM_MESH") + " = " + QString::number( data.myGeometricMesh ) + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_ANGLE_MESH_S") + " = " + QString::number( data.myAngleMeshS ) + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_GRADATION") + " = " + QString::number( data.myGradation ) + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_ALLOW_QUADRANGLES") + " = " + QString(data.myAllowQuadrangles ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
- guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_DECIMESH") + " = " + QString(data.myDecimesh ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
- cout << "guiHyp : " << guiHyp << endl;
+ BlsurfHypothesisData data;
+ QString guiHyp = that->readParamsFromWidgets( data );
+ that->storeParamsToHypo( data );
return guiHyp;
HypothesisData* data = SMESH::GetHypothesisData( hypType() );
h_data.myName = isCreation() && data ? hypName() : "";
- h_data.myTopology = (int) h->GetTopology();
- h_data.myPhysicalMesh = (int) h->GetPhysicalMesh();
- h_data.myPhySize = h->GetPhySize();
- h_data.myGeometricMesh = (int) h->GetGeometricMesh();
- h_data.myAngleMeshS = h->GetAngleMeshS();
- h_data.myGradation = h->GetGradation();
+ h_data.myTopology = (int) h->GetTopology();
+ h_data.myPhysicalMesh = (int) h->GetPhysicalMesh();
+ h_data.myPhySize = h->GetPhySize();
+ h_data.myPhyMin = h->GetPhyMin();
+ h_data.myPhyMax = h->GetPhyMax();
+ h_data.myGeoMin = h->GetGeoMin();
+ h_data.myGeoMax = h->GetGeoMax();
+ h_data.myGeometricMesh = (int) h->GetGeometricMesh();
+ h_data.myAngleMeshS = h->GetAngleMeshS();
+ h_data.myAngleMeshC = h->GetAngleMeshC();
+ h_data.myGradation = h->GetGradation();
h_data.myAllowQuadrangles = h->GetQuadAllowed();
- h_data.myDecimesh = h->GetDecimesh();
+ h_data.myDecimesh = h->GetDecimesh();
+ h_data.myVerbosity = h->GetVerbosity();
+ BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
+ that->myOptions = h->GetOptionValues();
return true;
h->SetQuadAllowed( h_data.myAllowQuadrangles );
if ( h->GetDecimesh() != h_data.myDecimesh )
h->SetDecimesh( h_data.myDecimesh );
+ if ( h->GetVerbosity() != h_data.myVerbosity )
+ h->SetVerbosity( h_data.myVerbosity );
- if( (int) h_data.myPhysicalMesh == PhysicalUserDefined &&
- h->GetPhySize() != h_data.myPhySize)
- h->SetPhySize( h_data.myPhySize );
- if( (int) h_data.myGeometricMesh == UserDefined &&
- h->GetAngleMeshS() != h_data.myAngleMeshS )
- h->SetAngleMeshS( h_data.myAngleMeshS );
+ if( (int) h_data.myPhysicalMesh == PhysicalUserDefined ) {
+ if ( h->GetPhySize() != h_data.myPhySize )
+ h->SetPhySize( h_data.myPhySize );
+ }
+ if( (int) h_data.myGeometricMesh == UserDefined ) {
+ if ( h->GetAngleMeshS() != h_data.myAngleMeshS )
+ h->SetAngleMeshS( h_data.myAngleMeshS );
+ if ( h->GetAngleMeshC() != h_data.myAngleMeshC )
+ h->SetAngleMeshC( h_data.myAngleMeshC );
+ }
+ if ( h->GetPhyMin() != h_data.myPhyMin )
+ h->SetPhyMin( h_data.myPhyMin );
+ if ( h->GetPhyMax() != h_data.myPhyMax )
+ h->SetPhyMax( h_data.myPhyMax );
+ if ( h->GetGeoMin() != h_data.myGeoMin )
+ h->SetGeoMin( h_data.myGeoMin );
+ if ( h->GetGeoMax() != h_data.myGeoMax )
+ h->SetGeoMax( h_data.myGeoMax );
+ h->SetOptionValues( myOptions );
catch(const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex)
return ok;
-bool BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::readParamsFromWidgets( BlsurfHypothesisData& h_data ) const
+QString BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::readParamsFromWidgets( BlsurfHypothesisData& h_data ) const
h_data.myName = myName ? myName->text() : "";
h_data.myTopology = myTopology->currentItem();
h_data.myPhysicalMesh = myPhysicalMesh->currentItem();
h_data.myPhySize = myPhySize->value();
+ h_data.myPhyMin = myPhyMin->value();
+ h_data.myPhyMax = myPhyMax->value();
+ h_data.myGeoMin = myGeoMin->value();
+ h_data.myGeoMax = myGeoMax->value();
h_data.myGeometricMesh = myGeometricMesh->currentItem();
h_data.myAngleMeshS = myAngleMeshS->value();
+ h_data.myAngleMeshC = myAngleMeshC->value();
h_data.myGradation = myGradation->value();
h_data.myAllowQuadrangles = myAllowQuadrangles->isChecked();
h_data.myDecimesh = myDecimesh->isChecked();
+ h_data.myVerbosity = myVerbosity->value();
- return true;
+ QString guiHyp;
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_TOPOLOGY") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myTopology ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_PHY_MESH") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myPhysicalMesh ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_HPHYDEF") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myPhySize ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_GEOM_MESH") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myGeometricMesh ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_ANGLE_MESH_S") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myAngleMeshS ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_GRADATION") + " = " + QString::number( h_data.myGradation ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_ALLOW_QUADRANGLES") + " = " + QString(h_data.myAllowQuadrangles ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
+ guiHyp += tr("BLSURF_DECIMESH") + " = " + QString(h_data.myDecimesh ? "yes" : "no") + "; ";
+ guiHyp += "hphymin = " + QString::number( h_data.myPhyMin ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += "hphymax = " + QString::number( h_data.myPhyMax ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += "hgeomin = " + QString::number( h_data.myGeoMin ) + "; ";
+ guiHyp += "hgeomax = " + QString::number( h_data.myGeoMax ) + "; ";
+ BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator* that = (BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator*)this;
+ int row = 0, nbRows = myOptionTable->numRows();
+ for ( ; row < nbRows; ++row )
+ {
+ int id = myOptionTable->text( row, OPTION_ID_COLUMN ).toInt();
+ if ( id >= 0 && id < myOptions->length() )
+ {
+ QString name = myOptionTable->text( row, OPTION_NAME_COLUMN );
+ QString value = myOptionTable->text( row, OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN );
+ if ( !value )
+ value = "";
+ that->myOptions[ id ] = ( name + ":" + value).latin1();
+ if ( value != "" )
+ guiHyp += name + " = " + value + "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "guiHyp : " << guiHyp << endl;
+ return guiHyp;
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onPhysicalMeshChanged() {
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onGeometricMeshChanged() {
bool isCustom = (myGeometricMesh->currentItem() == UserDefined);
+ myAngleMeshC->setEnabled(isCustom);
if ( ! isCustom ) {
myAngleMeshS->setValue( aAngleMeshS );
+ myAngleMeshC->setValue( aAngleMeshS );
myGradation->setValue( aGradation );
// hphy_flag = 0 and hgeo_flag = 0 is not allowed (spec)
if ( myPhysicalMesh->currentItem() == DefaultSize ) {
+void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onTabSelected(int tab)
+ if ( tab == STD_TAB ) {
+ myAdvGroup->hide();
+ myStdGroup->show();
+ }
+ else {
+ myStdGroup->hide();
+ myAdvGroup->show();
+ }
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ dlg()->adjustSize();
+void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onAddOption()
+ if (!myPopup) {
+ // fill popup with option names
+ myPopup = new QPopupMenu();
+ if ( myOptions.operator->() ) {
+ for ( int i = 0, nb = myOptions->length(); i < nb; ++i ) {
+ QString name_value = myOptions[i].in();
+ QString name = QStringList::split( ":", name_value )[0];
+ myPopup->insertItem( name, i );
+ }
+ }
+ connect( myPopup, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT( onOptionChosenInPopup( int ) ) );
+ }
+ if ( myPopup && myPopup->text(0) )
+ myPopup->exec( QCursor::pos() );
+void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onOptionChosenInPopup(int i)
+ QString idStr = QString("%1").arg( i );
+ QString option = myOptions[i].in();
+ QString optionName = QStringList::split( ":", option )[0];
+ // look for a row with optionName
+ int row = 0, nbRows = myOptionTable->numRows();
+ for ( ; row < nbRows; ++row )
+ if ( myOptionTable->text( row, OPTION_ID_COLUMN ) == idStr )
+ break;
+ // add a row if not found
+ if ( row == nbRows )
+ myOptionTable->insertRows( nbRows );
+ myOptionTable->setText( row, OPTION_ID_COLUMN, idStr);
+ myOptionTable->setText( row, OPTION_NAME_COLUMN, optionName);
+ myOptionTable->editCell( row, OPTION_VALUE_COLUMN );
+ myOptionTable->adjustColumn( OPTION_NAME_COLUMN );
+void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::onDeleteOption()
+ // clear option values and remember selected row
+ std::set<int> selectedRows;
+ int row = 0, nbRows = myOptionTable->numRows();
+ for ( ; row < nbRows; ++row ) {
+ if ( myOptionTable->isRowSelected( row )) {
+ selectedRows.insert( row );
+ int id = myOptionTable->text( row, OPTION_ID_COLUMN ).toInt();
+ if ( id >= 0 && id < myOptions->length() )
+ myOptions[ id ] = myOptionTable->text( row, OPTION_NAME_COLUMN );
+ }
+ }
+ // remove selected rows
+ std::set<int>::reverse_iterator r = selectedRows.rbegin();
+ for ( ; r != selectedRows.rend(); ++r )
+ myOptionTable->removeRow ( *r );
QString BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::caption() const
return tr( "BLSURF_TITLE" );
#define BLSURFPLUGINGUI_HypothesisCreator_HeaderFile
#include <SMESHGUI_Hypotheses.h>
+#include CORBA_SERVER_HEADER(BLSURFPlugin_Algorithm)
class QtxDblSpinBox;
class QtxComboBox;
class QCheckBox;
class QLineEdit;
+class QTable;
+class QSpinBox;
+class QPopupMenu;
typedef struct
- int myTopology;
+ int myTopology, myVerbosity;
int myPhysicalMesh, myGeometricMesh;
- double myPhySize, myAngleMeshS, myGradation;
+ double myPhySize, myPhyMin, myPhyMax, myAngleMeshS, myAngleMeshC, myGradation;
+ double myGeoMin, myGeoMax;
bool myAllowQuadrangles, myDecimesh;
QString myName;
} BlsurfHypothesisData;
virtual QString type() const;
protected slots:
- virtual void onPhysicalMeshChanged();
- virtual void onGeometricMeshChanged();
+ void onPhysicalMeshChanged();
+ void onGeometricMeshChanged();
+ void onTabSelected(int);
+ void onAddOption();
+ void onDeleteOption();
+ void onOptionChosenInPopup(int);
- bool readParamsFromHypo( BlsurfHypothesisData& ) const;
- bool readParamsFromWidgets( BlsurfHypothesisData& ) const;
- bool storeParamsToHypo( const BlsurfHypothesisData& ) const;
+ bool readParamsFromHypo( BlsurfHypothesisData& ) const;
+ QString readParamsFromWidgets( BlsurfHypothesisData& ) const;
+ bool storeParamsToHypo( const BlsurfHypothesisData& ) const;
- QLineEdit* myName;
- QtxComboBox* myTopology;
- QtxComboBox* myPhysicalMesh;
- QtxDblSpinBox* myPhySize;
- QtxComboBox* myGeometricMesh;
- QtxDblSpinBox* myAngleMeshS;
- QtxDblSpinBox* myGradation;
- QCheckBox* myAllowQuadrangles;
- QCheckBox* myDecimesh;
+ QGroupBox* myStdGroup;
+ QLineEdit* myName;
+ QtxComboBox* myPhysicalMesh;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myPhySize;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myPhyMin;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myPhyMax;
+ QtxComboBox* myGeometricMesh;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myAngleMeshS;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myAngleMeshC;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myGeoMin;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myGeoMax;
+ QtxDblSpinBox* myGradation;
+ QCheckBox* myAllowQuadrangles;
+ QCheckBox* myDecimesh;
+ QGroupBox* myAdvGroup;
+ QtxComboBox* myTopology;
+ QSpinBox* myVerbosity;
+ QTable* myOptionTable;
+ QPopupMenu* myPopup;
+ BLSURFPlugin::string_array_var myOptions;
msgstr "Physical Mesh"
-msgstr "Default"
+msgstr "None"
+#msgstr "Default" #PAL19680
msgstr "Custom"
msgstr "User Size"
+msgstr "Min Physical Size"
+msgstr "Max Physical Size"
+msgstr "Min Geometrical Size"
+msgstr "Max Geometrical Size"
msgstr "Geometrical Mesh"
-msgstr "Default"
+msgstr "None"
+#msgstr "Default" #PAL19680
msgstr "Custom"
msgstr "Angle Mesh S"
+msgstr "Angle Mesh C"
msgstr "Gradation"
msgstr "Patch independent"
+msgstr "Verbosity level"
msgstr "Allow Quadrangles (Test)"
msgstr "Hypothesis Construction"
+msgid "ADD_OPTION"
+msgstr "Add option"
+msgstr "Clear option"
+msgstr "Option"
+msgstr "Value"
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/
# File : Makefile.in
-// Authors : Francis KLOSS (OCC) & Patrick LAUG (INRIA)
+# Authors : Francis KLOSS (OCC) & Patrick LAUG (INRIA)